815 resultados para 812
We use benthic foraminifers to reconstruct the Neogene paleobathymetric history of the Marion Plateau, Queensland Plateau, Townsville Trough, and Queensland Trough on the northeastern Australian margin (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 133). Western Queensland Plateau Site 811/825 (present depth, ~938 m) deepened from the neritic zone (0-200 m) to the upper bathyal zone (200-600 m) during the middle Miocene (~13-14 Ma), with further deepening into the middle bathyal zone (600-1000 m) occurring during the late Miocene (~7 Ma). A depth transect across the southern Queensland Plateau shows that deepening from the outer neritic zone (100-200 m) to the upper bathyal zone began during the latest Miocene (~6 Ma) at the deepest location (Site 813, present depth, 539.1 m), whereas the shallower Sites 812 and 814 (present depths, 461.6 and 520.4 m, respectively) deepened during the late Pliocene (~2.7 and ~2.9 Ma). At Marion Plateau Site 815 (present depth, 465.5 m), water depth increased during the late Miocene (~6.7 Ma) from the outer neritic to the upper bathyal zone. Nearby Site 816 (present water depth, 437.3 m) contains Pliocene upper bathyal assemblages that directly overlie middle Miocene shallow neritic deposits; the timing of the deepening is uncertain because of a late Miocene hiatus. On the northern slope of the Townsville Trough (Site 817, present depth, 1015.8 m), benthic foraminifers and sponge spicules indicate deepening from the lower upper bathyal (400-600 m) to the middle bathyal zone in the late Miocene (by ~6.8 Ma). Benthic foraminiferal faunas at nearby Site 818 (present water depth, 752.1 m) do not show evidence of paleobathymetric change; however, a late Pliocene (~2-3 Ma) increase in downslope transport may have been related to the drowning of the Queensland Plateau. Site 822 (present depth, 955.2 m), at the base of the Great Barrier Reef slope, deepened from the upper bathyal to the middle bathyal zone during the late Pliocene (by ~2.3 Ma). Queensland Trough Site 823 (present depth, 1638.4 m) deepened from the middle bathyal to the lower bathyal (1000-2000 m) zone during the late Miocene (~6.5 Ma). Benthic foraminiferal faunal changes at these Leg 133 sites indicate that rapid deepening occurred during the middle Miocene (~13-14 Ma), late Miocene (6-7 Ma), and late Pliocene (2-3 Ma) along the northeastern Australian margin.
"This report supersedes BRL report no. 1010 ..."
"Supported in part by the following grants: US NSF GJ 217, US NSF GJ 812, and project BUILD."
Contiene: T. II (711 p.) -- T. III (729 p.) -- T. VI (701 p.) -- T. VII (812 p.) -- T. VIII (693 p.) -- T. IX (880 p.) -- T. X (676 p.) -- T. XI (763 p.) -- T. XII (863 p.) -- T. XIII (860 p.) -- T. XIV (867 p.) -- Table générale (459 p.) -- Annales Ecclésiastiques de 1846 à 1866 (VI, 691 p.)
Grabado xilográfico en la portada.
Mode of access: Internet.
Encuadernado en cartulina jaspeada.
Mode of access: Internet.
Manuel Ortiz de la Vega es seud. de Fernando Patxot Ferrer.
Mode of access: Internet.
"July 1985."
For earlier reports see U. S. Public Health Service. Publications nos. 738, 812, 914, 1546 and 1720. (RA 11 B155-)
Includes index.
Mode of access: Internet.