1000 resultados para 02090600 CTD-26
The Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity (NECOP) Program is a component of NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program. The central hypothesis of this research is: Anthropogenic nutrient inputs have enhanced coastal ocean productivity with subsequent impacts on coastal ocean water quality, living resource yields, and the global marine carbon cycle. The initial study area for this program is the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Outflow and adjacent Louisiana shelf region.
The BOBLME Project supports member countries to produce fishery management plans for hilsa and Indian Mackerel using an ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAFM). The EAFM has three tiers: technical studies to provide information; a Regional Fisheries Management Committee (RFMAC) to interpret the information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice; and a Regional Fisheries Management Forum to deliberate on the advice as it relates to national actions.
A training course on seagrass conservation and monitoring was conducted at Mawlamyine University and Ngapali Beach government department and Non-Government Organizations (NGO) trainees.
Biodiversity and distribution of benthic Foraminifera and Ostracoda in the continental shelf sediments of the Omman Sea was studied in order to indicating of the composition of benthic foraminiferal and ostracodal communities and determining of their relationship with the environmental factors of the Omman Sea. Sediment samples were gathered in winter 2006 from twelve stations ranging in depth from 30 to 103 meters. Environmental factors including depth, temperature, salinity, dissolved Oxygen and pH were measured with a CTD system during sampling time and grain size and total organic matter were measured in laboratory. From the overall 57 benthic foram species, there were 52 identified species belong to 25 genera of 16 families. The cosmopolitan foraminifer, Ammonia beccarii, was common in all sampling stations. The composition of benthic foram communities had a highly positive correlation with depth, salinity and total organic matter. From the overall 30 ostracod species, there were 26 identified species belong to 22 genera of 13 families. Diversity and aboundance of ostracoda of the Oman Sea decreased from east to west and from south to north but increased slightly in the northwest (near the Strait of Hormoz). Ostracoda of the genus Propontocypris were common in all sampling stations but the genera Cyprideis, Paradoxostom and Hemicytheridea were rare in the Oman Sea. Diversity and aboundance of ostracoda in northern regions were less than southern and were less than foraminifera too. The composition of ostracodal communities had a highly positive correlation with dept, salinity and grain size. Biodiversity and distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda were being different in various sampling stations, especially between northern and southern regions. Water depth, salinity and structure of the sediments were the most important abiotic factors controlling the distribution pattern of benthic foraminifera and ostracoda in the Omman Sea. None existence or rare observation of structural abnormalities and oil polluted individuals in the vicinity of all sampling stations, resulted to the "clean" benthic environment of the Omman Sea.
Report of the hilsa fisheries assessment working group meeting, Kolkata, India, 26-28 November, 2014
The items discussed at the meeting included; capacity development assessment techniques, development of a hilsa fishery management plan; development of a standardised model framework for stock assessment; development of a Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for ecosystem health and resource evaluation; priority fishery management recommendations; and stock status advice for hilsa in BOBLME region .
The role of the Regional Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (RFMAC) is to interpret information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice. The meeting was able to deliver Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) advisories for the hilsa and Indian Mackerel fisheries.
The Socio-economic Monitoring (SocMon) training workshop followed up from the capacity building workshop held in Mannar, 2015. It's aims were to validate information collected at the previous workshop, assist in filling in any gaps and develop a vision tree fro future actions. Planned outputs included: a detailed workplan; a workshop process report; and a final socioeconomic base line report for Vidathaltivu village.
Trainers from the region contributed theory and practical training to trainees from government departments, universities and NGOs relevant to conservation of seagrasses and monitoring methods.
尽管多金属氧酸盐 (POMs)的研究已有180多年的历史,但大量的POMs结构在最近几十年才被陆续解析出来[1~4].其中 ,同多钒酸盐由于钒配位几何形状的多样性,结构最为丰富 ,例如:[V4 O12 ]4-[5],[V5O14 ]3-[6],[V10 O2 8]6-[7] ,[V15O4 2 ]9-[8],[V13 O3 4 ]3-[9].值得注意的是,在这些化合物中,钒的化合价均处于最高氧化态+5价.由于+4价钒不易在溶液中(尤其是水中)稳定存在,因此在以往的常压溶液合成中具有混合价态的同多钒酸盐报道很少.与饱和价态的同多钒酸盐相比,混价多钒酸盐具有更为新奇的电荷分布和拓扑学几何构型,并且在 POMs的理论研究和抗病毒药物、电存储材料以及磁性材料等应用领域有特殊的研究和开发价值[1,10,11].因此,制备具有混价的新型同多钒酸盐一直倍受关注.近年来,水热合成技术的引入使同多钒酸盐合成化学迅速发展.水热体系提供了一个特殊的反应环境 [12 ],使制备各种具有混合价态的同多钒酸盐成为可能.Müller等[13]对这一领域开...
In this paper the preparation of isopoly- and heteropolyoxometallates (IPA and HPA) thin film modified carbon fiber (CF) microelectrodes and the factor that influences the modification of IPA and HPA films are described. IPA and HPA film modified CF microelectrodes can all be prepared by cyclic potential scan and simple dip coating. The modified electrodes prepared are very stable and reversible in acidic solution with monolayer characteristics. The electrochemical pretreatment of CF microelectrodes plays an important role in the modification of IPA and HPA film. The absorption of IPA and HPA film on electrode surfaces has been discussed on the basis of surface conditions of the CF microelectrode and the structure of IPA and HPA.
热带西太平洋是一个流系和水团分布十分复杂的海域。热带西太平洋是一个在别处形成的几种水团的交汇区。许多起源于中、高纬度海域的次表层和中层水团,由不同流系带入和带出这个海域。热带西太平洋水团分布及其变化,与各种时间尺度的大尺度海洋环流和全球水循环变化密切联系,所在位势密度层次越深,所关联的气候变化时间尺度越长。因此,研究该海域次表层水和中层水的分布、扩散及其变化特征,对大洋环流动力学和气候变化研究有重要意义。本文利用中国ARGO资料中心提供的ARGO延时处理资料和美国NODC提供的WOD01中的高分辨率CTD资料,运用盐度极值法确定水团的核心,通过水团核心位置的分布及变化反映热带西太平洋次表层水和中层水的分布及其起源和归宿问题,试图获得较以往更加准确的NPIW和AAIW以及NPTW和SPTW的向南及向北扩散的特征,以及ITF在不同层次上的水源。对新发现的西太平洋热带水(WPTW)和西太平洋热带中层水(WPTIW)的水团性质、分布特征,成因和起源进行了比较系统的分析。在此基础上,分析上述次表层水和中层水20世纪八九十年代以来的年代变化特征。主要结果如下:(1)SPTW在137°E以西跨越赤道后,仍在很大程度上保持原有盐度,向西北和东北方向发展。SPTW在131°E以东几乎没有越过5°N,但在131°E以西可局部影响到6°N,棉兰老冷涡和哈马黑拉暖涡的涡混合输运在这一局部过程中可能起主要作用。NPTW主要位于10°N-20°N之间,在NEC输送下从东向西一直延伸到菲律宾沿岸,分成向北和向南两个分支,南分支在130°E以西沿棉兰老沿岸向南扩散大约到2°N,部分向西进入苏拉威西海,部分与SPTW相遇后有向东扩散的趋势。(2)AAIW几乎齐头并进地向北扩散到12°N-13°N,在125°E附近向北可以到达13°N左右。NPIW的主体分布在10°N以北、122°E以东,呈东北向西南的扩散趋势,在132°E以西至棉兰老沿岸之间可以到达4°N附近。(3)在已知的NPTW与SPTW之间,发现一个以往从未被报道过的次表层水,称之为WPTW。WPTW存在于3°N-12°N之间,核心盐度低于34.8psu,位势密度约在23.7 -24.7 之间。WPTW源于东太平洋20-25°N附近,由NEC南翼携带向西到达西边界后,部分经MC向南,经NECC向东折回,被局限在NEC与NECC之间的狭长水域。(4)2°N-10°N之间、从170°W到西边界分布着一片盐度比较均匀、呈现垂向盐度极小值特征的中层水。该水体位势密度约为26.0 -26.6 、位于AAIW之上、NPIW以南,核心盐度与AAIW相仿、但高于NPIW,在以往研究中未给予重视。从流场配置来看,这个被本文称为WPTIW的水体恰好处在NEC-NECC-SEC之间的强剪切区,在其北侧的是NPIW与同样起源于东北太平洋的浅的盐度极小值(SSM)之间的混合水,在其南侧相应层次上则是AAIW与SPTW之间的过渡水,两者之间被剪切流充分混合,形成盐度相对均匀的WPTIW。因此,WPTIW是热带西太平洋局地混合和再循环的产物。(5)在20世纪八九十年代和2000年以后这两个时期,本文所关注的次表层水和中层水在热带西太平洋扩散和在西边界附近交织在一起的总体态势基本一致。两个时期相比较,SPTW向西扩散程度变化不大,向北扩散程度有所加大,由前一时期的5°N,进一步扩散到6°N-7°N。NPTW在西边界附近的向南扩散程度有所削弱,在2002-2005年间只向南扩散到4°N,并且被SPTW阻挡于128°E以西,而前一个时期则可向南扩散到2°N,并且在2°N-4°N之间转向东跨过130°E。AAIW在西边界附近向北扩散程度有所加大,在2002-2005年到13°N附近,而前一个时期只到达11°N。NPIW在西边界附近的向南扩散程度有所削弱。(6)ITF的次表层水源基本上可以确定主要来自北太平洋,中层水源既有北太平洋,也有南太平洋。其中北太平洋次表层水和中层水经苏拉威西海、望加锡海峡到达弗罗勒斯海,层次越深趋势越明显。南太平洋次表层水没有进入印度尼西亚海域,AAIW则明显是经哈马黑拉海峡和马鲁古海峡到班达海。在各层次上,南海次表层水和中层水通过苏禄海进入ITF的可能性不大。