978 resultados para 312.248


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Chlorine oxide species have received considerable attention in recent years due to their central role in the balance of stratospheric ozone. Many questions pertaining to the behavior of such species still remain unanswered and plague the ability of researchers to develop accurate chemical models of the stratosphere. Presented in this thesis are three experiments that study various properties of some specific chlorine oxide species.

In the first chapter, the reaction between ClONO_2 and protonated water clusters is investigated to elucidate a possible reaction mechanism for the heterogeneous reaction of chlorine nitrate on ice. The ionic products were various forms of protonated nitric acid, NO_2 +(H_20)_m, m = 0, 1, 2. These products are analogous to products previously reported in the literature for the neutral reaction occurring on ice surfaces. Our results support the hypothesis that the heterogeneous reaction is acid-catalyzed.

In the second chapter, the photochemistry of ClONO_2 was investigated at two wavelengths, 193 and 248 nm, using the technique of photofragmentation translational spectroscopy. At both wavelengths, the predominant dissociation pathways were Cl + NO_3 and ClO + NO_2. Channel assignments were confirmed by momentum matching the counterfragments from each channel. A one-dimensional stratospheric model using the new 248 nm branching ratio determined how our results would affect the predicted Cl_x and NO_x partitioning in the stratosphere.

Chapter three explores the photodissociation dynamics of Cl_2O at 193, 248 and 308 nm. At 193 nm, we found evidence for the concerted reaction channel, Cl_2 + O. The ClO + Cl channel was also accessed, however, the majority of the ClO fragments were formed with sufficient internal energies for spontaneous secondary dissociation to occur. At 248 and 308 nm, we only observed only the ClO + Cl channel. . Some of the ClO formed at 248 nm was formed internally hot and spontaneously dissociated. Bimodal translational energy distributions of the ClO and Cl products indicate two pathways leading to the same product exist.

Appendix A, B and C discuss the details of data analysis techniques used in Chapters 1 and 2. The development of a molecular beam source of ClO dimer is presented in Appendix D.


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The coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscope with the combination of confocal and CARS techniques is a remarkable alternative for imaging chemical or biological specimens that neither fluoresce nor tolerate labelling. CARS is a nonlinear optical process, the imaging properties of CARS microscopy will be very different from the conventional confocal microscope. In this paper, the intensity distribution and the polarization property of the optical field near the focus was calculated. By using the Green function, the precise analytic solution to the wave equation of a Hertzian dipole source was obtained. We found that the intensity distributions vary considerably with the different experimental configurations and the different specimen shapes. So the conventional description of microscope (e.g. the point spread function) will fail to describe the imaging properties of the CARS microscope.


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In this work, the results of numerical simulations of X-ray fluorescence holograms and the reconstructed atomic images for Fe single crystal are given. The influences of the recording angles ranges and the polarization effect on the reconstruction of the atomic images are discussed. The process for removing twin images by multiple energy fluorescence holography and expanding the energy range of the incident X-rays to improve the resolution of the reconstructed images is presented. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanoripples with periods of 150 and 80 nm are formed on the surface of 6H-SiC crystals irradiated by the p-polarized 800 nm and the s-polarized 400 nm femtosecond lasers, respectively. When both of the two collinear laser beams focus simultaneously on the sample surface, nanoparticles are formed on the whole ablation area, and they array in parallel lines. We propose and confirm that the second harmonics in the sample surface excited by the incident lasers plays an important role in the formation of nanostructures.


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The dry powders of four local species namely Piper guineense Schum and Thonn, Aframomum melegueta Schum, Zingiber officinale Rose; Capsicum annum Miller at three concentrations of 15g, 20g and 25g.kg were evaluated for their insecticidal effects against the larval of the dried fish weevil Demestes maculates Degeer. All the four species showed some effectiveness with P. guineense given a 100% mortality at the end of 72 hours at the three concentrations. The other species though gave less mortality were able to slow down the rate of development of the larvae to the adult size


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The recent advancements of femtosecond (fs) holography are introduced. The experimental requirements and the time resolution are presented. Applications of femtosecond holography to signal processing, and other femtosecond holographic techniques such as femtosecond holographic imaging and microprocessing are detailed. A potential alternative of femtosecond holography is proposed, based on the sectional interference of reference pulse with the time stretched signal pulse. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The properties of noncollinear optical parametric amplification based on quasi-phase matching of periodically poled KTP are investigated theoretically. Our numerical simulation focuses on the gain spectrum of dependence upon noncollinear angle, crystal temperature and crystal angle. At the optimal noncollinear angle and grating period with fixed temperature, there exists a broadest gain bandwidth about 130 nm at signal wavelength of 800 nm. The deviation from optimal noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning the crystal angle or temperature with a fixed grating period for phase matching. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A transsialidase é uma glicoproteína de membrana pertencente a uma família de genes de cópia múltipla, envolvida no processo de invasão celular do Trypanosoma cruzi no hospedeiro vertebrado. Esta dissertação foi concebida com um amplo componente analítico que dependia de dados publicamente disponíveis, ou seja, as sequências oriundas do projeto genoma de T. cruzi e cDNAs de trans-sialidase depositadas no Genbank-dbEST. Este componente analítico necessitou ser complementado e ampliado com a obtenção experimental de novas sequências, a partir da metodologia baseada na transcrição reversa acoplada a PCR. Os fragmentos obtidos de cepas de T. cruzi Dm28c (T. cruzi I), Y (T. cruzi II), CL-Brener (T. cruzi II, cepa híbrida), INPA4167 (zimodema III), 3663 (zimodema III) e Colombiana (zimodema III) foram clonados, sequenciados e analisados composicionalmente. Essas sequências foram editadas e alinhadas usando-se o software CLUSTAL X. Em uma seção específica do Genbank, denominada dbEST, buscamos os cDNAs homólogos a trans-sialidase. Esta busca por similaridade foi realizada individualmente com os números de acesso referentes às seqüências supracitadas contra o dbEST utilizando o BLAST a fim de obtermos informações funcionais e evolutivas. Em seguida, desenvolvemos metodologias experimentais que nos permitiu avaliar segmentos da 5 UTR, tais como os sítios de trans-splicing adicionais ou múltiplos em TS e seus respectivos sinais (região rica em polipirimidina), variação composicional e tamanho da região das sequências entre diferentes linhagens de T. cruzi. O resultado dessa averiguação também nos mostrou a quantidade de cDNAs relacionados com a transsialidase no dbEST bem como a relação desses cDNAs com o mini-exon. As cepas do zimodema III apresentaram tamanho médio dos fragmentos de 312 bases, enquanto T. cruzi I e T. cruzi II apresentaram, respectivamente 209 e 218. Trans splicing adicional ou duplicações gênicas com mutações no sítio primário de trans splicing não parece ser um fenômeno exclusivo de algum grupo populacional, embora seja mais evidente em T. cruzi zimodema III.


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Mixel Aurnague, Kepa Korta and Jesus M. Larrazabal (eds.)


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Changes in sustainability of aquatic ecosystems are likely to be brought about by the global warming that has been widely predicted. In this article, the effects of water temperature on water-bodies (lakes, oceans and rivers) are reviewed followed by the effects of temperature on aquatic organisms. Almost all aquatic organisms require exogenous heat before they can metabolise efficiently. An organism that is adapted to warm temperatures will have a higher rate of metabolism of food organisms and this increases feeding rate. In addition, an increase in temperature raises the metabolism of food organisms, so food quality can be altered. Where populations have a different tolerance to temperature the result is habitat partitioning. One effect of prolonged high temperature is that it causes water to evaporate readily. In the marine littoral this is not an important problem as tides will replenish water in pools. Small rain pools are found in many tropical countries during the rainy season and these become incompletely dried at intervals. The biota of such pools must have resistant stages within the life cycle that enable them to cope with periods of drying. The most important potential effects of global warming include (i) the alteration of existing coastlines, (ii) the development of more deserts on some land masses, (iii) higher productivity producing higher crop production but a greater threat of algal blooms and (iv) the processing of organic matter at surface microlayers.


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O câncer de colo do útero é o segundo carcinoma mais frequente em mulheres no mundo e um dos cânceres femininos mais incidentes no Brasil. Em lesões pré-malignas e malignas do colo uterino, a proteína p16INK4a, que participa do controle do ciclo celular, apresenta um aumento considerável de sua expressão, devido possivelmente à presença de oncoproteínas do papilomavírus humano (HPV). Dois polimorfismos no gene p16INK4a, p16 500C>G e p16 540C>T, estão localizados na região 3 não traduzida (3UTR), que está envolvida na regulação pós-transcricional da expressão gênica. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar possíveis associações entre os polimorfismos p16 500C>G e p16 540C>T e o desenvolvimento de neoplasias cervicais e/ou a severidade das lesões, considerando os níveis de expressão da proteína p16INK4a nas lesões cervicais e certos fatores de risco clássicos para o câncer cervical, incluindo a infecção pelo HPV. Para isso, foram selecionadas 567 mulheres residentes no Rio de Janeiro, 319 com citologia cervical alterada (grupo de casos) e 248 sem história prévia de alteração citológica do colo uterino (grupo de comparação). Amostras de sangue periférico de todas as participantes foram utilizadas na análise molecular dos polimorfismos p16 500C>G e p16 540C>T através da técnica de PCR-RFLP (reação em cadeia da polimerase - polimorfismo de comprimento de fragmento de restrição), usando as enzimas de restrição MspI e HaeIII, respectivamente. A expressão da proteína p16INK4a em 137 biópsias de mulheres pertencentes ao grupo de casos foi avaliada por imunohistoquímica. A detecção de DNA do HPV em células cervicais foi feita em todas as amostras do grupo de comparação e em 194 amostras do grupo de casos pela técnica de PCR, usando dois pares de oligonucleotídeos, MY09/MY11 e GP05+/GP06+. Os dois grupos de estudo se encontram em equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg. As distribuições genotípicas para p16 500C>G e p16 540C>T e as distribuições de combinações haplotípicas nos dois grupos não apresentaram diferenças significativas. A análise do subgrupo HSIL+câncer (casos com lesão intraepitelial de alto grau ou carcinoma invasivo) em comparação com o subgrupo LSIL (casos com lesão intraepitelial de baixo grau) revelou diferença significativa entre as distribuições das combinações haplotípicas (p = 0,036) e diferenças marginais entre as distribuições genotípicas para p16 500C>G (p = 0,071) e p16 540C>T (p = 0,051). O alelo p16 540G, em heterozigose ou homozigose (OR = 1,91, IC 95% = 1,08-3,37), e a combinação haplotípica p16 500C-540C 500G-540C (OR = 2,34, IC 95% = 1,202-4,555) mostraram-se associados com a severidade da lesões cervicais. Já o genótipo p16 540T/T (OR = 0,25, IC 95% = 0,08-0,79), e a combinação haplotípica p16 500C-540T 500C-540T (OR = 0,27, IC 95% = 0,088-0,827) exibiram papel protetor contra o desenvolvimento de lesões mais severas. As análises de interação entre os polimorfismos de p16INK4a e a expressão de p16 ou a infecção pelo HPV foram comprometidas pelo número reduzido de amostras analisadas. Não se observou qualquer interação entre os polimorfismos estudados e os fatores de risco clássicos para o câncer de colo uterino. Nossos resultados apontam para a importância dos polimorfismos do gene p16INK4a como marcadores de severidade da neoplasia cervical.


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A Talbot scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM) method for non-contact evaluating of high-density gratings was described. This method combines the Talbot self-imaging effect of the gratings and the conventional SNOM technique without damage. The significant advantages of this method are its simple structure, reliable and fast measurement for the surface quality of the tested gratings. Experimental results of three different kinds of gratings were demonstrated to indicate that this method is effective for evaluation surface quality of high-density gratings. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.