1000 resultados para 146-893


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INTRODUCCIÓ: Existeix una correlació entre els grams de pròstata ressecada per HBP i el descens de PSA. OBJECTIUS: Comparar el descens de PSA després de: RTUp, HoLEP i Adenomectomia retropúbica. MATERIAL I MÈTODES: 146 pacients intervinguts d'HBP: 50 AR, 50 HoLEP, 46 RTUp. Comparem el percentatge de reducció de PSA després dels tres procediments mitjançant ANOVA (p &0,05). RESULTATS: el percentatge de disminució de PSA és major després de la retropúbica (82,83%), seguit de l’HoLEP (68,45%) i de la RTUp (39,74%). CONCLUSIONS: No existeixen diferències estadísticament significatives en el descens de PSA entre l'AR i el HoLEP, però sí entre aquests dos i la RTUp.


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In several colour polymorphic species, morphs differ in thermoregulation either because dark and pale surfaces absorb solar radiation to a different extent and/or because morphs differ in key metabolic processes. Morph-specific thermoregulation may potentially account for the observation that differently coloured individuals are frequently not randomly distributed among habitats, and differ in many respects, including behaviour, morphology, survival and reproductive success. In a wild population of the colour polymorphic tawny owl Strix aluco, a recent cross-fostering experiment showed that offspring raised and born from red mothers were heavier than those from grey mothers. In the present study, we tested in the same individuals whether these morph-specific offspring growth patterns were associated with a difference in metabolic rate between offspring of red and grey mothers. For this purpose, we measured nestling oxygen consumption under two different temperatures (laboratory measurements: 4 and 20 degrees C), and examined the relationships between these data sets and the colour morph of foster and biological mothers. After controlling for nestling body mass, oxygen consumption at 20 degrees C was greater in foster offspring raised by grey foster mothers. No relationship was found between nestling oxygen consumption and coloration of their biological mother. Therefore, our study indicates that in our experiment offspring raised by grey foster mothers showed not only a lower body mass than offspring raised by red foster mothers, but also consumed more oxygen under warm temperature. This further indicates that rearing conditions in nests of grey mothers were more stressful than in nests of red mothers.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of vaccination against GnRH on performance traits, pig behaviour and acute phase proteins. A total of 120 pigs (36 non-castrated males, NCM; 36 males to be vaccinated, IM; 24 castratedmales, CM; and 24 females, FE)were controlled in groups of 12 in pens with feeding stations allowing the recording of individual feed intake. The two vaccinations (Improvac®) were applied at a mean age of 77 and 146 days. All pigswere individually weighed every 3 weeks from the mean ages of 74 to 176 days and backfat thickness (BT) and loinmuscle depth (LD) were also recorded ultrasonically. Twelve group-housed pigs for each treatment were video recorded during 2 consecutive days at weeks 9, 11, 20, 21, 23 and 25 of age to score the number of inactive or active pigs in each treatment group by scan sampling. Aggressive behaviour by the feeder and away from the feeder, and mounting behaviour was also scored by focal sampling. Blood samples from 12 NCM, 12 CM and 12 IM were taken to determine the concentration of circulating acute phase protein Pig-MAP atweeks 1, 2, 4, 11, 13, 21 and 25 of age. After slaughter, the number of skin lesions on the left half carcasswas scored. IMpresented overall a higher growth rate and daily feed intake compared to NCM (Pb0.05),whereas their feed conversion ratios did not differ significantly. In comparison with CM, IM presented a better feed conversion ratio (Pb0.05), since their overall dailyweight gaindid not differ significantly, butIM ate less. Final leanmeat percentage of IM and CM was lower compared to that of NCM (Pb0.05). Activity, mounting and aggressive behaviour of NCM was higher than in IM, CM and FE after the second vaccination. Pig-MAP concentrationswere significantly elevated just after surgical castrationand after bothadministrations of the vaccine (Pb0.05), but concentrations subsequently decreased throughout time. Skin lesions of NCM were significantly higher compared to that of IM and FE (Pb0.05). The effects of vaccination were especially remarkable after the second dose, when the higher feed intake and lower activity of IM compared to NCMmight result in higher final body weight and more fat. Results from this study indicate that some welfare aspects such as a reduced aggression and mounting behaviour may be improved by vaccination against GnRH, together with productive benefits like adequate feed conversion ratio and daily weight gain.


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Object The purpose of this study was to establish the safety and efficacy of repeat Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) for recurrent trigeminal neuralgia (TN). Methods Using the prospective database of TN patients treated with GKS in Timone University Hospital (Marseille, France), data were analyzed for 737 patients undergoing GKS for TN Type 1 from July 1992 to November 2010. Among the 497 patients with initial pain cessation, 34.4% (157/456 with ≥ 1-year follow-up) experienced at least 1 recurrence. Thirteen patients (1.8%) were considered for a second GKS, proposed only if the patients had good and prolonged initial pain cessation after the first GKS, with no other treatment alternative at the moment of recurrence. As for the first GKS, a single 4-mm isocenter was positioned in the cisternal portion of the trigeminal nerve at a median distance of 7.6 mm (range 4-14 mm) anterior to the emergence of the nerve (retrogasserian target). A median maximum dose of 90 Gy (range 70-90 Gy) was delivered. Data for 9 patients with at least 1-year followup were analyzed. A systematic review of literature was also performed, and results are compared with those of the Marseille study. Results The median time to retreatment in the Marseille study was 72 months (range 12-125 months) and in the literature it was 17 months (range 3-146 months). In the Marseille study, the median follow-up period was 33.9 months (range 12-96 months), and 8 of 9 patients (88.9%) had initial pain cessation with a median of 6.5 days (range 1-180 days). The actuarial rate for new hypesthesia was 33.3% at 6 months and 50% at 1 year, which remained stable for 7 years. The actuarial probabilities of maintaining pain relief without medication at 6 months and 1 year were 100% and 75%, respectively, and remained stable for 7 years. The systematic review analyzed 20 peer-reviewed studies reporting outcomes for repeat GKS for recurrent TN, with a total of 626 patients. Both the selection of the cases for retreatment and the way of reporting outcomes vary widely among studies, with a median rate for initial pain cessation of 88% (range 60%-100%) and for new hypesthesia of 33% (range 11%-80%). Conclusions Results from the Marseille study raise the question of surgical alternatives after failed GKS for TN. The rates of initial pain cessation and recurrence seem comparable to, or even better than, those of the first GKS, according to different studies, but toxicity is much higher, both in the Marseille study and in the published data. Neither the Marseille study data nor literature data answer the 3 cardinal questions regarding repeat radiosurgery in recurrent TN: which patients to retreat, which target is optimal, and which dose to use.


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Independent regulatory agencies are one of the main institutional features of the 'rising regulatory state' in Western Europe. Governments are increasingly willing to abandon their regulatory competencies and to delegate them to specialized institutions that are at least partially beyond their control. This article examines the empirical consistency of one particular explanation of this phenomenon, namely the credibility hypothesis, claiming that governments delegate powers so as to enhance the credibility of their policies. Three observable implications are derived from the general hypothesis, linking credibility and delegation to veto players, complexity and interdependence. An independence index is developed to measure agency independence, which is then used in a multivariate analysis where the impact of credibility concerns on delegation is tested. The analysis relies on an original data set comprising independence scores for thirty-three regulators. Results show that the credibility hypothesis can explain a good deal of the variation in delegation. The economic nature of regulation is a strong determinant of agency independence, but is mediated by national institutions in the form of veto players.


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A retrospective study on the prevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection was conducted in selected populations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A total of 1,115 subjects were tested including 146 patients with acute Non-A Non-B Non-C (NANBNC) viral hepatitis, 65 hemodialysis patients, 93 blood donors, 102 intravenous drug users (IVDUs), 304 pregnant women, 145 individuals living in the rural area and 260 individuals living in the urban area. In order to characterize a favorable epidemiological set for enterically transmitted infection in the studied populations we also evaluated the prevalence of anti-HAV IgG (hepatitis A virus) antibodies. Specific antibodies to HEV (anti-HEV IgG) were detected by a commercial EIA and specific antibodies to HAV (anti-HAV IgG) were detected using a competitive "in house" EIA. We found a high prevalence of anti-HAV IgG in these populations, that could indicate some risk for infections transmitted via the fecal-oral route. The anti-HEV IgG prevalence among the different groups were: 2.1% in patients with acute NANBNC viral hepatitis, 6.2% in hemodialysis patients, 4.3% in blood donors, 11.8% in IVDUs, 1% in pregnant women, and 2.1% in individuals form the rural area. Among individuals living in the urban area we did not find a single positive serum sample. Our results demonstrated the presence of anti-HEV IgG in almost all studied populations; however, further studies are necessary to establish the real situation of HEV epidemiology in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


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Dans le cadre d'une consultation thérapeutique où nous recevons des familles cliniques et non-cliniques, nous observons les interactions triadiques père-mère-bébé avec des nourrissons de 8 semaines à 1 an, dans une situation de jeu semi-standardisé, le jeu triade Lausanne. Cette situation, révélatrice des modes de communication dans la famille, constitue un outil clinique d'évaluation. Après avoir décrit ce jeu à trois et notre analyse de la situation, nous présentons un exemple d'observation d'une famille où la mère a été hospitalisée, avec son enfant alors âgé de 6 mois, pour une psychose du post-partum. Nous décrivons comment la consultante, par les moyens non-verbaux, encadre cette famille pour organiser le jeu à trois. Cette expérience positive va donner des indications précieuses pour la suite du traitement.


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Variation between aeropile numbers of the right and left peritrematic plate in male and female Anocentor nitens (Neumann, 1897) is reported from a site in Brazil. From January to December 1998, 146 males and 247 females of A. nitens were recovered from Equus caballus L. in Silva Jardim District, State of Rio de Janeiro. Asymmetry of numbers of aeropiles between right and left plates occurred in 83.6% of the males and 82.2% of the females. Differences in the number of aeropiles between the sexes were not significant. Quantitative variation of aeropiles was correlated to the period of recovery, with significant asymmetry detected in August-September and November-December, mainly in males. Results suggest an adaptation, especially in the male ticks, that expresses itself as greater variation in the number of aeropiles in some periods of the year.


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Aquest projecte és una continuació lògica de la investigació realitzada durant l’any 2005. Ha consistit en l’aplicació del programa a un conjunt de joves infractors de les terres de Lleida i el seu seguiment per conèixer la possible reincidència en el delicte. L’objectiu general era disposar d’un instrument d’intervenció eficaç en Medi Obert per al tractament de menors amb mesures judicials, de manera que els menors es vegin beneficiats pel contingut d’un programa que augmenta la competència i autoestima prosocial. L’estudi s’ha fet amb 10 menors, 5 en el grup experimental i 5 en el grup de control, dintre de la població que al començament de 2006 es trobava sota mesura imposada pel jutge de llibertat vigilada o sota mesura de realització de tasques socioeducatives. Els resultats del seguiment dels menors que han realitzat el programa porta als autors a concloure que la taxa de reincidència en el delicte és molt inferior en els joves que han seguit el programa que en els que no l’han seguit. Aquesta taxa també és inferior a la mitjana de reincidència per mesures de medi obert de Lleida i Catalunya


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In studies carried out on the parasites infecting ostriches (Struthio camelus) in Spain, trophozoites of Retortamonas sp. have been found in the intestinal contents of 28 out of 146 slaughtered ostriches. The species infecting ostriches could not be determined from the morphological data available. However, these findings are important as they constitute the first report of the genus Retortamonas in birds.


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Estudi clínic, prospectiu, randomizat, on d'un total de 59 pacients foren asignats a dos grups de soport ventilatori (CPAP (30) o BIPAP (29)). L' objectiu primari analizat fou la necessitat de IOT. Com objetius secundaris s'estudiaren la milloria de parámetres clínics, gasomètrics, el temps de soport ventilatori i d' estància en UCI, la supervivència a l' alta d' UCI i als 28 dies. No vam trobar diferències en cap dels paràmetres excepte en la pO2/FiO2 després de la primera hora (146,94CPAP vs 198,49BIPAP p=0.037).


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OBJECTIVES: There is a continuing need to monitor and evaluate the impact of organized screening programmes on cancer incidence and mortality. We report results from a programme assessment conducted within the International Cancer Screening Network (ICSN) to understand the characteristics of cervical screening programmes within countries that have established population-based breast cancer screening programmes. METHODS: In 2007-2008, we asked 26 ICSN country representatives to complete a web-based survey that included questions on breast and cervical cancer screening programmes. We summarized information from 16 countries with both types of organized programmes. RESULTS: In 63% of these countries, the organization of the cervical cancer screening programme was similar to that of the breast cancer screening programme in the same country. There were differences in programme characteristics, including year established (1962-2003 cervical; 1986-2002 breast) and ages covered (15-70+ cervical; 40-75+ breast). Adoption of new screening technologies was evident (44% liquid-based Pap tests; 13% human papillomavirus (HPV)-triage tests cervical; 56% digital mammography breast). There was wide variation in participation rates for both programme types (<4-80% cervical; 12-88% breast), and participation rates tended to be higher for cervical (70-80%) than for breast (60-70%) cancer screening programmes. Eleven ICSN member countries had approved the HPV vaccine and five more were considering its use in their organized programmes. CONCLUSION: Overall, there were similarities and differences in the organization of breast and cervical cancer screening programmes among ICSN countries. This assessment can assist established and new screening programmes in understanding the organization and structure of cancer screening programmes.