961 resultados para upper lower solutions


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Smectite formation in alkaline-saline environments has been attributed to direct precipitation from solution and/or transformation from precursor minerals, but these mechanisms are not universally agreed upon in the literature. The objective of this work was to investigate the mineralogy of smectites in the soils surrounding a representative alkaline-saline lake of Nhecolandia, a sub-region of the Pantanal wetland, Brazil, and then to identify the mechanisms of their formation. Soils were sampled along a toposequence and analyzed by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Water was collected along a transect involving the studied toposequence and equilibrium diagrams were calculated using the databases PHREEQC and AQUA. The fine-clay fraction is dominated by smectite, mica, and kaolinite. Smectites are concentrated at two places in the toposequence: an upper zone, which includes the soil horizons rarely reached by the lake-level variation; and a lower zone, which includes the surface horizon within the area of seasonal lake-level variation. Within the upper zone, the smectite is dioctahedral, rich in Al and Fe, and is classified as ferribeidellite. This phase is interstratified with mica and vermiculite and has an Fe content similar to that of the mica identified. These characteristics suggest that the ferribeidellite originates from transformation of micas and that vermiculite is an intermediate phase in this transformation. Within the lower zone, smectites are dominantly trioctahedral, Mg-rich, and are saponitic and stevensitic minerals. In addition, samples enriched in these minerals have much smaller rare-earth element (REE) contents than other soil samples. The water chemistry shows a geochemical control of Mg and saturation with respect to Mg-smectites in the more saline waters. The REE contents, water chemistry, and the presence of Mg-smectite where maximum evaporation is expected, suggest that saponitic and stevensitic minerals originate by chemical precipitation from the water column of the alkaline-saline lake.


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Objectives To validate the previously proposed classification criteria for Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP), childhood polyarteritis nodosa (c-PAN), c-Wegener granulomatosis (c-WG) and c-Takayasu arteritis (c-TA). Methods Step 1: retrospective/prospective webdata collection for children with HSP, c-PAN, c-WG and c-TA with age at diagnosis <= 18 years. Step 2: blinded classification by consensus panel of a representative sample of 280 cases. Step 3: statistical (sensitivity, specificity, area under the curve and.-agreement) and nominal group technique consensus evaluations. Results 827 patients with HSP, 150 with c-PAN, 60 with c-WG, 87 with c-TA and 52 with c-other were compared with each other. A patient was classified as HSP in the presence of purpura or petechiae (mandatory) with lower limb predominance plus one of four criteria: (1) abdominal pain; (2) histopathology (IgA); (3) arthritis or arthralgia; (4) renal involvement. Classification of c-PAN required a systemic inflammatory disease with evidence of necrotising vasculitis OR angiographic abnormalities of medium-/small-sized arteries (mandatory criterion) plus one of five criteria: (1) skin involvement; (2) myalgia/muscle tenderness; (3) hypertension; (4) peripheral neuropathy; (5) renal involvement. Classification of c-WG required three of six criteria: (1) histopathological evidence of granulomatous inflammation; (2) upper airway involvement; (3) laryngo-tracheo-bronchial involvement; (4) pulmonary involvement (x-ray/CT); (5) antineutrophilic cytoplasmic antibody positivity; (6) renal involvement. Classification of c-TA required typical angiographic abnormalities of the aorta or its main branches and pulmonary arteries (mandatory criterion) plus one of five criteria: (1) pulse deficit or claudication; (2) blood pressure discrepancy in any limb; (3) bruits; (4) hypertension; (5) elevated acute phase reactant. Conclusion European League Against Rheumatism/Paediatric Rheumatology International Trials Organisation/Paediatric Rheumatology European Society propose validated classification criteria for HSP, c-PAN, c-WG and c-TA with high sensitivity/specificity.


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Background Homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia is a rare genetic disorder in which both LDL-receptor alleles are defective, resulting in very high concentrations of LDL cholesterol in plasma and premature coronary artery disease. This study investigated whether an antisense inhibitor of apolipoprotein B synthesis, mipomersen, is effective and safe as an adjunctive agent to lower LDL cholesterol concentrations in patients with this disease. Methods This randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 study was undertaken in nine lipid clinics in seven countries. Patients aged 12 years and older with clinical diagnosis or genetic confirmation of homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia, who were already receiving the maximum tolerated dose of a lipid-lowering drug, were randomly assigned to mipomersen 200 mg subcutaneously every week or placebo for 26 weeks. Randomisation was computer generated and stratified by weight (<50 kg vs >= 50 kg) in a centralised blocked randomisation, implemented with a computerised interactive voice response system. All clinical, medical, and pharmacy personnel, and patients were masked to treatment allocation. The primary endpoint was percentage change in LDL cholesterol concentration from baseline. Analysis was by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00607373. Findings 34 patients were assigned to mipomersen and 17 to placebo; data for all patients were analysed. 45 patients completed the 26-week treatment period (28 mipomersen, 17 placebo). Mean concentrations of LDL cholesterol at baseline were 11.4 mmol/L (SD 3.6) in the mipomersen group and 10.4 mmol/L (3.7) in the placebo group. The mean percentage change in LDL cholesterol concentration was significantly greater with mipomersen (-24.7%, 95% CI 31.6 to 17.7) than with placebo (-3.3%, 12.1 to 5.5; p=0.0003). The most common adverse events were injection-site reactions (26 [76%] patients in mipomersen group vs four [24%] in placebo group). Four (12%) patients in the mipomersen group but none in the placebo group had increases in concentrations of alanine aminotransferase of three times or more the upper limit of normal. Interpretation Inhibition of apolipoprotein B synthesis by mipomersen represents a novel, effective therapy to reduce LDL cholesterol concentrations in patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia who are already receiving lipid-lowering drugs, including high-dose statins.


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Vascular calcification is a strong prognostic marker of mortality in hemodialysis patients and has been associated with bone metabolism disorders in this population. In earlier stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), vascular calcification also has been documented. This study evaluated the association between coronary artery calcification (CAC) and bone histomorphometric parameters in CKD predialysis patients assessed by multislice coronary tomography and by undecalcified bone biopsy. CAC was detected in 33 (66%) patients, and their median calcium score was 89.7 (0.4-2299.3 AU). The most frequent bone histologic alterations observed included low trabecular bone volume, increased eroded and osteoclast surfaces, and low bone-formation rate (BFR/BS). Multiple logistic regression analysis, adjusted for age, sex, and diabetes, showed that BFR/BS was independently associated with the presence of coronary calcification [p=.009; odd ratio (OR) = 0.15; 95% confidence interval (Cl) 0.036-0.619] This study showed a high prevalence of CAC in asymptomatic predialysis CKD patients. Also, there was an independent association of low bone formation and CAC in this population. In conclusion, our results provide evidence that low bone-formation rate constitutes another nontraditional risk factor for cardiovascular disease in CKD patients. 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.


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Purpose: Many methods exist in the literature for identifying PEEP to set in ARDS patients following a lung recruitment maneuver (RM). We compared ten published parameters for setting PEEP following a RM. Methods: Lung injury was induced by bilateral lung lavage in 14 female Dorset sheep, yielding a PaO(2) 100-150 mmHg at F(I)O(2) 1.0 and PEEP 5 cmH(2)O. A quasi-static P-V curve was then performed using the supersyringe method; PEEP was set to 20 cmH(2)O and a RM performed with pressure control ventilation (inspiratory pressure set to 40-50 cmH(2)O), until PaO(2) + PaCO(2) > 400 mmHg. Following the RM, a decremental PEEP trial was performed. The PEEP was decreased in 1 cmH(2)O steps every 5 min until 15 cmH(2)O was reached. Parameters measured during the decremental PEEP trial were compared with parameters obtained from the P-V curve. Results: For setting PEEP, maximum dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), and minimum shunt calculated during the decremental PEEP trial, and the lower Pflex and point of maximal compliance increase on the inflation limb of the P-V curve (Pmci,i) were statistically indistinguishable. The PEEP value obtained using the deflation upper Pflex and the point of maximal compliance decrease on the deflation limb were significantly higher, and the true inflection point on the inflation limb and minimum PaCO(2) were significantly lower than the other variables. Conclusion: In this animal model of ARDS, dynamic tidal respiratory compliance, maximum PaO(2), maximum PaO(2) + PaCO(2), minimum shunt, inflation lower Pflex and Pmci,i yield similar values for PEEP following a recruitment maneuver.


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Inhaled endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) initiates an inflammatory response and leads to the expression of CR3 (CD11b/CD18) receptors on polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs). We determined if PMN activation in nasal lavage fluid (NLF) is a possible biomarker of occupational endotoxin exposure. Seven subjects exposed to endotoxin provided NLF samples that were split into three aliquots (negative control - 1 M nicotinamide; sham; positive control - 11 eta g of exogenous LPS) and PMN activation was measured using a chemiluminometer. Differences in mean PMN activation were apparent, negative control: 548 +/- 15.65 RLU 100 mu l(-1); sham: 11469 +/- 2582 RLU 100 mu l(-1); positive control: 42026 +/- 16659 RLU 100 mu l (n = 7; p < 0.05). This technique shows promise as a diagnostic method for measuring upper airway LPS exposure.


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Significant controversies surround the optimal treatment of primary hyperhidrosis of the hands, axillae, feet, and face. The world`s literature on hyperhidrosis from 1991 to 2009 was obtained through PubMed. There were 1,097 published articles, of which 102 were clinical trials. Twelve were randomized clinical trials and 90 were nonrandomized comparative studies. After review and discussion by task force members of The Society of Thoracic Surgeons` General Thoracic Workforce, expert consensus was reached from which specific treatment strategies are suggested. These studies suggest that primary hyperhidrosis of the extremities, axillae or face is best treated by endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS). Interruption of the sympathetic chain can be achieved either by electrocautery or clipping. An international nomenclature should be adopted that refers to the rib levels (R) instead of the vertebral level at which the nerve is interrupted, and how the chain is interrupted, along with systematic pre and postoperative assessments of sweating pattern, intensity and quality-of-life. The recent body of literature suggests that the highest success rates occur when interruption is performed at the top of R3 or the top of R4 for palmar-only hyperhidrosis. R4 may offer a lower incidence of compensatory hyperhidrosis but moister hands. For palmar and axillary, palmar, axillary and pedal and for axillary-only hyperhidrosis interruptions at R4 and R5 are recommended. The top of R3 is best for craniofacial hyperhidrosis. (Ann Thorac Surg 2011;91:1642-8) (C) 2011 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons


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Third molar extraction surgery is one of the most frequently performed procedures in the areas of buccal-maxillofacial traumatology and surgery. The post-surgery evolution was evaluated based on the clinical evidence obtained so far. The objective of this study was to analyze the post-surgery clinical evolution of the masseter muscle by means of surface electromyography, to evaluate muscle activity. Four analyses were performed: one pre-surgery, to register the normal activity, and three in post-surgery: on the 7(th), 14(th) and 21(st) postoperative days, in a sample of 30 patients. On the 21(st) day, there was near normal recovery of the electrical signal of the masseter in women, but in men this activity did not reach normal levels. Surface electromyography is a safe and reliable tool for post-surgery evolution control of masseter function.


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Objective: The aim of this paper is to study the respiratory muscle strength by evaluating the maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) and lung volume before and 3 and 6 months after adenotonsillectomy. This is an interventional, before and after trial. It was set at the Department of Otolaryngology. University of Sao Paulo, School of Medicine. We included 29 children (6-13 years old), both genders, consecutively recruited from the waiting list for adenotonsillectomy. Children were submitted to maximal inspiratory pressures (MIP), maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) evaluation using an analog manovacuometer, lung volume, using incentive expirotometer and thoracic and abdominal perimeter using a centimeter tape. Children were evaluated in 3 different moments: 1 week before and 3 and 6 months after surgery. Results: MIP improved significantly 3 months (p < 0.001) after adenotonsillectomy and MEP did not change (p = 1). There were increases in lung volume (p = 000), chest (p = 0.017) and abdominal perimeter (p = 0.05). Six months after surgery, all parameters improved. MIP (p = 0), MEP (p = 0), lung volume (p = 0.02), chest (p = 0.034) and abdominal perimeter (p = 0.23). Conclusion: This study suggests that there was an improvement in respiratory muscular strength, once there was a significant improvement in maximal inspiratory pressure, lung volume and other parameters after adenotonsillectomy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: The relevance of prostate size in the pathophysiology of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is controversial. We evaluated the urodynamic findings in patients with LUTS and small prostate volumes. Materials and Methods: 84 patients aged >= 50 years with LUTS and prostates < 40 ml were evaluated. All had an International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) >= 8. Average age was 62.0 +/- 8.1 years. We evaluated the impact of bladder outlet obstruction (BOO) and detrusor overactivity (DO) on the voiding symptoms and urodynamic findings. Results: Mean prostate volume was 29.2 +/- 7.2 ml and mean IPSS was 13.5 +/- 4.6. BOO was the main finding, affecting 42 (50.0%) patients, followed by detrusor underactivity (DU) in 41 (48.8%) and DO in 28 (33.3%) patients. Patients without BOO were significantly older than the obstructed (64.0 +/- 8.8 and 60.1 +/- 6.9 years, respectively; p = 0.026) and had an increased prevalence of DU (76.2 and 21.4%, respectively; p < 0.001). Comparison of patients with and without DO showed reduced bladder capacity and compliance in the DO group (p < 0.001). No other comparisons were significant. Conclusion: Half of the patients with LUTS and small prostates are not obstructed and may have DO or decreased detrusor contractility as the basis for their voiding symptoms. Our results emphasize the value of urodynamics in this population, especially when invasive treatments are being considered. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Introduction: Lower urinary tract symptoms ( LUTS) are common in men over 50 years of age due to prostate enlargement. Diabetes mellitus is also more prevalent in this group. LUTS may result from bladder outlet obstruction ( BOO) secondary to prostate enlargement or bladder dysfunction secondary to diabetes or even from a combination of both. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of BOO and other urodynamic abnormalities in diabetic patients with LUTS and enlarged prostate. A secondary objective was to assess the predictive value of non-invasive tests for BOO diagnosis in this group of patients. Patients and Methods: 50 consecutive diabetic patients with enlarged prostate and LUTS were evaluated by the International Prostate Symptom Score ( IPSS), ultra sonography and urodynamics. BOO diagnosis was based on pressure/ flow measurements according to the International Continence Society`s standards. Results: Of the 50 patients in the study, 23 ( 46%) had BOO. There was no correlation between the IPSS, uroflowmetry, post- voiding residual urine or prostate volume and the presence of BOO ( p > 0.05). Conclusions: There is a relatively low prevalence of BOO in diabetic patients with prostate enlargement and LUTS. Non- invasive tests did not allow the identification of these subjects. Only urodynamic evaluation is able to determine symptom etiology. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Eyebrow positions differ in many ways. They vary in shape, thickness, length, and distance between the eyebrows, making the face more or less harmonious. When a large distance exists between the eyebrows and the medial brow is slanting downward, the glabellar area is larger, giving the face an awkward appearance. To correct this deformity, the authors propose using two Z-plasties to allow transposition of flaps in the region of the medial brow. The Z-shaped flap is outlined at the medial third of the brow, in the glabellar region, with the eyebrow centered in the lower portion of the ""Z"" and the hairless skin in the upper portion. The flaps then are transposed and sutured. Transposition of the flaps, lifting the brow flap to the glabellar region, results in horizontal positioning of the medial and central third of the eyebrow. The proposed transpositioning of ""Z"" flaps in this region corrects this type of deformity of the medial and central portions of the eyebrows, with an aesthetically satisfactory result.


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Background and Purpose. Activity of the trunk muscles is essential for maintaining stability of the lumbar spine because of the unstable structure of that portion of the spine. A model involving evaluation of the response of the lumbar multifidus and abdominal muscles to leg movement was developed to evaluate this function. Subjects. To examine this function in healthy persons, 9 male and 6 female subjects (mean age = 20.6 years, SD = 2.3) with no history of low back pain were studied. Methods. Fine-wire and surface electromyography electrodes were used to record the activity of selected trunk muscles and the prime movers for hip flexion, abduction, and extension during hip movements in each of these directions. Results. Trunk muscle activity occurring prior to activity of the prime mover of the limb was associated with hip movement in each direction. The transversus abdominis (TrA) muscle was invariably the first muscle that was active. Although reaction time for the TrA and oblique abdominal muscles was consistent across movement directions, reaction time for the rectus abdominis and multifidus muscles varied with the direction of limb movement. Conclusion and Discussion. Results suggest that the central nervous st stem deals with stabilization of the spine by contraction of the abdominal and multifidus muscles in anticipation of reactive forces produced by limb movement. The TrA and oblique abdominal muscles appear to contribute to a function not related to the direction of these forces.


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Introduction: Number 3 cleft or oral-nasal-ocular cleft is a well-known entity that was described by Morian over a century ago. This malformation is a paranasal-medial orbitomaxillary cleft running across the lacrimal segment of the lower eyelid and over the lacrimal groove. The Tessier number 3 naso-ocular cleft represents one of the most difficult and challenging malformations to correct for the reconstructive surgeon. We have conducted a retrospective analysis of our series consisting of 21 cases. Objective: The objective was to review the functional outcome and aesthetic results of the different techniques applied for each case. Materials and Methods: From 1997 to 2007, 21 patients with a Tessier number 3 cleft were treated in our craniofacial units. The clinical findings, tomographic studies, and surgical procedures were reviewed and analyzed. We have discussed our protocol of the treatment. Results: We have treated facial malformation in 2 craniofacial centers. Fourteen patients were evaluated in the first year of their life, with an average age at presentation of 3 years. Twelve patients were female, and 9 were male; 6 patients had amniotic bands in limbs, 5 patients had an association with Tessier number 11 cleft, 3 patients with number 9 cleft, and 1 with number 7 cleft. Related to cleft lip, 10 patients had bilateral cleft lip, and 8 patients had unilateral cleft lip. Three patients did not have any involvement of the upper lip. The alar base was deviated upward in 19 patients, 11 cases had severe anatomic alteration with the lateral border of the ala above the medial canthus, and 8 cases had a mild dislocation. Nine cases of lacrimal duct obstruction and 8 cases of lacrimal duct extrophy were identified. Twelve patients had a lower eyelid coloboma of varying grades, and there were 2 cases of microblepharia. Aiming the soft tissue reconstruction, eyelid, nose, and upper lip were evaluated regarding their position, absence of tissue, and position of medial canthus and ala. Twelve of our patients underwent correction in the same moment, their medial canthus rotated upward and the ala downward, using the contralateral side as the reference. The lip was treated using a Millard-like technique. Neo-conjunctivorhinostomy was performed in the same moment in 2 patients or later in 1 case. Four patients had plagiocephaly due to the cranial involvement, and they were submitted to cranioplasty. Three had neurosurgical approach and advancement of the frontal bandeau. One adult patient received an acrylic plate to reshape the frontal area. Conclusions: Tessier number 3 cleft is one of the most difficult and challenging malformations to correct for the reconstructive surgeon. Besides the difficulties of its treatment, patients with Tessier number 3 cleft may achieve good results when the team has good skills.


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Thirty-one patients with unilateral long-standing facial palsy underwent I-stage reanimation with free gracilis muscle transplant innervated by the masseteric branch of the trigeminal nerve. They were divided into 2 nonrandomized groups according to insertion technique: group 1 (9 patients), interrupted suture between the free flap and the orbicularis oris of the upper and lower lip on the paralyzed side; group It (22 patients), palmaris longus tendon graft placed between the gracilis free flap and the orbicularis oris of the upper and lower lip on the nonparalyzed side. Qualitative evaluation of the smile demonstrated better results in patients from group II. Comparing the position Of the Cupid`s bow at rest, pre- and postoperatively in each patient, we observed significant improvement of facial symmetry in both groups. During smile, however, there was a significantly higher rate of centralization of the Cupid`s bow in patients submitted to reanimation with the use of the palmaris longus tendon (group II).