795 resultados para 150606 Tourist Behaviour and Visitor Experience
The Body and the Parent-Daughter Bond: Negotiating Filial Relationships in Edwidge Danticat’s Breath, Eyes, Memory and The Dew Breaker est une étude sur les différentes façons dont le corps déséquilibré, torturé et traumatisé influence la relation parent-fille. Cette thèse examine l’impact du pouvoir et de la violence sur le corps aussi bien des parents que celui des filles et les différentes manières dont ces corps deviennent déséquilibrés. Cette thèse porte sur la construction et la négociation de chacune des conditions de parents et de filles sous l’angle du corps sexué traumatisé. Le premier chapitre traite la littérature précédemment écrite sur le corps en premier lieu, et sur les liens de filiation dans les deux œuvres en second lieu. J'ai introduit ma contribution au domaine et les différents aspects de la relation parent-fille qui ne sont pas pris en considération et que ma thèse essaye de démontrer. Ce chapitre contextualise ces deux œuvres pendant l’ère de la dictature des deux Duvaliers, père et fils, en exposant et discutant l’impacte néfaste de cette dictature sur les familles. Ce chapitre conceptualise et définit le corps, qui est une construction culturelle et un site d'interaction entre le pouvoir et la violence, par rapport aux relations filiales. Dans le deuxième chapitre, l'accent est mis sur la relation de Martine et Sophie par rapport à la pratique rituelle du test de la virginité. Dans ce chapitre, j’ai soulevé des questions sur le pouvoir de Martine de discipliner et contrôler l’attitude et le corps de Sophie et la manière avec laquelle la fille peut réagir au contrôle et à la subjugation de sa mère. J’ai examiné le conflit intergénérationnel qui est intensifié par le désordre corporel. J’ai essayé de démontrer comment Sophie souhaite rejeter et se séparer du corps de sa mère et son incapacité à le faire. Dans le troisième chapitre, j’ai étudié la relation de M. Bienaimé avec sa fille Ka qui est perturbée à la fois par le corps de son père et l’identité antérieure de ce dernier en tant qu’ancien Tonton Macoute. La question soulevée dans ce chapitre concerne le corps du père comme un agent de violence politique et comme une source d’inspiration artistique pour sa fille. L'identification de Ka avec et plus tard sa séparation du corps de son père est au cœur de mon étude, car c’est ce corps là qui modifie cette relation filiale particulière, qui résulte en un traumatisme transgénérationnel. Mots-clés: corps, relation parent-fille, pouvoir, violence, Edwidge Danticat
Cette thèse fait la lumière sur les différentes manières dont, historiquement, a été perçu, conçu et vécu le territoire, à travers l’expérience et l’essor de la mobilité. Cette étude montre le rôle crucial de l’automobilité dans le développement touristique du Québec et de l’Ontario et les manières dont elle a façonné certains de leurs territoires. La thèse reconstitue ces processus en examinant les différentes mesures adoptées pour mettre en tourisme ces territoires et les transformer sur le plan matériel comme symbolique, entre 1920 et 1967. Elle répond à la question suivante : en quoi et comment la mobilité associée à l’automobile transforme et crée les territoires touristiques? La période étudiée s’ouvre au moment où débute l’intervention gouvernementale en matière de tourisme et s’amorce l’aménagement d’infrastructures favorisant une plus grande automobilité. Elle se clôt sur les célébrations entourant le Centenaire du Canada et la tenue de l’Expo 1967 à Montréal, qui donnent lieu à un aménagement intense du territoire afin d’accommoder un nombre sans précédent de touristes motorisés en provenance des autres provinces canadiennes et des États-Unis. La thèse reconstitue d’abord le processus de mise en tourisme des territoires par la conception, la construction et la promotion du système routier, l’élaboration d’itinéraires et de circuits touristiques et le développement d’outils accompagnant le touriste dans sa mobilité. L’embellissement en tant qu’élément structurant de la transformation des territoires est ensuite examiné. Enfin, la publicité, les récits et les pratiques touristiques sont étudiés de manière détaillée afin d’identifier les mécanismes par lesquels se construisent les représentations des territoires par l’apport de différents acteurs. Cette thèse révèle ainsi les liens étroits et complexes qui se développent à partir des années 1920 entre l’automobilité, le tourisme et la modification des territoires. Elle contribue à mettre au jour l’historicité de certains réflexes et orientations qui ont encore cours dans l’industrie touristique canadienne soit ceux d’aborder son développement en fonction de l’accessibilité du territoire à l’automobile et du regard à travers le pare-brise. En montrant le rôle du système automobile dans l’expérience touristique, l’étude ajoute un élément nouveau à la compréhension de la démocratisation des loisirs. Souvent expliquée par la hausse du niveau de vie, du temps libre et de la généralisation des congés payés, cette démocratisation se trouve aussi favorisée par l’accessibilité à l’automobile qui, à son tour, rend accessible des territoires de plus en plus éloignés à des fins de loisirs. La dimension récréative de l’automobile permet d’expliquer son adoption rapide par les Nord-Américains et les Canadiens ainsi que la dépendance qu’ils ont progressivement développée à son égard.
La présente thèse est une étude ethnographique qui examine le savoir en tant que pratique située au Ladakh, dans l’Himalaya indien. Elle analyse les implications socioculturelles des deux moteurs de changement en jeu au Ladakh: l’un est d'origine socio-économique et lié à la production du Ladakh en tant que zone frontalière, tandis que l’autre est de nature environnementale et entrainé par les changements climatiques. Alors que le Ladakh est demeuré hors de la portée de l’État bureaucratique pendant l’administration coloniale britannique, la région s’est trouvée reconfigurée en zone frontalière stratégique après l’indépendance de l’Inde des suites des guerres successives avec le Pakistan et la Chine. L’Indépendance a mené à la partition de l’Inde et du Pakistan en 1947; cette thèse examine la portée à long terme des évènements traumatisants de la partition tels qu’ils se sont déroulés au Ladakh et comment les Ladakhis établissent des liens entre ces évènements et les changements climatiques. L’État indien s’est produit dans la région à travers une volonté de dominer les montagnes, principalement par le développement d’infrastructures et par l’intégration du savoir local des Ladakhis dans l’appareil militaire. La militarisation a restructuré l'économie du Ladakh, redéfini la structure des ménages, contribué à l’exode rural, déplacé la centralité des activités agropastorales et, tel que la dissertation le soutient, altéré de manière significative la connexion de la population locale avec l'environnement. La rationalisation croissante de la perspective sur l’environnement aujourd'hui contribue à la fragmentation des liens qui unissent les domaines naturels et humains dans la cosmologie locale de même qu’à l'abandon des pratiques rituelles connexes. Parallèlement, la région est touchée par des effets distincts des changements climatiques, en particulier la récession des glaciers. La thèse juxtapose l'expérience subjective de ces vastes changements dans la vie quotidienne des villageois de la Vallée de Sham avec les faits historiques environnementaux, démontrant ainsi que les événements historiques locaux influent sur les perceptions des changements environnementaux. L'analyse démontre qu’un phénomène objectif tel que la récession des glaciers est interprété à travers des réalités locales. Plus précisément, selon la conception du monde locale, un glacier en retrait est une figure rhétorique d’une transformation de la condition humaine. Comme le fait valoir la dissertation, l’interprétation culturelle ne constitue pas un obstacle à l'objectivité de l'histoire naturelle de la cosmologie locale. L’interprétation culturelle et l'expérience empirique s’avèrent par ailleurs essentielles à la vitalité des connaissances locales sur l'environnement et à la performance des pratiques associées.
Cast Ai-Si alloys are widely used in the automotive, aerospace and general engineering industries due to their excellent combination of properties such as good castability, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high strength-to-weight ratio and good corrosion resistance. The present investigation is on the influence of alloying additions on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg alloy. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study these beneficial effects of calcium on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. The second objective of this work is to study the effects of Mn,Be and Sr addition as Fe neutralizers and also to study the interaction of Mn,Be,Sr and Ca in Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. In this study the duel beneficial effects of Ca viz;modification and Fe-neutralization, comparison of the effects of Ca and Sr with common Fe neutralizers. The casting have been characterized with respect to their microstructure, %porosity and electrical conductivity, solidification behaviour and mechanical properties. One of the interesting observations in the present work is that a low level of calcium reduces the porosity compared to the untreated alloy. However higher level of calcium addition lead to higher porosity in the casting. An empirical analysis carried out for comparing the results of the present work with those of the other researchers on the effect of increasing iron content on UTS and % elongation of Ai-Si-Mg and Ai-Si-Cu alloys has shown a linear and an inverse first order polynomial relationships respectively.
The Schiff base, 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxalidine-4-aminoantipyrine, was synthesized by the condensation of 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde with 4-aminoantipyrine. HPLC, FT-IR and NMR spectral data revealed that the compound exists predominantly in the amide tautomeric form and exhibits both absorption and fluorescence solvatochromism, large stokes shift, two electron quasireversible redox behaviour and good thermal stability, with a glass transition temperature of 104oC. The third-order non-linear optical character was studied using open aperture Z-scan methodology employing 7 ns pulses at 532 nm. The third-order non-linear absorption coefficient, b, was 1.48 x 10-6 cm W-1 and the imaginary part of the third-order non-linear optical susceptibility, Im c(3), was 3.36 x10-10 esu. The optical limiting threshold for the compound was found to be 340 MW cm-2.
The Schiff base, 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxalidine-4-aminoantipyrine, was synthesized by the condensation of 3-hydroxyquinoxaline-2-carboxaldehyde with 4-aminoantipyrine. HPLC, FT-IR and NMR spectral data revealed that the compound exists predominantly in the amide tautomeric form and exhibits both absorption and fluorescence solvatochromism, large stokes shift, two electron quasireversible redox behaviour and good thermal stability, with a glass transition temperature of 104 oC. The third-order non-linear optical character was studied using open aperture Z-scan methodology employing 7 ns pulses at 532 nm. The third-order non-linear absorption coefficient, b, was 1.48 x 10-6 cm W-1 and the imaginary part of the third-order non-linear optical susceptibility, Im c(3), was 3.36x10-10 esu. The optical limiting threshold for the compound was found to be 340 MW cm-2.
FPS is a more general form of synchronization. Hyperchaotic systems possessing more than one positive Lypaunov exponent exhibit highly complex behaviour and are more suitable for some applications like secure communications. In this thesis we report studies of FPS and MFPS of a few chaotic and hyperchaotic systems. When all the parameters of the system are known we show that active nonlinear control method can be efectively used to obtain FPS. Adaptive nonlinear control and OPCL control method are employed for obtaining FPS and MFPS when some or all parameters of the system are uncertain. A secure communication scheme based on MFPS is also proposed in theory. All our theoretical calculations are verified by numerical simulations.
A detailed study of the blends of ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM) and chlorobutyl rubber (CIIR) is proposed in this study. These blends may find application in the manufacture of curing diaphragms/curing envelopes for tire curing applications. EPDM possesses better physical properties such as high heat resistance, ozone resistance, cold and moisture resistance, high resistance to permanent defonnation, very good resistance to flex cracking and impact. Because of the low gas and moisture penneability, good weathering resistance and high thermal stability of CIIR, blends of EPDM with CIlR may be attractive, if sufficient mechanical strength can be developed. Although a lot of work has been done on elastomer blends, studies on the blends of EPDM and CIIR rubbers are meagre. Hence in this investigation it is proposed to make a systematic study on the characteristics of EPDM and CIIR rubber blends.The mechanical and physical properties of an elastomer blend depend mainly on the blend compatibility. So in the first part of the study, it is proposed to develop compatible blends of EPDM with CIIR. Various commercial grades of ethylenepropylene- diene rubber are proposed to be blended with a specific grade of chlorobutyl rubber at varying proportions. The extent of compatibility in these blends is proposed to be evaluated based on their mechanical properties such as tensile strength, tear strength and ageing resistance. In addition to the physical property measurements, blend compatibility is also proposed to be studied based on the glass transition behavlour of the blends in relation to the Tg's of the individual components using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The phase morphology of the blends is also proposed to be investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) studies of the tensile fracture surfaces. In the case of incompatible blends, the effect of addition of chlorosulfonated polyethylene as a compatibiliser is also proposed to be investigated.In the second part of the study, the effect of sulphur curing and resin curing on the curing behaviour and the vulcanizate properties of EPDM/CIIR blends are planned to be evaluated. Since the properties of rubber vulcanizates are determined by their network structures, it is proposed to determine the network structure of the vulcanizates by chemical probes so as to correlate it with the mechanical properties.In the third part of the work, the effect of partial precuring of one of the components prior to blending as a possible means of improving the properties of the blend is proposed to be investigated. This procedure may also help to bring down the viscosity mismatch between the constituent e1astomers and provide covulcanization of the blend.The rheological characteristics and processability of the blends are proposed to be investigated in the last part of the study. To explore their possible applications, the air permeability of the blend samples at varying temperatures is proposed to be measured. The thermal diffusivity behaviour of EPDM/CIlR blends is also proposed to be investigated using novel laser technique. The thermal diffusivity of the blends along with the thermal degradation resistance may help to determine whether the blends are suitable for high temperature applications such as in the manufacturing of curing envelope.
The thesis presented here unveils an experimental study of the hydrodynamic characteristics of swirling fluidized bed viz. pressure drop across the distributor and the bed, minimum fluidizing velocity, bed behaviour and angle of air injection. In swirling fluidized bed the air is admitted to the bed at an angle 'Ѳ' to the horizontal. The vertical component of the velocity v sin Ѳ causes fluidization and the horizontal component v cos Ѳ contributes to swirl motion of the bed material.The study was conducted using spherical particles having sizes 3.2 mm, 5.5 mm & 7.4 mm as the bed materials. Each of these particles was made from high density polyethylene, nylon and acetal having relative densities of 0.93, 1.05 and 1.47 respectively.The experiments were conducted using conidour type distributors having four rows of slits. Altogether four distributors having angles of air injection (Φ)- 0°, 5°, 10° & 15° were designed and fabricated for the study. The total number of slits in each distributor was 144. The area of opening was 6220 mm2 making the percentage area of opening to 9.17. But the percentage useful area of opening of the distributor was 96.The experiments on the variation of distributor pressure drop with superficial velocity revealed that the distributor pressure drop decreases with angle of air injection. Investigations related to bed hydrodynamics were conducted using 2.5 kg of bed material. The bed pressure drop measurements were made along the radial direction of the distributor at distances of 60 mm, 90 mm, 120 mm & 150 mm from the centre of the distributor. It was noticed that after attaining minimum fluidizing velocity, the bed pressure drop increases along the radial direction of the distributor. But at a radial distance of 90 mm from the distributor centre, after attaining minimum fluidizing velocity the bed pressure drop remains almost constant. It was also observed that the bed pressure drop varies inversely with particle size as well as particle density.An attempt was made to determine the effect of various parameters on minimum fluidizing velocity. It was noticed that the minimum fluidizing velocity varies directly with angle of air injection (Φ), particle size and particle density.The study on the bed behaviour showed that the superficial velocity required for initiating various bed phenomena (such as swirl motion and separation of particles from the cone at the centre) increase with increase in particle size as well as particle density. It was also observed that the particle size and particle density directly influence the superficial velocity required for various regimes of bed behaviour such as linear variation of bed pressure drop, constant bed pressure drop and sudden increase or decrease in bed pressure drop.Experiments were also performed to study the effect of angle of air injection (Φ). It was noticed that the bed pressure drop decreases with angle of air injection. It was also noticed that the angle of air injection directly influence the superficial velocity required for initiating various bed phenomena as well as the various regimes of bed behaviour.
In this study the relationship between Innovative HR practices and selected HR outcomes is investigated.The current study represents a unique attempt to study the effects of innovative HR practices,with job satisfaction,organisational commitment and organisational citizenship bahaviour considered as the consequent variables.Results have affirmed the role of intervening variables such as job satisfaction and organisational commitment in establishing the link between IHRP and OCB obliterating any direct relation between IHRP and organisational citizenship behaviour.This finding may enable researchers in the human resource management to develop more robust understandings of the positive effects of innnovative HR practices on HR outcomes.Thus the present study provides the obvious contribution of weaving up yet another linkage between the two complimentary disciplines of Human Resource Management and Organisational Behaviour.The present study also contributes to the understanding of OCB by exploring its antecedents and extending the intervening role of job satisfaction and organisational commitment.The findings indicate that a higher level of introduction/initiation and satisfaction of innovative HR practices produces high job satisfaction and organisational commitment which lead to OCB.The researcher drew upon the perception-attitude-behaviour model to further realise the expected relationship among innovative HR practices,job satisfaction,organisational commitment and organisational citizenship behaviour.Consequently,this study makes a contribution to the broader organisational citizenship behaviour literature by manifesting the extended relationship path from innovative HR practices to organisational citizenship behaviour,and demonstrating that innovative Hr practices at the organisational level has an effect on employee attitudes and behaviours as well.
As of 1999. the state of Kerala has 3210 offices of scheduled commercial banks (SCBS). In all, there are 48 commercial banks operating in Kerala, which includes PSBs, OPBs, NPBS. FBs, and Gramin Banks. The urban areas give a complete picture of the competition in the present day banking scenario with the presence of all bank groups. Semi-urban areas of Kerala have 2196 and urban areas have 593 as on March 1995.“ The study focuses on the selected segments ofthe urban customers in Kerala which is capable of giving the finer aspects of variation in customer behaviour in the purchase of banking products and services. Considering the exhaustive nature of such an exercise, all the districts in the state have not been brought under the purview of the study. Instead. three districts with largest volume of business in terms of deposits, advances, and number of offices have been short listed as representative regions for a focused study. The study focuses on the retail customer segment and their perceptions on the various products or services offered to them. Non Resident Indians (NRIs), and Traders and Small—ScaIe Industries segments have also been included in the study with a view to obtain a comparative picture with respect to perception on customer satisfaction and service quality dimensions and bank choice behaviour. The research is hence confined to customer behaviour and the implications for possible strategies for segmentation within the retail segment customers
The distribution of curing agents and fillers in the constituents of an elastomer blend is an important factor which determines the curing behaviour and vulcanizate properties of the blend. The distribution of curatives and fillers largely depends on the nature of elastomers. The curatives tend to migrate preferentially to the rubber of higher unsaturation and/or higher polarity, and reinforcing fillers tend to get distributed in the low viscosity phase, resulting in inferior mechanical properties of the blends. The thesis suggests several methods for improving mechanical properties of blends like NBR/butyl, NR/butyl, NBR/EPDM and NR/.
Study on variable stars is an important topic of modern astrophysics. After the invention of powerful telescopes and high resolving powered CCD’s, the variable star data is accumulating in the order of peta-bytes. The huge amount of data need lot of automated methods as well as human experts. This thesis is devoted to the data analysis on variable star’s astronomical time series data and hence belong to the inter-disciplinary topic, Astrostatistics. For an observer on earth, stars that have a change in apparent brightness over time are called variable stars. The variation in brightness may be regular (periodic), quasi periodic (semi-periodic) or irregular manner (aperiodic) and are caused by various reasons. In some cases, the variation is due to some internal thermo-nuclear processes, which are generally known as intrinsic vari- ables and in some other cases, it is due to some external processes, like eclipse or rotation, which are known as extrinsic variables. Intrinsic variables can be further grouped into pulsating variables, eruptive variables and flare stars. Extrinsic variables are grouped into eclipsing binary stars and chromospheri- cal stars. Pulsating variables can again classified into Cepheid, RR Lyrae, RV Tauri, Delta Scuti, Mira etc. The eruptive or cataclysmic variables are novae, supernovae, etc., which rarely occurs and are not periodic phenomena. Most of the other variations are periodic in nature. Variable stars can be observed through many ways such as photometry, spectrophotometry and spectroscopy. The sequence of photometric observa- xiv tions on variable stars produces time series data, which contains time, magni- tude and error. The plot between variable star’s apparent magnitude and time are known as light curve. If the time series data is folded on a period, the plot between apparent magnitude and phase is known as phased light curve. The unique shape of phased light curve is a characteristic of each type of variable star. One way to identify the type of variable star and to classify them is by visually looking at the phased light curve by an expert. For last several years, automated algorithms are used to classify a group of variable stars, with the help of computers. Research on variable stars can be divided into different stages like observa- tion, data reduction, data analysis, modeling and classification. The modeling on variable stars helps to determine the short-term and long-term behaviour and to construct theoretical models (for eg:- Wilson-Devinney model for eclips- ing binaries) and to derive stellar properties like mass, radius, luminosity, tem- perature, internal and external structure, chemical composition and evolution. The classification requires the determination of the basic parameters like pe- riod, amplitude and phase and also some other derived parameters. Out of these, period is the most important parameter since the wrong periods can lead to sparse light curves and misleading information. Time series analysis is a method of applying mathematical and statistical tests to data, to quantify the variation, understand the nature of time-varying phenomena, to gain physical understanding of the system and to predict future behavior of the system. Astronomical time series usually suffer from unevenly spaced time instants, varying error conditions and possibility of big gaps. This is due to daily varying daylight and the weather conditions for ground based observations and observations from space may suffer from the impact of cosmic ray particles. Many large scale astronomical surveys such as MACHO, OGLE, EROS, xv ROTSE, PLANET, Hipparcos, MISAO, NSVS, ASAS, Pan-STARRS, Ke- pler,ESA, Gaia, LSST, CRTS provide variable star’s time series data, even though their primary intention is not variable star observation. Center for Astrostatistics, Pennsylvania State University is established to help the astro- nomical community with the aid of statistical tools for harvesting and analysing archival data. Most of these surveys releases the data to the public for further analysis. There exist many period search algorithms through astronomical time se- ries analysis, which can be classified into parametric (assume some underlying distribution for data) and non-parametric (do not assume any statistical model like Gaussian etc.,) methods. Many of the parametric methods are based on variations of discrete Fourier transforms like Generalised Lomb-Scargle peri- odogram (GLSP) by Zechmeister(2009), Significant Spectrum (SigSpec) by Reegen(2007) etc. Non-parametric methods include Phase Dispersion Minimi- sation (PDM) by Stellingwerf(1978) and Cubic spline method by Akerlof(1994) etc. Even though most of the methods can be brought under automation, any of the method stated above could not fully recover the true periods. The wrong detection of period can be due to several reasons such as power leakage to other frequencies which is due to finite total interval, finite sampling interval and finite amount of data. Another problem is aliasing, which is due to the influence of regular sampling. Also spurious periods appear due to long gaps and power flow to harmonic frequencies is an inherent problem of Fourier methods. Hence obtaining the exact period of variable star from it’s time series data is still a difficult problem, in case of huge databases, when subjected to automation. As Matthew Templeton, AAVSO, states “Variable star data analysis is not always straightforward; large-scale, automated analysis design is non-trivial”. Derekas et al. 2007, Deb et.al. 2010 states “The processing of xvi huge amount of data in these databases is quite challenging, even when looking at seemingly small issues such as period determination and classification”. It will be beneficial for the variable star astronomical community, if basic parameters, such as period, amplitude and phase are obtained more accurately, when huge time series databases are subjected to automation. In the present thesis work, the theories of four popular period search methods are studied, the strength and weakness of these methods are evaluated by applying it on two survey databases and finally a modified form of cubic spline method is intro- duced to confirm the exact period of variable star. For the classification of new variable stars discovered and entering them in the “General Catalogue of Vari- able Stars” or other databases like “Variable Star Index“, the characteristics of the variability has to be quantified in term of variable star parameters.
Upgrading two widely used standard plastics, polypropylene (PP) and high density polyethylene (HDPE), and generating a variety of useful engineering materials based on these blends have been the main objective of this study. Upgradation was effected by using nanomodifiers and/or fibrous modifiers. PP and HDPE were selected for modification due to their attractive inherent properties and wide spectrum of use. Blending is the engineered method of producing new materials with tailor made properties. It has the advantages of both the materials. PP has high tensile and flexural strength and the HDPE acts as an impact modifier in the resultant blend. Hence an optimized blend of PP and HDPE was selected as the matrix material for upgradation. Nanokaolinite clay and E-glass fibre were chosen for modifying PP/HDPE blend. As the first stage of the work, the mechanical, thermal, morphological, rheological, dynamic mechanical and crystallization characteristics of the polymer nanocomposites prepared with PP/HDPE blend and different surface modified nanokaolinite clay were analyzed. As the second stage of the work, the effect of simultaneous inclusion of nanokaolinite clay (both N100A and N100) and short glass fibres are investigated. The presence of nanofiller has increased the properties of hybrid composites to a greater extent than micro composites. As the last stage, micromechanical modeling of both nano and hybrid A composite is carried out to analyze the behavior of the composite under load bearing conditions. These theoretical analyses indicate that the polymer-nanoclay interfacial characteristics partially converge to a state of perfect interfacial bonding (Takayanagi model) with an iso-stress (Reuss IROM) response. In the case of hybrid composites the experimental data follows the trend of Halpin-Tsai model. This implies that matrix and filler experience varying amount of strain and interfacial adhesion between filler and matrix and also between the two fillers which play a vital role in determining the modulus of the hybrid composites.A significant observation from this study is that the requirement of higher fibre loading for efficient reinforcement of polymers can be substantially reduced by the presence of nanofiller together with much lower fibre content in the composite. Hybrid composites with both nanokaolinite clay and micron sized E-glass fibre as reinforcements in PP/HDPE matrix will generate a novel class of high performance, cost effective engineering material.
The inferences obtained from the study are presented in coherent area-specific levels so as to understand the ecotourism and its sub-sector areas for the researchers and policy makers about the issues, importances and potentialities of the sector. An analysis of the tourism sector in Kerala has shown tremendous growth both in terms of tourist arrivals and in terms of revenue generation from direct and indirect sources. The foreign tourist visitors in Kerala in 2014 was 9,23,336 which shows 7.60 percent increase from the last year and the domestic tourist visitors were 1,16,95,411 which again shows 7.71 percent increase, is a clear evidence of its potential. In 2014 the industry contributed revenue of 24885.44 crores from direct and indirect sources giving rise to an increase of 12.11 percent from the last year. A dichotomy of tourists and ecotourists shows that tourists in the ecotourism destinations come to 42.6 percent of the total, shows the scope, significance and its potential. Correlation of zone-wise tourist arrivals based on the ecotourism destinations highlights the fact that with only 19 of the 64 destinations that come in the central zone are the most preferred centres (around 54 percent) for the domestic as well as foreign tourists. The north zone encompassing 6 districts with rich biodiversity shows that the tourists‟ arrival patterns exhibit less promising results. Though the north zone has 31 ecotourism destinations of the state receives only 6.19 percent of the foreign visitors. The ecotourism activities in the state are primarily managed by the Eco-Development Committees (EDCs) and the Vana Samrakshana Samithies (VSS) under the Forest Development Agency of Kerala. Social class-wise categorization of membership shows that 13142 families have membership in 190 EDCs with SC (28 percent), ST (33 percent) and other marginalised communities (39 percent). But this in the VSS shows that 400 VSS have 59085 members actively engaged in ecotourism activities and social category of the VSS makes clear that majority are from the other marginalized fringe households with 62 percent where as the participation of SC is 12 percent and ST is 26 percent. An evaluation of the socio-economic and demographic matrix of the community members involved in ecotourism activities brings out region specific differences. About 75.70 percent of the respondents are males and the rest are females. Majority of the respondents (about 60 percent) are in the age group of 20 to 40 years, followed by the age group of 40-50 (20 percent). The average age of respondents in the three zones is between 35 and 37 years. The majority of the respondents are married, a few are unmarried. Average family size is 4-5 members and differences are identified among zones. Average number of adults per household is 3 and child per household is 2. Majority have an education of 10th class and below i.e. about 60 percent of the sample have only basic school education like primary, secondary and high school (i.e. up to SSLC but not passed) level. About 18 percent are SSLC passed, 10 percent are undergraduates whereas 6 percent constitute respondents having qualification of graduation and above. Majority of the „graduates and above‟ are from south and central zone. Inter-zone differences in educational profile are also identified with lesser number of „graduates and above‟ are identified in the north zone compared to the other two zones. Investigating into the income and livelihood options of the respondents gives insight about the prominence of ecotourism as an employment and livelihood option for the community members, as more than 90 percent of the respondents have cited tourism sector as their main employment option. Most (49.30 percent) of respondents get 100 percent income from tourism related activities, followed by 37.30 percent of community members have income between 75-99 percent from tourism whereas the rest (13 percent) have less than 74 percent of their income from tourism and there exists difference between zones and percentage of income. Financial habit shows that about 49.7 percent hold active bank accounts, 61 percent have savings behaviour and 73.8 percent have indebtedness. Analysis about the ownership of house brings to light that 37 percent of respondents live in their own house followed by 25.7 percent in government funded/provided house and 21 percent in their parent‟s house and 3.5 percent in rented house. About 12 percent of the respondents have other kinds of accommodation facilities such as staff quarters, etc. But in the case of north zone majority i.e. 52 percent primarily depend on the government funded house indicating the effectiveness of government housing programme. Standard of living measured in SLI frameworks shows that majority of the respondents have medium SLI values (42.3 percent); the remaining 47.7 percent have low SLI and 10 percent have high SLI. The community members have been benefitted immensely from forest and its resources. Since the ecotourism destinations are located amidst the wildlife settings, majority of them depend on forest for their livelihood. The information on the tourist‟s demographic characteristics like age, sex, educational qualification and annual income show that the age category of domestic and foreign tourists falls below the age group of less than 35 years (about 65 percent), whereas only 16 percent of tourists are aged above 46 years. The age group below 25 years consists of more international tourists (31.3 percent) compared to the proportion of domestic tourists (12.5 percent). Male-female ratio shows that the males constitute 56 percent of the sample and females with 44 percent. The factors determining the impact of ecotourism programmes in the community was evaluated with the aid of a factor analysis with 12 selected statements. The worries and concerns of the community members about the impact of ecotourism on the environment are well understood from this analysis. It can be drawn that environment protection and the role of ecotourism in improving the income and livelihood options of the local communities is the most important factor concerning the community members.