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Objectives: Ethanol is well-known to impair driving ability. The major aim of this study was to evaluate the number of drivers driving under the influence of ethanol in a population of randomly controlled drivers. Methods: 1016 drivers were randomly controlled at 27 different locations in Western Switzerland from October 2006 to April 2008. Drivers were controlled for alcohol consumption with a breathalyzer according to the Swiss Road traffic law. If the result was equal or higher than an equivalent of a blood alcohol concentration of 0.8 g/kg, a blood sample was taken; otherwise, a saliva sample was obtained. Blood and saliva were analysed for ethanol by Head-space gas chromatography coupled with a FID detector. Results: Among the controlled drivers, men (69%) predominated over female (31%). The mean age was 41 (range: 16 90). For 968 drivers (95.3%) ethanol was not detected in blood or saliva. These drivers were not under the influence of ethanol. Ethanol was detected in saliva or blood of 48 drivers (4.7%). Among these drivers, blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was above the legal limit of 0.8 g/kg (serious offence) in 14 cases (1.4% of the total population). BAC were in the range of 0.91 to 2.43 g/kg (mean: 1.32 g/kg, median: 1.11 g/kg). Among these 14 cases, men (13 cases, 93%) were over represented. No ethanol was found in the population of truck drivers (17 cases). 986 drivers were car drivers and 46 of them have drunk ethanol (5%). 13 bikers were controlled and 2 of them have drunk ethanol (15%). Conclusion: Driving under the influence of ethanol concerned about 5% of a population of randomly controlled drivers, and 1,4% of the drivers had a blood alcohol concentration higer than 0.8 g/kg (legale limit for a serious offence).


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Even 30 years after its first publication the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is still used worldwide to describe and assess coma. The GCS consists of three components, the ocular, motor and verbal response to standardized stimulation, and is used as a severity of illness indicator for coma of various origins. The GCS facilitates information transfer and monitoring changes in coma. In addition, it is used as a triage tool in patients with traumatic brain injury. Its prognostic value regarding the outcome after a traumatic brain injury still lacks evidence. One of the main problems is the evaluation of the GCS in sedated, paralysed and/or intubated patients. A multitude of pseudoscores exists but a universal definition has yet to be defined.


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Signals increase the fitness of a sender by altering the behaviour of receivers. For cooperative interactions biological market theory proposes that signalling strength may be linked to supply and demand. In this context, a recent laboratory experiment demonstrated that cleaner shrimps may advertise their service to client reef fish and that the advertisement is linked to hunger levels. We investigated signalling by the cleaner shrimp Periclimenes longicarpus in the field to test more detailed predictions of biological market theory. Shrimps often clapped with their pair of claws in response to approaching clients. In line with both theory and the previous study, the probability of clapping increased when the shrimps had been food deprived and clapping shrimps were more likely to clean than nonclapping individuals. However, we found no evidence for the market theory prediction that signalling was targeted specifically to visiting client species with the option to choose other cleaning stations. Instead, shrimps signalled more frequently towards predatory clients than towards nonpredatory clients. We conclude that the signal does not serve primarily to attract the choosy clients but to convey information about identity as preconflict management to avoid predation.


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The effects of continuous infusions of 2 synthetic atrial natriuretic peptides Ile12-(3-28) (rANP) and Meth12-(3-28) (hANP) eicosahexapeptides on blood pressure, heart rate, skin blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma flow, apparent hepatic blood flow, and carotid blood flow were evaluated in normal volunteers. A rANP infusion at increasing rates (1-40 micrograms/min) induced a decrease in blood pressure, an increase in heart rate and in skin blood flow linearly related to the dose administered. In contrast, hANP infusion at 1 microgram/min for 4 hours induced an initial increase followed by a secondary fall in skin blood flow without blood pressure changes. A 4-hour rANP infusion at 0.5 and 5 mcg/min did not alter glomerular filtration rate but induced a delayed and dose-related fall in renal plasma flow from 531 to 461 (p less than 0.05), and from 554 to 342 ml/min (p less than 0.001) respectively, with a consequential rise in the filtration fraction. The 5 mcg/min dose furthermore significantly reduced blood pressure following a latency period of 2.5 hours. A 2-hours rANP infusion at 0.5 micrograms/min induced a fall in apparent hepatic blood flow from 1,087 to 863 ml/min (p less than 0.01), without simultaneously altering blood pressure. Similarly, a 2-hour hANP infusion at 2 micrograms/min altered neither blood pressure nor carotid blood flow. In conclusion, ANP infusion induced changes in systemic and regional hemodynamics varying in direction, intensity and duration.


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Determination of the proper length of the tubular prosthesis is a major issue when performing a systemic-pulmonary artery shunt. The procedure is simplified by using a prosthesis with accordionlike properties. This was demonstrated in 7 consecutive infants with complex congenital heart defects, in whom systemic-pulmonary artery shunts were placed without early or late complications.


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Studies of behaviour are increasingly focusing on acquisition of traits through cultural inheritance. Comparison of patterns of spatial population structure (FST) between neutral genetic loci and behavioural or cultural traits can been used to test hypotheses about demography, life history, and the mechanisms of inheritance/transmission of these traits in humans, chimpanzees and other animals. Here, we develop analytical expectations to show how FST in cultural traits can differ strongly from that measured at neutral genetic markers if migration is largely restricted to one sex but social learning is predominantly modelled on the other (e.g. males migrate, females serve as models for cultural traits), if one individual is the learning model for many, or if rates of innovation (individual learning) are high or rates of social learning are low. We discuss how comparisons of FST between genetic loci and behavioural traits can be applied to evaluate the importance of innovation in shaping patterns of cultural differentiation, as even low rates of innovation can considerably reduce FST, relative to observed structure at neutral genetic loci. Our results also suggest that differentiation in neutral cultural traits should occur over much smaller scales in species with male migration and female enculturation (or the reverse).


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PURPOSE: Mutations within the KRAS proto-oncogene have predictive value but are of uncertain prognostic value in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer. We took advantage of PETACC-3, an adjuvant trial with 3,278 patients with stage II to III colon cancer, to evaluate the prognostic value of KRAS and BRAF tumor mutation status in this setting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue blocks (n = 1,564) were prospectively collected and DNA was extracted from tissue sections from 1,404 cases. Planned analysis of KRAS exon 2 and BRAF exon 15 mutations was performed by allele-specific real-time polymerase chain reaction. Survival analyses were based on univariate and multivariate proportional hazard regression models. RESULTS: KRAS and BRAF tumor mutation rates were 37.0% and 7.9%, respectively, and were not significantly different according to tumor stage. In a multivariate analysis containing stage, tumor site, nodal status, sex, age, grade, and microsatellite instability (MSI) status, KRAS mutation was associated with grade (P = .0016), while BRAF mutation was significantly associated with female sex (P = .017), and highly significantly associated with right-sided tumors, older age, high grade, and MSI-high tumors (all P < 10(-4)). In univariate and multivariate analysis, KRAS mutations did not have a major prognostic value regarding relapse-free survival (RFS) or overall survival (OS). BRAF mutation was not prognostic for RFS, but was for OS, particularly in patients with MSI-low (MSI-L) and stable (MSI-S) tumors (hazard ratio, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.4; P = .0003). CONCLUSION: In stage II-III colon cancer, the KRAS mutation status does not have major prognostic value. BRAF is prognostic for OS in MS-L/S tumors.


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African clawed frogs of the widespread polytypic species Xenopus laevis Daudin, 1802 (ranging large parts of sub-Saharan Africa) have been spreading since the 1940s, and have established reproductive populations in Europe, Asia and the Americas, where they can have negative impact as competitors of native amphibians and as disease vectors for chytridomycosis or ranaviruses. Here we use two mitochondrial (cytochrome b, 16S rDNA) and one nuclear (RAG 1: Recombination Associated Gene 1) DNA markers to infer the potential origin of invasive clawed frogs from Sicily that represent the largest invasive population in Europe. Identical mtDNA haplotypes match with those of Xenopus laevis, and Sicilian clawed frogs very probably belong to a lineage from the Cape Region of South Africa, most likely originating from a laboratory stock. Nuclear data support this conclusion. Identical mtDNA sequences (cyt b, 16S) of frogs sampled across their range in Sicily suggest the occurrence of a single source population and a potential bottleneck at their release, but faster evolving multilocus nuclear data (microsatellites, SNPs) on the population genetics would be important in the future to better support this hypothesis


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On the basis of literature values, the relationship between fat-free mass (FFM), fat mass (FM), and resting energy expenditure [REE (kJ/24 h)] was determined for 213 adults (86 males, 127 females). The objectives were to develop a mathematical model to predict REE based on body composition and to evaluate the contribution of FFM and FM to REE. The following regression equations were derived: 1) REE = 1265 + (93.3 x FFM) (r2 = 0.727, P < 0.001); 2) REE = 1114 + (90.4 x FFM) + (13.2 x FM) (R2 = 0.743, P < 0.001); and 3) REE = (108 x FFM) + (16.9 x FM) (R2 = 0.986, P < 0.001). FM explained only a small part of the variation remaining after FFM was accounted for. The models that include both FFM and FM are useful in examination of the changes in REE that occur with a change in both the FFM and FM. To account for more of the variability in REE, FFM will have to be divided into organ mass and skeletal muscle mass in future analyses.


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BACKGROUND: Chest wall resection and reconstruction can be performed with minimal mortality and excellent functional and cosmetic results using synthetic meshes, methylmethacrylate, or other substitutes. However, these techniques are less easily applicable if chest wall resections have to be performed for infections. METHODS: We report a novel technique for this purpose using a modified latissimus dorsi flap harvested in continuity with the thoracolumbar fascia. The vascularized fascia was sutured into the chest wall defect, providing a stable base for the muscular component of the flap. Three patients requiring large full-thickness resections of the anterolateral chest wall for chronic infections were treated accordingly, two presenting with chronic radionecrosis and osteomyelitis and one with chest wall invasion by pulmonary aspergillosis. RESULTS: There were no intraoperative or postoperative complications and immediate extubation was possible in all 3 patients without the need for postoperative ventilation or tracheotomy. Healing of the infected chest wall was observed in all 3 patients. Postoperative cinemagnetic resonance imaging revealed concordant movements of the replaced segments without evidence of paradoxical motion during inspiration and expiration. CONCLUSIONS: This technique is easy and safe. It allows a stable and satisfactory reconstruction after large anterolateral full-thickness chest wall resections of infected, previously irradiated tissues, using only well-vascularized autologous tissue.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify a distinctive chronic visual complication of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) use. DESIGN: Description of the clinical findings in three patients with this disorder. SETTING: A neuro-ophthalmology referral center. RESULTS: All three patients experienced prolonged afterimages (palinopsia) during LSD intoxication and have continued to be symptomatic up to 3 years after they ceased to ingest the drug. Results of neuro-ophthalmologic and neurologic examinations and neuroimaging and electrophysiologic studies were normal. CONCLUSIONS: We have described three patients in whom persistent palinopsia developed following ingestion of LSD. Clinicians should inquire about past LSD use in all patients who initially have seemingly spontaneous, isolated palinopsia. Recognition of this distinctive clinical syndrome associated with LSD use might avoid unnecessary anxiety and excessive diagnostic tests for patients with this disorder.


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BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean diet has a beneficial role on various neoplasms, but data are scanty on oral cavity and pharyngeal (OCP) cancer. METHODS: We analysed data from a case-control study carried out between 1997 and 2009 in Italy and Switzerland, including 768 incident, histologically confirmed OCP cancer cases and 2078 hospital controls. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was measured using the Mediterranean Diet Score (MDS) based on the major characteristics of the Mediterranean diet, and two other scores, the Mediterranean Dietary Pattern Adherence Index (MDP) and the Mediterranean Adequacy Index (MAI). RESULTS: We estimated the odds ratios (ORs), and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI), for increasing levels of the scores (i.e., increasing adherence) using multiple logistic regression models. We found a reduced risk of OCP cancer for increasing levels of the MDS, the ORs for subjects with six or more MDS components compared with two or less being 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28, P-value for trend <0.0001). The ORs for the highest vs the lowest quintile were 0.20 (95% CI 0.14-0.28) for the MDP score (score 66.2 or more vs less than 57.9), and 0.48 (95% CI 0.33-0.69) for the MAI score (score value 2.1 or more vs value less 0.92), with significant trends of decreasing risk for both scores. The favourable effect of the Mediterranean diet was apparently stronger in younger subjects, in those with a higher level of education, and in ex-smokers, although it was observed in other strata as well. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides strong evidence of a beneficial role of the Mediterranean diet on OCP cancer.