981 resultados para tissue paper
Eating disorders have one of the highest levels of mortality of any psychiatric illness. Around 0.6% of all those with anorexia nervosa die per year giving a cumulative life time mortality of between 5%-20%. Eating disorders are also associated with high levels of psychiatric and physical complications. The physical complications are often irreversible, lead to multiple medical investigations and have significant resource implications in their management. åÊ
Investing for Health aims to improve the health of our people and reduce inequalities in health. It sets out a broad range of areas where new and concerted action could make a significant difference to health and wellbeing. Three priority groups are identified; the very young, children and young people, and older people. In line with best practice elsewhere a settings approach is proposed, and homes, schools, workplaces and communities are identified as priority settings. As part of an integrated lifestyle and lifeskills programme the priority topics identified include; smoking, physical activity, eating for health, harm related to alcohol and drug misuse, mental health, sexual health and accidents. åÊ
A Position Paper for the Professions Allied to Medicine Patients with cancer are living longer due to early diagnosis and better treatment. In recent years there has been increasing attention to issues related to the quality of life of patients with cancer and a recognition of the potential for habilitation and rehabilitation. As a result, PAMs as members of the multi-disciplinary team are now more actively involved with patients diagnosed with cancer during all phases of their disease. Each person’s life possesses a unique blend of psychological, social, economic and physical factors and comprehensive care requires the needs of the whole person to be addressed. This requires patients and carers having timely access to the most appropriate range of professional skills that will allow individual patients and their carers to retain control of their lives and associated circumstances for as long as possible. It also requires professions, in all locations, to work in a collaborative patient centred manner that affords the best outcome for patients. The need has been highlighted for a multi-professional approach to the delivery of cancer services in “Investing for the Future” and “A Framework for the Multi-professional Contribution to Cancer Care in Northern Ireland”. This need has also been highlighted in the PAM Strategy document. åÊ
Adoption Legislation Consultation – Discussion Paper This discussion paper is part of a fundamental review of Irish adoption policy and practice referred to in the Minister for Childrenâ?Ts foreword. The purpose of the review is to give organisations and individuals with an interest in adoption law and practice an opportunity to contribute to the development of a modern adoption system characterised by clarity, consistency and fairness. Click here to download PDF 104kb
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This White Paper, which arises from commitments in the Action Programme for the New Millennium, sets out the Government’s policy objectives and proposals regarding the role of private health insurance in the overall healthcare system, the regulation of the health insurance market, and the corporate structure and status of the Voluntary Health Insurance Board Download the Report here
While the issues surrounding abortion are extremely complex, the objective of this Green Paper is to set out the issues, to provide a brief analysis of them and to consider possible options for the resolution of the problem. The Paper does not attempt to address every single issue in relation to abortion, nor to give an exhaustive analysis of each. Every effort has been made to concentrate on the main issues and to discuss them in a clear, concise and objective way Download the Report here
El paper del fenomen angiogènic en els diferents tumors sòlids ha estat l’objectiu de nombrosos estudis en els darrers anys. La importància d’aquest procés en les neoplàsies d’origen hematològic encara és bastant desconeguda. En aquest treball hem estudiat l’expressió immunohistoquímica del factor de creixement de l’endoteli vascular (VEGF) en els “tissue microarrays” (TMA) de 252 pacients diagnosticats de limfoma de Hodgkin tractats de forma homogènia (poliquimioteràpia esquema ADVD amb o sense radioteràpia) entre els anys 1978 i 2003. Els resultats s’han correlacionat amb l’evolució dels pacients i s’ha avaluat la seva importància en la supervivència lliure de malaltia i supervivencia global de la sèrie.
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The Rare Cancer Network (RCN), founded in 1993, performs research involving rare tumors that are not common enough to be the focus of prospective study. Over 55 studies have either been completed or are in progress.The aim of the paper is to present an overview of the 30 studies done through the RCN to date, organized by disease site. Five studies focus on breast pathology, including sarcoma, lymphoma, phyllodes tumor, adenoid cystic carcinoma, and ductal carcinoma in situ in young women. Three studies on prostate cancer address prostatic small cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of young and elderly patients. Six studies on head and neck cancers include orbital and intraocular lymphoma, mucosal melanoma, pediatric nasopharyngeal carcinoma, olfactory neuroblastoma, and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma of the salivary glands. There were 4 central nervous system studies on patients with cerebellar glioblastoma multiforme, atypical and malignant meningioma, spinal epidural lymphoma and myxopapillary ependymoma. Outside of these disease sites, there is a wide variety of other studies on tumors ranging from uterine leiomyosarcoma to giant cell tumors of the bone. The studies done by the RCN represent a wide range of rare pathologies that were previously only studied in small series or case reports. With further growth of the RCN and collaboration between members our ability to analyze rare tumors will increase and result in better understanding of their behavior and ultimately help direct research that may improve patient outcomes.
El cristianisme, en els seus inicis, significà per la dona la possibilitat de triar un destí diferent al del matrimoni i la maternitat que li deparava la societat greco-romana. Tanmateix, en el procés d'institucionalització de la nova religió (s. I-IV), la dona, que en les primitives comunitats cristianes havia ocupat llocs de responsabilitats al costat dels seus companys masculins, va quedar relegada al desenvolupament de tasques assistencials. Els canvis experimentats pel rol femení durant aquest període es manifestaran en les transformacions operades a través de la literatura en la figura de Tecla d'Iconi (santa Tecla), un personatge intemporal, tan capaç de representar els diferents arquetips de dona ideal que ha creat l'Església cristiana, com les ànsies emancipadores d'alguns col·lectius feministes.
Shigella, a Gram-negative invasive enteropathogenic bacterium responsible for bacillary dysentery, causes the rupture, invasion, and inflammatory destruction of the human colonic mucosa. We explored the mechanisms of protection mediated by Shigella LPS-specific secretory IgA (SIgA), the major mucosal Ab induced upon natural infection. Bacteria, SIgA, or SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were administered into rabbit ligated intestinal loops containing a Peyer's patch. After 8 h, localizations of bacteria, SIgA, and SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were examined by immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy imaging. We found that anti-Shigella LPS SIgA, mainly via immune exclusion, prevented Shigella-induced inflammation responsible for the destruction of the intestinal barrier. Besides this luminal trapping, a small proportion of SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were shown to enter the rabbit Peyer's patch and were internalized by dendritic cells of the subepithelial dome region. Local inflammatory status was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR using newly designed primers for rabbit pro- and anti-inflammatory mediator genes. In Peyer's patches exposed to immune complexes, limited up-regulation of the expression of proinflammatory genes, including TNF-alpha, IL-6, Cox-2, and IFN-gamma, was observed, consistent with preserved morphology. In contrast, in Peyer's patches exposed to Shigella alone, high expression of the same mediators was measured, indicating that neutralizing SIgA dampens the proinflammatory properties of Shigella. These results show that in the form of immune complexes, SIgA guarantees both immune exclusion and neutralization of translocated bacteria, thus preserving the intestinal barrier integrity by preventing bacterial-induced inflammation. These findings add to the multiple facets of the noninflammatory properties of SIgA.