956 resultados para 577 Ecologia
Este trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a morfologia e as síndromes de dispersão de Myracrodruon urundeuva, Schinopsis brasiliensis (Anacardiaceae), Sideroxylon obtusifolium (Sapotaceae) e Amburana cearensis (Leguminosae), contribuindo para o entendimento da ecologia dessas espécies, em área de Caatinga, na Reserva Legal do Projeto Salitre, Juazeiro, BA. Para os estudos morfológicos, 200 frutos de cada espécie foram coletados em diferentes indivíduos da população e mensurados. De acordo com o tipo de fruto, foi adotado um método de avaliação da dispersão dos diásporos em campo: parcelas de 1m2 para os frutos secos e observação em campo no período de 5h às 18h, para os frutos carnosos. Para avaliar a taxa de sobrevivência no campo, plântulas das quatro espécies foram identificadas e acompanhadas quinzenalmente por um período de 6 meses. M. urundeuva, S. brasiliensis e A. cearensis apresentaram frutos secos do tipo anemocórico enquanto S. obtusifolium apresentou frutos carnosos adaptados à dispersão zoocórica, podendo ser considerada como importante fonte alimentar para a avifauna da região. Quanto ao estabelecimento das plantas jovens, verificou-se que nas espécies anemocóricas a dispersão ocorre a curta distância, o que ocasionaria a distribuição agregada das mesmas. Para as espécies anemocóricas foram registradas taxas de sobrevivência inferiores a 30%, indicando que o recrutamento de plantas jovens está comprometido, podendo estar associado às condições climáticas adversas e à predação por animais silvestres e domésticos.
Programação Nacional de Pesquisa do Guaraná. Aspectos sócio-econômicos. Origem, classificação e distribuição. Ecologia. Propagação por semente. Fenologia. Propagação vegetativa via enraizamento de estacas. Manejo da cultura. Adubação e nutrição. Doenças e pragas. Consorciação. Usos e composição química.
Descrição das áreas de estudos; Descrição dos métodos; Descrição botânica, fitoquímica e farmacológica; Ecologia e biologia reprodutiva; Estrutura da população; forma de exploração e rendimento de casca; Baneficiamento do produto; Cronograma e ciclo da exploração; Monitoramento e mitigação do impacto ambiental.
Sumário: Os princípios da Agroecologia em 2.600 m²; Histórico da vitrine tecnológica de Agroecologia; Adubos verdes e consórcios; Agrofloresta; Como transformar uma propriedade convencional em agroecológica?; Como controlar pragas e doenças em sistemas agroecológicos?; Controle biológico de pragas; Homeopatia e agroecologia; Manejo de pragas e doenças ? as caldas e repelentes naturais; Armadilha para captura de percevejos em soja; Compostagem e vermicompostagem; Fruticultura ecológica; Fixação Biológica de Nitrogênio (FBN) - uso de inoculantes; Olericultura como alternativa de renda para agricultura familiar ecológica; Plantas alimentares não convencionais (PANC); Plantas medicinais; Bioconstruções; Cultivares de soja para sistemas de base ecológica; Meliponicultura-uma atividade essencialmente agroecológica; Milho QPM (alta qualidade proteica); Sistemas alternativos de irrigação; Irrigação com sistemas adaptados de baixo custo; Aspersor de garrafa PET com conexão de 3/4 de polegada; Irrigação alternativa por gotejamento e microaspersão; Carneiro hidráulico; Pastoreio Racional Voisin (PRV); Manejo nutricional em rebanhos de base agroecológica; Suplementação alimentar proteica de bovinos de leite em períodos de escassez (seca ou frio).
Integrating connectivity patterns into marine ecosystem management is a fundamental step, specially for stock subjected to the combined impacts of human activities (overfishing, habitat degradation, etc.) and climate changes. Thus, management of marine resources must incorporates the spatial scales over which the populations are connected. Notwithstanding, studying these dynamics remains a crucial and hard task and the predictions of the temporal and spatial patterns of these mechanisms are still particularly challenging. This thesis aims to puzzle over the red mullet Mullus barbatus population connectivity in the Western Mediterranean Sea, by implementing a multidisciplinary approach. Otolith sclerochronology, larval dispersal modelling and genetic techniques were gathered in this study. More particularly, this research project focused on early life history stages of red mullet and their role in the characterization of connectivity dynamics. The results show that M. barbatus larval dispersal distances can reach a range of 200 km. The differences in early life traits (i.e. PLD, spawning and settlement dates) observed between various areas of the Western Mediterranean Sea suggest a certain level of larval patchiness, likely due to the occurrence of different spawning pulses during the reproductive period. The dispersal of individuals across distant areas, even not significant in demographic terms, is accountable for the maintenance of the genetic flow among different demes. Fluctuations in the level of exchange among different areas, due to the variability of the source-sink dynamics, could have major implications in the population connectivity patterns. These findings highlight the reliability of combining several approaches and represent a benchmark for the definition of a proper resource management, with considerable engagements in effectively assuring the beneficial effects of the existent and future conservation strategies.
[150] hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
Emerging healthcare applications can benefit enormously from recent advances in pervasive technology and computing. This paper introduces the CLARITY Modular Ambient Health and Wellness Measurement Platform:, which is a heterogeneous and robust pervasive healthcare solution currently under development at the CLARITY Center for Sensor Web Technologies. This intelligent and context-aware platform comprises the Tyndall Wireless Sensor Network prototyping system, augmented with an agent-based middleware and frontend computing architecture. The key contribution of this work is to highlight how interoperability, expandability, reusability and robustness can be manifested in the modular design of the constituent nodes and the inherently distributed nature of the controlling software architecture.Emerging healthcare applications can benefit enormously from recent advances in pervasive technology and computing. This paper introduces the CLARITY Modular Ambient Health and Wellness Measurement Platform:, which is a heterogeneous and robust pervasive healthcare solution currently under development at the CLARITY Center for Sensor Web Technologies. This intelligent and context-aware platform comprises the Tyndall Wireless Sensor Network prototyping system, augmented with an agent-based middleware and frontend computing architecture. The key contribution of this work is to highlight how interoperability, expandability, reusability and robustness can be manifested in the modular design of the constituent nodes and the inherently distributed nature of the controlling software architecture.
Consensus HIV-1 genes can decrease the genetic distances between candidate immunogens and field virus strains. To ensure the functionality and optimal presentation of immunologic epitopes, we generated two group-M consensus env genes that contain variable regions either from a wild-type B/C recombinant virus isolate (CON6) or minimal consensus elements (CON-S) in the V1, V2, V4, and V5 regions. C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice were primed twice with CON6, CON-S, and subtype control (92UG37_A and HXB2/Bal_B) DNA and boosted with recombinant vaccinia virus (rVV). Mean antibody titers against 92UG37_A, 89.6_B, 96ZM651_C, CON6, and CON-S Env protein were determined. Both CON6 and CON-S induced higher mean antibody titers against several of the proteins, as compared with the subtype controls. However, no significant differences were found in mean antibody titers in animals immunized with CON6 or CON-S. Cellular immune responses were measured by using five complete Env overlapping peptide sets: subtype A (92UG37_A), subtype B (MN_B, 89.6_B and SF162_B), and subtype C (Chn19_C). The intensity of the induced cellular responses was measured by using pooled Env peptides; T-cell epitopes were identified by using matrix peptide pools and individual peptides. No significant differences in T-cell immune-response intensities were noted between CON6 and CON-S immunized BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. In BALB/c mice, 10 and eight nonoverlapping T-cell epitopes were identified in CON6 and CON-S, whereas eight epitopes were identified in 92UG37_A and HXB2/BAL_B. In C57BL/6 mice, nine and six nonoverlapping T-cell epitopes were identified after immunization with CON6 and CON-S, respectively, whereas only four and three were identified in 92UG37_A and HXB2/BAL_B, respectively. When combined together from both mouse strains, 18 epitopes were identified. The group M artificial consensus env genes, CON6 and CON-S, were equally immunogenic in breadth and intensity for inducing humoral and cellular immune responses.
Numerical approximation of the long time behavior of a stochastic di.erential equation (SDE) is considered. Error estimates for time-averaging estimators are obtained and then used to show that the stationary behavior of the numerical method converges to that of the SDE. The error analysis is based on using an associated Poisson equation for the underlying SDE. The main advantages of this approach are its simplicity and universality. It works equally well for a range of explicit and implicit schemes, including those with simple simulation of random variables, and for hypoelliptic SDEs. To simplify the exposition, we consider only the case where the state space of the SDE is a torus, and we study only smooth test functions. However, we anticipate that the approach can be applied more widely. An analogy between our approach and Stein's method is indicated. Some practical implications of the results are discussed. Copyright © by SIAM. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
© 2012 by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.This article considers the determinants and effects of M&As in the pharmaceutical industry, with a particular focus on innovation and R&D productivity. As is the case in other industries, mergers in the pharmaceutical field are driven by a variety of company motives and conditions. These include defensive responses to industry shocks as well as more proactive rationales, such as economies of scale and scope, access to new technologies, and expansion to new markets. It is important to take account of firms' characteristics and motivations in evaluating merger performance, rather than using a broad aggregate brushstroke. Research to date on pharmaceuticals suggests considerable variation in both motivation and outcomes. From an antitrust policy standpoint, the larger horizontal mergers in pharmaceuticals have run into few challenges from regulatory authorities in the United States and the European Union, given the option to spin off competing therapeutic products to other drug firms.