984 resultados para 432
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar variáveis ecocardiográficas que definam graus de disfunção cardíaca em ratos com estenose aórtica (EAo). MÉTODOS: Ratos Wistar (n = 23), machos (90-100 g), foram submetidos a cirurgia para indução de EAo. As variáveis ecocardiográficas analisadas foram: diâmetros diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (DDVE) e sistólico do átrio esquerdo em valores absolutos e normalizados para o peso corporal; diâmetro sistólico do VE (DSVE); três índices de encurtamento do VE (% de encurtamento endocárdico, %Enc.Endo; % de encurtamento miocárdico, %Enc.Mio; e velocidade de encurtamento da parede posterior do VE, VEPP); e índice de massa do VE (IMVE). Essas variáveis foram utilizadas para a análise de agrupamento (cluster analysis). RESULTADOS: A análise de agrupamento possibilitou separar os ratos com EAo em dois grupos: disfunção leve (n = 13) e disfunção severa (n = 9). Os intervalos de confiança das seguintes variáveis não apresentaram superposição dos seus valores: DDVE, DSVE, %Enc.Endo, %Enc.Mio, IMVE e VEPP. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização conjunta dos intervalos de confiança dessas variáveis permite identificar dois grupos de ratos com estenose aórtica e diferentes graus de comprometimento cardíaco, possibilitando a realização de estudos longitudinais com grupos homogêneos de animais.
A adolescência é um período fundamental para a aquisição da massa óssea. em adolescentes atletas, o pico de massa óssea pode apresentar maior incremento, em virtude do estresse mecânico imposto aos ossos pelo exercício físico praticado. O objetivo desta revisão foi investigar o papel do treinamento esportivo vigoroso e precoce sobre a saúde óssea de atletas adolescentes. Através da revisão da literatura científica, envolvendo adolescentes atletas de diferentes modalidades e de ambos os sexos, é possível inferir que a densidade mineral óssea é potencializada pelos exercícios, quando grupos de atletas são comparados com grupos de controle. Entretanto, muito se discute na literatura quanto à recomendação da intensidade adequada da prescrição de exercício físico para população adolescente, uma vez que, caso o treinamento se torne muito extenuante, os benefícios gerados pela atividade sobre a saúde dos ossos podem ser minimizados ou anulados. Embora muita controvérsia ainda envolva o tema, independente do tipo de esporte praticado, o aumento de intensidade do treinamento deve ser razoável e coerente com as metas, sendo enfatizado treinamento seguro e eficaz para cada uma das faixas de idade e momentos da maturação biológica, independente dos calendários competitivos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aims: Obsessivecompulsive disorder (OCD) also generates emotional burden in the patient's family members, but no study has evaluated the specific dimensions of burden. The objectives were to evaluate the dimensions of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and possible correlates. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study involving 47 patients and 47 caregivers, using a sociodemographic questionnaire; the ZBI; the Self Reporting Questionnaire; the Family Accommodation Scale; and the YaleBrown ObsessiveCompulsive Scale. The ZBI factor analysis was conducted using Varimax Rotation. Results: Six factors were identified, explaining 74.2% of the total variance: factor 1, interference in the caregiver's personal life (36.6% of the variance); factor 2, perception of patient's dependence (10.8%); factor 3, feelings of irritation or intolerance (9.2%); factor 4, guilt (7.2%); factor 5, insecurity (5.6%); and factor 6, embarrassment (4.8%). The six ZBI factors were associated with greater OCD severity and with greater accommodation to the patient's symptoms, and factors 1, 2, 5 and 6 with caregiver's psychological morbidity. Caregiver's sex (female) was associated with factors 5 and 6, relationship with the patient (being a parent or son/daughter) with factor 5, higher educational level with factor 6, living with the patient with factor 3, worse self-evaluation of health with factors 1, 5 and 6, and occupational status (not working) with factors 1, 2, 5 and 6. Conclusion: The dimensions of burden identified indicate the most affected aspects of a caregiver's life and could guide the planning of more specific interventions. Thus, the caregiver could participate more effectively in the OCD patient's treatment, with a lower impact on his/her life.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar as características dos portadores e a prevalência do ectrópio em uma amostra populacional aleatória do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Os dados foram colhidos durante a realização do Projeto de Prevenção da Cegueira da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-UNESP, com amostra domiciliar sistemática aleatória. Foram avaliados 10.432 indivíduos, residentes em 11 municípios da regional de saúde localizada na região Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados obtidos foram submetidos a análise estatística para avaliação de variáveis descritivas e da prevalência do ectrópio palpebral. RESULTADOS: Foram detectados 71 portadores de ectrópio palpebral, com prevalência estimada de 0,68%. A prevalência não foi semelhante nos Municípios estudados. A maioria dos portadores de ectrópio apresentava idade acima dos 70 anos e era do sexo masculino. Vinte e oito por cento dos portadores de ectrópio apresentavam catarata concomitantemente. CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência do ectrópio na população Centro-Oeste do Estado de São Paulo é de 0,68%. O ectrópio palpebral ocorre mais frequentemente em homens, geralmente idosos, expostos ao sol, mais na pálpebra inferior e com acuidade visual corrigida normal.
O objetivo do estudo foi comparar os resultados de investigações de acidentes aeronáuticos brasileiros do Centro de Investigação e Prevenção de Acidentes Aeronáuticos (Cenipa) com os do sistema de análise e classificação de fatores humanos (Human Factors Analysis and Classification System - HFACS). Foram analisados e comparados os relatórios finais de 36 investigações de acidentes aeronáuticos ocorridos entre 2000 e 2005, no estado de São Paulo. Foram mencionados 163 fatores contribuintes dos acidentes aeronáuticos nos relatórios do Cenipa, enquanto 370 foram identificados por meio do HFACS. Conclui-se que as análises do Cenipa não contemplaram fatores organizacionais associados aos acidentes aéreos.
Purpose: Several urethral conditions may require tissue substitution. One collagen-base biomaterial that recently emerged as an option is small intestinal submucosa (SIS). The aim of this study was to compare the results of SIS and buccal mucosa for urethral substitution in rabbits.Materials and Methods: Thirty-six North Folk male rabbits were randomized into three groups. In all animals, a 10 x 5 mm urethral segment was excised, and the urethral defect was repaired using a one-layer SIS patch (group I [GI]); four-layer SIS (group II [GII]); or buccal mucosa (group III [GIII]). Urethrography was performed preoperatively and after 12 weeks. After sacrifice, graft retraction was objectively measured using Scion Image (R) computer analysis and by calculation of ellipse area. The grade of fibrosis, inflammatory reaction, vascular/epithelial regeneration, and collagen III/I ratio were analyzed by hematoxylin/eosin and Picrosirius red staining.Results: Urethrography confirmed a wide urethral caliber without any signs of strictures after surgery. Urethral fistulae was diagnosed in 8.3% of cases (1 animal each group). Average graft shrinkage was 55.2% in GI; 44.2% in GII; and 57.2% in GIII (p < 0.05). The intensity of chronic inflammation, fibrosis, epithelium regeneration, and neovascularization was similar in all groups (p > 0.05). Collagen III/I ratio was higher in GII (GI: 119.6; GII: 257.2 and GIII: 115.0); p < 0.01.Conclusions: The four-layer SIS is more advantageous than the one-layer SIS and buccal mucosa for urethral substitution in rabbits.
O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de maximizar a produção e a qualidade dos ovos e minimizar a excreção de nitrogênio nas excretas de poedeiras no final do primeiro ciclo de produção, por meio do fornecimento de aporte adequado de proteína bruta (PB) e aminoácidos sulfurados totais (AAST) na dieta. Foram utilizadas 432 poedeiras Isa Brown, com 52 semanas de idade, distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 (PB e AAST) e nove tratamentos (14 e 0,57; 14 e 0,64; 14 e 0,71; 15,5 e 0,57; 15,5 e 0,64; 15,5 e 0,71; 17 e 0,57; 17 e 0,64; 17 e 0,71 % de PB e AAST, respectivamente), com seis repetições de oito aves cada. A duração do experimento foi de 140 dias. Foram avaliadas as características de desempenho, qualidade dos ovos e excreção de nitrogênio nas excretas. A única característica de desempenho influenciada pelos tratamentos foi o peso dos ovos, que apresentou os maiores valores para as combinações de 15,5 e 0,71; 17 e 0,71; 15,5 e 0,64; 14 e 0,71 e 17 e 0,64% de PB e AAST, respectivamente. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas para consumo de ração, porcentagem de postura e de ovos quebrados, massa de ovos, conversão alimentar por dúzia e por massa de ovos e mortalidade. Para os parâmetros de qualidade dos ovos, foram observadas diferenças significativas apenas para as porcentagens de gema e de albúmem. A excreção de nitrogênio foi maior nas aves alimentadas com as rações contendo 17% de PB. Pode-se sugerir que a ração contendo 14% de PB e 0,57% de AAST pode ser utilizada, sem prejuízos no desempenho e na qualidade dos ovos, e ainda contribui para a redução da excreção de nitrogênio no ambiente e do custo da ração.
With the objective to establish the best metabolizable energy (ME) intake for layers, and the best dietary vegetable oil addition level to optimize egg production, an experiment was carried out with 432 30-week-old Hisex Brown layers. Birds were distributed into nine treatments with six replicates of eight birds each according to a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement, consisting of three daily metabolizable energy intake (280, 300 or 320 kcal/bird/day) and three oil levels (0.00; 0.75 and 1.50 g/bird/day). Daily feed intake was limited to 115, 110 and 105 g/bird in order to obtain the desired energy and oil intake in each treatment. The following parameters were evaluated: initial weight, final weight, body weight change, egg production, egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and per egg mass and energy conversion. There was no influence of the treatments on egg production (%) or egg mass (g/bird/day). Final weight and body weight change were significantly affected by increasing energy intake. Feed conversion ratio per egg mass, feed conversion ratio per dozen eggs and energy conversion significantly worsened as a function of the increase in daily energy intake. An energy intake of 280 kcal/bird/day with no addition of dietary oil does not affect layer performance.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of double uterine flushing on the recovery of embryos/ova in cattle. Two hundred and ten embryo recovery procedures were conducted using a double uterine flushing method, and the results were compared with 432 conventional single-flushing procedures. Cyclic Limousin (n = 403) and Guzera (n = 239) donor cows received an intravaginal progesterone releasing device and 2 mg of estradiol benzoate on Day 0. Between Days 5 and 9, donors received decreasing doses of FSH, which ranged from 200 to 300 IU (Bos indicus) and 300 to 500 IU (Bos taut-us). on the afternoon of Day 7, donors received an injection of 500 mu g cloprostenol and progesterone implants were removed 12 It later (morning of Day 8). Artificial insemination was performed between 14 and 26 h after first detection of behavioral estrus. Cows were randomly assigned to have embryos recovered by a double-flushing method (n = 210) or the conventional single-flushing procedure (n = 432). For the double-flushing procedure, after first flushing the whole uterus with 1 L of Dubelco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS), a Foley catheter was positioned in the uterine body to permit refilling of the uterus with fresh DPBS (80-150 mL). The catheter was closed with the plunger of a disposable 5 mL syringe, and the donors were allowed to rest in a holding area for 30 min. Thereafter, a second flush was performed to recover the solution remaining in the uterus. Animals from the control group were subjected to a single uterine flush. From 2 10 double-flushing procedures, 1409 viable embryos were recovered. In comparison, from 432 cows receiving the single-flushing procedure, 1993 embryos were recovered. Double flushing increased (P < 0.05) the number of embryos recovered per procedure compared to single flushing (6.7 +/- 0.4 versus 4.6 +/- 0.2, respectively; mean +/- S.E.M.). When double flushing was performed, average recovered embryos/ova increased (P < 0.05) from 8.3 +/- 0.4 to 12.7 +/- 0.7 in Limousin and from 7.9 to 11.5 in Guzera. Also, utilization of double flushing increased (P < 0.05) the number of viable embryos from 4.7 +/- 0.3 to 6.9 +/- 0.5 in Limousin and from 4.5 +/- 0.4 to 6.4 +/- 0.7 in Guzera. Mean total embryos/ova was similar (P > 0.05) between the control group and after the first uterine flushing in the double-flushing group; therefore, both flushings were conducted efficiently. In conclusion, double uterine flushing increased embryo recovery in cattle. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective-To establish reference intervals for cytologic and biochemical variables in peritoneal fluid, whole blood, and plasma in calves with congenital umbilical hernias (CUHs) before and after herniorrhaphy and to assess whether those variables in calves with CUHs were altered, compared with findings in clinically normal calves.Animals-20 Holstein calves with or without a CUH.Procedures-10 calves with CUHs underwent herniorrhaphy. Blood and peritoneal fluid samples from all 20 calves were collected for cytologic and biochemical analyses on days 0 (before surgery), 1, 3, 5, 7, and 15. Data from the 2 groups were compared.Results-Reference intervals for the variables of interest were established for each group, Before surgery, calves with CUHs had significantly greater plasma total protein concentration and creatine kinase (CK) and aspartate aminotransferase activities and peritoneal fluid specific gravity values, compared with values for calves without CUHs. At various time points after surgery, peritoneal fluid total protein concentration; fibrinogen concentration; nucleated cell, polymorphonuclear cell, and lymphocyte counts; specific gravity; and lactate dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase, and CK activities in calves with CUHs were significantly different from values in calves without CUHs. Some plasma and blood variables leg, total protein concentration, neutrophil count, and CK activity were significantly different between the 2 groups.Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Values of certain cytologic and biochemical variables in peritoneal fluid, blood, and plasma were different between calves with and without CUHs. Thus, determination of reference intervals for these variables is important for interpreting diagnostic test results in calves with CUHs. (Am J Vet Res 2009;70:423-432)
Dental trauma, particularly tooth avulsion, is a frequent cause of tooth loss in children, adolescents, and young adults. The avulsed tooth should be immediately reimplanted in its alveolus. This procedure can be performed by anyone at the accident site and not only by dental surgeons. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of sixth graders of the city of Aracatuba, SP, about dental avulsion and tooth reimplantation through a structured and standardized survey. Our sample consisted of 778 students. The data collected was processed using the program epiinfo 2000. Most students were around 12 years of age and 94.5% related to practice some kind of sports. Results demonstrated that the possibility of tooth reimplantation after dental avulsion is not acknowledged among these students and dental traumatism was associated to caries, toothache, and use of orthodontic appliances. Only 18.9% of the students associated dental traumatism to an impact trauma; 3.6% would store the tooth in milk, and 3.1% believed the tooth could be reimplanted by anyone present at the accident site. In summary, the results show an overall the lack of knowledge about dental traumatism and highlight the need of special programs designed to educate school-aged students about emergency procedures to handle cases of dental traumatisms.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We report the results of a transcript finishing initiative, undertaken for the purpose of identifying and characterizing novel human transcripts, in which RT-PCR was used to bridge gaps between paired EST Clusters, mapped against the genomic sequence. Each pair of EST Clusters selected for experimental validation was designated a transcript finishing unit (TFU). A total of 489 TFUs were selected for validation, and an overall efficiency of 43.1% was achieved. We generated a total of 59,975 bp of transcribed sequences organized into 432 exons, contributing to the definition of the structure of 211 human transcripts. The structure of several transcripts reported here was confirmed during the course of this project, through the generation of their corresponding full-length cDNA sequences. Nevertheless, for 21% of the validated TFUs, a full-length cDNA sequence is not yet available in public databases, and the structure of 69.2% of these TFUs was not correctly predicted by computer programs. The TF strategy provides a significant contribution to the definition of the complete catalog of human genes and transcripts, because it appears to be particularly useful for identification of low abundance transcripts expressed in a restricted Set of tissues as well as for the delineation of gene boundaries and alternatively spliced isoforms.
A Cachoeira de Emas, no Rio Mogi-Guaçu, é reconhecida regionalmente como um importante local para a pesca e o turismo. Os primeiros registros da pesca profissional e esportiva no local datam da década de 30, que é o mesmo período em que a atividade do turismo teve seu início. O presente artigo fornece uma valoração ambiental deste local e identifica as diferenças entre os principais grupos de pessoas que o frequentam. Durante o ano de 2006 nós entrevistamos 33 pescadores profissionais, 107 pescadores esportivos, 45 turistas e 103 excursionistas para estimar a Disposição a Pagar ( P) de cada categoria e para analisar a influência de fatores socioeconômicos através de regressões logísticas e ANCOVAs. A DAP dos pescadores profissionais foi significativamente influenciada pela idade e escolaridade e a DAP dos pescadores esportivos foi significativamente influenciada pela renda familiar. As variáveis que influenciaram a DAP dos turistas e excursionistas fora o sexo e a escolaridade. valor anual total agregado para manter a Cachoeira nas condições atuais foi estimado em US$ 81.080,00, e US$ 44.055.911,46 para recuperá-la.