992 resultados para amphibole olivine
During Leg 125, two serpentinite seamounts were drilled in the Mariana and Izu-Ogasawara forearcs. Together with abundant serpentinized peridotites, low-grade metamorphic rocks were recovered from both seamounts. The metamorphic rocks obtained from Hole 778A on Conical Seamount on the Mariana forearc contain common blueschist facies minerals, lawsonite, aragonite, blue amphibole, and sodic pyroxene. Approximate metamorphic conditions of these rocks are 150° to 250° C and 5 to 6 kb. These rocks are considered to have been uplifted by diapirism of serpentinite from a deeper portion within the subduction zone. This discovery presents direct evidence that blueschist facies metamorphism actually takes place within a subduction zone and provides new insight about trench-forearc tectonics. The diagnostic mineral assemblage of the metamorphic rocks from Holes 783A and 784A on Torishima Forearc Seamount, in the Izu-Ogasawara region, is actinolite + prehnite + epidote, with a subassemblage of chlorite + quartz + albite + H2O, which is typical of low-pressure type, prehnite-actinolite facies of Liou et al. (1985). This metamorphism may represent ocean-floor metamorphism within trapped oceanic crust or in-situ metamorphism that occurred at depths beneath the island-arc.
Leg 65 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project successfully recovered basalts from four sites in the mouth of the Gulf of California, thus completing a transect begun during Leg 64 from the continental margin of Baja California to the east side of the East Pacific Rise (EPR). Sixty-three whole-rock samples from Sites 482, 483, and 485 have been analyzed by X-ray fluorescence techniques, and a further eleven samples by instrumental neutron-activation techniques, in order to assess magma variability within and between sites. Although the major element compositions and absolute hygromagmatophile (HYG) element abundances are quite variable, all of the basalts are subalkaline tholeiites exhibiting strong more-HYG element (e.g., Rb, La, Nb, Ta) depletion (LaN/YbN ~ 0.4; Nb/Zr ~ 0.02; Ba/Zr ~ 0.23; Th/Hf ~ 0.05). These ratios, together with La/Ta ratios of 20 and Th/Ta ratios of 1.25, demonstrate that the Leg 65 basalts resemble the depleted "N-type" ocean ridge basalts recovered from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) at 22 °N and other sections of the EPR. Zr/Ti, Zr/Y, and La/Yb ratios increase with increasing fractionation. It is clear that the basalts recovered from Sites 482, 483, and 485 were all derived from a compositionally similar source and that the compositional differences observed between lithological units can be explained by varying degrees of open system fractional crystallization (magma mixing) in subridge magma chambers. The basaltic rocks recovered from Site 474 near the margin of Baja California, and Sites 477, 478, and 481 in the Guaymas Basin, all drilled during Leg 64, have consistently higher Th/Hf, La/Sm, Zr/Ti, and Zr/Y ratios and higher absolute Sr contents than the Leg 65 basalts. While some of these variations may be explained by different conditions of partial melting, it is considered more likely that the mantle source underlying the Guaymas Basin is chemically distinct from that feeding the EPR at the mouth of the Gulf. These source variations probably reflect the complex tectonic setting of the Gulf of California, the magmas formed at the inception of spreading and in the central part of the Gulf containing a minor but significant component of sub-continental (calc-alkaline) material.
Sediment cores recovered from three holes drilled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 136 include volcaniclastics probably derived from the Hawaiian islands. The volcaniclastics shallower than 10 meters below seafloor are fresh and are composed of basaltic glass (sideromelane), basaltic fragments (mainly tachylite), plagioclase, olivine, pyroxene, and opaque minerals. Most of these glasses are probably products of hydrovolcanism. Visibly, some of these volcaniclastics are recognized as bedded ash layers having thicknesses that range from 5 to 10 cm. However, many volcaniclastics are disrupted by bioturbation to some degree, and are sometimes totally mixed with ambient brown clays. No visible correlative ash layer among these holes was found. It seems that many ash layers thinner than the bedded layers were disrupted by bioturbation because of the low sedimentation rate of volcaniclastics. The volcaniclastics were probably transported one of two ways: through air fall and pelagic settling or through turbidity-current transport. Other archipelagic apron volcaniclastic sediments of volcanic seamounts suggest that turbidite transport is the favored explanation of origin.
Leg 58 successfully recovered basalt at Sites 442, 443, and 444, in the Shikoku Basin, and at Site 446 in the Daito Basin. Only at Site 442 did penetration reach unequivocal oceanic layer 2; at the other sites, only off-axis sills and flows were sampled. Petrographic observations indicate that back-arc basalts from the Shikoku Basin, with the exception of the kaersutite-bearing upper sill at Site 444, are mineralogically similar to basalts being erupted at normal mid-ocean ridges. However, the Shikoku Basin basalts are commonly very vesicular, indicating a high volatile content in the magmas. Site 446 in the Daito Basin penetrated a succession of 23 sills which include both kaersutite-bearing and kaersutite-free basalt varieties. A total of 187 samples from the four sites has been analyzed for major and trace elements using X-ray-fluorescence techniques. Chemically, the basalts from Sites 442 and 443 and the lower sill of Site 444 are subalkaline tholeiites and resemble N-type ocean-ridge basalts found along the East Pacific Rise and at 22° N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR), although they are not quite as depleted in certain hygromagmatophile (HYG) elements. They do not show any chemical affinities with island-arc tholeiites. The basalts from Site 446 and from the upper sill at Site 444 show alkaline and tholeiitic tendencies, and are enriched in the more-HYG elements; they chemically resemble enriched or E-type basalts and their differentiates found along sections of the MAR (e.g., 45°N) and on ocean islands (e.g., Iceland and the Azores). Most of the intra-site variation may be attributed to crystal settling within individual massive flows and sills, to high-level fractional crystallization in sub-ridge magma chambers, or, where there is evidence of a long period of magmatic quiescence between units, to batch partial melting. However, the basalts from Sites 442 and 443 and from the lower sill at Site 444 cannot easily be related to those from Site 446 and the upper sill at Site 444, and it is possible that the different basalt types were derived from chemically distinct mantle sources. From comparison of the Leg 58 data with those already available for other intra-oceanic back-arc basins, it appears that the mantle sources giving rise to back-arc-basin basalts are chemically as diverse as those for mid-ocean ridges. In addition, the high vesicularity of the Shikoku Basin basalts supports previous observations that the mantle source of back-arc-basin basalts may be contaminated by a hydrous component from the adjacent subduction zone.
Microprobe mineral compositions of olivine, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, chrome spinel, ilmenite, and titanomagnetite are presented for 7 samples from 4 flows of hawaiite and one flow of tholeiitic basalt from Hole 430A at Ojin Seamount, 4 samples from 3 flows of alkalic basalt from Hole 432A at Nintoku Seamount, and 29 samples from 2 flows of alkalic basalt and 24 flows of tholeiitic basalt from Holes 433A, 433B, and 433C at Suiko Seamount. The four hawaiite flows from Hole 430A on Ojin Seamount have nearly identical mineralogy. The plagioclase phenocrysts and calculated equilibrium olivine appear to have crystallized at about 1175°C; the groundmass plagioclase crystallized from about 1135° to 1010°C; and the Fe-Ti oxides equilibrated at temperatures from 1000°C to 720°C under oxygen fugacities of 10**-11 to 10**-17. The single tholeiitic flow contains glomerocrysts of plagioclase (An80 to An65) and clinopyroxene (Wo43En46Fsn to Wo42En45Fs13). The plagioclase phenocrysts give calculated temperatures as high as 1400°C, indicating that they were not equilibrated with a magma having the bulk rock composition. The plagioclase groundmass crystallized at 1120° to 1070°C, and the Fe-Ti oxides equilibrated at 1070° to 930°C under oxygen fugacities of 10**-10 to 10**-12. Using mineral compositions of Hawaiian basalts as a guide, we infer that the hawaiite flows were erupted during the post-caldera alkalic eruptive stage and the tholeiite was erupted during the shield-building or caldera collapse stage. The three alkalic basalt flows from Hole 432A on Nintoku Seamount have similar mineralogy, although Flow Units 1 and 2 contain much more abundant plagioclase phenocrysts. The groundmass plagioclase crystallized at temperatures between 1175° and 1000°C. The olivine and plagioclase phenocrysts do not appear to be in equilibrium with the enclosing magmas. The mineral compositions suggest that these samples are intermediate between alkalic basalt and hawaiite; they probably erupted during the post-caldera alkalic stage of eruption. The two analyzed alkalic basalt flows are the two youngest flows recovered at Holes 433A, 433B, and 433C. Flow Unit 1 contains abundant sector-zoned clinopyroxene, and Flow Unit 2 contains rare kink-banded olivine xenocrysts. The plagioclase phenocrysts yield calculated temperatures of 1440° to 1250°C, indicating that they are probably not cognate. Calculated-equilibrium olivine indicates crystallization of olivine at about 1170°C. The Fe-Ti oxides equilibrated at temperatures of 1140° to 870°C under oxygen fugacities of 10**-9 to 10**-14. The groundmass plagioclase crystallized at temperatures of 1178° to 1035 °C. The mineral compositions indicate that these alkalic basalts erupted during the post-caldera alkalic eruptive stage. The 24 analyzed tholeiitic basalts are subdivided on the basis of phenocryst abundances into olivine tholeiites, plagioclase tholeiites, and tholeiites. The crystallization sequence appears to have been chrome spinel, olivine, plagioclase, and clinopyroxene as phenocryst phases, followed by and overlapping with groundmass crystallization of plagioclase (1180° to 920°C), clinopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides (1140° to 670°C). At least three flows contain pigeonite. The mineral compositions indicate that all the samples from Flow Unit 4 downward are tholeiitic basalts, although Flow Unit 64 has mineral compositions transitional to those in alkalic basalts.
Results of a lithological study of bottom sediments in the Syrian region of the Mediterranean Sea during Cruise 27 of R/V Vityaz (1993) are reported. Suspended sediment discharge of the Nile River are of the greatest importance for terrigenous sedimentation in the SE part of the Mediterranean Sea, especially in deep-sea areas. Suspended load entering from the Syrian catchment area plays an important role in formation of recent shelf and slope deposits. Supply of aerosols from Syrian and Arabian deserts was distinguished by the patchiness of surface distribution of quartz. During Late Quaternary accumulation of terrigenous material supplied from both the Syrian and the Nile drainage areas was irregular. Sedimentation was remarkably enhanced during sapropel formation 7000-9000 years BP.
Melting-phase relations at high pressures and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions are reported for basalts collected from the western Indian Ocean during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 115. Based on the concentrations of high-field-strength elements, we have subdivided the basalts into eight groups. A tholeiitic primary magma estimated using an olivine maximum fractionation model is representative of depleted lavas. This melt is in equilibrium with lherzolite minerals at 1.3 GPa and 1330°C under dry conditions. Also, an alkaline primary magma, representative of enriched lavas, is not saturated with orthopyroxene under dry conditions, but it is saturated with lherzolite minerals under CO2-saturated conditions at 1.7 GPa and 1350°C. These results imply that the tholeiitic magmas were segregated from mantle diapirs at shallower levels than the alkaline magmas. The highest 143Nd/144Nd value is obtained for the most depleted tholeiitic basalts, and the lowest value corresponds to the enriched alkaline basalt. The Sr isotopes of the basalts range from 0.70378 to 0.70449 and are inversely correlated with the Nd isotopic values. The present experimental and geochemical data suggest that depleted mantle material is underlain by the enriched material in the upper mantle beneath the region.
Cyclic fluctuations in global sea level during epochs of warm greenhouse climate have remained enigmatic, because absence or subordinate presence of polar ice during these periods precludes an explanation by glacio-eustatic forcing. An alternative concept suggests that the water-bearing potential of groundwater aquifers is equal to that of ice caps and that changes in the dynamic balance of aquifer charge versus discharge, as a function of the temperature-related intensity of the hydrological cycle, may have driven eustasy during warm climates. However, this idea has long been neglected for two reasons: 1) the large storage potential of subsurface aquifers was confused with the much smaller capacity of rivers and lakes and 2) empirical data were missing that document past variations in the hydrological cycle in relation to eustasy. In the present study we present the first empirical evidence for changes in precipitation, continental weathering intensity and evaporation that correlate with astronomically (long obliquity) forced sea-level cycles during the warmest period of the Cretaceous (Cenomanian-Turonian). We compare sequence-stratigraphic data with changes in the terrigenous mineral assemblage in a low-latitude marine sedimentary sequence from the equatorial humid belt at the South-Tethyan margin (Levant carbonate platform, Jordan), thereby avoiding uncertainties from land-ocean correlations. Our data indicate covariance between cycles in weathering and sea level: predominantly chemical weathering under wet climate conditions is reflected by dominance of weathering products (clays) in deposits that represent sea-level fall (aquifer charge > discharge). Conversely, preservation of weathering-sensitive minerals (feldspars, epidote and pyroxenes) in transgressive sediments reflects decreased continental weathering due to dryer climate (aquifer discharge > charge). Based on our results we suggest that aquifer-eustasy represents a viable alternative to glacio-eustasy as a driver of cyclic 3rd-order sea-level fluctuations during the middle Cretaceous greenhouse climate, and it may have been a pervasive process throughout Earth history.
Seventeen whole-rock samples, generally taken at 25- to 50-meter intervals from 5 to 560 meters sub-basement in Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 504B, were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios, and rubidium and strontium concentrations. Ten of these samples also were analyzed for Pb-isotope composition. Strontium-isotope ratios for eight samples from the upper 260 meters of the hole range from 0.70287 to 0.70377, with a mean of 0.70320. In the interval 330 to 560 meters, five samples have a restricted range of 0.70259 to 0.70279, with a mean of 0.70266, almost identical to the average value of fresh mid-ocean-ridge basalts. In the interval 260 to 330 meters, approximately intermediate strontium- isotope ratios are found. The higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the upper part of the hole can be interpreted in terms of strontium-isotope alteration during basalt-sea-water interaction. Relative to average fresh mid-ocean ridge basalts, the upper 260 meters of basalts are enriched by an average of about 9% in sea-water strontium 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7091). This Sr presumably is located in the smectites, which, as the main secondary minerals throughout the hole, replace olivine and matrix glass and locally fill vesicles (analyzed samples contained no veins). The strontium-isotope data strongly suggest that the integrated flux of sea water through the upper part of the Hole 504B crust has been greater than through the lower part. This is also suggested by (1) the common occurrence of Feoxide- hydroxide minerals as alteration products above 270 meters, but their near absence below 320 meters, (2) the presence of vein calcite above 320 meters, but its near absence below this level, and (3) the occurrence of vein pyrite only below a depth of 270 meters. Sea-water circulation in the lower basalts may have been partly restricted by the greater number of relatively impermeable massive lava flows below 230 meters sub-basement. Although sufficient sea water was present within the lower part of the hole to produce smectitic alteration products, the overall water /rock ratio was low enough to prevent significant modification of strontium-isotope ratios. Lead-isotope ratios of Hole 504B basalts form approximately linear arrays in plots of 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb. The arrays are similar to those reported for basalts from other mid-ocean ridges. There is no trend in Hole 504B lead-isotope ratios with vertical position in the basement. The arrays indicate that the lead-isotope composition of the upper mantle from which the Hole 504B basaltic melts were derived was inhomogeneous.
Precise velocity and density measurements at atmospheric and elevated pressures have been obtained on basalts drilled in 13 holes during Leg 54. The vp-sigma data show systematics which are controlled by the degree of crystallinity (or conversely, glassiness), microstructure, and original mineralogy and chemistry. Extensively fractionated basalts with marked iron enrichment produce anomalously low measured velocities at densities above 2.90 g/cm**3. Also, the effective in situ pressure acting on Leg 54 basalts is less than hydrostatic, and perhaps close to zero. At zero effective pressure, the measured velocities average 2.5 km/s higher than East Pacific Rise upper crustal velocities determined by seismic refraction. This implies that the in situ velocities are undoubtedly a result of the highly fragmented nature of East Pacific Rise crust.
The Cenozoic Pagodroma Group in the northern Prince Charles Mountains, East Antarctica, is a glaciomarine succession of fjordal character, comprising four uplifted formations of different ages. The composition of the <2 µm fraction of sediments of the Pagodroma Group was analysed in order to help identify source areas, past weathering conditions and glacial regimes. Both clay and non-clay minerals have been quantified. The assemblage of the upper Oligocene to lower Miocene Mount Johnston Formation is characterised by the dominance of illite and intermediate concentrations of chlorite. Similar to that assemblage is the clay mineral suite of the middle Miocene Fisher Bench Formation, where illite and chlorite together account for 95% of the clay minerals. The middle to upper Miocene Battye Glacier Formation is the only formation with significant and persistent smectite concentrations, although illite is still dominant. The kaolinite concentration is also high and is even higher than that of chlorite. The clay fraction of the upper Pliocene to lower Pleistocene Bardin Bluffs Formation is characterised by maximum kaolinite concentrations and relatively low illite and chlorite concentrations. The bulk of the clay fraction in each formation can be explained by the physical weathering and erosion of a nearby source under glacial conditions. In the case of Mount Johnston Formation and Fisher Bench Formation this source may be situated in the metavolcanic and gneissic rocks of Fisher Massif. The sediments of the Bardin Bluffs Formation indicate a local source within the Amery Oasis, where Proterozoic granitoid rocks and gneisses, and Permo-Triassic fluvial rocks of the Amery Group are exposed. These results suggest a strong local imprint on the glacial sediments as northwards flowing ice eroded the bedrock in these areas. The origin of the clay fraction of the Battye Glacier Formation is a matter of debate. The smectite and kaolinite content most easily can be explained by erosion of sources largely hidden beneath the ice upstream. Less likely, these clay minerals reflect climatic conditions that were much warmer and wetter than today, facilitating chemical weathering.