892 resultados para whole grain corn
The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical and functional properties of Mexican chia (Salvia hispanica) gums extracted from defatted whole and crushed nutlets using the Soxhlet and SFE-CO2 methods. Chia gums have interesting chemical and functional properties for the food industry. The oil and gum yields were in the range of 1.98-16.42% and 5.81-12.60%, respectively. The defatting procedure did not affect significantly the oil and gum extraction; the nutlet type (whole or crushed) was the only parameter influencing the yield. The proximate composition and the protein and fiber contents of chia gum were evaluated. Low contents of protein and fiber and high NFE levels were found in whole nutlet gums. The functional properties of chia gum extracted from whole and crushed nutlets with the Soxhlet and SFE-COs methods showed the following ranges of water absorption capacity of 62.64 to 143.66 g/g, water adsorption capacity of 0.69 to 1.35 g/g, and water and oil holding capacity of 100 to 149.28 g/g and19.5 to 40.4 g/g, respectively. The rheological behavior exhibited by the gums was pseudoplastic or shear thinning. From a functional perspective, chia gum is an important food component due its emulsifier and stabilizer potentials.
The cellular structure of healthy food products, with added dietary fiber and low in calories, is an important factor that contributes to the assessment of quality, which can be quantified by image analysis of visual texture. This study seeks to compare image analysis techniques (binarization using Otsu’s method and the default ImageJ algorithm, a variation of the iterative intermeans method) for quantification of differences in the crumb structure of breads made with different percentages of whole-wheat flour and fat replacer, and discuss the behavior of the parameters number of cells, mean cell area, cell density, and circularity using response surface methodology. Comparative analysis of the results achieved with the Otsu and default ImageJ algorithms showed a significant difference between the studied parameters. The Otsu method demonstrated the crumb structure of the analyzed breads more reliably than the default ImageJ algorithm, and is thus the most suitable in terms of structural representation of the crumb texture.
AbstractThis study analyzed the addition of huitlacoche paste (HP) in baked tortilla chips (TC), evaluating its effects on functional, physicochemical and structural changes during processing. Two blue corn grains were nixtamalized, stone milled, air dried and milled to obtain flour; commercial blue corn flour (TM1) and commercial TC (TM2) were used as controls. Additions of 0, 3, 6 and 9% of HP were formulated; masas were prepared at 55% moisture content (MC), precooked and baked in an industrial machine. TC crispiness was influenced by grain characteristics and percentage of HP. Huitlacoche paste addition caused an increase in total dietary fiber (from 5.27 to 14.54%), total soluble phenolics content (from 17.52 to 37.60 mg GAE/100 g) and antioxidant capacity (from 6.74 to 7.98 μmol TE/g) in TC. Results suggest that tortilla chips added with huitlacoche can be an alternative to prepare this traditional edible fungus and produce healthier snacks, not fried and enriched with bioactive compounds.
Abstract Grape pomace, which is derived from the skin and seeds, is the residue from the production of grape juice and wine. It corresponds to up to 20% of the total volume and it contains a high level of dietary fibers and bioactive compounds. In the Brazilian market, there is no product containing grape pomace as a replacement for conventional wheat flour. Thus, this study aimed to assess the effects of whole-wheat flour and organic Bordeaux grape pomace (Vitis labrusca L.) on the sensory, physicochemical and functional properties of cookies using response surface methodology (RSM). The regression models indicated that the addition of whole-wheat and organic grape pomace decreased (p < 0.0001) the water activity and significantly increased the content of fibers, hardness, brittleness, antioxidant activity and total phenolic content of the cookies. The RSM models presented suitable R2 and R2adj values (> 65% of explained data variability), except for brittleness. The sensory evaluation results revealed that no significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed for the cookie samples, implying that the addition of grape pomace and whole-wheat flour did not negatively affect the preference of cookies.
Abstract Biodegradable films blends made of safflower oil nutraceutical capsules waste corn starch (20:4, 30:4, 40:4 and 50:4) were prepared. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of addition of different concentrations of safflower oil nutraceutical capsule waste in the mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus) and thickness of corn starch films. A decrease in tensile strength and Young’s modulus and an increase in elongation at break were observed with the increase in the content of the nutraceutical capsule waste. The results showed that the blends of safflower oil capsules waste-corn starch films demonstrated promising characteristics to form biodegradable films with different mechanical characteristics.
This experiment viewed to evaluate the physiological quality of grain sorghum seeds as well as to determine the respective drying curve of each of three drying methods. The seeds harvested at 18.9%, 18.1%, and 18.2% of moisture content were submitted to the following drying methods : a) under natural conditions, b) an intermittent dryer in which the combustion of firewood was the source of caloric energy, and c) a stationary dryer in which the source of caloric energy was the burning of liquefied petroleum gas. The experimental design was a completely randomized one with 25 repetitions of one hundred seeds each. The water contents and weight of one thousand seeds were evaluated. Seeds physiological quality was evaluated by germination and vigor tests. Seed drying rates were of 0.11, 1.25, and 0.55 percent points per hour (pph -1) for the natural, intermittent and stationary drying methods, respectively. The intermittent treatment permits the highest loss of water in the shortest period of time, and germination and vigor remaining unchanged.
The supersweet (Sh2) corn seeds have a thin tegument and an irregular shape, which hinder the sowing procedure. As a function of those factors, the significance of using the pelleting process to improve sowing and standardize the stand of plants in the field without the need of thinning within the row is emphasized. Although this technique has already been known for many years, little has been studied on the effect of such procedure on the plantability and on the moisture content of the supersweet corn seeds. Therefore, this research work aimed at evaluating the effects of pelleting on the moisture content of the seeds along the storing process, on the occurrence of gaps on seed deposition and on the dropping of double seeds, with the aid of a testing seeder. Other physical attributes of seeds and pellets were also evaluated through tests of fragmentation, screen retention, mass of a thousand seeds and apparent volume. Results have shown an increase on the mass and on the volume of the pelleted seeds that presented highly resistance to cracks and breaking. The pelleting was efficient on the reduction of gaps and on the deposition of double seeds at sowing, thus providing highly satisfactory results for these attributes. An increase on the seed moisture content was also observed as a function of storage with a significant reduction on this factor after the pelleting procedure. Results allow concluding that the pelleting process reduces seed moisture content and improves plantability, positively affecting the efficiency of the sowing process.
The X-ray test is a precise, fast and non-destructive method to detect mechanical damage in seeds. In the present study, the efficiency of X-ray analysis in identifying the extent of mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds and its relationship with germination and vigor was evaluated. Hybrid 'SWB 551' (sh2) seeds with round (R) and flat (F) shapes were classified as large (L), medium (M1, M2 and M3) and small (S), using sieves with round and oblong screens. After artificial exposure to different levels of damage (0, 1, 3, 5 and 7 impacts), seeds were X-rayed (15 kV, 5 min) and submitted to germination (25 °C/5 days) and cold (10 °C/7 days) tests. Digital images of normal and abnormal seedlings and ungerminated seeds from germination and cold tests were jointly analyzed with the seed X-ray images. Results showed that damage affecting the embryonic axis resulted in abnormal seedlings or dead seeds in the germination and cold tests. The X-ray analysis is efficient for identifying mechanical damage in sweet corn seeds, allowing damage severity to be associated with losses in germination and vigor.
The main objective of seed coating technology using polymers is to improve the physical, physiological and sanitary characteristics of seed performance. The objectives of the present study were to determine: the plantability of corn seeds treated with insecticide, fungicide and graphite, covered with a film coating; the dust retention on treated corn seeds; and the leaching of applied products on corn seeds covered by a film coating. Seed plantability was determined by counting the skips and double seeds; dust was determined by using fiberglass paper in mg.100 g-1 of seeds; and the leaching was determined by collecting the material leached in a 10 cm layer of sand after irrigation. The following conclusions were made: seeds covered with film coating effectively reduce skips and double seeds; film coating effectively reduces the formation of dust from the seeds; film coated seeds minimize the leaching of the insecticide applied in seed treatment; and there are differences in effectiveness related to film coating type and dosage.
Janamittakaavat: Englishe leagues 20 in a degree ; Spanische leagues 17 1/2 in a degree ; Dutche leagues 15 in a degree.
Two still images from the "Corn Girl" television commercial featuring the slogan "Butter It"
Television script for commercial "Corn Girl" featuring the song "Mellow Yellow"