978 resultados para 21-204
Die Veröffentlichung ist eine Dokumentation des Abschiedskolloquiums für Prof. Klaus Pfromm. Sie enthält von Klaus Pfromm formulierte Thesen, zugehörige Koreferate von Hochschulkollegen und Absolventen des Fachbereichs Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung der Gh Kassel sowie Zusammenfassungen der Diskussionen zu drei Themenblöcken: 1. Gleichzeitigkeit von Schrumpfung und Wachstum (mit Beiträgen von Dipl.-Ing. Regina Sonnabend zur ostdeutschen Perspektive und Prof. Dr. Klaus Kunzmann zur Internationalisierung) 2. Das Verschwinden der Städte in der Region (mit einem Beitrag von Prof. Dr. Ulf Hahne zur Un-erhörten Herausforderung Regionalentwicklung) 3. Planung und Deregulierung (mit Beiträgen von Prof. Dr. Dieter Frick und Dipl.-Ing. Andrea Sölle zum Themenfeld Deregulierung, öffentlich-privaten Partnerschaften und Planung)
Während zum Genehmigungsrecht zahlreiche Abhandlungen in der juristischen Literatur und eine große Zahl von Urteilen veröffentlicht sind, hält sich die Forschung und praktische Behandlung zum Aufsichtsrecht in Grenzen. Diese Arbeit vertieft das Verständnis, für die spezifische Verknüpfung und gegenseitige Abhängigkeit der Eröffnungskontrollen und der begleitenden Kontrollen im deutschen Arbeits-, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutzrecht. Zentraler Punkt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung von Grundlinien der begleitenden Aufsicht im Gewerbeaufsichtsrecht. Dazu ist es erforderlich die verschiedenen Randbedingungen gewerbeaufsichtlichen Handelns in den Blick zu nehmen. Es ist ein Blick auf die zu erwartende Ausbildung eines neuen Rationalitätstyps der gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung (2.), auf die Typisierung von Staats-, Gewerbe- und Wirtschaftsaufsicht und deren spezifischen Handlungsmustern, den festgestellten Defiziten des Aufsichtsrechts und des Aufsichtshandelns der begleitenden Kontrollen und den festgestellten tatsächlichen Wirkungen des Aufsichtssystems (3.) zu werfen. Weitere Einflüsse auf das Aufsichtsmodell der Zukunft kommen aus der erwarteten und wünschenswerten Entwicklung des Genehmigungsrechts (4.), der Art und Weise wie die begleitende Aufsicht gehandhabt werden kann und soll (5.) und den Privatisierungstypen und deren verfassungsrechtlichen Grenzen (6.). Die Arbeit schließt mit der Formulierung eines Zukunftsmodells, dass die Gewichte zwischen der Eröffnungs- und der begleitender Kontrolle, sowie das Verhältnis zwischen Staat, Privaten Dritten und Unternehmen, neu ordnet. Insgesamt wird in dieser Arbeit für ein Aufsichtsmodell plädiert, indem der Staat stärker in die Verantwortung für eine risikoorientierte begleitende Aufsicht genommen wird. Maßstäbe für die Risikoregelung sind künftig komplett vom Staat aufzustellen. Staatliche Aufsicht kann sich zukünftig auf Rahmenregelungen und Rahmenprüfungen bei den risikoreichsten Anlagen, Tätigkeiten und Produkten beschränken. Private Dritte können die Detailermittlungen und Freigaben bearbeiten. Private Sachverständige können künftig die Hauptlast detaillierter und zeitintensiver Kontrolltätigkeiten bei Anlagen, Tätigkeiten und Produkten mit mittlerem Risiko übernehmen. Anlagen, Tätigkeiten und Produkte mit geringem Risiko können der Eigenüberwachung überlassen werden. Im Gegenzug muss der Staat in deutlich stärkeren Maß die Aufsicht über die Kontrolleure anhand einheitlicher Maßstäbe organisieren und durchführen. Die Anforderungen an die Kontrolleure müssen künftig allgemein, sowohl für die externen Kontrollpersonen als auch für die internen Aufsichtspersonen, gelten und überprüft werden.
With Chinas rapid economic development during the last decades, the national demand for livestock products has quadrupled within the last 20 years. Most of that increase in demand has been answered by subsidized industrialized production systems, while million of smallholders, which still provide the larger share of livestock products in the country, have been neglected. Fostering those systems would help China to lower its strong urban migration streams, enhance the livelihood of poorer rural population and provide environmentally save livestock products which have a good chance to satisfy customers demand for ecological food. Despite their importance, China’s smallholder livestock keepers have not yet gained appropriate attention from governmental authorities and researchers. However, profound analysis of those systems is required so that adequate support can lead to a better resource utilization and productivity in the sector. To this aim, this pilot study analyzes smallholder livestock production systems in Xishuangbanna, located in southern China. The area is bordered by Lao and Myanmar and geographically counts as tropical region. Its climate is characterized by dry and temperate winters and hot summers with monsoon rains from May to October. While the regionis plain, at about 500 m asl above sea level in the south, outliers of the Himalaya mountains reach out into the north of Xishuangbanna, where the highest peak reaches 2400 m asl. Except of one larger city, Jinghong, Xishuangbanna mainly is covered by tropical rainforest, areas under agricultural cultivation and villages. The major income is generated through inner-Chinese tourism and agricultural production. Intensive rubber plantations are distinctive for the lowland plains while small-scaled traditional farms are scattered in the mountane regions. In order to determine the current state and possible future chances of smallholder livestock production in that region, this study analyzed the current status of the smallholder livestock sector in the Naban River National Nature Reserve (NRNNR), an area which is largely representative for the whole prefecture. It covers an area of about 50square kilometer and reaches from 470 up to 2400 m asl. About 5500 habitants of different ethnic origin are situated in 24 villages. All data have been collected between October 2007 and May 2010. Three major objectives have been addressed in the study: 1. Classifying existing pig production systems and exploring respective pathways for development 2. Quantifying the performance of pig breeding systemsto identify bottlenecks for production 3. Analyzing past and current buffalo utilization to determine the chances and opportunities of buffalo keeping in the future In order to classify the different pig production s ystems, a baseline survey (n=204, stratified cluster sampling) was carried out to gain data about livestock species, numbers, management practices, cultivated plant species and field sizes as well associo-economic characteristics. Sampling included two clusters at village level (altitude, ethnic affiliation), resulting in 13 clusters of which 13-17 farms were interviewed respectively. Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CatPCA) and a two-step clustering algorithm have been applied to identify determining farm characteristics and assort recorded households into classes of livestock production types. The variables keep_sow_yes/no, TLU_pig, TLU_buffalo, size_of_corn_fields, altitude_class, size_of_tea_plantationand size_of_rubber_fieldhave been found to be major determinants for the characterization of the recorded farms. All farms have extensive or semi-intensive livestock production, pigs and buffaloes are predominant livestock species while chicken and aquaculture are available but play subordinate roles for livelihoods. All pig raisers rely on a single local breed, which is known as Small Ear Pig (SMEP) in the region. Three major production systemshave been identified: Livestock-corn based LB; 41%), rubber based (RB; 39%) and pig based (PB;20%) systems. RB farms earn high income from rubber and fatten 1.9 ±1.80 pigs per household (HH), often using purchased pig feed at markets. PB farms own similar sized rubber plantations and raise 4.7 ±2.77 pigs per HH, with fodder mainly being cultivated and collected in theforest. LB farms grow corn, rice and tea and keep 4.6 ±3.32 pigs per HH, also fed with collected and cultivated fodder. Only 29% of all pigs were marketed (LB: 20%; RB: 42%; PB: 25%), average annual mortality was 4.0 ±4.52 pigs per farm (LB: 4.6 ±3.68; RB: 1.9 ±2.14; PB: 7.1 ±10.82). Pig feed mainly consists of banana pseudo stem, corn and rice hives and is prepared in batches about two to three times per week. Such fodder might be sufficient in energy content but lacks appropriate content of protein. Pigs therefore suffer from malnutrition, which becomes most critical in the time before harvest season around October. Farmers reported high occurrences of gastrointestinal parasites in carcasses and often pig stables were wet and filled with manure. Deficits in nutritional and hygienic management are major limits for development and should be the first issues addressed to improve productivity. SME pork was found to be known and referred by local customers in town and by richer lowland farmers. However, high prices and lacking availability of SME pork at local wet-markets were the reasons which limited purchase. If major management constraints are overcome, pig breeders (PB and LB farms) could increase the share of marketed pigs for town markets and provide fatteners to richer RB farmers. RB farmers are interested in fattening pigs for home consumption but do not show any motivation for commercial pig raising. To determine the productivity of input factors in pig production, eproductive performance, feed quality and quantity as well as weight development of pigs under current management were recorded. The data collection included a progeny history survey covering 184 sows and 437 farrows, bi-weekly weighing of 114 pigs during a 16-months time-span on 21 farms (10 LB and 11 PB) as well as the daily recording of feed quality and quantity given to a defined number of pigs on the same 21 farms. Feed samples of all recorded ingredients were analyzed for their respective nutrient content. Since no literature values on thedigestibility of banana pseudo stem – which is a major ingredient of traditional pig feed in NRNNR – were found, a cross-sectional digestibility trial with 2x4 pigs has been conducted on a station in the research area. With the aid of PRY Herd Life Model, all data have been utilized to determine thesystems’ current (Status Quo = SQ) output and the productivity of the input factor “feed” in terms of saleable life weight per kg DM feed intake and monetary value of output per kg DM feed intake.Two improvement scenarios were simulated, assuming 1) that farmers adopt a culling managementthat generates the highest output per unit input (Scenario 1; SC I) and 2) that through improved feeding, selected parameters of reproduction are improved by 30% (SC II). Daily weight gain averaged 55 ± 56 g per day between day 200 and 600. The average feed energy content of traditional feed mix was 14.92 MJ ME. Age at first farrowing averaged 14.5 ± 4.34 months, subsequent inter-farrowing interval was 11.4 ± 2.73 months. Littersize was 5.8 piglets and weaning age was 4.3 ± 0.99 months. 18% of piglets died before weaning. Simulating pig production at actualstatus, it has been show that monetary returns on inputs (ROI) is negative (1:0.67), but improved (1:1.2) when culling management was optimized so that highest output is gained per unit feed input. If in addition better feeding, controlled mating and better resale prices at fixed dates were simulated, ROI further increased to 1:2.45, 1:2.69, 1:2.7 and 1:3.15 for four respective grower groups. Those findings show the potential of pork production, if basic measures of improvement are applied. Futureexploration of the environment, including climate, market-season and culture is required before implementing the recommended measures to ensure a sustainable development of a more effective and resource conserving pork production in the future. The two studies have shown that the production of local SME pigs plays an important role in traditional farms in NRNNR but basic constraints are limiting their productivity. However, relatively easy approaches are sufficient for reaching a notable improvement. Also there is a demand for more SME pork on local markets and, if basic constraints have been overcome, pig farmers could turn into more commercial producers and provide pork to local markets. By that, environmentally safe meat can be offered to sensitive consumers while farmers increase their income and lower the risk of external shocks through a more diverse income generating strategy. Buffaloes have been found to be the second important livestock species on NRNNR farms. While they have been a core resource of mixed smallholderfarms in the past, the expansion of rubber tree plantations and agricultural mechanization are reasons for decreased swamp buffalo numbers today. The third study seeks to predict future utilization of buffaloes on different farm types in NRNNR by analyzing the dynamics of its buffalo population and land use changes over time and calculating labor which is required for keeping buffaloes in view of the traction power which can be utilized for field preparation. The use of buffaloes for field work and the recent development of the egional buffalo population were analyzed through interviews with 184 farmers in 2007/2008 and discussions with 62 buffalo keepers in 2009. While pig based farms (PB; n=37) have abandoned buffalo keeping, 11% of the rubber based farms (RB; n=71) and 100% of the livestock-corn based farms (LB; n=76) kept buffaloes in 2008. Herd size was 2.5 ±1.80 (n=84) buffaloes in early 2008 and 2.2 ±1.69 (n=62) in 2009. Field work on own land was the main reason forkeeping buffaloes (87.3%), but lending work buffaloes to neighbors (79.0%) was also important. Other purposes were transport of goods (16.1%), buffalo trade (11.3%) and meat consumption(6.4%). Buffalo care required 6.2 ±3.00 working hours daily, while annual working time of abuffalo was 294 ±216.6 hours. The area ploughed with buffaloes remained constant during the past 10 years despite an expansion of land cropped per farm. Further rapid replacement of buffaloes by tractors is expected in the near future. While the work economy is drastically improved by the use of tractors, buffaloes still can provide cheap work force and serve as buffer for economic shocks on poorer farms. Especially poor farms, which lack alternative assets that could quickly be liquidizedin times of urgent need for cash, should not abandon buffalo keeping. Livestock has been found to be a major part of small mixed farms in NRNNR. The general productivity was low in both analyzed species, buffaloes and pigs. Productivity of pigs can be improved through basic adjustments in feeding, reproductive and hygienic management, and with external support pig production could further be commercialized to provide pork and weaners to local markets and fattening farms. Buffalo production is relatively time intensive, and only will be of importance in the future to very poor farms and such farms that cultivate very small terraces on steep slopes. These should be encouraged to further keep buffaloes. With such measures, livestock production in NRNNR has good chances to stay competitive in the future.
Se exponen las ponencias y comunicaciones del Congresos sobre Energ??a y Educaci??n Ambiental, enmarcado en el Proyecto CAM Energ??a (impulsado por CEMACAM Torre Guil) con el objetivo de sensibilizar a la sociedad, tanto a nivel global como individual sobre la importancia de la educaci??n ambiental, tanto en el ??mbito formal como no-formal, para llevar a cabo una adecuada gesti??n de fuentes y recursos energ??ticos, ya que una utilizaci??n racional de los mismos contribuir?? positivamente a la conservaci??n del medio ambiente y a la disminuci??n de los problemas ambientales..
Aquest projecte és un estudi teòric exhaustiu sobre l’educació ambiental i la seva inserció en el currículum escolar, així com de la gestió ambiental en l’àmbit educatiu i “ecoauditoria escolar”. Es busca d’ aquesta manera una base sòlida per a poder definir i concretar un programa per a l’ambientalització de centres educatius d’ educació infantil, primària i secundària de la Comunitat Valenciana, que ajudi i faciliti la incorporació d’una nova dimensió ambiental a les escoles
Esta publicaci??n recoge los contenidos de las Jornadas Regionales sobre Nuevas Tendencias en la Evaluaci??n de la Educaci??n F??sica celebradas en el Centro del Profesorado y de Recursos de Avil??s y cuya finalidad ha sido la de propiciar un lugar de encuentro donde el profesorado de educaci??n primaria y secundaria intercambiase distintas experiencias y conocimientos. Se analiza y reflexiona sobre las pr??cticas de evaluaci??n, las estrategias que se est??n llevando a cabo con el alumnado, y cu??les son las ??ltimas corrientes aplicables en esta materia. Todo ello, con el objetivo de abrir nuevas v??as que enriquezcan y mejoren la pr??ctica docente y evaluadora.
Sintetizar el mayor número de manifestaciones y aspectos diferenciadores en los trisómicos 21, desde la perspectiva dermatoglífica y psicológica para sujetos trisómicos 21 y normales. Doce sujetos repartidos en dos grupos, uno de sujetos normales y otro de trisómicos 21. Cuestionarios. Los trisómicos 21 sólo se podían adaptar a los sistemas convencionales mediante una metodología psicopedagógica adecuada, además en este grupo, el factor verbal se desarrolla menos que el psicomotriz. Los rasgos dérmicos estan muy diferenciados de los normales, los bucles radiales de la mano derecha estan menos desarrollados en los trisómicos con menos capacidad psicológica y además el número dactical es más bajo que en los de mayor capacidad psicológica.
Mostrar qué tipo de planificación realiza el profesor de apoyo para la integración de los trisómicos-21. Hacer evidente el proceso de decisiones interactivas del profesor de apoyo. Explicar las teorías implícitas, creencias del profesor y hacer visible el paisaje de integración de los trisómicos-21 en Málaga desde el pensamiento pedagógico del profesor de apoyo. Nueve profesores de apoyo para la integración de los trisómicos-21. La primera fase utiliza el cuestionario para la recogida de información, obteniendo una visión general de los profesores respecto a la integración. En la segunda fase se hacen fotografías que luego son comentadas por un mínimo de tres personas, entre ellas el profesor de apoyo, para un mayor acercamiento al tema de estudio. En la fase siguiente se aproxima la planificación, toma de decisiones y teorías de los profesores de apoyo, por último la investigación se centra en un solo sujeto. Cuestionario, cintas grabadas, videograma, diario de campo y fotografías. Estimulación del recuerdo, videoanálisis, observación persistente y triangulación. Los profesores de apoyo elaboran los programas de desarrollo individual junto al logopeda, el psicólogo y profesor tutor. Las decisiones interactivas que toma el profesor de apoyo están relacionadas con la planificación de los programas de desarrollo individual y se destina a actividades relacionadas con la comunicación oral, escritas y otras. Las creencias de estos profesores se basan en las posibilidades cognitivas de los trisómicos-21. Las funciones que creen desempeñar son las de procurar cambios para la integración, asesorar a los padres de los niños, que se verían más favorecidos si la Administración no estuviese alejada de los problemas de los colegios.
El proyecto de elaboración de la Agenda 21 Provincial de Málaga (A21P), se formula siguiendo el llamamiento a todas las comunidades locales a través del capítulo 28 de la Agenda 21, que es el Plan de Acción de la ONU para un desarrollo sostenible en el siglo XXI, documento clave de los aprobados en la Cumbre de la Tierra sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo Sostenible (CNUMA) que tuvo lugar en Río de Janeiro del 3 al 14 de junio de 1992. En dicho documento se reconoce el papel de las autoridades locales para iniciar y coordinar los procesos necesarios encaminados al desarrollo sostenible mediante un esquema participativo. La Diputación de Málaga expresó su adhesión a la Carta de Aalborg el 9 de mayo de 2000, lo que implicó adquirir el compromiso sobre la realización de sus objetivos sobre desarrollo sostenible aprobando un año más tarde la realización de la Agenda 21 Provincial. Se inicia así un proceso consensuado entre la administración provincial así como otras administraciones y los agentes sociales y económicos que propicie recoger propuestas y medidas con la finalidad de alcanzar un Desarrollo Sostenible, haciendo compatible la calidad ambiental con el desarrollo socioeconómico.
Nova et Vetera, ISSN 1692-5866, Año 8, No. 15 (Octubre 8 - Octubre 21 de 2007)
Nova et Vetera, ISSN 1692-5866, Año 3, No. 07 (Abril 21 - Mayo 5 de 2008)