869 resultados para ARTIFACTS
Why do people become archivists? Historically (and anecdotally) it was a deep love of musty, old records that drew people to the profession. While there have been many other motivating forces that inspired would-be archivists, it is most often that one hears of people seeking jobs in archives for love of “the stuff,” as evidenced in Kate Thiemer’s blog post, Honest tips for wannabe archivists (2012). As a result of the continually advancing presence of digitized and born digital archival collections, the physical nature of archival “stuff” is changing. While there remains the physical imprint of digital information on floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, hard drives, and old computers; the aspects of these physical artifacts might not evoke the same visceral pull to the profession as musty, raspy, paper-based documents. In light of this shift in physical presentation of information, we are faced with the question: how does love of archival “stuff” translate to work in digital archives? What is and/or will be the pull to become a digital archivist? To answer these questions, we will perform a survey-based study where we will invite archivists who work with both traditional and digital archival material to answer questions related to the aspects of their work that inspired or motivated them to join the profession. What motivates people to become archivists? What aspects of digital archives do or can potentially motivate people to seek out a career as an archivist? What, if any, motivational factors for becoming a traditional archivist are the same as those for becoming a digital archivist? What, if any, motivational factors for becoming a traditional archivist are different from those for becoming a digital archivist? By answering these questions, we hope to expand the archival discussion on what it means to be an archivist in the digital age. What compelling intrinsic, evidential, or informational values are present in digital archival content that will draw professionals to the field? Are there other values inherent in digital content that are currently unexplored? In our poster, we will present our discussion of the topic, our survey design, and results we have at the time of the Institute. Thiemer, K. (2012). Honest tips for wannabe archivists. Archivesnext blog. Retrieved from http://www.archivesnext.com/?p=2849
La competencia docente del maestro ―mirar con sentido el pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes implica identificar los hechos relevantes e interpretarlos para dotarlos de significado y poder tomar decisiones de acción. Este estudio se centra en caracterizar la competencia ―mirar con sentido el pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes en el dominio específico del razonamiento proporcional. Los análisis realizados han permitido identificar y caracterizar cuatro niveles de desarrollo considerando la manera en la que los estudiantes para maestro identifican e interpretaban aspectos del razonamiento proporcional a partir de las respuestas de estudiantes a problemas proporcionales y no proporcionales.
We present an algorithm to process images of reflected Placido rings captured by a commercial videokeratoscope. Raw data are obtained with no Cartesian-to-polar-coordinate conversion, thus avoiding interpolation and associated numerical artifacts. The method provides a characteristic equation for the device and is able to process around 6 times more corneal data than the commercial software. Our proposal allows complete control over the whole process from the capture of corneal images until the computation of curvature radii.
Professional noticing of students’ mathematical thinking in problem solving involves the identification of noteworthy mathematical ideas of students’ mathematical thinking and its interpretation to make decisions in the teaching of mathematics. The goal of this study is to begin to characterize pre-service primary school teachers’ noticing of students’ mathematical thinking when students solve tasks that involve proportional and non-proportional reasoning. From the analysis of how pre-service primary school teachers notice students’ mathematical thinking, we have identified an initial framework with four levels of development. This framework indicates a possible trajectory in the development of primary teachers’ professional noticing.
Sustainability, understood in its beginnings as a common horizon for multiple practices and fields of study, has gradually given way to the development of increasingly sophisticated tools, with distinct dominant meanings established for each discipline. Within the field of material technologies for architectural production, sustainability seems to have found its most fertile ground in topics such as recycling, the use of "bio" materials, or energetic efficiency. However, to improve the understanding of the impact of technology on our ways of living, it appears increasingly necessary to move from the deterministic logic of sustainability into the relational domain of ecology, where the use and deployment of technologies can be observed through the multiplicity of its effects and the diversity of actors involved. In this paper we will address the case of the rehabilitation of several traditional houses located in the Murcian town of Blanca to host the “Espacio Doméstico” VideoArt Center (EDOM). In this action the selection and implementation of technologies have been aimed at impacting on diverse aspects including local communities, digital manufacturing, recycling, and policies regarding the rehabilitation of heritage buildings. While the initial approach was to address housing recovery as a heterogeneous accumulation of stories, technologies or material deployments of the domestic, our intervention strategies ascribed to the different technologies the role of mediating with existing elements through the incorporation of the very different visions of sustainability. Thus, we displayed artifacts produced by digitally manufactured methacrylate assembled on IKEA structures, fluorescent power lines supported by insulators on the wall, fluorescent tattoos on walls and ceilings that guide and extend the configuration of existing flooring, esparto furniture and fabrics produced by the esparto women workers’ and village women’s associations, re-appropriations of old furniture through the implementation of new media technologies, etc. If we can see seduction as the process of converting affinities and disagreements into affirmative communication, then the EDOM proposal can be seen as an active seduction process between technologies and users who approach this kind of cultural artifacts. Through these permanently active processes, art technologies will refer the viewer to complex sensory experiences, where a combination of parody, memory and sound pushes the user to the limit of mere comprehension of works of art. This more relational approach to the issue of heritage rehabilitation, technology or art institutions is offered as an area of controversy and debate on the scope of political ecology and its potential impact on the architect’s professional practice.
Este artigo descreve o uso de artefatos funerários na reconstituição histórica do processo de trabalho em marmorarias instaladas no município de São Carlos (São Paulo, Brasil), no período 1890-1950. Observação direta e registro fotográfico de artefatos funerários, exame de ferramentas de trabalho e utilização de fontes orais permitiram a reconstituição do processo de trabalho. A composição química de fragmentos de artefatos funerários foi determinada por Difração de Raios X e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura, evidenciando matérias-primas e sua combinação e uso no processo de trabalho. Considerando-se as etapas produtivas da indústria de rochas ornamentais (extração, serragem e beneficiamento final), os artefatos funerários indicam que as marmorarias inseriam-se na etapa de beneficiamento final. As marmorarias integravam os setores de base técnica artesanal da indústria brasileira, apresentando: baixo grau de concentração de capital e de operários; predomínio da habilidade do ofício especializado; separação pouco nítida entre trabalhadores e instrumentos de trabalho; identificação do trabalhador com o produto. Artefatos de mármore e granito eram destinados a brasileiros de segmentos sociais abastados, durante o início da imigração na cidade de São Carlos (final do século XIX). A partir de 1920, italianos incorporam-se a clientela dos marmoristas, indicando a mobilidade social do imigrante na cidade.
This raster layer represents surface elevation and bathymetry data for the Boston Region, Massachusetts. It was created by merging portions of MassGIS Digital Elevation Model 1:5,000 (2005) data with NOAA Estuarine Bathymetric Digital Elevation Models (30 m.) (1998). DEM data was derived from the digital terrain models that were produced as part of the MassGIS 1:5,000 Black and White Digital Orthophoto imagery project. Cellsize is 5 meters by 5 meters. Each cell has a floating point value, in meters, which represents its elevation above or below sea level.
LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) first return elevation data of the Boston, Massachusetts region from MassGIS at 1-meter resolution. This LIDAR data was captured in Spring 2002. LIDAR first return data (which shows the highest ground features, e.g. tree canopy, buildings etc.) can be used to produce a digital terrain model of the Earth's surface. This dataset consists of 74 First Return DEM tiles. The tiles are 4km by 4km areas corresponding with the MassGIS orthoimage index. This data set was collected using 3Di's Digital Airborne Topographic Imaging System II (DATIS II). The area of coverage corresponds to the following MassGIS orthophoto quads covering the Boston region (MassGIS orthophoto quad ID: 229890, 229894, 229898, 229902, 233886, 233890, 233894, 233898, 233902, 233906, 233910, 237890, 237894, 237898, 237902, 237906, 237910, 241890, 241894, 241898, 241902, 245898, 245902). The geographic extent of this dataset is the same as that of the MassGIS dataset: Boston, Massachusetts Region 1:5,000 Color Ortho Imagery (1/2-meter Resolution), 2001 and was used to produce the MassGIS dataset: Boston, Massachusetts, 2-Dimensional Building Footprints with Roof Height Data (from LIDAR data), 2002 [see cross references].
This dataset consists of 2D footprints of the buildings in the metropolitan Boston area, based on tiles in the orthoimage index (orthophoto quad ID: 229890, 229894, 229898, 229902, 233886, 233890, 233894, 233898, 233902, 237890, 237894, 237898, 237902, 241890, 241894, 241898, 241902, 245898, 245902). This data set was collected using 3Di's Digital Airborne Topographic Imaging System II (DATIS II). Roof height and footprint elevation attributes (derived from 1-meter resolution LIDAR (LIght Detection And Ranging) data) are included as part of each building feature. This data can be combined with other datasets to create 3D representations of buildings and the surrounding environment.
Tese de doutoramento, Belas-Artes (Design de Equipamento), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas-Artes, 2016
Les artéfacts métalliques entraînent un épaississement artéfactuel de la paroi des tuteurs en tomodensitométrie (TDM) avec réduction apparente de leur lumière. Cette étude transversale prospective, devis mesures répétées et observateurs avec méthode en aveugle, chez 24 patients consécutifs/71 tuteurs coronariens a pour objectif de comparer l’épaisseur de paroi des tuteurs en TDM après reconstruction par un algorithme avec renforcement des bords et un algorithme standard. Une angiographie coronarienne par TDM 256 coupes a été réalisée, avec reconstruction par algorithmes avec renforcement des bords et standard. L’épaisseur de paroi des tuteurs était mesurée par méthodes orthogonale (diamètres) et circonférentielle (circonférences). La qualité d’image des tuteurs était évaluée par échelle ordinale, et les données analysées par modèles linéaire mixte et régression logistique des cotes proportionnelles. L’épaisseur de paroi des tuteurs était inférieure avec l’algorithme avec renforcement des bords comparé à l’algorithme standard, avec les méthodes orthogonale (0,97±0,02 vs 1,09±0,03 mm, respectivement; p<0,001) et circonférentielle (1,13±0,02 vs 1,21±0,02 mm, respectivement; p<0,001). Le premier causait moins de surestimation par rapport à l’épaisseur nominale comparé au second, avec méthodes orthogonale (0,89±0,19 vs 1,00±0,26 mm, respectivement; p<0,001) et circonférentielle (1,06±0,26 vs 1,13±0,31 mm, respectivement; p=0,005) et diminuait de 6 % la surestimation. Les scores de qualité étaient meilleurs avec l’algorithme avec renforcement des bords (OR 3,71; IC 95% 2,33–5,92; p<0,001). En conclusion, la reconstruction des images avec l’algorithme avec renforcement des bords génère des parois de tuteurs plus minces, moins de surestimation, et de meilleurs scores de qualité d’image que l’algorithme standard.
Tras una revisión diacrónica del tratamiento del tema de la guerra civil en la narrativa gallega, el artículo analiza la función performativa que en ese contexto han desempeñado una serie de obras narrativas de Manuel Rivas y su eficacia como factores de legitimación y dinamización del proceso de recuperación de la memoria histórica. Como conclusión se propone considerar a Rivas como un emprendedor de la memoria (Jelin) y sus obras como 'lieux de memoire' (Nora) por su condición de artefactos culturales de integración social.
Benthic foraminiferal d13C and Cd/Ca studies suggest that deep Atlantic circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum was very different from today, with high-nutrient (low d13C, high Cd) deep Southern Ocean Water (SOW) penetrating far into the North Atlantic. However, if some glacial d13C values are biased by productivity artifacts and/or air-sea exchange processes, then the existing d13C data may be consistent with the continual dominance of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi Cd/Ca results presented here indicate that the glacial North Atlantic was strongly enriched in dissolved Cd below ~2500 m depth. If NADW formation was still vigorous relative to SOW formation, these data could be explained by either increased preformed nutrient levels in the high-latitude North Atlantic or by increased organic matter remineralization within lower NADW. High glacial Zn/Ca values in the same samples, however, are best explained by a substantially increased mixing with Zn-rich SOW. The cause was most likely a partial replacement of NADW by less dense Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water. This reorganization also lowered deep North Atlantic [CO3]2- concentrations by perhaps 10 to 15 µmol/kg.
A procedure is presented to separate diatoms and radiolaria from marine sediments and from each other, to purify them of elements associated with other phases, and to dissolve them to determine their elemental composition. The cleaning procedure eliminates artifacts due to the presence of detrital clays and the high sorption capacity of hydrated silica. The concentration of trace elements (Al, Fe, Mg, and Ba) that we find in alkaline dissolutions of clean diatoms are at least an order of magnitude lower than previously reported. The overall long-term precision in the determination of Ge/Si in a sub-standard of clean diatoms is ±0.024 * 10**-6 (1 sigma). Ge/Si measured in diatoms and radiolaria from core tops indicates that high-latitude Holocene diatoms accurately record the present-day oceanic Ge/Si, while radiolarian ratios are systematically lower and display more scatter. Evaluation of Ge/Si in diatoms and radiolaria from Hole DSDP 265 (Plio-Pleistocene) suggests that post-depositional alteration of the ratio does not occur at this site, but the average ratio carried by diatoms over this time interval was lower than that in the present ocean.
We have developed sampling methods and an analytical system to determine the concentration of dissolved organic C (DOC) in marine pore waters. Our analytical approach is a modification of recently developed high-temperature, Pt-catalyzed oxidation methods; it uses Chromatographic trapping of the DOC-derived CO2 followed by reduction to CH4 and flame ionization detection. Sampling experiments with nearshore sediments indicate that pore-water separation by whole-core squeezing causes artificially elevated DOC concentrations, while pore-water recovery by sectioning and centrifugation does not appear to introduce DOC artifacts. Results from a set of northwestern Atlantic continental slope cores suggest that net DOC production accounts for >50% of the organic C that is recycled at the sediment-water interface.