1000 resultados para 19-190
Weekly newsletter for Center For Acute Disease Epidemiology of Iowa Department of Public Health.
Motor Vehicle Crash Fatalities
Aquestes jornades espanyoles de documentació tenen lloc cada dos anys en una localitat diferent d'Espanya, i són organitzades conjuntament per FESABID (Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía, Documentación y Museística) i l'associació professional de la comunitat autònoma on se celebren. En aquesta ocasió, Bilbao fou la ciutat amfitriona, i ALDEE (Artxibozain, Liburuzain eta Dokumentazainen Euskal Elkartea), una de les associacions professionals que existeixen al País Basc, participà en l'organització
Comprend aussi une enveloppe
Report on a review of selected general and application controls over the Iowa Department of Human Services’ Issuance Verification System for the period March 19, 2009 through April 17, 2009
Comprend aussi une enveloppe
Vers 298 à 373.Fin de la 19e maxime, maximes 20 à 24 et début de la maxime 25.
This newsletter from The Department of Public Health about perinatal health care and statistics.
Report on a special investigation of Squaw Township for the period April 19, 2001 through March 18, 2009
This year, IFLA's World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) was held in Durban, South Africa, under the title ¿Libraries for the future: progress, development and partnerships¿. The association thus continued its policy of holding the event in different continents: Buenos Aires (South America) 2004, Oslo (Europe) 2005, Seoul (Asia) 2006, Durban (Africa) 2007, Quebec (North America) 2008, Milan (Europe) 2009 and Brisbane (Oceania) 2010.
A bi-weekly newsletter for those involved in the fields of homeland security and/or emergency management