978 resultados para Abnormalities.


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Isolated source monitoring recollection deficits indicate that abnormalities in glucose metabolism are not detrimental for global episodic memory processes. This enhances our understanding of how metabolic disorders are associated with memory impairments.


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Abnormalities in glucose tolerance such as type 2 diabetes can have demonstrable negative effects on a range of cognitive functions. However, there was no evidence that low GL breakfasts administered acutely could confer benefits for cognitive function (ClincalTrials.gov identifier, NCT01047813).


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There is an increasing body of research investigating whether abnormal glucose tolerance is associated with cognitive impairments, the evidence from which is equivocal. A systematic search of the literature identified twenty-three studies which assessed either clinically defined impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or variance in glucose tolerance within the clinically defined normal range (NGT). The findings suggest that poor glucose tolerance is associated with cognitive impairments, with decrements in verbal memory being most prevalent. However, the evidence for decrements in other domains was weak. The NGT studies report a stronger glucose tolerance-cognition association than the IGT studies, which is likely to be due to the greater number of glucose tolerance parameters and the more sensitive cognitive tests in the NGT studies compared to the IGT studies. It is also speculated that the negative cognitive impact of abnormalities in glucose tolerance increases with age, and that glucose consumption is most beneficial to individuals with poor glucose tolerance compared to individuals with normal glucose tolerance. The role of potential mechanisms are discussed.


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Individuals with schizophrenia, particularly those with passivity symptoms, may not feel in control of their actions, believing them to be controlled by external agents. Cognitive operations that contribute to these symptoms may include abnormal processing in agency as well as body representations that deal with body schema and body image. However, these operations in schizophrenia are not fully understood, and the questions of general versus specific deficits in individuals with different symptom profiles remain unanswered. Using the projected-hand illusion (a digital video version of the rubber-hand illusion) with synchronous and asynchronous stroking (500 ms delay), and a hand laterality judgment task, we assessed sense of agency, body image, and body schema in 53 people with clinically stable schizophrenia (with a current, past, and no history of passivity symptoms) and 48 healthy controls. The results revealed a stable trait in schizophrenia with no difference between clinical subgroups (sense of agency) and some quantitative (specific) differences depending on the passivity symptom profile (body image and body schema). Specifically, a reduced sense of self-agency was a common feature of all clinical subgroups. However, subgroup comparisons showed that individuals with passivity symptoms (both current and past) had significantly greater deficits on tasks assessing body image and body schema, relative to the other groups. In addition, patients with current passivity symptoms failed to demonstrate the normal reduction in body illusion typically seen with a 500 ms delay in visual feedback (asynchronous condition), suggesting internal timing problems. Altogether, the results underscore self-abnormalities in schizophrenia, provide evidence for both trait abnormalities and state changes specific to passivity symptoms, and point to a role for internal timing deficits as a mechanistic explanation for external cues becoming a possible source of self-body input.


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In recent years, research into the impact of genetic abnormalities on cognitive development, including language, has become recognized for its potential to make valuable contributions to our understanding of the brain–behaviour relationships underlying language acquisition as well as to understanding the cognitive architecture of the human mind. The publication of Fodor’s ( 1983 ) book The Modularity of Mind has had a profound impact on the study of language and the cognitive architecture of the human mind. Its central claim is that many of the processes involved in comprehension are undertaken by special brain systems termed ‘modules’. This domain specificity of language or modularity has become a fundamental feature that differentiates competing theories and accounts of language acquisition (Fodor 1983 , 1985 ; Levy 1994 ; Karmiloff-Smith 1998 ). However, although the fact that the adult brain is modularized is hardly disputed, there are different views of how brain regions become specialized for specific functions. A question of some interest to theorists is whether the human brain is modularized from the outset (nativist view) or whether these distinct brain regions develop as a result of biological maturation and environmental input (neuroconstructivist view). One source of insight into these issues has been the study of developmental disorders, and in particular genetic syndromes, such as Williams syndrome (WS) and Down syndrome (DS). Because of their uneven profiles characterized by dissociations of different cognitive skills, these syndromes can help us address theoretically significant questions. Investigations into the linguistic and cognitive profiles of individuals with these genetic abnormalities have been used as evidence to advance theoretical views about innate modularity and the cognitive architecture of the human mind. The present chapter will be organized as follows. To begin, two different theoretical proposals in the modularity debate will be presented. Then studies of linguistic abilities in WS and in DS will be reviewed. Here, the emphasis will be mainly on WS due to the fact that theoretical debates have focused primarily on WS, there is a larger body of literature on WS, and DS subjects have typically been used for the purposes of comparison. Finally, the modularity debate will be revisited in light of the literature review of both WS and DS. Conclusions will be drawn regarding the contribution of these two genetic syndromes to the issue of cognitive modularity, and in particular innate modularity.


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This paper discusses ECG classification after parametrizing the ECG waveforms in the wavelet domain. The aim of the work is to develop an accurate classification algorithm that can be used to diagnose cardiac beat abnormalities detected using a mobile platform such as smart-phones. Continuous time recurrent neural network classifiers are considered for this task. Records from the European ST-T Database are decomposed in the wavelet domain using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) filter banks and the resulting DWT coefficients are filtered and used as inputs for training the neural network classifier. Advantages of the proposed methodology are the reduced memory requirement for the signals which is of relevance to mobile applications as well as an improvement in the ability of the neural network in its generalization ability due to the more parsimonious representation of the signal to its inputs.


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The aging process causes an increase in percent body fat, but the mechanism remains unclear. In the present study we examined the impact of aging on brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenic activity as potential cause for the increase in adiposity. We show that aging is associated with interscapular BAT morphologic abnormalities and thermogenic dysfunction. In vitro experiments revealed that brown adipocyte differentiation is defective in aged mice. Interscapular brown tissue in aged mice is progressively populated by adipocytes bearing white morphologic characteristics. Aged mice fail to mobilize intracellular fuel reserves from brown adipocytes and exhibit deficiency in homeothermy. Our results suggest a role for orexin (OX) signaling in the regulation of thermogenesis during aging. Brown fat dysfunction and age-related assimilation of fat mass were accelerated in mice in which OX-producing neurons were ablated. Conversely, OX injections in old mice increased multilocular morphology, increased core body temperature, improved cold tolerance, and reduced adiposity. These results argue that BAT can be targeted for interventions to reverse age-associated increase in fat mass.


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Dystrophin, the protein product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) gene, was studied in needle biopsy samples taken from the quadriceps muscle of 15 asymptomatic carriers of DMD (13 adults and 2 young girls) and one symptomatic adult carrier. Antibodies to N- and C-terminal regions of dystrophin were used for both Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry and a monoclonal antibody to beta-spectrin used to assess membrane integrity. All asymptomatic adult carriers showed some abnormality in dystrophin immunostaining but very few negative fibres were present. A clear mosaic of dystrophin positive and negative fibres was seen only in the adult symptomatic carrier and the two young girls. On a Western blot, all carriers studied had dystrophin of normal molecular weight, but most had reduced abundance. In adult carriers, the amount of dystrophin relative to normal controls varied, but it was unrelated to age, serum creatine kinase (CK) levels or to the degree of pathology. Carriers with normal CK showed abnormalities in dystrophin expression. The dystrophin immunoblotting profile of the 2 young girls was very similar to that of their mothers, but the mosaic pattern of immunostaining was not apparent in the older carriers. In conclusion, dystrophin immunostaining and Western blot analysis of biopsy samples from asymptomatic carriers is often abnormal and they may be useful additional aids for establishing carrier status, particularly in younger girls.


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Ten females presenting with muscle weakness and a raised serum creatine kinase revealed abnormalities in the expression of dystrophin in their muscle biopsies and were diagnosed as manifesting carriers of Xp21 Duchenne/Becker muscular dystrophy. Seven cases, aged 3-22 yr at the time of biopsy, had a variable proportion of dystrophin-deficient fibres and an abnormal expression on immunoblot. These were confidently diagnosed as manifesting carriers. Results in the remaining three cases, aged 8-10 yr, were less clear-cut. Dystrophin expression on immunoblots was slightly reduced and some unevenness and reduction of immunolabelling was seen on sections, but dystrophin-deficient fibres were not a feature of these cases. The weakness in the ten carriers ranged from minimal to severe and there was no correlation between the degree of weakness and the number of dystrophin-deficient fibres. Two minimally weak girls had a high proportion of dystrophin-deficient fibres. Our results show that analysis of dystrophin expression is useful for the differential diagnosis of carriers of Xp21 dystrophy and autosomal muscular dystrophy, but that dystrophin expression does not correlate directly with the degree of clinical weakness.


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It has been postulated that autism spectrum disorder is underpinned by an ‘atypical connectivity’ involving higher-order association brain regions. To test this hypothesis in a large cohort of adults with autism spectrum disorder we compared the white matter networks of 61 adult males with autism spectrum disorder and 61 neurotypical controls, using two complementary approaches to diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging. First, we applied tract-based spatial statistics, a ‘whole brain’ non-hypothesis driven method, to identify differences in white matter networks in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Following this we used a tract-specific analysis, based on tractography, to carry out a more detailed analysis of individual tracts identified by tract-based spatial statistics. Finally, within the autism spectrum disorder group, we studied the relationship between diffusion measures and autistic symptom severity. Tract-based spatial statistics revealed that autism spectrum disorder was associated with significantly reduced fractional anisotropy in regions that included frontal lobe pathways. Tractography analysis of these specific pathways showed increased mean and perpendicular diffusivity, and reduced number of streamlines in the anterior and long segments of the arcuate fasciculus, cingulum and uncinate—predominantly in the left hemisphere. Abnormalities were also evident in the anterior portions of the corpus callosum connecting left and right frontal lobes. The degree of microstructural alteration of the arcuate and uncinate fasciculi was associated with severity of symptoms in language and social reciprocity in childhood. Our results indicated that autism spectrum disorder is a developmental condition associated with abnormal connectivity of the frontal lobes. Furthermore our findings showed that male adults with autism spectrum disorder have regional differences in brain anatomy, which correlate with specific aspects of autistic symptoms. Overall these results suggest that autism spectrum disorder is a condition linked to aberrant developmental trajectories of the frontal networks that persist in adult life.


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In the vertebrate brain, the thalamus serves as a relay and integration station for diverse neuronal information en route from the periphery to the cortex. Deficiency of TH during development results in severe cerebral abnormalities similar to those seen in the mouse when the retinoic acid receptor (ROR)α gene is disrupted. To investigate the effect of the thyroid hormone recep-tors (TRs) on RORalpha gene expression, we used intact male mice, in which the genes encoding the α and beta TRs have been deleted. In situ hybridization for RORalpha mRNA revealed that this gene is expressed in specific areas of the brain including the thalamus, pons, cerebellum, cortex, and hippocampus. Our quantitative data showed differences in RORalpha mRNA expression in different subthalamic nuclei between wild-type and knock-out mice. For example, the centromedial nucleus of the thalamus, which plays a role in mediating nociceptive and visceral information from the brainstem to the basal ganglia and cortical regions, has less expression of RORalpha mRNA in the knockout mice (-37%) compared to the wild-type controls. Also, in the dorsal geniculate (+72%) and lateral posterior nuclei (+58%) we found more RORalpha mRNA in dKO as compared to dWT animals. Such differences in RORalpha mRNA expression may play a role in the behavioral alterations resulting from congenital hypothyroidism.


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This cross-sectional study determined the influence of antiretroviral therapy (ART) on the lipid profile and insulin sensitivity of 119 perinatally HIV-infected Brazilian patients aged 6-19 years. Inadequate high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) concentrations were observed in 81.4% of patients. High concentrations of total cholesterol (TC), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDI.-c) and triglycerides (TG) were found in 33.9%, 9.7% and 35.6% of patients, respectively. There were statistically significant differences in mean concentrations of TC (P=0.004), HDL-c (P=0.015) and LDL-c (P=0.028) among children (< 10 years), early adolescents (10-14 years) and late adolescents (15-19 years). Children presented the highest mean concentrations of TC and LDL-c, and patients in late adolescence presented the lowest concentrations of HDL-c. Insulin sensitivity, assessed by the Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) index, was diagnosed in 16.7% of patients, with a statistically higher proportion (P=0.034) of insulin-resistant children (33.3%) compared with adolescents (12.5%). There was a statistically significant association between TG concentrations and use of ART regimens containing protease inhibitors (PI) (P=0.0003). Children presented a higher prevalence of insulin resistance and dyslipidaemia compared with adolescents, suggesting that ART, especially Pls, may lead to metabolic complications. (C) 2011 Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mutations in the Na+-HCO3- cotransporter NBC1 cause severe proximal tubular acidosis (pRTA) associated with ocular abnormalities. Recent studies have suggested that at least some NBC1 mutants show abnormal trafficking in the polarized cells. This study identified a new homozygous NBC1 mutation (G486R) in a patient with severe pRTA. Functional analysis in Xenopus oocytes failed to detect the G486R activity due to poor surface expression. In ECV304 cells, however, G486R showed the efficient membrane expression, and its transport activity corresponded to approximately 50% of wild-type (WT) activity. In Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, G486R was predominantly expressed in the basolateral membrane domain as observed for WT. Among the previously identified NBC1 mutants that showed poor surface expression in oocytes, T485S showed the predominant basolateral expression in MDCK cells. On the other hand, L522P was exclusively retained in the cytoplasm in ECV304 and MDCK cells, and functional analysis in ECV304 cells failed to detect its transport activity. These results indicate that G486R, like T485S, is a partial loss of function mutation without major trafficking abnormalities, while L522P causes the clinical phenotypes mainly through its inability to reach the plasma membranes. Multiple experimental approaches would be required to elucidate potential disease mechanism by NBC1 mutations.


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Background. Obstructive nephropathy decreases renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR), causing tubular abnormalities, such as urinary concentrating defect, as well as increasing oxidative stress. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on renal function, as well as on the protein expression of aquaporin 2 (AQP2) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), after the relief of bilateral ureteral obstruction (BUO). Methods. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: sham (sham operated); sham operated + 440 mg/kg body weight (BW) of NAC daily in drinking water, started 2 days before and maintained until 48 h after the surgery; BUO (24-h BUO only); BUO + NAC-pre (24-h BUO plus 440 mg/kg BW of NAC daily in drinking water started 2 days before BUO); and BUO + NAC-post (24-h BUO plus 440 mg/kg BW of NAC daily in drinking water started on the day of BUO relief). Experiments were conducted 48 h after BUO relief. Results. Serum levels of thiobarbituric reactive substances, which are markers of lipid peroxidation, were significantly lower in NAC-treated rats than in the BUO group rats. The administration of NAC provided significant protection against post-BUO GFR drops and reductions in RBF. Renal cortices and BUO rats presented decreased eNOS protein expression of eNOS in the renal cortex of BUO group rats, whereas it was partially recovered in BUO + NAC-pre group rats. Urine osmolality was significantly lower in BUO rats than in sham group rats or NAC-treated rats, the last also presenting less interstitial fibrosis. Post-BUO downregulation of AQP2 protein expression was averted in the BUO + NAC-pre group rats. Conclusions. This study demonstrates that NAC administration ameliorates the renal function impairment observed 48 h after the relief of 24-h BUO. Oxidative stress is important for the suppression of GFR, RBF, tissue AQP2 and eNOS in the polyuric phase after the release of BUO.


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We report our pediatric experience with lacosarnide, a new antiepileptic drug, approved by the US Food and Drug Administration as adjunctive therapy in focal epilepsy in patients more than 17 years old. We retrospectively reviewed charts for lacosamide use and seizure frequency outcome in patients with focal epilepsy (Wilcoxon signed rank test). Sixteen patients (7 boys) were identified (median dose 275 mg daily, 4.7 mg/kg daily; mean age 14.9 years, range 8-21 years). Patients were receiving a median of 2 antiepileptic drugs (interquartile range [IQR] 1.7-3) in addition to having undergone previous epilepsy surgery (n = 3), vagus nerve stimulation (n = 9), and ketogenic diet (n = 3). Causes included structural (encephalomalacia and diffuse encephalitis, 1 each; stroke in 2) and genetic abnormalities (Aarskog and Rett syndromes, 1 each) or cause not known (n = 10). Median seizure frequency at baseline was 57 per month (IQR 7-75), and after a median follow-up of 4 months (range 1-13 months) of receiving lacosamide, it was 12.5 per month (IQR 3-75), (P < 0.01). Six patients (37.5%; 3 seizure free) were classified as having disease that responded to therapy (>= 50% reduction seizure frequency) and 10 as having disease that did not respond to therapy (<50% in 3; increase in 1; unchanged in 6). Adverse events (tics, behavioral disturbance, seizure worsening, and depression with suicidal ideation in 1 patient each) prompted lacosamide discontinuation in 4/16 (25%). This retrospective study of 16 children with drug-resistant focal epilepsy demonstrated good response to adjunctive lacosamide therapy (median seizure reduction of 39.6%; 37.5% with >= 50% seizure reduction) without severe adverse events. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.