986 resultados para 7140-240


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近年来有证据证明,光系统II(PS II)反应中心在结构与功能上存在着异质性,它与光舍原初过程、激发能的分配和调节、胁迫因子导致的光合单位的损伤与修复等密切相关。本论文主要研究了高温胁迫诱导PS II及其异质性的变化,以及人工电子受体与PS II还原侧异质性电子传递的关系.根据研究需要,建立了精确测定无活性PS II中心相时含量的软件和方法,圆满完成了本研究任务。此外,也参加了新的非调制式动力学荧光计的研制及其软件的编写. 以下是本论文的主要结果: 1.用N80-BASIC语言结合汇编语言重新编写了本室快速(ms级)叶绿素动力学荧光计的测控程序,使快速荧光上升曲线的采样速度提高了一个数量级(达到100μS/点),可对Fo、Fi等关键荧光参数进行精确测定,为无活性PS II中心相对含量的准确测定奠定了基础.新研制的荧光计的软件用C语言编写,可在IBM PC兼容机上运行,采样速度最快可达25μs/点,对Fo和Fi等参数的测定更加可靠和精确.新荧光计从软、硬件两方面进行了彻底地更新,具有高信噪比、高响应、高精度、低功耗等优点,其性能己达到国际同类产品的先进水平. 2.高温胁迫诱导小麦类囊体膜吸收光谱的变化,结果显示40℃-50℃20分钟以内的高温胁迫导致681nm的吸收峰下降,同时引起663nm的吸收峰增加,表明高温胁迫引起部分叶绿素蛋白复合体的破坏和游离的叶绿素分子的增多.在更严重的高温胁迫下(55℃5分钟以上),体内游离的叶绿素分子(△A663)本身也遭到进一步的降解. 3.小麦类囊体膜低温( 77K)荧光光谱的分析。结果证实温和的高温胁迫(40℃20分钟以内)可导致激发能更多地从PS II向光系统IcPsi)分配,而更严重的高温胁迫(45℃- 55℃20分钟以内)对PS II和PS I的叶绿素蛋白复合体(F684和F736)均有破坏作用. 4.高温胁迫诱导小麦叶片荧光诱导动力学、荧光猝灭及其荧光参数的变化的研究.结果表明,高温胁迫首先导致有效量子产量(E.Y.)的下降,胁迫作用进一步加强导致最适量子产量(0.Y.)下降,而对光化学猝灭qP的影响较晚.这说明和PS II电子受体侧的电子传递和与二氧化碳固定有关的酶系统对高温胁迫极为敏感.其次,PS II放氧系统的损伤也早于PS II原初反应中心的失活.同时,在自然界条件下,存在着高温和高光强对植物的加强协同的光抑制和破坏作用. 5.在研究高温胁迫诱导荧光动力学及其参数变化的基础上,提出测定和计算高温胁迫的植物样品中无活性PS II中心相对含量的合理方法.认为在高温胁迫导致可变荧光( Fv)猝灭的情况下,应以Fvi(Fvi=Fi-Fo)对室温对照的可变荧光(FVCK)的比值作为计算无活性PS II中心相对含量的指标(Fvi/FVCK).我们在弱激发光下测得正常的小麦和菠菜的无活性PS II中心的相对含量分别为0.155±0.011和0.094士0.010. 6.高温胁迫诱导有活性和无活性PS II中心异质性的相互转化的研究。结果发现50℃以下小于10分钟的处理,对PS II有活性和无活性中心的比值无明显影响:而经过50℃和55℃高温处理5-10分钟,有活性PS II中心才明显向无活性中心转化并发现这一转化过程发生在Fo己明显增加和Fv明显猝灭之后,也就是说它迟于高温胁迫对PS II天线色素蛋白复合体( LHCII)与PS II反应中心结合的破坏以及对放氧侧的损伤. 7.高温胁迫后的室温恢复期中有活性和无活性PS II中心相互转化的研究.发现在高温胁迫不太严重时(如50℃1分钟),无活性PS II中心的含量降至对照的70%,在随后室温60分钟恢复过程中继续降为50%。而Psn氧化侧的活性在此过程中可以得到部分恢复。高温胁迫进一步加强(如55℃5分钟和55℃10分钟)后,无活性PS II中心数目在随后的60分钟室温恢复期中,从恢复开始时为对照的130%和150%继续增加到240%和290%,且有加速转化的趋势。这说明高温胁迫诱导PS II还原侧异质性中心的转化除包含一个快速、直接的机制外,还启动了某种间接转化的机制. 8.对DMQ和DCBQ两种人工电子受体对有活性和无活性PS II中心的作用提出了不同见解。Cao和Govindjee(1990)认为DMQ(>20μmoI.L-1)只接受有活性PS II中心的电子,而DCBQ(>15, μmoLL-1)可完全接受有活性和无活性两种PS II中心的电子。但Lavergne等(1993)认为DCBQ不能接受无活性Psn中心的电子.我们用Stern-Volmer猝灭公式对我们的实验结果进行了分析,结果表明DMQ在较高浓度下(如120μmoI.L-1)才可完全接受有活性PS II中心的电子.但DCBQ的浓度在比Cao等几乎高出一个数量级( 120μmoI.L-1)的情况下,也只接受部分无活性PS II中心的电子( 40%)。另外我们发现,DMQ和DCBQ对Fm的猝灭不是随猝灭剂浓度的增加呈线性关系,而是一条近似饱和曲线,说明它至少包括两种以上不同的猝灭机制. 9.Mg2+诱导PS II异质性(Cα/Cβ)的研究。我们小组发现Mg2+诱导的chl a荧光增强动力学曲线包含Cα和Cβ两个指数成分,说明Mg2+在抑制激发能满溢,调节激发能向有利于PS I1分配的过程中存在异质性。其中Cβ比Cα具有更长的迁移寿命、更低的活化能和Mg2+半饱和浓度.这些说明Cβ比Cα更有可能在体内生理条件下发生迁移,从而在两个光系统之间起调节激发能分配的作用. 10.提出了高温胁迫诱导PS II异质性中心相互转换的可能模型.高温胁迫导致PS II异质性的转化包括几个步骤:有活性的α型PS II专荧光猝灭态的PS II专有活性的β型PS II专无活性的β型PS II专破坏了的PSⅡ.前两种转化一般具有可逆性.当高温胁迫进一步加强后,转化失去可逆性,在胁迫去除后,有活性PS II中心可继续向无活性中心转化,后者还有可能进一步受到破坏。


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Asian seabass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch) - a catadromous centropomid perch, is a good candidate species for brackishwater aquaculture in India. The length-weight relationship and the relative condition of L. calcarifer were assessed under culture condition. The length of the fish samples ranged from 25 to 240 mm and the relative condition (w sub(r)) of the fish for different length groups ranged from 99.54 to 104.39, indicating the good condition of the fish. The regression analysis of log-transformed length-weight data was carried out and the 'b' coefficient indicates the good condition of fish showing an isometric growth in the juvenile phase under culture condition.


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Of the total 240 Pangasius hypothalamus (5 - 8.7cm) fry examined during September' O1 to February'02, 80 (33.33%) were found to be infested with one or more ecroparasites irrespective of genera or groups. Seven parasitic groups were identified with the highest average prevalence of Trichodinids (55%) followed by Dacrylogyrus spp. ( 42%), Episrylis spp. (8%), Apiosoma spp. (7%) Argulus spp. (5%), Gyrodacrylus spp. (4%) and Piscicola spp. (2%) the lowest prevalent group irrespective of months. Trichodinid and Dacrylogyms spp. were recorded to be the dominating parasitic groups among the seven both in terms of monthly prevalence and severity of infestation throughout the period of investigation. The highest prevalence (60%) of ectoparasite was recorded in December and the lowest (10%) in February irrespective of groups.


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Studies on reproductive biology and artificial propagation including larval rearing of freshwater mud eel, Monopterus cuchia and spiny eel, Mastacembelus armatus were attempted. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) of mud eel ranged from 0.41 (August) to 5.52 (June) in males and 0.53 (August) to 7.61 (June) in females. In both cases the GSI showed a peak in June. Fecundity ranged from 228 (TL - 396 mm; W - 78g) to 5510 (TL - 865 mm; W - 630 g). In case of spiny eel, the GSI varied from 0.65 (August) to 8.30 (July) in males and 0.70 (August) to 10.46 (July) in females. GSI showed single peak in July. Fecundity ranged from 570 (TL - 240 mm; W - 30 g) to 10870 (TL - 601; W - 350g). Histology of the testes and ovaries of the eels were carried out to investigate the gonadal development stages during the reproductive months (August to November 2003). In case of male M. cuchia, the secondary primordial germ cells, primary spermatogonium, some spermatogonia A and clone of spermatogonium B in testis were observed in September. In October-males different sized lobules having spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids were observed. In the ovary of M. cuchia, polygonal shaped oocytes were seen during September. The oogonia were reduced with dense and irregular shaped during October. Numerous pycnotic cells were visible during November. In male M. armatus numerous broken lobule walls were found in testes during September. In October, abundant primary germ cells, pycnotic nests of degenerating cells, spermatogonia and spermatids were observed. In females, ovaries had distinct yolk vesicles stage and yolk granules stages in August. In September, the follicular cells of the oogonia were ruptured, shrunk forming irregular shaped in October. Oogonia were also shrunk with thin, irregular shaped structure but broken parts of the ruptured follicular cells were scattered in case of M. armatus. Experimental attempts on artificial propagation indicated that both freshwater eels were difficult to breed using inducing agents like pituitary glands (PG) of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 150 mg per kg of body weight. Same doses were used for both sexes with equal sex-ratio. In both cases, brood fish died at higher doses of injection given at 100 and 150 mg PG/kg bodyweight. However, M. cuchia breed naturally in cisterns when provided with water hyacinths and tunnel in muddy bottom. M. cuchia fed with chopped cooked fish attained a mean weight of 18.75 ± 2.3 g and cent percent survival. While in case of M. armatus best growth by weight (12.0 ± 2.48 g) and cent percent survival were achieved using chopped raw fish. Car tyre was observed as best shelter for attaining the mean weight gain 22.53 ± 2.24 g and cent percent survival of M. cuchia. While PVC pipe was found to be the best shelter for M. armatus, where it attained the mean weight of 12.73 ± 1.88 g and cent percent survival.


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Although spermatozoa from several species of nonhuman primates have been cryopreserved, there has been no report of success with rhesus macaque spermatozoa as judged by functional assays. Two Tris-egg yolk freezing media. TEST and TTE. which have: been successfully used for cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis) spermatozoa, were compared for cryopreservation of spermatozoa From four rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). The postthaw motility (percentage and duration) of spermatozoa cryopreserved in TTE was much higher than that for spermatozoa cryopreserved in TEST. The function of sperm cryopreserved in TTE was evaluated by in vitro fertilization or oocytes collected from gonadotropin-stimulated prepubertal rhesus macaques. Of the inseminated oocytes. 82 +/- 13% were fertilized and 63 +/- 22 and 39 +/- 21% of the resulting zygotes developed into morulae and blastocysts. respectively. These results indicate that rhesus macaque spermatozoa can be effectively cryopreserved in TTE medium. This finding will facilitate the application of in vivo and in vitro assisted reproductive technologies in this species. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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Growth, survival and food conversion ratio (FCR) of Cyprinus carpio in cages at different stocking density were studied in Kaptai lake. Fingerlings of common carp (12.47 ± 4.29 g) were stocked at 25/m2 , 50/m2 and 75/m2 each with replication in six floating net cages each of Sm x Sm x 4m and reared for 240 days. The growth rate was inversely related to the stocking density with the mean weights of 325.5 ± 11.74 g, 268.99± 8.44 g and 167.0 ± 11.66 g at low, medium and high densities, respectively. At harvest, standing crop biomass averaged 7 .82, 12.83 and 11.58 kg with the survival of 98.9%, 97.6% and 94.4% and food conversion ratios of 4.51, 3.82 and 4.21 for the above three densities, respectively. Weight gain and production at density 25 fish/m 2 were significantly different (p< 0.01) from other two densities. Water quality was not affected in the cages having different stocking densities.


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A socio-economic investigation was carried out in two fishermen cooperative societies namely Purba Helatala Fishermen Co-operative Society (E-1), Barhal Fishermen Co-operative Society (E-2), under Maldah district, West Bengal to which the beels (flood plains) under study belong. A total of 132 member fishermen, which constituted the sample, were personally interviewed. The age group of the fishermen of the sample in E-1 varied between 20 and 66 years whereas in E-2 it was 22 and 61 years. All the members of the sample belonged to Scheduled Caste (SC) community. The primary occupation of all the respondents of both the beels was observed to be fishing (100%). Maximum number of illiterate respondents was observed to 56% in E-2 and 35% in E-1. It has been observed that as many as 38.3% of fishermen were having fishing experience which ranging from 16 to 20 years in E-1 whereas it was 6 - 10 years (36.1%) in E-2. Maximum number of fishermen lived in thatched houses (41.66%) in E-1 whereas in E-2 most of them lived in houses made of corrugated tin/tile shed (41.66%). As many as 41.55% of E-1 and 30.55% of E-2 used dug-out canoes for their fishing. Maximum number of fishermen used cast net with individualistic approach (100%) followed by Gill net (E-1:41.56% and E-2:55.55%). Most of the fishermen of the sample participated in fishing activities for 241 to 270 days (41.66%) in E-2 whereas it was 211 to 240 days (33.33 %) in E-1 in a year. During fishing season as many as 40.0% of the respondents of E-1 earned on an average Rs. 801.00 to Rs. 900.00 per month whereas it was Rs. 901.00 to Rs.1,000.00 (43.05%) in case of E-2. A section of fishermen of the sample borrowed money often (51.6%) E-1 whereas it was most often (27.27%) of E-2. The respondents of E-2 made regular repayment of the loan to the maximum extent (79.48%) whereas it was 57.44% in E-1. Higher fish production vis-a-vis higher income for the fishermen was observed in the beel (E2) having close characteristic.


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本发明涉及一种无指盘臭蛙抗微生物多肽及其基因和在制药上的应用,属于生物医学领域。无指盘臭蛙抗微生物多肽是无指盘臭蛙抗微生物多肽基因编码的一种单链多肽,分子量为4248.27道尔顿,等电点为11.47,多肽全序列一级结构为:Gly Leu Phe Thr Leu Ile Lys Gly Ala Ala Lys Leu Ile Gly Lys Thr Val Pro Lys Lys Gln Ala Arg Leu Gly Met Asn Leu Trp Leu Val Lys Leu Pro Thr Asn Val Lys Thr (GLFTLIKGAAKLIGKTVPKKQARLGMNLWLVKLPTNVKT)。编码无指盘臭蛙抗微生物多肽的基因由343个核苷酸组成,其中编码成熟无指盘臭蛙抗微生物多肽为第123-240位核苷酸。人工合成的无指盘臭蛙抗微生物多肽具有很强的抑制细菌和真菌生长的作用,可以作为制备病原微生物感染疾病的治疗药物被应用。本发明的无指盘臭蛙抗微生物多肽具有抗菌谱系广、抗菌活性强的特点。


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Six on-farm trials were conducted from 1 August to 23 November 2004 in two different environments such as homestead ditches (10 to 17 square meters) and plastic barrels (240 liters) to develop techniques for nonoculture [sic] of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis and walking catfish, Clarias batrachus for poor and landless people who have no access to pond. Stocking density for ditch was 10 fry/square meter while that for barrel was 20 fry/cubic meter. The fishes were fed with 3-test diets viz. low-cost formulated feed (rice bran 20%, wheat meal 10%, mustered [sic] oil cake 35%, poultry offal 35%), live foods (chopped snails and clams), and a commercial feed (Saudi-Bangla feed, starter 3: first month and grower-1: subsequent two months) and designated as T1, T2 and T3, respectively. Feeding rate was the same in all the treatments viz. 10% of body weight (first two months), 8% (third month) and 6% (fourth month). T1 and T2 had three replications while T3 had two replications. Water temperature was recorded weekly while fish growth was monitored monthly. After 4 months' rearing, H. fossilis and C. batrachus in ditches and barrels attained higher average weight in T2 followed by T3 and T1 while A. testudineus in barrels also attained higher average weight in T2. The variation in net weight gain by A. testudineus in ditch fed test diets T2 and T3 was not significantly different (P>0.05) though the net gain in both T2 and T3 was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of T1. The yield of climbing perch as obtained from T1, T2 and T3 was 988, 1136 and 1185 kg/ha, respectively while that stinging catfish was 395, 242 and 444 kg/ha and walking catfish was 1605, 2,099 and 1,654 kg/ha respectively. All the three species showed significantly lower growth rate in barrels than in ditches.


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Prawn meat treated with Streptococcus pyogenes B-49-2 culture and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC-12598 culture were frozen in conventional plate freezer at -40°C and by spray type liquid nitrogen freezer. The frozen products were stored at -18°C. Streptococcus pyogenes B-49-2 showed low sensitivity to cold injury during freezing and frozen storage. Staphylococcus aureus ATCC-12598 survived during the entire storage period of 240 days. Total bacterial count of untreated prawn meat was found to be always lesser in liquid nitrogen frozen products than that in plate frozen products.


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Penaeus indicus harvested after three months of rearing in brackishwater ponds and averaging 6.9 g for females and 5.6 g for males were stocked in two 12 cu m flowthrough ferrocement tanks at 240 females and 200 males per tank. The females were ablated on one eyestalk in one tank and remained unablated in the other tank; all males were unablated. Ablated females spawned up to 7 times per female; unablated females spawned up to only 3 times during the two month duration of the experiment. Ablated females produced a total number of 17.5 x 106 eggs, 6.6 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 23,480 eggs/spawning and 37.8% hatching rate from a total of 757 spawnings. Unablated females produced a total of 2.0 x 106 eggs, 1.1 x 106 nauplii, and an average of 26.990 eggs/spawning and 53.9% hatching rate from a total of 74 spawnings. Survival of ablated females was 53.5% compared to 69.4% for unablated females; males in both tanks averaged more than 90% survival.


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Fish pickles (with olive and tamarind) were prepared from mola fish (Amblypharyngodon mola) and their nutritional and food quality were assessed. The quality of the pickle prepared with olive was excellent and the pickle prepared with tamarind was found good. Moisture content of the two pickle products were 43.85% (with tamarind) and 50.89% (with olive). The protein and lipid contents of tamarind added pickle were 19.13 and 35.64% respectively; pickle with olive contained less protein (13.16%) compared to tamarind added mola pickle. Lipid contents were almost same in both cases. Ash content of two pickles was also found similar (1.00%). The quality of mola pickles stored either in cool condition (4°C) with vinegar or at room temperature with Na-benzoate were found good for consumption up to 90 days of storage. All of the fish pickles preserved under different condition were found in acceptable condition up to 240 days storage and pickle with vinegar stored at 4°C was found good for consumption at the end of 240 days.