1000 resultados para 331-C0014F


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O acesso a recursos bibliográficos nos países mais pobres é um grande desafio e as bibliotecas digitais afiguram-se como sendo uma alternativa, com o falhanço dos mecanismos tradicionais de distribuição, não obstante os constrangimentos eventualmente existentes no acesso a recursos das TIC. Este artigo apresenta um estudo comparativo entre a utilização de uma biblioteca digital e uma tradicional, num país de difícil acesso a materiais bibliográficos e recursos das TIC. Além de procurar compreender como são utilizadas as bibliotecas digital e tradicional nesse contexto, analisa igualmente em que medida a biblioteca digital poderá contribuir para aumentar o acesso a recursos bibliográficos que existem na biblioteca tradicional, por parte de um público-alvo local que tem acesso às duas bibliotecas.


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Boavista é hoje uma ilha turística por excelência, graças aos produtos ligados ao mar, às praias, ao sol e às paisagens, para além dos histórico-patrimoniais, que oferece. Assim também no passado ofereceu produtos de alto valor comercial, como os do gado, o sal, a urzela, entre outros. Esses produtos do passado conferiram à ilha uma opulência económica, social e cultural invejável no contexto de Cabo Verde de então, o que lhe mereceu o epíteto de “empório das ilhas de Barlavento”. A opulência, entretanto, duraria pouco, devido principalmente à perde do valor comercial externo dos produtos económicos, por causa, por seu turno, das conjunturas políticas e económicas internacionais da época. Este nosso artigo tenta, através de uma abordagem histórica, sugerir uma reflexão sobre as políticas do turismo pensadas e a serem (re)pensadas para a Boavista, nomeadamente no que concerne, ao mesmo tempo, à preservação dos produtos naturais e criados que a ilha da Boavista oferece ao turismo e a iniciativas que deverão ser tomadas, desde agora, por parte dos investidores, governantes e populações, no sentido da sustentabilidade económica e social numa longínqua mas possível era pós-turismo.


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OBJECTIVE:: To determine whether there are differences in health perception and health care use among adolescents with psychosomatic symptoms (PS), with chronic conditions (CCs), and with both conditions compared with healthy controls. METHODS:: By using the SMASH02 database, 4 groups were created: youths with PS but no CCs (N = 1010); youths with CCs but no PS (N = 497); youths with both psychosomatic symptoms and chronic conditions (PSCC, N = 213); and youths with neither PS nor CC (control, N = 5709). We used χ tests and analysis of variance to compare each variable between the 4 groups. In a second step, all health and health care use variables were included in a multinomial regression analysis controlling for significant (p < .05) background variables and using the control group as the reference. RESULTS:: Overall, PS and PSCC youths were significantly more likely to rate their health as poor, to be depressed, and to have consulted several times their primary health care provider or a mental health professional than their healthy peers. With the exception of being depressed, PSCC adolescents reported worse health perception and higher health care use than CC and PS. CONCLUSIONS:: Although PS youths do not define PS as a CC, it should be considered as one. Moreover, having PS represents an additional burden to chronically ill adolescents. Health professionals dealing with adolescents must be aware of the deleterious health effects that PS can have on adolescents and have this diagnosis in mind to better target the treatment and improve their management.


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Comprend : Présent royal de Jaques I, roy d'Angleterre... au prince Henry, son fils


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Kirje 17.12.1960


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The antihypertensive effect of debrisoquine (20 mg/day), methyldopa (100 mg/day) and propranolol (160 mg/day) was compared to that obtained with a placebo in a controlled trial carried out by a group of 14 internists. Forty-eight patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension were included. Mefruside (25 mg/day) was first given alone for 6 weeks ("open phase" of the trial) and to this diuretic was then added in double-blind fashion and randomized sequence a placebo or an active drug. Each of the 4 blind phases lasted 4 weeks. At the end of the "open phase", blood pressure in seated position averaged 168/111 +/- 19.6/13.5 mm Hg (mean +/- SD). A significant blood pressure decrease was observed after 4 weeks of treatment with the placebo as well as with the investigated compounds. With the placebo blood pressure was reduced to 158/102 +/- 19.6/13.5 mm Hg (p less than 0.001). The magnitude of the additional blood pressure decrease induced by the active drugs was relatively small and varied from 4 (debrisoquine) to 10 mm Hg (methyldopa, p less than 0.01) for the systolic and from 3 (debrisoquine, p less than 0.05) to 5 mm Hg (propranolol, p less than 0.05) for the diastolic. The percentage of patients with systolic pressure of less than or equal to 140 mm Hg and with diastolic pressure of less than 90 mm Hg during administration of either drug was not greater than 40 to 20% respectively. Propranolol appeared to be better tolerated than the other antihypertensive agents. These rather disappointing blood pressure results suggest that the efficacy of antihypertensive agents in private practice cannot be extrapolated from studies carried out in specialized hypertension clinics.


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Designing an efficient sampling strategy is of crucial importance for habitat suitability modelling. This paper compares four such strategies, namely, 'random', 'regular', 'proportional-stratified' and 'equal -stratified'- to investigate (1) how they affect prediction accuracy and (2) how sensitive they are to sample size. In order to compare them, a virtual species approach (Ecol. Model. 145 (2001) 111) in a real landscape, based on reliable data, was chosen. The distribution of the virtual species was sampled 300 times using each of the four strategies in four sample sizes. The sampled data were then fed into a GLM to make two types of prediction: (1) habitat suitability and (2) presence/ absence. Comparing the predictions to the known distribution of the virtual species allows model accuracy to be assessed. Habitat suitability predictions were assessed by Pearson's correlation coefficient and presence/absence predictions by Cohen's K agreement coefficient. The results show the 'regular' and 'equal-stratified' sampling strategies to be the most accurate and most robust. We propose the following characteristics to improve sample design: (1) increase sample size, (2) prefer systematic to random sampling and (3) include environmental information in the design'


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Actualment el paper que desenvolupen dones i homes en el mercat laboral i les seves oportunitats son diferenciades per ambdós, motiu pel qual en las últimes dècades s’ha posat un gran accent en l’elaboració i l’anàlisi d’estadístiques per sexes. Aquest treball es una guia que ens mostra la situació de les dones en el mercat laboral a Catalunya i Bèlgica. D’aquesta forma, cerquem conèixer en quin mercat laboral seria més fàcil trobar un adequat treball per una dona, en aspectes com la taxa d’atur, la jornada laboral, el sector i el salari. Per realitzar aquest treball ens plantegem analitzar la següent hipòtesi: “La situació de la dona en el mercat laboral a Bèlgica, en referència a la taxa d’atur, la jornada laboral, l’elecció del sector y del salari, es millor que en el mercat laboral a Catalunya. Per resoldre aquesta hipòtesis, estudiarem la taxa d’activitat, la taxa d’ocupació i la taxa d’atur a Catalunya i Bèlgica. Aquestes taxes ens permeten quantificar clarament les diferencies existents en el mercat laboral entre homes i dones. A més, realitzarem un anàlisis per conèixer la jornada que predomina a Catalunya i Bèlgica per sexes. Una manifestació de la desigualtat laboral es la distribució dels treballadors en les diverses branques d’activitat i ocupació. Per això, ens hem proposat identificar la distribució dels treballadors per sexe en els diversos sectors econòmics. D’aquesta manera, podrem conèixer la feminització dels sectors. Finalment analitzarem els salaris per sexes, tant a Catalunya com a Bèlgica. Així mateix, podrem esbrinar en quin mercat laboral, si a Catalunya o a Bèlgica, els salaris són més alts. Al mateix temps que realitzem una comparació entre el guany real d’un treballador i el salari mínim interprofessional.


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The experiment was conducted at the Aquaculture Station “Amazonia Aquaculture Service”. We worked with 13 females and 16 males. The main objectives was the inducing breeding with carp pituitary extract. All females spawned, however, five females with negative results on fertility. In an average temperature of 28.12±0.61 °C, it takes 5.68±0.53 hours for spawning or 159.01±14.45 hours-grade. The females of 4 years of 2310±143.2 g, fertilization rate achieved, over 66% on average 1497.60±14,57 eggs are per gram, fertilization and hatching rate of 68.80±1.9% and 53.59±8.7% respectively. Hatching occurred at 11.67±0.32 hours, the water temperature was 28.25±0.09 °C, so that the hatching 331.07±12.56 required hour’s degree.


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BACKGROUND: MYCN oncogene amplification has been defined as the most important prognostic factor for neuroblastoma (NB), the most common solid extracranial neoplasm in children. High copy numbers are strongly associated with rapid tumor progression and poor outcome, independently of tumor stage or patient age, and this has become an important factor in treatment stratification. PROCEDURE: By real-time quantitative PCR analysis, we evaluated the clinical relevance of circulating MYCN DNA of 267 patients with locoregional or metastatic NB in children less than 18 months of age. RESULTS: For patients in this age group with INSS stage 4 or 4S NB and stage 3 patients, serum-based determination of MYCN DNA sequences had good sensitivity (85%, 83%, and 75% respectively) and high specificity (100%) when compared to direct tumor gene determination. In contrast, the approach showed low sensitivity patients with stages 1 and 2 disease. CONCLUSION: Our results show that the sensitivity of the serum-based MYCN DNA sequence determination depends on the stage of the disease. However, this simple, reproducible assay may represent a reasonably sensitive and very specific tool to assess tumor MYCN status in cases with stage 3 and metastatic disease for whom a wait and see strategy is often recommended.