995 resultados para Þrándr Þorbjarnarson, 10th cent.
Among 327 strains of Actinomycetes isolated in 1958 during the four seasons, 97,85 per cent had proteolytic activity. Most of the strains wete isolated in spring time. About the organic matter no conclusions were reached, because it was mantained constant with a average value of 4.099. So the different number of the strains was a consequence of the season. We can conclude that the Latosol red-yellow soil, from where these microorganisms were isolated, has a strong proteolytic capacity, since this reaction is very strong in a maximum limit of sixteen days during the spring season. Consequently, this soil has one of the most importante caracteristics of fertility. The role of the Actinomycetes in the soil is so important of the soil microflora.
I. This paper deals with an experiment carried out to evaluate the effect of the sugar cane upper end on the composition of the sugar cane harvest as a raw material for the sugar industry. The variety studied was Co 421. The authors intend to study other varieties in the future. The data were collected from plant cane, at intervals of two weeks, always from the same field, from a small central area of 3.000 square meters approximately. Sixty (60) stalks were cut in each occasion, randomly chosen from the whole area. They were afterwards separated into three groups of 20 stalks, one for each of the treatments, namely: a) Complete stalks, with no leaves or sheaths. b) Stalks harvested by the technique of REYNOSO, that is, as usually done in practice. c) Stalks with the tops completely cut out, that is, cut by technique of REYNOSO and then with 3 other top internodes eliminated. The treatments caused significant differences on the following technological characteristics: a) Weight b) Cane pol c) Available sucrose (pol) per cent cane d) Cane juice pol e) Saline coefficient of juice. II. Except for weight, all changes were favorable to treatment c, even if with differences relatively slight, in percentage. IIII. Treatment differences for cane fiber, brix, reducing sugars, juice ashes, coefficient of purity and glucose coefficient were not significant. IV. Time of harvest was an important factor affecting the composition of the cane and of the juice. V. On the average the available sucrose of cane for treatments, with an standard error of 0.13%, was: Treatment c 13.05% Treatment b 12.65% Treatment a 12.53% This shows that there is no sound basis for the heavy fines applied by some sugar mills to planters who do not cut low enough the tops of the cane stalks.
WATER-CULTURE EXPERIMENTS. Two water-culture experiments were carried out to study the absorption and the translocation of radiozinc in young coffee plants as influenced by two factors, namely, concentration of heavy metals (iron, man ganese, copper and molybdenum) and method of application. Inert zinc was supplied at an uniform rate of 0. 05 p. p. m.; the levels of iron supply were 0, 1.0, and 10.0 p. p.m.; manganese was supplied in three doses 0, 0.5, and 5.0 p. p.m.; copper- 0, 0. 02, and 0. 2 p. p. m.; molybdenum- 0, 0. 01, and 0. 1 p. p. m. When applied to the nutrient solution the activity os the radiozinc (as zinc chloride) was 0. 15 microcuries per plant. In the study of the leaf absorption, Zn65 was supplied at the level of 0. 10 microcuries per plant; in this case the radioative material was brushed either on the lower or on the upper surface or both two pairs of mature leaves. The absorption period was 8 weeks. The radioactivity assay showed the following results: 1 - Among the heavy metals herein investigated the iron concentration did not affect the uptake of the radiozinc; by raising the level of Mn, Cu and Mo ten times, the absorption dropped to 50 per cent and even more when compared with the control plants; when, however, these micronutrients were omitted from the nutrient solution, an increase in the uptake of zinc was registered in the minus Cu treatment only. The effects of high levels of Mn, Cu and Mo probably indicate an interionic competition for a same site on a common binding substance in the cell surface. 2 - The absorption of the radiozinc directly applied to the leaf surface reached levels as high as 8 times that registered when the root uptake took place. Among the three methods of application which have been tried, brushing the lower surface of the leaves proved to be the most effective; this result is easily understood since the stomatal openings of the coffee leaves an preferentially located in the lower surface - in this treatment, about 40 per cent of the activity was absorved and around 12 per cent were translocated either to the old or to the newer organs. Chemical analyses for heavy metals, were carried out only in the plants received Zn65Cl2 in the nutrient solution; the results were as follows; 1 - Control plants had, per 1,000 gm, of dry weight the following amounts in mg.: Zn- 48 in the roots and 29 in the tops; Fe- 165 in the roots and 9 in the tops; Mn- 58 in the roots and 15 in the tops, Cu- 15 in the roots and 1. 2 in the tops; Mo- 2. 8 in the roots and 0. 45 in the tops. 2 - The effect of different levels of micronutrients in the composition of the plants can be summarized as follows: Fe and Zn- when omitted from the nutrient solution, the iron and zinc contents in the roots decreased, no variation being noted in the tops; the higher dosis caused an accumulation in the roots but no apparent effect in the tops; Mn- by omitting this micronutrient a decrease in its content in the roots was noted, where as the concentration in the tops was the same; Mo- no variation in roots and tops contents when molybdenum was omitted; higher dosis of manganese and molybdenum increased the amounts formed both in the roots and in the tops. 3 - The influence of the different concentrations of micronutrients heavy metals on the zinc content of the coffee plants can be described by saying that: Fe and Mo- no marked variation; Mn- no effect when omitted, reduced amount when the high dosis was supplied; Mn- when the plants did not receive manganese the zinc content in roots and tops was the same as in the control plants; a decrease in the zinc content of the total plant occurred when the high dosis was employed; Cu -the situation is similar to that described for manganese. Hence, results showed by the chemical analyses roughly correspond to those of the radioactivity assay; the use of the tracer technique, however, gave best informations along this line. SOIL-POTS EXPERIMENTS. The two types of soils which when selected support the most extensive coffee plantations in the State of São Paulo, Brazil: "arenito de Bauru", a light sandy soil and "terra roxa legitima", a red soil derived from basalt. Besides NPK containing salts, the coffee plants were given two doses of inert zinc (65 and 130 mg ZnCl2 per pot) and radiozinc at a total activity of 10(6) counts/minute. The results of the countings can be summarized as follows: 1 - When plants were grown in "arenito de Bauru" the activity absorbed as per cent of the total activity supplied was not affected by the dosis of inert zinc. The highest value found was around 0. 1 per cent. 2 - For the "terra roxa" plants, the situation is almost the same; there was, however, a slight increase in the absorption of the radiozinc when 130 mgm of ZnClg2 was given: a little above 0. 2 per cent of the activity supplied was absorbed. The results clearly show that the young coffee plants practically did not absorb none of the zinc supplied; two reasons at least could be pointed out to explain such a fact: 1 - Zinc fixation by an exchange with magnesium or by filling holes in the octahedral layer of aluminosilicates, probably kaolinite; 2 - No need for fertilizer zinc in the particular stage of life cycle under which the experiment was set up. The data from chemical analysis are roughly parallel to the above mentioned. When one attempts to compare - by taking data herein reported zinc uptake from nutrient solution, leaf brushing or from fertilizers in the soil, a practical conclusion can be drawn: the control of zinc deficiency in coffee plants should not be done by adding the zinc salts to the soil; in other words: the soil applications used so extensively in other countries seem not to be suitable for our conditions; hence zinc sprays should be used wherever necessary.
Pineapple plants when grown in the greenhouse by the sand culture technique in order to study the effects of deficiencies of macronutrients in growth, yield, leaf and fruit composition, the main results were the following. As a result of the several treatments, yield decreased in the order: Complete Minus Mg Minus S Minus Ca Minus K; nitrogen and phosphorus deficiente plants did not bear fruit. Leaf analyses (see Table 5-1) showed that the ommission of given element from the nutrient solution always caused a decrease in its level in the green tissue. As seen in Table 5-2 the lack of macronutrients had certain effects on fruit composition: acidity increased in all cases excet in the minus Mg fruits; ash usually decreased reaching its lowest valued in fruits from the minus K plants; when compared to fruits picked in the "normal" plants, those lacking K showed a marked decrease both in brix and in total sugars as well; sulfur deficiency also brought a net reduction in the sugar content. Table 5-1. Levels of macronutrients found in pinapple leaves. Elements Treatment Percent of dry matter Nitrogen (N) Complete 1.29 Minus N 0.78 Phosphorus (P) Complete 0.12 Minus P .05 Potassium (K) Complete 2.28 Minus K 0.16 Calcium (Ca) Complete 1.19 Minus Ca 1.10 Magnesium (Mg) Complete 0.41 Minus Mg .29 Sulfur (S) Complete 1.00 Minus S .65 Table 5-2. Effects of macronutrients deficiency in yield and fruit characteristics. Treatment Ave. weight of Acidity As per Brix Total sugars fruits (gm) per cent cent per cent Complete 1.031 1.16 0.40 14.7 10.8 Minus N no fruit was produced Minus P no fruit was produced Minus K 246 1.44 0.26 11.9 8.3 Minus Ca 513 1.40 0.35 17.8 14.3 Minus Mg 957 0.97 0.38 15.4 13.0 Minus S 576 1.42 0.46 17.1 6.5
This paper deals with the determination of the content of macronutrients in pulp and beans of three coffee varieties, namely 'Mundo Novo', 'Caturra Amarelo' and 'Bourbon Amarelo'. Samples were collected in plantations located in the three types of soils herein most of S. Paulo, Brazil, coffee is grown, that is, "terra roxa legítima" (Ribeirão Preto), "massapé-salmourão" (Mocóca), and "arenito de Bauru" (Pindorama). The following main conclusions were drawn after statistical analysis of data obtained hereby. There is no statistical difference among the three varieties . Average contents of macronutrients, as per cent of the dry matter, are the following: N P K Ca Mg S bean 1,71 0,10 1,53 0,27 0,15 0,12 pulps 1.78 0,14 3,75 0,41 0,13 0,15 Samples collected in Mocóca ("massapé-salmourão") had lower N and K contents, probably due to lack of availability of these elements in the soil, as suggested by its analysis. Results obtained in this work are in good agreement with data described elsewhere. Out of the total of elements contained in the whole fruit the following proportions are exported as clean coffee: N - 2/3, P and K - 1/2, Ca, Mg and S - 1/3. It is clear therefore that a substantial amount of elements absorbed from the soil remains in the pulp or in the dry hulls which result from processing. From this fact raises the interest of using these residues as fertilizer in the coffee plantations.
I. This paper deals with an experiment carried out to evaluate the effect of sugar cane upper end on the composition of the stalks and juice of sugar cane harvest as a raw material for the sugar industry. The variety studied was CB 41-76. The data were collected from plant cane at intervals of a two weeks, always from the same field, from a small central area of 3.000 square meters approximately, 60 stalks were cut in each occasion, randomly chosen from the whole area. They were afterwards separated into three groups of 20 stalks one for each of the treatments, namely: a) Complete stalk, with no leaves or sheaths. b) Stalks harvested by the technique of REYNOSO, that is, as usually done in practice. c) Stalks with the tops completely cut out, that is, cut by the techinique of REYNOSO and then with 3 other top internodes eliminated. The treatments caused significant differences on the weight of cane and coefficient of purity of juice, but the percentual differences between the average treatments a and c is 13% and 2%, respectively. II. Treatment differences for cane pol, cane fibre, brix, juice pol, reducing sugars, juice ashes, glucose coefficient, saline coefficient and available sucrose (pol) per cent were not significant. III. Time of harvest was an important factor affecting the composition of the cane and the juice. This paper shows that there is no sound basis for the heavy fines applied some sugar mills to planters who do not cut low enough the tops of the cane stalks.
Two nutrient foliar sprays, namely Ferti-Foliage (21-21 -21) and Wuxal (9-9-7), were applied to peanut plants under field conditions. Both were applied 23 days after germination of seeds, at the beginning of flowering, and during flowering. Other treatments were application of NPK fertilizer (9-30-16, 250 kg/ha) into the soil and check (no fertilizer). The experiment was carried out on a latosolic B "Terra Roxa" soil, sowing being made on March 6th and harvest on July 10th. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences amongst treatments. However, certain treatments had better yields. For instance, application of Ferti-Foliage showed a tendency to increasing number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. Same product when applied at the beginning of flowering had a tendency to increase production of seeds and of forage. Application of NPK (9-30-16) into the soil showed similar results.
n.f.:bd.3 (1859-1860)
n.f.:bd.1 (1855-1856)
The hummingbird Amazilia lactea (Lesson, 1832) built a nest in São Paulo, Brazil, in the spring (Oct) and added lichens during incubation. The female incubated over 70 per cent of the day, 1-56 min per visit, and brooded two small young somewhat less; brooding stopped by about 10 days of age, as did night brooding. Lack of night brooding for large young hummingbirds may reflect lack of space in a small nest. Young stayed in the nest 19 days. Feedings were widely spaced, and presence of possible predators caused alarm.
1-Out of 1531 autopsies at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, recorded in the Section of Pathology of «Instituto OSWALDO CRUZ», we found three cases of primary carcinoma of the lung, which gives the incidence of 0,195 per cent. They were not associated with tuberculos's and anthracos's was not marked. 2-The gross and microscopical features indicate that they are in reality primary cancers of the larger bronchi arising probably, from the bronchial lining epithelium. There is a striking similarity both macro and microscopical in Cases I and II, where the structure is that of cylindrical cell alveolar carcinoma. Mucus formation was never a prominent feature in these tumors. As in HENRICI's case they apparently invade the lung along the alveolar wall in more or less considerable extension retaining the alveolar septa as stroma. In case III the structure is that of squamous cell carcinoma, and the tumor mass, usually ulcerating, lies in the immediate vicinity of the bronchi, the extension to the lung tissue being not widespread. 3-Cases IV and V are tumors of the lower and median portion of the trachéa, squamous cell carcinoma in structure, which form marked contrast with the tumors originating in the larger bronchi: the tumor process never invades the lung parenchyma by continuous extension. In Case V extension to the mediastinal lymph-nodes is observed, and a tumor of the size of an orange is found in the anterior mediastinum: that tumor mass and the upper lobe of the right lung were only adherent by fibrous tissue of inflammatory origin and the tumor did not extend into the lung tissue.
1.) - Woodward-Fry's and Okuda-Hess technics were employed in the determination of blood glutathione in normal healthy adults of both sexes. 2.) - It was found more accurately results with the technic of Woodward and Fry than of any others for the dosage of G. S. H. of blood. 3.) - When the process of Okuda-Hess is modified by the use of an intern indicator (starch) the readings of the end-point are much more easy and therefore the results more exacts. 4.) - The averages of the data obtained for normal blood by the technic of Woodward and Fry were for men per hundred cubic cent. 27 mgrs (G.S.H); 6.6 mgrs. (G.S.S) and 33.6 mges. (G. T) and for women: 28.4 mgrs. (G.S.H), 7.8 mgrs. (G.S.S) and 36,2 mgrs. (G.T). 5.) - Autoxidation in the blood filtrate is only apreciated after 24 hs. In the first eight hours autoxidation is never observed. 6.) - The increase of glutathione in hyperglobulia is a function of the amount of red corpuscles. In acrocyanosis arterial blood is richest in these component than venous blood and this fact is in accordance with the observation of Blanchetière, Mélon and Binet for the experimental asphyxia of dogs.
The author has studied the influence of acetylcholine solutions directly applied on the motor cortex of dogs, cats monkeys and rabbits. For this purpose small squares of filter paper were soaked in the acetylcholine solution and soon afterwards laid on the motor cortex. Solutions varying from 0,2 to 10 per cent have been experimented. It has been shown that local application of the solutions on the motor points, previously localized by induction coil, produced motor reactions. It has been found, in the dogs that 10 per cent acetylcholine solutions cause localized muscular twitchings (clonus) in almost all the animals experimented. Generalised epileptiform convulsions were obtained in44,4% of the dogs. Convulsions were also obtained by employing 1 per cent solution of acetylcholine. Definite response has been obtained with 0,2 per cent solution. Failure of motor action, pointed out by other authors, has been related to the use of anesthetics. Convulsions were easily produced by rapid light mechanical stimulations of the skin covering the muscles in conection with the excited motor point, and the application on the motor point of acetylcholine. The results on monkeys can be summarized as follows. Two species of monkeys were experimented: Cebus capucinus and Macaca mulata. In the monkeys C. capucinus generalised convulsive reactions were induced with actylcholine solutions in a concentration as low as 0,5 per cent. Motor reaction or convulsive seizeres were obtained in seven of the eight monkeys used. Three monkeys M. mulata were stimulated with 10 per cent acetylcholine solution but only localized muscular contraction hae been observed. Similar results has been obtained on the motor cortex of cats and rabbits. One of the three cats employed has shown epileptiform convulsions and the remaining only localized muscular contractions. In the rabbits muscular twitchings have been also induced. The sensitizing power of eserine on the action of acetylcholine has been also searched. The results indicate that a previous application of eserine solution on the motor center, potentiates the action of acetylcholine. The intensity of the muscular twitchings is greater than the obtained before the application of the eserine solution. Generalised epileptiform convulsions sometimes appeared following the use of lower concentrations of acetylcholine than those previously employed. Experiments have been carried out by injecting eserine and prostigmine by parenteral route. A dosis dufficient for induce small muscular tremors did not enhance obviously the motor effects produced by the application of the acetylcholine solutions on the motor cortex. From seven dogs experimented, all previously tested for convulsive seiruzes by application of 1 and 10 per cent acetylcholine solution with negative results, only one has shown epileptiform convulsions after the injection of prostigmine. Morphine has also been tested as facilitating substance for convulsions induced by acetylcholine. Six from the nine dogs submitted to the experiments, developed epileptiform seizures after injection of morphine and stimulation of the motor cortex with acetylcholine. (Table IV). In another series of experiments atropine and nicotine have been studied as for to their action on the motor effects of acetylcholine. Nicotine has a strong convulsant action, even when employed in very high concentration. Since a depressant effect has not appeared even by the applications of high concentrations of nicotine in the motor corteõ of dogs, unlike the classical observations for the autonomus nervous system, it was not possible to verify the action of acetylcholine on a motor center paralised by nicotine. It is important to not that the motor phenomena observed after the first aplication of acetylcholine, can desappear by the renewal of the pieces of filter paper soaked in the acetylcholine solution. Atropine, either applied on the motor point in low concentration, or injected in sufficient amount for inhibiting the muscarinic effects of acetylcholine on the autonomous nervous system, did not prevent the motor reactions of acetylcholine on the cerebral cortex.
The localization of the xanthine oxidase (X.O.) and xanthine dehydrogenase (X.D.) activities in rat liver have been studied using separation of cytoplasmic particles into fractions by differential centrifugation. The results clearly demonstrate that practically all the enzymic activity is present in the supernatant fluid corresponding to the cell sap containing the soluble proteins of the cell. No activity could be detected for the nuclear, mitocondrial and microsomal fractions. The enzymatic activity of the mixture of the four factions was 102 per cent of that of the original homogenate. The distribution of the xanthine dehydrogenase in the protein fractions of the rat serum was accomplished in preliminary experiments by means of 50% ammonium sulphate precipitation and subsequent dialysis against water. All enzymatic activity was confined to the globulin fractions of the serum. Paper electrophoresis was performed and the protein and lipoprotein fractions determined. A method for the localization of the X.D. activity in the protein fractions separated by paper electrophoresis was developed. The results obtained suggest that xanthine dehydrogenase is localized in the globulin fractions possessing mobilities of [alpha 1], [beta] and [gamma] globulins and are probably bound to the lipoproteins.
This paper analyses the elasticities of demand in tolled motorways in Spain with respect to the main variables influencing it. The demand equation is estimated using a panel data set where the cross-section observations correspond to the different Spanish tolled motorways sections, and the temporal dimension ranges from the beginning of the eighties until the end of the nineties. The results show a high elasticity with respect to the economic activity level. The average elasticity with respect to petrol price falls around -0.3, while toll elasticities clearly vary across motorway sections. These motorway sections are classified into four groups according to the estimated toll elasticity with values that range from -0.21 for the most inelastic to -0.83 for the most elastic. The main factors that explain such differences are the quality of the alternative road and the length of the section. The long-term effect is about 50 per cent higher than the short term one; however, the period of adjustment is relatively short.