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Les clients de TS sont considérés comme un groupe à risque de VIH et aussi agiraient comme un « pont de transmission » entre les TS et les femmes de la population générale. En dépit de leurs comportements sexuels à risque, les clients de TS ont été rarement étudiés. En conséquence, les objectifs spécifiques de cette thèse étaient : 1) estimer la prévalence du VIH, de la syphilis, du VHS-2 (virus de l’herpès simplex et 2) des facteurs de risque associés chez les clients de TS en Haïti, 2) examiner les déterminants de l’intention d’utilisation du condom, et 3) estimer la prévalence des comportements de violence et ses conséquences. Pour ce faire, une enquête transversale a été effectuée en 2006 auprès de 378 clients fréquentant les milieux de prostitution de St-Marc et de Gonaïves, en Haïti. Un questionnaire structuré ainsi que des échantillons de sang séché sur papier filtre ont été utilisés pour la collecte de données comportementales et biologiques. Notre premier article a montré une prévalence élevée du VIH et des ITS chez les clients. Ces hommes avaient plusieurs partenaires sexuelles avec lesquelles l’utilisation du condom variait. Les clients qui avaient déjà consommé de la marijuana, pratiquaient le vaudou, avaient des antécédents d’ITS ou étaient infectés par le VHS-2, avaient plus de chances d’être positifs au VIH. Le fait d’habiter Gonaïves, de ne pas être protestant, d’être employé et d’avoir déjà essayé la marijuana était associé à l’infection à la syphilis. Tandis que les clients plus vieux, ceux résidants à Gonaïves ainsi que ceux pratiquant le vaudou étaient plus souvent infectés par le VHS-2. Dans notre second article, nous avons démontré que les normes subjectives, le contrôle comportemental perçu et les attitudes étaient des déterminants importants de l’intention d’utilisation du condom. Les clients qui avaient des antécédents d’ITS ou avaient utilisé le condom lors de la dernière relation sexuelle avec la TS étaient aussi plus susceptibles d’avoir l’intention d’en faire usage dans le futur. Les résultats du dernier article ont montré que la prévalence des comportements de violence envers les partenaires intimes était élevée. De plus, la violence émotionnelle et physique était associée à l’utilisation inconstante du condom avec les différentes partenaires sexuelles. En conclusion, cette étude suggère que les clients de TS agiraient comme un pont de transmission facilitant la propagation du VIH/ITS dans la population générale en Haïti et que la violence semblerait également jouer un rôle dans la transmission de ces infections. Nos résultats soulignent le besoin d’interventions en prévention du VIH et des ITS ciblant cette population vulnérable, incluant la problématique de la violence.
In a leading service economy like India, services lie at the very center of economic activity. Competitive organizations now look not only at the skills and knowledge, but also at the behavior required by an employee to be successful on the job. Emotionally competent employees can effectively deal with occupational stress and maintain psychological well-being. This study explores the scope of the first two formants and jitter to assess seven common emotional states present in the natural speech in English. The k-means method was used to classify emotional speech as neutral, happy, surprised, angry, disgusted and sad. The accuracy of classification obtained using raw jitter was more than 65 percent for happy and sad but less accurate for the others. The overall classification accuracy was 72% in the case of preprocessed jitter. The experimental study was done on 1664 English utterances of 6 females. This is a simple, interesting and more proactive method for employees from varied backgrounds to become aware of their own communication styles as well as that of their colleagues' and customers and is therefore socially beneficial. It is a cheap method also as it requires only a computer. Since knowledge of sophisticated software or signal processing is not necessary, it is easy to analyze
This work presents an efficient method for volume rendering of glioma tumors from segmented 2D MRI Datasets with user interactive control, by replacing manual segmentation required in the state of art methods. The most common primary brain tumors are gliomas, evolving from the cerebral supportive cells. For clinical follow-up, the evaluation of the pre- operative tumor volume is essential. Tumor portions were automatically segmented from 2D MR images using morphological filtering techniques. These seg- mented tumor slices were propagated and modeled with the software package. The 3D modeled tumor consists of gray level values of the original image with exact tumor boundary. Axial slices of FLAIR and T2 weighted images were used for extracting tumors. Volumetric assessment of tumor volume with manual segmentation of its outlines is a time-consuming proc- ess and is prone to error. These defects are overcome in this method. Authors verified the performance of our method on several sets of MRI scans. The 3D modeling was also done using segmented 2D slices with the help of a medical software package called 3D DOCTOR for verification purposes. The results were validated with the ground truth models by the Radi- ologist.
The result of the first calculation of a self-consistent relativistic many electron correlation diagram ever done (for the system Au - I) leads to a good agreement of the spectral shape and position of the observed noncharacteristic X-rays within the quasi adiabatic model.
Personality traits have often been highlighted to relate to how people cope with stressful events. The present paper focuses on character strengths as positive personality traits and examines two basic assumptions that were derived from a core characteristic of character strengths (i.e., to determine how individuals deal with adversities): (1) character strengths correlate with coping and (2) buffer the effects of work-related stress on job satisfaction. Two different samples (i.e., a mixed sample representing various occupations [N = 214] and a nurses sample [N = 175]) filled in measures for character strengths, coping, work-related stress, and job satisfaction. As expected, intellectual, emotional, and interpersonal strengths were related to coping. Interpersonal strengths played a greater role for coping among nurses, as interactions with others are an essential part of their workday. Furthermore, intellectual strengths partially mediated the negative effect of work-related stress on job satisfaction. These findings open a new field for research on the role of personality in coping with work-related stress. Character strengths are trainable personal characteristics, and therefore valuable resources to improve coping with work-related stress and to decrease the negative effects of stress. Further research is needed to investigate this assumed causality.
• Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of trainees’ interpersonal behavior on work involvement (WI) and compared their social behavior within professional and private relationships as well as between different psychotherapeutic orientations. • Methods: The interpersonal scales of the Intrex short-form questionnaire and the Work Involvement Scale (WIS) were used to evaluate two samples of German psychotherapy trainees in psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, and cognitive behavioral therapy training. Trainees from Sample 1 (N = 184) were asked to describe their interpersonal behavior in relation to their patients when filling out the Intrex, whereas trainees from Sample 2 (N = 135) were asked to describe the private relationship with a significant other. • Results: Interpersonal affiliation in professional relationships significantly predicted the level of healing involvement, while stress involvement was predicted by interpersonal affiliation and interdependence in trainees’ relationships with their patients. Social behavior within professional relationships provided higher correlations with WI than private interpersonal behavior. Significant differences were found between private and professional relation settings in trainees’ interpersonal behavior with higher levels of affiliation and interdependence with significant others. Differences between therapeutic orientation and social behavior could only be found when comparing trainees’ level of interdependence with the particular relationship setting. • Conclusion: Trainees’ interpersonal level of affiliation in professional relationships is a predictor for a successful psychotherapeutic development. Vice versa, controlling behavior in professional settings can be understood as a risk factor against psychotherapeutic growth. Both results strengthen an evidence-based approach for competence development during psychotherapy training.
With the present research, we investigated effects of existential threat on veracity judgments. According to several meta-analyses, people judge potentially deceptive messages of other people as true rather than as false (so-called truth bias). This judgmental bias has been shown to depend on how people weigh the error of judging a true message as a lie (error 1) and the error of judging a lie as a true message (error 2). The weight of these errors has been further shown to be affected by situational variables. Given that research on terror management theory has found evidence that mortality salience (MS) increases the sensitivity toward the compliance of cultural norms, especially when they are of focal attention, we assumed that when the honesty norm is activated, MS affects judgmental error weighing and, consequently, judgmental biases. Specifically, activating the norm of honesty should decrease the weight of error 1 (the error of judging a true message as a lie) and increase the weight of error 2 (the error of judging a lie as a true message) when mortality is salient. In a first study, we found initial evidence for this assumption. Furthermore, the change in error weighing should reduce the truth bias, automatically resulting in better detection accuracy of actual lies and worse accuracy of actual true statements. In two further studies, we manipulated MS and honesty norm activation before participants judged several videos containing actual truths or lies. Results revealed evidence for our prediction. Moreover, in Study 3, the truth bias was increased after MS when group solidarity was previously emphasized.
Low perceptual familiarity with relatively rarer left-handed as opposed to more common right-handed individuals may result in athletes' poorer ability to anticipate the former's action intentions. Part of such left-right asymmetry in visual anticipation could be due to an inefficient gaze strategy during confrontation with left-handed individuals. To exemplify, observers may not mirror their gaze when viewing left- vs. right-handed actions but preferentially fixate on an opponent's right body side, irrespective of an opponent's handedness, owing to the predominant exposure to right-handed actions. So far empirical verification of such assumption, however, is lacking. Here we report on an experiment where team-handball goalkeepers' and non-goalkeepers' gaze behavior was recorded while they predicted throw direction of left- and right-handed 7-m penalties shown as videos on a computer monitor. As expected, goalkeepers were considerably more accurate than non-goalkeepers and prediction was better against right- than left-handed penalties. However, there was no indication of differences in gaze measures (i.e., number of fixations, overall and final fixation duration, time-course of horizontal or vertical fixation deviation) as a function of skill group or the penalty-takers' handedness. Findings suggest that inferior anticipation of left-handed compared to right-handed individuals' action intentions may not be associated with misalignment in gaze behavior. Rather, albeit looking similarly, accuracy differences could be due to observers' differential ability of picking up and interpreting the visual information provided by left- vs. right-handed movements.
Se presenta memoria final de proyecto educativo que propone la aplicación de una metodología basada en el diálogo constructivo, la reflexión y la comunicación para la integración de la comunidad gitana y la superación de conflictos. Se realiza en el IES Francisco de los Cobos en Úbeda, Jaén. Los objetivos son: afrontar desde una posición teórica, práctica y dialógica, el problema del conflicto entre culturas, de la inmigración y de la creciente multiculturalidad de nuestras aulas; incentivar la comunicación intercultural; organización de jornadas de educación intercultural; creación del taller 'jugar y pensar'.
Manual dirigido a los estudiantes de Educación y sus especialidades. Parte de conferir a la Educación el alcance de fenómeno que invade todos los ámbitos de la vida humana y por ello, genuinamente antropológico. Es por esta razón que la Educación, Pedagogía o Ciencias de la Educación, se sitúa en el cruce de otros saberes antropológicos que, positivizados -hechos objeto de conocimiento científico-, dan contenido a la aparición de la gran confederación de ciencias antropológicas, agrupadas bajo las denominaciones de ciencias humanas o sociales, cuyo territorio está delimitado por la filosofía y por las historias y, entre medias: la psicología, sociología, política, economía, demografía, etc. Este primer volumen se centra, metodológicamente, en poner de relieve el soporte de las ciencias sociales en la comprensión de la antropología integral y, desde aquí, la contribución de todas ellas a la construcción de un pensameinto global sobre el fenómeno de la Educación, con visión antropológica. El manual se divide en cinco capítulos.
Publicaci??n conmemorativa del 75 aniversario de la Escuela de Empresariales (antigua Escuela de Comercio) de Murcia en la que se regogen dos estudios sobre la Escuela y 20 colaboraciones de los profesores de la misma sobre los campos de su docencia: temas empresariales y mercantiles.
Publicación de la Universidad de Murcia en colaboración con la Asamblea Regional que pretende dar a conocer de forma muy cuidada la labor de la Universidad en sus más de ochenta años de existencia. La edición, profusamente ilustrada, contiene colaboraciones de importantes profesores y personalidades de la vida cultural murciana, organizadas en los siguientes apartados temáticos: tradición y futuro, consejos sociales, relaciones internacionales, relaciones institucionales, la Región de Murcia, el nacimiento de la Universidad (1914), su historia, deportes, rectores, doctores honoris causa, personalidades en la historia de la universidad y centros universitarios.
Las actas recogen unas breves conclusiones extraidas de las jornadas que fueron aprobadas por consenso de los asistentes. Una de las ponencias est?? en ingl??s