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A new surface sediment sample set gained in the western Barents Sea by the MAREANO program has been analysed for basic clay mineral assemblages. Distribution maps including additional samples from earlier German research cruises to and off Svalbard are compiled. Some trends in the clay mineral assemblages are related to the sub-Barents Sea geology because the Quaternary sediment cover is rather thin. Additionally, land masses like Svalbard and northern Scandinavia dominate the clay mineral signal with their erosional products. Dense bottom water, very often of brine origin, that flows within deep troughs, such as the Storfjorden or Bear Island Trough, transport the clay mineral signal from their origin to the Norwegian-Greenland Sea.


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The organizational and architectural configuration of white matter pathways connecting brain regions has ramifications for all facets of the human condition, including manifestations of incipient neurodegeneration. Although diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been used extensively to visualize white matter connectivity, due to the widespread presence of crossing fibres, the lateral projections of the corpus callosum are not normally detected using this methodology. Detailed knowledge of the transcallosal connectivity of the human cortical motor network has therefore remained elusive. We employed constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) tractography - an approach that is much less susceptible to the influence of crossing fibres, in order to derive complete in-vivo characterizations of white matter pathways connecting specific motor cortical regions to their counterparts and other loci in the opposite hemisphere. The revealed patterns of connectivity closely resemble those derived from anatomical tracing in primates. It was established that dorsal premotor cortex (PMd) and supplementary motor area (SMA) have extensive interhemispheric connectivity - exhibiting both dense homologous projections, and widespread structural relations with every other region in the contralateral motor network. Through this in-vivo portrayal, the importance of non-primary motor regions for interhemispheric communication is emphasized. Additionally, distinct connectivity profiles were detected for the anterior and posterior subdivisions of primary motor cortex. The present findings provide a comprehensive representation of transcallosal white matter projections in humans, and have the potential to inform the development of models and hypotheses relating structural and functional brain connectivity.


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This paper details the results from a large European Union rotomoulding research project on the adaptation and development of industrial microwave oven technology to the rotational moulding process. Following computer modelling, an industrial scale microwave oven was specifically designed, manufactured and attached to the drop-arm of a convention rotational moulding machine where extensive moulding trials were carried out. The design and development of the microwave oven and test mould, together with the savings in terms of energy efficiency and mould heating rate that were achieved are discussed.


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En fecha reciente se ha observado, en una finca de café cerca de Santiago de María, una plaga del cafeto que es, sin duda alguna, nueva para El Salvador. No se tiene aún conocimiento de que haya aparecido en otras regiones cafetaleras de la República y de acuerdo con los caracteres de una plaga del cafeto estudiada en Haití por Charles H. Arndt y Herbert L. Dozier, la que se ha observado en Santiago de María es similar a la plaga que se descubrió en Haití en 1931. Esta plaga del cafeto encontrada en Santiago de María es causada por un grillo. Para evitar confusiones con otra plaga del cafeto investigada en El Salvador por la Dr. Vera Wellborn y denominada "El Grillo del Café" (Resolución del problema de la enfermedad, de la Antigua),también causada por otra clase de grillo, se ha optado por llamar la nueva plaga El Grillo Haitiano del Cafeto.


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Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: área de especialização em Supervisão Pedagógica realizado sob a orientação científica de Professor Doutor João Carlos de Gouveia Faria Lopes


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Preface signed: J. H. N. (John Henry Newman)


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Understanding the mode-locked response of excitable systems to periodic forcing has important applications in neuroscience. For example it is known that spatially extended place cells in the hippocampus are driven by the theta rhythm to generate a code conveying information about spatial location. Thus it is important to explore the role of neuronal dendrites in generating the response to periodic current injection. In this paper we pursue this using a compartmental model, with linear dynamics for each compartment, coupled to an active soma model that generates action potentials. By working with the piece-wise linear McKean model for the soma we show how the response of the whole neuron model (soma and dendrites) can be written in closed form. We exploit this to construct a stroboscopic map describing the response of the spatially extended model to periodic forcing. A linear stability analysis of this map, together with a careful treatment of the non-differentiability of the soma model, allows us to construct the Arnol'd tongue structure for 1:q states (one action potential for q cycles of forcing). Importantly we show how the presence of quasi-active membrane in the dendrites can influence the shape of tongues. Direct numerical simulations confirm our theory and further indicate that resonant dendritic membrane can enlarge the windows in parameter space for chaotic behavior. These simulations also show that the spatially extended neuron model responds differently to global as opposed to point forcing. In the former case spatio-temporal patterns of activity within an Arnol'd tongue are standing waves, whilst in the latter they are traveling waves.


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The fundamental objective for health research is to determine whether changes should be made to clinical decisions. Decisions made by veterinary surgeons in the light of new research evidence are known to be influenced by their prior beliefs, especially their initial opinions about the plausibility of possible results. In this paper, clinical trial results for a bovine mastitis control plan were evaluated within a Bayesian context, to incorporate a community of prior distributions that represented a spectrum of clinical prior beliefs. The aim was to quantify the effect of veterinary surgeons’ initial viewpoints on the interpretation of the trial results. A Bayesian analysis was conducted using Markov chain Monte Carlo procedures. Stochastic models included a financial cost attributed to a change in clinical mastitis following implementation of the control plan. Prior distributions were incorporated that covered a realistic range of possible clinical viewpoints, including scepticism, enthusiasm and uncertainty. Posterior distributions revealed important differences in the financial gain that clinicians with different starting viewpoints would anticipate from the mastitis control plan, given the actual research results. For example, a severe sceptic would ascribe a probability of 0.50 for a return of <£5 per cow in an average herd that implemented the plan, whereas an enthusiast would ascribe this probability for a return of >£20 per cow. Simulations using increased trial sizes indicated that if the original study was four times as large, an initial sceptic would be more convinced about the efficacy of the control plan but would still anticipate less financial return than an initial enthusiast would anticipate after the original study. In conclusion, it is possible to estimate how clinicians’ prior beliefs influence their interpretation of research evidence. Further research on the extent to which different interpretations of evidence result in changes to clinical practice would be worthwhile.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Introducción: Los pacientes con cefaleas primarias están predispuestos a desarrollar una cefalea secundaria al consumo excesivo de analgésicos. En nuestro medio, la adquisición fácil de medicamentos sin fórmula médica incrementa su frecuencia de presentación. Objetivo: Describir el perfil epidemiológico, clínico y de tratamiento de los pacientes con cefaleas primarias y cefalea secundaria por sobreuso de analgésicos atendidos en el programa especial de cefaleas del Instituto Neurológico de Colombia en el periodo 2014-2015. Pacientes y métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo. Se evaluaron características de la cefalea, comorbilidades, discapacidad y patrón de consumo de medicamentos. Resultados: Se incluyeron 834 pacientes con diagnóstico de cefalea por sobreuso de analgésicos, 85.1% con migraña crónica. El 87.6% de los pacientes eran mujeres y tenían 44 años en promedio. La mitad de los pacientes tomaba analgésicos todos los días de la semana (P25-P75: 4 – 7 días); consumiendo, en promedio, tres analgésicos/día (DE: 1.9). La mayoría de pacientes presentaba un consumo elevado de analgésicos simples (95.2%), AINES (92.2%) y analgésicos combinados (89.2%); 51% consumían opiodes y sólo 14.6% consumían triptanes. Conclusión: La identificación de esta cefalea secundaria es de vital importancia para un tratamiento adecuado. El uso medicamentos de libre venta afecta el manejo óptimo de esta entidad asociada a las cefaleas primarias, principalmente la migraña.


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El presente trabajo de grado busca exponer el panorama actual de la exploración y producción de hidrocarburos en Yacimientos No Convencionales, realizada utilizando el fracturamiento hidráulico – Fracking – cómo método para lograr mejores condiciones físicas en el reservorio que permitan la extracción del recurso. El método mencionado es estudiado a la luz de los principios de prevención, precaución y desarrollo sostenible, que rigen la política ambiental en Colombia, con el objetivo de analizar los posibles impactos ambientales y sociales que se puedan generar por el desarrollo de la actividad extractiva de hidrocarburos en Yacimientos No Convencionales. Para finalmente mostrar que el Fracking como actividad está legalmente permitida en Colombia, y la legislación vigente responde a los principios mencionados previamente.