980 resultados para % dry weight
Among abiotic stresses, high salinity stress is the most severe environmental stress. High salinity exerts its negative impact mainly by disrupting the ionic and osmotic equilibrium of the cell. In saline soils, high levels of sodium ions lead to plant growth inhibition and even death. Salt tolerance in plants is a multifarious phenomenon involving a variety of changes at molecular, organelle, cellular, tissue as well as whole plant level. In addition, salt tolerant plants show a range of adaptations not only in morphological or structural features but also in metabolic and physiological processes that enable them to survive under extreme saline environments. The main objectives of my dissertation were understanding the main physiological and biomolecular features of plant responses to salinity in different genotypes of horticultural crops that are belonging to different families Solanaceae (tomato) and Cucurbitaceae (melon) and Brassicaceae (cabbage and radish). Several aspects of crop responses to salinity have been addressed with the final aim of combining elements of functional stress response in plants by using several ways for the assessment of plant stress perception that ranging from destructive measurements (eg. leaf area, relative growth rate, leaf area index, and total plant fresh and dry weight), to physiological determinations (eg. stomatal conductance, leaf gas exchanges, water use efficiency, and leaf water relation), to the determination of metabolite accumulation in plant tissue (eg. Proline and protein) as well as evaluation the role of enzymatic antioxidant capacity assay in scavenging reactive oxygen species that have been generated under salinized condition, and finally assessing the gene induction and up-down regulation upon salinization (eg. SOS pathway).
Weizenstroh als erneuerbare Ressource zur Produktion von Biopolymeren und wichtigen Grundchemikalien stellt eine ökologisch sinnvolle Alternative dar. Durch die vom PFI durchgeführte Thermodruckhydrolyse konnte das Weizenstroh und die darin enthaltenen Zucker fast vollständig mobilisiert werden. Ein umfangreiches Screening nach Organismen, welche die Zucker des Weizenstrohs verwerten konnten, ergab, dass einige wenige Stämme zur PHB-Bildung aus Xylose befähigt waren (10 %). Zur PHB-Synthese aus Glucose waren indes ca. doppelt so viele Organismen in der Lage (20 %). Zwei der insgesamt 118 untersuchten Organismen zeigten besonders gute PHB-Bildung sowohl mit Xylose als auch mit Glucose als Substrat. Dabei handelte es sich um die hauseigenen Stämme Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2. Nach Enttoxifizierung der hemicellulosischen Fraktion konnte diese als C-Quelle im Mineral Medium eingesetzt werden. Burkholderia sacchari DSM 17165 und Hydrogenophaga pseudoflava DSM 1034, sowie die hauseigenen Isolate Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2 wurden für die Synthese von PHB aus der hemicellulosischen Fraktion verwendet. Die Zucker der hemicellulosischen Fraktion (Xylose, Glucose, Arabinose) konnten durch diese Organismen zur PHB-Synthese genutzt werden. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass die beiden Bacillus-Stämme besser zur Produktion von PHB aus dem hemicellulosischen Hydrolysat geeignet waren als die Stämme der DSMZ. Die alternative Umsetzung der im hemicellulosischem Hydrolysat enthaltenen Zucker (Xylose, Glucose und Arabinose) in die wichtigen Grundchemikalien Lactat und Acetat konnte durch die Verwendung von heterofermentativen Milchsäurebakterien verwirklicht werden. Die Bildung dieser wichtigen Grundchemikalien stellt eine interessante Alternative zur PHB-Synthese dar. Die Menge an teuren Zusätzen wie Tomatensaft, welcher für das Wachstum der MSB essentiell war, konnte reduziert werden. Die Glucose der zweiten Fraktion des Weizenstrohs, der cellulosischen Fraktion, konnte ebenfalls durch den Einsatz von Mikroorganismen in PHB umgewandelt werden. Kommerzielle Cellulasen der Firma Novozymes konnten große Mengen an Glucose (≥10 g/l) aus der cellulosischen Fraktion freisetzen. Diese freie Glucose wurde mit Hilfe von Cupriavidus necator DSM 545, Cupriavidus necator NCIMB 11599, Bacillus licheniformis KHC 3 und Bacillus megaterium KNaC 2 zu PHB fermentiert. Wie auch beim hemicellulosischen Hydrolysat konnten hier die beiden Bacillus-Stämme die besten Ergebnisse erzielen. Bei ihnen machte die PHB mehr als die Hälfte der Trockenmasse aus. Die Abtrennung des Zielprodukts ohne die Verwendung von umweltschädlichen Lösungsmitteln wurde durch die Lyse der Zielzellen durch eigens isolierte Enzyme aus Streptomyceten verwirklicht. Die Zelllyse durch die Enzyme aus Streptomyces globisporus subsp. caucasius DSM 40814 und Streptomyces albidoflavus DSM 40233 war erfolgreich und zeigte vor allem bei den Bacillen hohe Wirkung (83 % und 99 % Zelllyse). Bei dem Gram-negativen Organismus Cupriavidus necator DSM 428 konnte die anfangs niedrige Zelllyse von 38 % durch Ultraschallbehandlung auf ca. 75 % erhöht werden.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical compatibility of model soil-bentonite backfills containing multiswellable bentonite (MSB) relative to that of similar backfills containing untreated sodium (Na) bentonite or a commercially available, contaminant resistant bentonite (SW101). Flexible-wall tests were conducted on consolidated backfill specimens (effective stress =34.5 kPa) containing clean sand and 4.5–5.7% bentonite (by dry weight) using tap water and calcium chloride (CaCl2) solutions (10–1,000 mM) as the permeant liquids. Final values of hydraulic conductivity (k) and intrinsic permeability (K) to the CaCl2 solutions were determined after achieving both short-term termination criteria as defined by ASTM D5084 and long-term termination criteria for chemical equilibrium between the influent and effluent. Specimens containing MSB exhibited the smallest increases in k and K upon permeation with a given CaCl2 solution relative to specimens containing untreated Na bentonite or SW101. However, none of the specimens exhibited more than a five-fold increase in k or K, regardless of CaCl2 concentration or bentonite type. Final k values for specimens permeated with a given CaCl2 solution after permeation with tap water were similar to those for specimens of the same backfill permeated with only the CaCl2 solution, indicating that the order of permeation had no significant effect on k. Also, final k values for all specimens were within a factor of two of the k measured after achieving the ASTM D5084 termination criteria. Thus, use of only the ASTM D5084 criteria would have been sufficient to obtain reasonable estimates of long-term hydraulic conductivity for the specimens in this study.
We investigated the effect of cefotaxime and chloramphenicol on endotoxin concentrations in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and on the development of brain edema in rabbits with Escherichia coli meningitis. Both antibiotics were similarly effective in reducing bacterial titers. Cefotaxime, but not chloramphenicol, induced a marked increase of endotoxin in CSF, from log10 1.5 +/- 0.8 to log10 2.8 +/- 0.7 ng/ml (P less than .01). This result was associated with an increase in brain water content (405 +/- 12 g of water/100 g of dry weight compared with 389 +/- 8 g in untreated controls; P less than .01), whereas in animals treated with chloramphenicol, brain water content was identical to controls. The cefotaxime-induced increase in endotoxin concentration and brain edema were both neutralized by polymyxin B, which binds to the lipid A moiety of endotoxin, or by a monoclonal antibody to lipid A. These results indicate that treating gram-negative bacillary meningitis with selected antibiotics induces increased endotoxin concentrations in CSF that are associated with brain edema.
A study was made of the effects of antibiotics and corticosteroids on parameters that reflect brain dysfunction and potential neurological damage in experimental pneumococcal meningitis in rabbits. Brain water content was 398 +/- 10 g/100 g dry weight in normal rabbits and 410 +/- 11 g in rabbits after 24 hr of infection (P less than .001). Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate levels increased from 16.3 +/- 3.4 mg/dl to 69.5 +/- 28.2 mg/dl (P less than .001), and CSF pressure increased by +8.3 +/- 3.6 mm Hg (P less than .005) over the same interval. Antibiotic therapy with ampicillin sterilized CSF and normalized CSF pressure and brain water content in all animals within 24 hr, while CSF lactate levels remained elevated. Administration of methyl prednisolone, 30 mg/kg, or dexamethasone, 1 mg/kg, 15 and 22 hr after infection completely reversed the development of brain edema, but only dexamethasone also significantly reduced the increase in CSF lactate level (43.8 +/- 12.3 mg/dl) and CSF pressure (+1.8 +/- 2.7 mm Hg). Methyl prednisolone did not significantly affect pressure or lactate levels.
Bioplastics are polymers (such as polyesters) produced from bacterial fermentations that are biodegradable and nonhazardous. They are produced by a wide variety of bacteria and are made only when stress conditions allow, such as when nutrient levels are low, more specifically levels of nitrogen and oxygen. These stress conditions cause certain bacteria to build up excess carbon deposits as energy reserves in the form of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). PHAs can be extracted and formed into actual plastic with the same strength of conventional, synthetic-based plastics without the need to rely on foreign petroleum. The overall goal of this project was to select for a bacteria that could grow on sugars found in the lignocellulosic biomass, and get the bacteria to produce PHAs and peptidoglycan. Once this was accomplished the goal was to extract PHAs and peptidoglycan in order to make a stronger more rigid plastic, by combing them into a co-polymer. The individual goals of this project were to: (1) Select and screen bacteria that are capable of producing PHAs by utilizing the carbon/energy sources found in lignocellulosic biomass; (2) Maximize the utilization of those sugars present in woody biomass in order to produce optimal levels of PHAs. (3) Use room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) in order to separate the cell membrane and peptidoglycan, allowing for better extraction of PHAs and more intact peptidoglycan. B. megaterium a Gram-positive PHA-producing bacterium was selected for study in this project. It was grown on a variety of different substrates in order to maximize both its growth and production of PHAs. The optimal conditions were found to be 30°C, pH 6.0 and sugar concentration of either 30g/L glucose or xylose. After optimal growth was obtained, both RTILs and enzymatic treatments were used to break the cell wall, in order to extract the PHAs, and peptidoglycan. PHAs and peptidoglycan were successfully extracted from the cell, and will be used in the future to create a new stronger co-polymer. Peptidoglycan recovery yield was 16% of the cells’ dry weight.
Protein changes and proteolytic degradation in red and white clover plants subjected to waterlogging
Red (Trifolium pratense L., cv. “Start”) and white clover varieties (Trifolium repens L., cv. “Debut” and cv. “Haifa”) were waterlogged for 14 days and subsequently recovered for the period of 21 days. Physiological and biochemical responses of the clover varieties were distinctive, which suggested different sensitivity toward flooding. The comparative study of morphological and biochemical parameters such as stem length, leaflet area, dry weight, protein content, protein pattern and proteolytic degradation revealed prominent changes under waterlogging conditions. Protease activity in the stressed plants increased significantly, especially in red clover cv. “Start”, which exhibited eightfold higher azocaseinolytic activity compared to the control. Changes in the protein profiles were detected by SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. The specific response of some proteins (Rubisco, Rubisco-binding protein, Rubisco activase, ClpA and ClpP protease subunits) toward the applied stress was assessed by immunoblotting. The results characterized the red clover cultivar “Start” as the most sensitive toward waterlogging, expressing reduced levels of Rubisco large and small subunits, high content of ClpP protease subunits and increased activity of protease isoforms.
We investigated the consequences of early malnutrition on milk production by dams and on body weight and structural lung growth of young rats using two models of protein restriction. Dams of the early restriction group were fed an 8% casein diet starting at parturition. Those of the delayed restriction group received a 12% casein diet from lactation d 8-14 and thereafter the 8% diet. After weaning, early restriction and delayed restriction group rats were maintained on low protein until d 49, then refed the control diet (18% casein) up to d 126. Milk was analyzed on d 12. Animals were killed at d 21, 49, and 126 for lung fixation in situ. In this report, we show that protein restriction lowered milk yield to 38% of normal. Milk lipid per gram of dry weight tended to be increased, whereas lactose and protein were significantly decreased. Pups from protein-restricted dams grew less and had lower lung volumes, effects being more serious at d 49. However, specific lung volumes (in milliliters per 100 g body weight) were constantly increased. This means that lung was either less affected than body mass or overdistended due to less connective tissue. After refeeding, both groups showed a remarkable catch-up in growth with restoration of the normal allometric relationship between lung volume and body weight. Thus, even after an early onset of protein restriction to total body, the lung is still capable to substantially recover from growth retardation.
Growth, morphogenesis and function of roots are influenced by the concentration and form of nutrients present in soils, including low molecular mass inorganicN(IN, ammonium, nitrate) and organicN(ON, e. g. amino acids). Proteins, ON of high molecular mass, are prevalent in soils but their possible effects on roots have received little attention. Here, we investigated how externally supplied protein of a size typical of soluble soil proteins influences root development of axenically grown Arabidopsis. Addition of low to intermediate concentrations of protein (bovine serum albumen, BSA) to IN-replete growth medium increased root dry weight, root length and thickness, and root hair length. Supply of higher BSA concentrations inhibited root development. These effects were independent of total N concentrations in the growth medium. The possible involvement of phytohormones was investigated using Arabidopsis with defective auxin (tir1-1 and axr2-1) and ethylene (ein2-1) responses. That no phenotype was observed suggests a signalling pathway is operating independent of auxin and ethylene responses. This study expands the knowledge on N form-explicit responses to demonstrate that ON of high molecular mass elicits specific responses.
The role of glutathione (GSH) in protecting plants from chilling injury was analyzed in seedlings of a chilling-tolerant maize (Zea mays L.) genotype using buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), a specific inhibitor of gamma-glutamylcysteine (gamma EC) synthetase, the first enzyme of GSH synthesis. At 25 degrees C, 1 mM BSO significantly increased cysteine and reduced GSH content and GSH reductase (GR: EC activity, but interestingly affected neither fresh weight nor dry weight nor relative injury. Application of BSO up to 1 mM during chilling at 5 degrees C reduced the fresh and dry weights of shoots and roots and increased relative injury from 10 to almost 40%. Buthionine sulfoximine also induced a decrease in GR activity of 90 and 40% in roots and shoots, respectively. Addition of GSH or gamma EC together with BSO to the nutrient solution protected the seedlings from the BSO effect by increasing the levels of GSH and GR activity in roots and shoots. During chilling, the level of abscisic acid increased both in controls and BSO-treated seedlings and decreased after chilling in roots and shoots of the controls and in the roots of BSO-treated seedlings, but increased in their shoots. Taken together, our results show that BSO did not reduce chilling tolerance of the maize genotype analyzed by inhibiting abscisic acid accumulation but by establishing a low level of GSH. which also induced a decrease in GR activity.
This data set contains aboveground community biomass (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) and species-specific biomass from the sown species of the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground community biomass was harvested twice in 2004 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in late May and in late August) on all experimental plots of the main experiment. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in four rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per large plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. the central 10 x 15 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: individual species for the sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. Sown plant community biomass was calculated as the sum of the biomass of the individual sown species. The data for individual samples and the mean over samples for the biomass measures on the community level are given. Overall, analyses of the community biomass data have identified species richness as well as functional group composition as important drivers of a positive biodiversity-productivity relationship.
Two types of deep-sea dredges are currently under development for the mining of the manganese nodules, a deep-sea hydraulic dredge and a mechanical cable-bucket system. Both systems offer some advantages with the hydraulic system appearing to be advantageous in themining of a specific deposit for which it is designed while the cable-bucket system appears to be somewhat more flexible in working in a variety of deposits, topographic environments, and water depths. Environmental studies conducted in conjunction with deep-sea tests of the two types of mining systems currently indicate that substantially no environmental damage will be done in the mining of the deep-sea nodules. Because of the nature of the deposits and the way in which they can be mined, the manganese nodules appear to be a relatively pollution free and energy-saving source of a number of industrially important metals.