984 resultados para wildlife corridors


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Thyroid hormones (THs) play an important role in the normal development and physiological functions in fish. Environmental chemicals may adversely affect thyroid function by disturbing gene transcription. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), a persistent compound, is widely distributed in the aquatic environment and wildlife. In the present study, we investigated whether PFOS could disrupt the hypothalamic– pituitary–thyroid (HPT) axis. Zebrafish embryos were exposed to various concentrations of PFOS (0, 100, 200 and 400 lg L 1) and gene expression patterns were examined 15 d post-fertilization. The expression of several genes in the HPT system, i.e., corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), sodium/iodide symporter (NIS), thyroglobulin (TG), thyroid peroxidase (TPO), transthyretin (TTR), iodothyronine deiodinases (Dio1 and Dio2) and thyroid receptor (TRa and TRb), was quantitatively measured using real-time PCR. The gene expression levels of CRF and TSH were significantly up-regulated and down-regulated, respectively, upon exposure to 200 and 400 lg L 1 PFOS. A significant increase in NIS and Dio1 gene expression was observed at 200 lg L 1 PFOS exposure, while TG gene expression was down-regulated at 200 and 400 lg L 1 PFOS exposure. TTR gene expression was down-regulated in a concentration-dependent manner. Up-regulation and down-regulation of TRa and TRb gene expression, respectively, was observed upon exposure to PFOS. The whole body thyroxine (T4) content remained unchanged, whereas triiodothyronine (T3) levels were significantly increased, which could directly reflect disrupted thyroid hormone status after PFOS exposure. The overall results indicated that PFOS exposure could alter gene expression in the HPT axis and that mechanisms of disruption of thyroid status by PFOS could occur at several steps in the synthesis, regulation, and action of thyroid hormones.


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理解森林管理对野生动物生境的累积效应,需要对不同森林管理预案作出预测、分析和评价。本文,以小兴安岭友好林业局为研究区,利用空间直观景观模型LANDIS模拟其在6种森林管理预案—无采伐、皆伐、择伐I(禁伐区不采伐,限伐区和商品林区每10年采伐面积分别为5%和10%)、择伐II(限伐区和商品林区10%和15%)、造林I(采伐同择伐I,伐后人工更新)和造林II(采伐同择伐II,伐后人工更新)下200年内的森林景观变化。在查阅文献、野外考察和咨询相关专家的基础上,以GIS为平台,构建有着不同生境需求的3种动物:松鼠(Sciurus vulgaris)、马鹿(Cervus elaphus)和花尾榛鸡(Bonasa bonasia)在景观尺度上的生境适宜度指数(Habitat suitability index, HSI)模型,利用Arc的宏语言AML(Arc Macro Language)将LANDIS的输出结果与3种动物的HSI模型相结合,借助生境单元和类水平(Class level)上的景观指数(结合度指数等)评价动物生境,以反映不同森林管理预案对动物生境的影响。研究结果表明: 1)对于LANDIS的模拟结果而言,不同森林管理预案往往导致不同的森林演替动态:无采伐和2造林方案下,森林逐渐向成、过熟林演替,且造林方案显著增加了营林树种的分布面积;择伐I和择伐II下,由于成、过熟林被采伐,森林向后期演替的速度较为缓慢,而皆伐下,中、幼龄林的比重较大。定性而言,对于偏好早期演替的动物而言,皆伐下的生境适宜性较高;对于偏好中、后期演替森林的动物而言,2种择伐方案下生境适宜性较高;对于偏好后期演替的动物而言,无采伐和2造林方案下生境适宜性较高。 2)对于松鼠,无采伐和2造林预案下的生境单元和适宜生境(HSI≥0.5)结合度指数较高,适宜生境的平均斑块面积较大,表明这3种预案下的生境适宜性较高,而2择伐预案由于移去了大量成、过熟林,导致松鼠生境适宜性的下降,对于皆伐,尽管采伐量比2择伐预案的小,由于其不利于针叶林的天然更新,对松鼠的生境破坏更为严重。 3)对于马鹿,皆伐和2造林预案下的生境单元和结合度指数较高,而无采伐下的生境单元和结合度指数整体上又小于2择伐预案下的,这表明,适当的干扰反而利于提高马鹿的生境适宜性,因为,若没有这些采伐、造林等干扰活动,森林的郁闭度会随着树冠的封闭而逐渐加大,下层的许多不耐荫的树种就会消失或减少,降低马鹿的食物来源。 4)对于花尾榛鸡,若不考虑营林活动对其干扰,2造林预案下的生境单元和结合度指数较高,其次为无采伐预案,而皆伐和2择伐方案下较低,这表明,单纯的采伐的将减小花尾榛鸡的生境适宜性。 生态系统是一复杂的系统,因此,不可能存在适于所有动物的森林管理预案,对于管理预案的选择取决于管理者多方面(经济、生态和社会)的权衡。本文是将LANDIS与HSI相结合模拟评估森林管理预案对动物生境影响的一次尝试,研究结果表明了这一方法的实用性。尽管这一方法存在一定的局限性,但利用这一方法,能够可视化和量化结果,并比较不同森林管理预案,从生物多样性保护出发,为森林管理提供决策支持。最后,需要声明的是,本研究侧重方法的探讨,作为实际应用,还需要大量的野外工作来验证HSI模型。


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中国拥有92466 Km2的各类高原湿地,具有湿地退化、过度放牧等相似特征,保护与利用矛盾突出。高寒湿地保护区尽管在制度上以核心区、缓冲区来约束当地的放牧等外来干扰行为,但在实际管理中却不能起到应有的作用。 本研究以四川若尔盖湿地国家级自然保护区为例,应用3S技术,建立保护区多功能动态分区工作流模型,通过不同植被类型的识别和空间特征分析、不同动物类群在上述植被生境中的时空分布特征分析、保护区主要干扰因素的时空分布特征分析,突出对保护区主要保护对象(湿地生态系统)的保护,对保护区进行管理分区,依据野生动物利用特征和植被生长特征对核心区进行年周期动态利用,缓解保护与发展的矛盾,促进保护区的优化管理。 应用归一化植被指数(NDVI)与植被盖度的相关性,将归一化植被指数(NDVI)转化为植被盖度指数(MDVI),结合保护区牧场划分和时空利用特征专家经验,结果表明,MDVI值在1-139之间主要代表着水体、裸地、沙地等;MDVI140-256为草地和高山灌丛;MDVI210是当地夏牧场和秋冬牧场的划分区间值。 合理的区划需要资金、技术和政策的支持,为保证保护区多核心动态分区的实施,本研究提出了生态工程、牧业发展方式转变、湿地特色产业发展、湿地政策、社区参与和科技支撑等六大保障措施。 In China, 92466 Km2 highland or frigid wetlands are (were) facing major management problems, such as wetland degradation and overgazing. Conflict between conservation and utilization on those wetlands can be found anywhere today. Although many nature reserves have been setup for protection of frigid wetland, and core and buffer zone has been declared to forbid any kinds of disturbance, local farmers still use these areas for grazing. As an example by Sichuan Roige Wetlands National Nature Reserve(SRWNRR), we set up a 3S flow model to analyze the character of year-round distribution patters of vegetation, wildlife, and grazing. Combined and overlapped these characters together, we select multi-core zone and buffer zone, then define a dynamic management period in different zone to optimize protection wetland in the reserve. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI)is highly related with coverage of vegetation. When convert NDVI to MDVI (coverage index, 1-256), index 139 and 210 can be as inflexion to distinguish among water/sand/bared land, summer pasture, and autumn / winter pasture. We use these to select different layers and analyze grazing pattern. To be more realistic, we put forward some strategies to support our multi-core and dynamic management of wetland in Roige, including ecological restoration engineering, changing of stock raising industry, changing of wetland policy, community based management and technology renovation supports.


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大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)是我国特有的濒危野生动物之一,迁地保护已经成为大熊猫物种保护的一个重要方面。当前大熊猫圈养种群数量增长很快,但是其“多雄配一雌”的交配(配种方式),以及生产过程中记录遗失等原因,造成圈养种群普遍存在亲子关系不清、谱系混乱等问题。为了加强遗传管理,有必要进行亲子关系鉴定、完善谱系;还需要检测种群的基因多样性水平,并在此基础上提出相应的遗传管理建议。 本研究应用9个具有高度多态性的大熊猫微卫星标记,对来自成都大熊猫繁育研究基地2006和2007年度出生的17只大熊猫幼崽及其全部候选父母共37个样品做了基因型分析;然后应用最大似然法,判断幼崽的父-子关系。同时,还对来自卧龙大熊猫保护研究中心的31只大熊猫个体也做了基因分型。将两个种群的数据进行比较:1)等位基因多样性和杂合度水平;2)通过F统计法,分析两个种群的遗传分化水平;3)通过遗传距离法,对所有个体进行聚类分析。 研究结果表明: 1)在母子关系不清的情况下,9个微卫星标记联合的父亲鉴定排除概率E为0.940090;而在母子关系确实的条件下,E= 0.993933。由于本研究中所有后代的母亲都是清楚的,因此这9个微卫星位点能够有效用于圈养大熊猫的亲子鉴定。似然法分析也表明,本研究所获得的亲子鉴定结果置信度在95%以上。 2)2005年种源交换后,成都大熊猫的等位基因多样性和杂合度水平都略高于卧龙种群(但没有达到显著水平),两个种群间的遗传分化水平也有所降低。但是,与卧龙相比,成都种群面临较大的近交压力。 基于以上研究结果,我们建议:进一步加强种源交换和基因交流,把两个种群当作一个遗传单元(MU)来进行管理。 Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) is one of the endangerd wildlife endemic to China, and the ex-situ breeding become more and more important for the conservation of this speices. Although the captive population is expanding rapidly, the uncertainty occurs because the paternities of cubs are not clear due to the breeding pattern of “multiple male to single female,”as well as the records lost, resulting in errors in the studbook. For this reason, the paternity of the cubs and the genetic diversity of the captive giant pandas should be tested carefully to get information for the genetic management in the future. 9 polymorphism microsatellite markers were used to do paternity assignment for the 17 cubs born in 2006 and 2007 from Chengdu Research Base for Giant Panda Breeding (CGB) based on the maximum-likelihood methods. A total of 37 individuals were sampled, including all the candidate dams and sires. These samples were also used for comparing with 31 individuals sampling from Wolong China Research and Conservation Center for the Giant Panda (WCG). The comparing indexes were: 1) Allelic diversity and heterozygosity; 2) Genetic differentiation based on F-statistic; 3) Cluster analysis based on genetic distance. The results show that: 1) If the mother is unkown, the combined exclusion probability using these 9 loci is 0.940090. If the mother is known then the exclusion probability is 0.993933. Since the dam-offspring relationship is known in captive populations, the results could resolve unknown paternities in the study. And the confidence level of the results is 95% based on the likelihood methods. 2) The allelic diversity and the heterozygosity of CGB were higher than WCG (n ot significant), and the genetic differentiation was reduced a little since the genetic exchange between two populations in 2005. However, the population of CGB will be threatening by inbreeding seriously than that of WCG. From above, we suggest to reiforce the genetic exchange and geneflow between CGB and WCG, and these two populations should be regarded as one genetic management unit (MU).


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Landscape agriculture is the combination of landscape ecology and agriculture. Its basic idea is from the system theory and landscape ecology. Now landscape agriculture is getting more and more attention because of its multi-functional roles. For example, it can exploit the agricultural ecosystem more rationally, make full use of the self-adjustment function of the natural patches and corridors in the field, as well as the effects from landform types and topological components. It uses regenerative biological energy to a large extent, constitutes beautiful scenic view and protects the diversity of genetics, species, ecosystems and landscapes. Landscape agriculture emphasizes environment improvement, bio-diversity protection and tourism development, thus provides new possibility for the increase of economical benefits and gets the positive feedback loop started. An example from the former Soviet Union is presented as well in this paper


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Herbivory and burrowing activity of mammals may influence the species composition and diversity of plant communities. The effect of corridors and holes systems constructed by root vole (Microtus oeconomus Pallas) on the plant species diversity was studied in the habitat of high - mountain meadow (3250 in a.s.l in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China). By using grid method, these disturbances were studied on 16 plots (100 cm x 100 cm) distributed in 4 transects in studied area, in August 2000 and 2001. The disturbance intensity index, D, was calculated as the percent of the ground surface disturbed by voles in the study area. Plant species were identified and counted on the same plots. In total 46 plant species were identified - 39% of this number was considered as sensitive to the vole disturbances as their occurrence and/or abundance decreased along the disturbance intensity. Generally, a significantly negative correlation (r = - 0.911 P < 0.01) between vole aboveground disturbances and plant species diversity (H') was found. The results suggest that root vole ground disturbances, especially in the form of actively utilized holes and corridors have significantly negative influence on plant species diversity in high-mountain grassland habitat.


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1. Plateau zokors, Myospalax fontanierii, are the only subterranean herbivores on the Tibetan plateau of China. Although the population biology of plateau zokors has been studied for many years, the interactions between zokors and plants, especially for the maintenance and structure of ecological communities, have been poorly recognized. In the past, plateau zokors have been traditionally viewed as pests, competitors with cattle, and agents of soil erosion, thus eradication programmes have been carried out by local governments and farmers. Zokors are also widely and heavily exploited for their use in traditional Chinese medicine.2. Like other fossorial animals, such as pocket gophers Geomys spp. and prairie dogs Cynomys spp. in similar ecosystems, zokors may act to increase local environmental heterogeneity at the landscape level, aid in the formation, aeration and mixing of soil, and enhance infiltration of water into the soil thus curtailing erosion. The changes that zokors cause in the physical environment, vegetation and soil clearly affect the herbivore food web. Equally, plateau zokors also provide a significant food source for many avian and mammalian predators on the plateau. Zokor control leading to depletion of prey and secondary poisoning may therefore present problems for populations of numerous other animals.3. We highlight the important role plateau zokors play in the Tibetan plateau ecosystem. Plateau zokors should be managed in concert with other comprehensive rangeland treatments to ensure the ecological equilibrium and preservation of native biodiversity, as well as the long-term sustainable use of pastureland by domestic livestock.


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Communication is important for social and other behavioural interactions in most marine mammal species. The bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu, 1821) is a highly social species that use whistles as communication calls to express identity and to initiate and maintain contact between socially interactive individuals. In this thesis, the degree of variability in whistle behaviour and whistle characteristics was examined between different habitats on a range of spatial scales. The whistle characteristics that best discriminated between different communities were investigated, along with exploration of whistle variation in relation to habitat type, levels of social interaction and relatedness. Finally, the use and variability of individually distinctive calls (signature whistles) within and between Irish and US waters were also examined. Relatively high levels of whistle variation were found within a genetically and socially isolated population of dolphins in the Shannon Estuary, reflecting the need for individual identification and distinctive whistles in a population with long term site fidelity and high levels of social cohesion. Variation between reproductively separate communities in Irish waters was relatively small except between animals in inshore compared with continental shelf waters. The greatest differences in whistle structure overall were evident between dolphins using inshore and offshore US waters, likely reflecting social isolation of the two distinct ecotypes that occur in these waters but also variation in behaviour or habitat conditions. Variation found among inshore communities in US waters reflected similarities in habitat use and levels of social interaction. These findings suggest that vocal variation is socially mediated, behaviourally maintained and dependent on levels of social contact between individuals. The findings contribute to our understanding of the interaction of factors influencing vocalisation behaviour in this behaviourally complex and ecologically plastic species.


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This thesis argues that through the prism of America’s Cold War, scientism has emerged as the metanarrative of the postnuclear age. The advent of the bomb brought about a new primacy for mechanical and hyperrational thinking in the corridors of power not just in terms of managing the bomb itself but diffusing this ideology throughout the culture in social sciences, economics and other such institutional systems. The human need to mitigate or ameliorate against the chaos of the universe lies at the heart of not just religious faith but in the desire for perfect control. Thus there has been a transference of power from religious faith to the apparent material power of science and technology and the terra firma these supposedly objective means supply. The Cold War, however was a highly ideologically charged opposition between the two superpowers, and the scientific methodology that sprang forth to manage the Cold War and the bomb, in the United States, was not an objective scientific system divorced from the paranoia and dogma but a system that assumed a radically fundamentalist idea of capitalism. This is apparent in the widespread diffusion of game theory throughout Western postindustrial institutions. The inquiry of the thesis thus examines the texts that engage and criticise American Cold War methodology, beginning with the nuclear moment, so to speak, and Dr Strangelove’s incisive satire of moral abdication to machine processes. Moving on chronologically, the thesis examines the diffusion of particular kinds of masculinity and sexuality in postnuclear culture in Crash and End Zone and finishing up its analysis with the ethnographic portrayal of a modern American city in The Wire. More than anything else, the thesis wishes to reveal to what extent this technocratic consciousness puts pressure on language and on binding narratives.


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The primary aim of this thesis is to analyse legal and governance issues in the use of Environmental NPR-PPMs, particularly those aiming to promote sustainable practices or to protect natural resources. NPR-PPMs have traditionally been thought of as being incompatible with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). However, the issue remains untouched by WTO adjudicatory bodies. One can suggest that WTO adjudicatory bodies may want to leave this issue to the Members, but the analysis of the case law also seems to indicate that the question of legality of NPR-PPMs has not been brought ‘as such’ in dispute settlement. This thesis advances the argument that despite the fact that the legal status of NPR-PPMs remains unsettled, during the last decades adjudicatory bodies have been scrutinising environmental measures based on NPR-PPMs just as another expression of the regulatory autonomy of the Members. Though NPR-PPMs are regulatory choices associated with a wide range of environmental concerns, trade disputes giving rise to questions related to the legality of process-based measures have been mainly associated with the protection of marine wildlife (i.e., fishing techniques threatening or affecting animal species). This thesis argues that environmental objectives articulated as NPR-PPMs can indeed qualify as legitimate objectives both under the GATT and the TBT Agreement. However, an important challenge for the their compatibility with WTO law relate to aspects associated with arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination. In the assessment of discrimination procedural issues play an important role. This thesis also elucidates other important dimensions to the issue from the perspective of global governance. One of the arguments advanced in this thesis is that a comprehensive analysis of environmental NPR-PPMs should consider not only their role in what is regarded as trade barriers (governmental and market-driven), but also their significance in global objectives such as the transition towards a green economy and sustainable patterns of consumption and production.


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BACKGROUND: The rate of emergence of human pathogens is steadily increasing; most of these novel agents originate in wildlife. Bats, remarkably, are the natural reservoirs of many of the most pathogenic viruses in humans. There are two bat genome projects currently underway, a circumstance that promises to speed the discovery host factors important in the coevolution of bats with their viruses. These genomes, however, are not yet assembled and one of them will provide only low coverage, making the inference of most genes of immunological interest error-prone. Many more wildlife genome projects are underway and intend to provide only shallow coverage. RESULTS: We have developed a statistical method for the assembly of gene families from partial genomes. The method takes full advantage of the quality scores generated by base-calling software, incorporating them into a complete probabilistic error model, to overcome the limitation inherent in the inference of gene family members from partial sequence information. We validated the method by inferring the human IFNA genes from the genome trace archives, and used it to infer 61 type-I interferon genes, and single type-II interferon genes in the bats Pteropus vampyrus and Myotis lucifugus. We confirmed our inferences by direct cloning and sequencing of IFNA, IFNB, IFND, and IFNK in P. vampyrus, and by demonstrating transcription of some of the inferred genes by known interferon-inducing stimuli. CONCLUSION: The statistical trace assembler described here provides a reliable method for extracting information from the many available and forthcoming partial or shallow genome sequencing projects, thereby facilitating the study of a wider variety of organisms with ecological and biomedical significance to humans than would otherwise be possible.


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Climate change induced by anthropogenic warming of the earth's atmosphere is a daunting problem. This review examines one of the consequences of climate change that has only recently attracted attention: namely, the effects of climate change on the environmental distribution and toxicity of chemical pollutants. A review was undertaken of the scientific literature (original research articles, reviews, government and intergovernmental reports) focusing on the interactions of toxicants with the environmental parameters, temperature, precipitation, and salinity, as altered by climate change. Three broad classes of chemical toxicants of global significance were the focus: air pollutants, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including some organochlorine pesticides, and other classes of pesticides. Generally, increases in temperature will enhance the toxicity of contaminants and increase concentrations of tropospheric ozone regionally, but will also likely increase rates of chemical degradation. While further research is needed, climate change coupled with air pollutant exposures may have potentially serious adverse consequences for human health in urban and polluted regions. Climate change producing alterations in: food webs, lipid dynamics, ice and snow melt, and organic carbon cycling could result in increased POP levels in water, soil, and biota. There is also compelling evidence that increasing temperatures could be deleterious to pollutant-exposed wildlife. For example, elevated water temperatures may alter the biotransformation of contaminants to more bioactive metabolites and impair homeostasis. The complex interactions between climate change and pollutants may be particularly problematic for species living at the edge of their physiological tolerance range where acclimation capacity may be limited. In addition to temperature increases, regional precipitation patterns are projected to be altered with climate change. Regions subject to decreases in precipitation may experience enhanced volatilization of POPs and pesticides to the atmosphere. Reduced precipitation will also increase air pollution in urbanized regions resulting in negative health effects, which may be exacerbated by temperature increases. Regions subject to increased precipitation will have lower levels of air pollution, but will likely experience enhanced surface deposition of airborne POPs and increased run-off of pesticides. Moreover, increases in the intensity and frequency of storm events linked to climate change could lead to more severe episodes of chemical contamination of water bodies and surrounding watersheds. Changes in salinity may affect aquatic organisms as an independent stressor as well as by altering the bioavailability and in some instances increasing the toxicity of chemicals. A paramount issue will be to identify species and populations especially vulnerable to climate-pollutant interactions, in the context of the many other physical, chemical, and biological stressors that will be altered with climate change. Moreover, it will be important to predict tipping points that might trigger or accelerate synergistic interactions between climate change and contaminant exposures.


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Geospatial modeling is one of the most powerful tools available to conservation biologists for estimating current species ranges of Earth's biodiversity. Now, with the advantage of predictive climate models, these methods can be deployed for understanding future impacts on threatened biota. Here, we employ predictive modeling under a conservative estimate of future climate change to examine impacts on the future abundance and geographic distributions of Malagasy lemurs. Using distribution data from the primary literature, we employed ensemble species distribution models and geospatial analyses to predict future changes in species distributions. Current species distribution models (SDMs) were created within the BIOMOD2 framework that capitalizes on ten widely used modeling techniques. Future and current SDMs were then subtracted from each other, and areas of contraction, expansion, and stability were calculated. Model overprediction is a common issue associated Malagasy taxa. Accordingly, we introduce novel methods for incorporating biological data on dispersal potential to better inform the selection of pseudo-absence points. This study predicts that 60% of the 57 species examined will experience a considerable range of reductions in the next seventy years entirely due to future climate change. Of these species, range sizes are predicted to decrease by an average of 59.6%. Nine lemur species (16%) are predicted to expand their ranges, and 13 species (22.8%) distribution sizes were predicted to be stable through time. Species ranges will experience severe shifts, typically contractions, and for the majority of lemur species, geographic distributions will be considerably altered. We identify three areas in dire need of protection, concluding that strategically managed forest corridors must be a key component of lemur and other biodiversity conservation strategies. This recommendation is all the more urgent given that the results presented here do not take into account patterns of ongoing habitat destruction relating to human activities.


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Namibia is home to half the world’s remaining wild cheetahs and - provides critical habitat for lions, leopards, spotted and brown hyena and African Wild Dogs. Despite such ecological importance, only 5% of cheetah's, <1% of African Wild Dogs', and similar percentages of remaining habitat for other large carnivores exists on officially protected lands. As a result, human/carnivore conflict is a large problem on private lands, where 60% of surveyed farmers will shoot any large carnivore on sight. This project explores building a carnivore rapid response team equipped to mitigate human/carnivore conflict through researching the financial costs of such an endeavor, with an eye on capitalizing potential benefits to all 6 Namibian large carnivore species.


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The Mongolian gazelle, Procapra gutturosa, resides in the immense and dynamic ecosystem of the Eastern Mongolian Steppe. The Mongolian Steppe ecosystem dynamics, including vegetation availability, change rapidly and dramatically due to unpredictable precipitation patterns. The Mongolian gazelle has adapted to this unpredictable vegetation availability by making long range nomadic movements. However, predicting these movements is challenging and requires a complex model. An accurate model of gazelle movements is needed, as rampant habitat fragmentation due to human development projects - which inhibit gazelles from obtaining essential resources - increasingly threaten this nomadic species. We created a novel model using an Individual-based Neural Network Genetic Algorithm (ING) to predict how habitat fragmentation affects animal movement, using the Mongolian Steppe as a model ecosystem. We used Global Positioning System (GPS) collar data from real gazelles to “train” our model to emulate characteristic patterns of Mongolian gazelle movement behavior. These patterns are: preferred vegetation resources (NDVI), displacement over certain time lags, and proximity to human areas. With this trained model, we then explored how potential scenarios of habitat fragmentation may affect gazelle movement. This model can be used to predict how fragmentation of the Mongolian Steppe may affect the Mongolian gazelle. In addition, this model is novel in that it can be applied to other ecological scenarios, since we designed it in modules that are easily interchanged.