825 resultados para wireless lan
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), based on commodity hardware, present a promising technology for a wide range of applications due to their self-configuring and self-healing capabilities, as well as their low equipment and deployment costs. One of the key challenges that WMN technology faces is the limited capacity and scalability due to co-channel interference, which is typical for multi-hop wireless networks. A simple and relatively low-cost approach to address this problem is the use of multiple wireless network interfaces (radios) per node. Operating the radios on distinct orthogonal channels permits effective use of the frequency spectrum, thereby, reducing interference and contention. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of the multi-radio Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol with a specific focus on hybrid WMNs. Our simulation results show that under high mobility and traffic load conditions, multi-radio AODV offers superior performance as compared to its single-radio counterpart. We believe that multi-radio AODV is a promising candidate for WMNs, which need to service a large number of mobile clients with low latency and high bandwidth requirements.
Despite extensive progress on the theoretical aspects of spectral efficient communication systems, hardware impairments, such as phase noise, are the key bottlenecks in next generation wireless communication systems. The presence of non-ideal oscillators at the transceiver introduces time varying phase noise and degrades the performance of the communication system. Significant research literature focuses on joint synchronization and decoding based on joint posterior distribution, which incorporate both the channel and code graph. These joint synchronization and decoding approaches operate on well designed sum-product algorithms, which involves calculating probabilistic messages iteratively passed between the channel statistical information and decoding information. Channel statistical information, generally entails a high computational complexity because its probabilistic model may involve continuous random variables. The detailed knowledge about the channel statistics for these algorithms make them an inadequate choice for real world applications due to power and computational limitations. In this thesis, novel phase estimation strategies are proposed, in which soft decision-directed iterative receivers for a separate A Posteriori Probability (APP)-based synchronization and decoding are proposed. These algorithms do not require any a priori statistical characterization of the phase noise process. The proposed approach relies on a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)-based algorithm to perform phase noise estimation and does not depend on the considered modulation/coding scheme as it only exploits the APPs of the transmitted symbols. Different variants of APP-based phase estimation are considered. The proposed algorithm has significantly lower computational complexity with respect to joint synchronization/decoding approaches at the cost of slight performance degradation. With the aim to improve the robustness of the iterative receiver, we derive a new system model for an oversampled (more than one sample per symbol interval) phase noise channel. We extend the separate APP-based synchronization and decoding algorithm to a multi-sample receiver, which exploits the received information from the channel by exchanging the information in an iterative fashion to achieve robust convergence. Two algorithms based on sliding block-wise processing with soft ISI cancellation and detection are proposed, based on the use of reliable information from the channel decoder. Dually polarized systems provide a cost-and spatial-effective solution to increase spectral efficiency and are competitive candidates for next generation wireless communication systems. A novel soft decision-directed iterative receiver, for separate APP-based synchronization and decoding, is proposed. This algorithm relies on an Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE)-based cancellation of the cross polarization interference (XPI) followed by phase estimation on the polarization of interest. This iterative receiver structure is motivated from Master/Slave Phase Estimation (M/S-PE), where M-PE corresponds to the polarization of interest. The operational principle of a M/S-PE block is to improve the phase tracking performance of both polarization branches: more precisely, the M-PE block tracks the co-polar phase and the S-PE block reduces the residual phase error on the cross-polar branch. Two variants of MMSE-based phase estimation are considered; BW and PLP.
Ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are formed from self-organising configurations of distributed, energy constrained, autonomous sensor nodes. The service lifetime of such sensor nodes depends on the power supply and the energy consumption, which is typically dominated by the communication subsystem. One of the key challenges in unlocking the potential of such data gathering sensor networks is conserving energy so as to maximize their post deployment active lifetime. This thesis described the research carried on the continual development of the novel energy efficient Optimised grids algorithm that increases the WSNs lifetime and improves on the QoS parameters yielding higher throughput, lower latency and jitter for next generation of WSNs. Based on the range and traffic relationship the novel Optimised grids algorithm provides a robust traffic dependent energy efficient grid size that minimises the cluster head energy consumption in each grid and balances the energy use throughout the network. Efficient spatial reusability allows the novel Optimised grids algorithm improves on network QoS parameters. The most important advantage of this model is that it can be applied to all one and two dimensional traffic scenarios where the traffic load may fluctuate due to sensor activities. During traffic fluctuations the novel Optimised grids algorithm can be used to re-optimise the wireless sensor network to bring further benefits in energy reduction and improvement in QoS parameters. As the idle energy becomes dominant at lower traffic loads, the new Sleep Optimised grids model incorporates the sleep energy and idle energy duty cycles that can be implemented to achieve further network lifetime gains in all wireless sensor network models. Another key advantage of the novel Optimised grids algorithm is that it can be implemented with existing energy saving protocols like GAF, LEACH, SMAC and TMAC to further enhance the network lifetimes and improve on QoS parameters. The novel Optimised grids algorithm does not interfere with these protocols, but creates an overlay to optimise the grids sizes and hence transmission range of wireless sensor nodes.
Market-level information diffused by print media may contribute to the legitimation of an emerging technology and thus influence the diffusion of competing technological standards. After analyzing more than 10,000 trade media abstracts from the Local Area Networks (LAN) industry published between 1981 and 2000, we found the presence of differential effects on the adoption of competing standards by two market-level information types: technology and product availability. The significance of these effects depends on the technology's order of entry and suggests that high-tech product managers should make strategic use of market-level information by appropriately focusing the content of their communications. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the use of 802.11e MAC to resolve the transmission control protocol (TCP) unfairness. Design/methodology/approach: The paper shows how a TCP sender may adapt its transmission rate using the number of hops and the standard deviation of recently measured round-trip times to address the TCP unfairness. Findings: Simulation results show that the proposed techniques provide even throughput by providing TCP fairness as the number of hops increases over a wireless mesh network (WMN). Research limitations/implications: Future work will examine the performance of TCP over routing protocols, which use different routing metrics. Other future work is scalability over WMNs. Since scalability is a problem with communication in multi-hop, carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) will be compared with time division multiple access (TDMA) and a hybrid of TDMA and code division multiple access (CDMA) will be designed that works with TCP and other traffic. Finally, to further improve network performance and also increase network capacity of TCP for WMNs, the usage of multiple channels instead of only a single fixed channel will be exploited. Practical implications: By allowing the tuning of the 802.11e MAC parameters that have previously been constant in 802.11 MAC, the paper proposes the usage of 802.11e MAC on a per class basis by collecting the TCP ACK into a single class and a novel congestion control method for TCP over a WMN. The key feature of the proposed TCP algorithm is the detection of congestion by measuring the fluctuation of RTT of the TCP ACK samples via the standard deviation, plus the combined the 802.11e AIFS and CWmin allowing the TCP ACK to be prioritised which allows the TCP ACKs will match the volume of the TCP data packets. While 802.11e MAC provides flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanism, the challenge is to take advantage of these features in 802.11e MAC. Originality/value: With 802.11 MAC not having flexibility and flow/congestion control mechanisms implemented with TCP, these contribute to TCP unfairness with competing flows. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have emerged as a key technology for the next generation of wireless networking. Instead ofbeing another type of ad-hoc networking, WMNs diversify the capabilities of ad-hoc networks. There are many kinds of protocols that work over WMNs, such as IEEE 802.11a/b/g, 802.15 and 802.16. To bring about a high throughput under varying conditions, these protocols have to adapt their transmission rate. While transmission rate is a significant part, only a few algorithms such as Auto Rate Fallback (ARF) or Receiver Based Auto Rate (RBAR) have been published. In this paper we will show MAC, packet loss and physical layer conditions play important role for having good channel condition. Also we perform rate adaption along with multiple packet transmission for better throughput. By allowing for dynamically monitored, multiple packet transmission and adaptation to changes in channel quality by adjusting the packet transmission rates according to certain optimization criteria improvements in performance can be obtained. The proposed method is the detection of channel congestion by measuring the fluctuation of signal to the standard deviation of and the detection of packet loss before channel performance diminishes. We will show that the use of such techniques in WMN can significantly improve performance. The effectiveness of the proposed method is presented in an experimental wireless network testbed via packet-level simulation. Our simulation results show that regardless of the channel condition we were to improve the performance in the throughput.