753 resultados para think aloud protocol
Complete resection of contrast-enhancing tumor has been recognized as an important prognostic factor in patients with glioblastoma and is a primary goal of surgery. Various intraoperative technologies have recently been introduced to improve glioma surgery.
As opposed to culture on standard tissue-treated plastic, cell culture on three-dimensional scaffolds impedes additional challenges with respect to substrate preparation, cell seeding, culture maintenance, and analysis. We herewith present a general route for the culture of primary cells, differentiated cells, or stem cells on plasma-coated, electrospun scaffolds. We describe a method to prepare and fix the scaffolds in culture wells and discuss a convenient method for cell seeding and subsequent analysis by scanning electron microscopy or immunohistology.
Video-laryngoscopes are marketed for intubation in difficult airway management. They provide a better view of the larynx and may facilitate tracheal intubation, but there is no adequately powered study comparing different types of video-laryngoscopes in a difficult airway scenario or in a simulated difficult airway situation.
For smart applications, nodes in wireless multimedia sensor networks (MWSNs) have to take decisions based on sensed scalar physical measurements. A routing protocol must provide the multimedia delivery with quality level support and be energy-efficient for large-scale networks. With this goal in mind, this paper proposes a smart Multi-hop hierarchical routing protocol for Efficient VIdeo communication (MEVI). MEVI combines an opportunistic scheme to create clusters, a cross-layer solution to select routes based on network conditions, and a smart solution to trigger multimedia transmission according to sensed data. Simulations were conducted to show the benefits of MEVI compared with the well-known Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol. This paper includes an analysis of the signaling overhead, energy-efficiency, and video quality.
Using multicast communication in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is an efficient way to disseminate the same data (from one sender) to multiple receivers, e.g., transmitting code updates to a group of sensor nodes. Due to the nature of code update traffic a multicast protocol has to support bulky traffic and end-to-end reliability. We are interested in an energy-efficient multicast protocol due to the limited resources of wireless sensor nodes. Current data dissemination schemes do not fulfill the above requirements. In order to close the gap, we designed and implemented the SNOMC (Sensor Node Overlay Multicast) protocol. It is an overlay multicast protocol, which supports reliable, time-efficient, and energy-efficient data dissemination of bulky data from one sender to many receivers. To ensure end-to-end reliability, SNOMC uses a NACK-based reliability mechanism with different caching strategies.
Beckman-Coulter has recently introduced the ProteomeLab PF2D for 2-D liquid separation of protein samples. The system features separation in the first dimension by chromatofocusing, followed by RP chromatography in the second dimension, allowing the analysis of complex proteomics samples. When used by the standard protocol, reproducibility and column life times are limited, making the use of the instrument very costly. We here present an improved protocol for chromatofocusing, which enhances column life by at least fivefold.
Emergency CT examination is considered to be a trade-off between a short scan time and the acceptance of artifacts. This study evaluates the influence of patient repositioning on artifacts and scan time. Eighty-three consecutive multiple-trauma patients were included in this prospective study. Patients were examined without repositioning (group 1, n=39) or with patient rotation to feet-first with arms raised for scanning the chest and abdomen/pelvis (group 2, n=44). The mean scan time was 21 min in group 1 and 25 min in group 2 (P=0.01). The mean repositioning time in group 2 was 8 min. Significantly, more artifacts were observed in group 1 (with a repeated scan in 7%) than in group 2 (P=0.0001). This novel multiple- trauma CT-scanning protocol with patient repositioning achieves a higher image quality with significantly fewer artifacts than without repositioning but increases scan time slightly.
In vivo electroporation and ubiquitin promoter--a protocol for sustained gene expression in the lung
BACKGROUND: Gene therapy applications require safe and efficient methods for gene transfer. Present methods are restricted by low efficiency and short duration of transgene expression. In vivo electroporation, a physical method of gene transfer, has evolved as an efficient method in recent years. We present a protocol involving electroporation combined with a long-acting promoter system for gene transfer to the lung. METHODS: The study was designed to evaluate electroporation-mediated gene transfer to the lung and to analyze a promoter system that allows prolonged transgene expression. A volume of 250 microl of purified plasmid DNA suspended in water was instilled into the left lung of anesthetized rats, followed by left thoracotomy and electroporation of the exposed left lung. Plasmids pCiKlux and pUblux expressing luciferase under the control of the cytomegalovirus immediate-early promoter/enhancer (CMV-IEPE) or human polyubiquitin c (Ubc) promoter were used. Electroporation conditions were optimized with four pulses (200 V/cm, 20 ms at 1 Hz) using flat plate electrodes. The animals were sacrificed at different time points up to day 40, after gene transfer. Gene expression was detected and quantified by bioluminescent reporter imaging (BLI) and relative light units per milligram of protein (RLU/mg) was measured by luminometer for p.Pyralis luciferase and immunohistochemistry, using an anti-luciferase antibody. RESULTS: Gene expression with the CMV-IEPE promoter was highest 24 h after gene transfer (2932+/-249.4 relative light units (RLU)/mg of total lung protein) and returned to baseline by day 3 (382+/-318 RLU/mg of total lung protein); at day 5 no expression was detected, whereas gene expression under the Ubc promoter was detected up to day 40 (1989+/-710 RLU/mg of total lung protein) with a peak at day 20 (2821+/-2092 RLU/mg of total lung protein). Arterial blood gas (PaO2), histological assessment and cytokine measurements showed no significant toxicity neither at day 1 nor at day 40. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide evidence that in vivo electroporation is a safe and effective tool for non-viral gene delivery to the lungs. If this method is used in combination with a long-acting promoter system, sustained transgene expression can be achieved.
This paper analyses the role of think tanks in Swiss policy making. Starting from the relationship between interest groups and the state, which has been shaping Swiss policy making for a long time, we hypothesize that these structures offer good possibilities for scientific arguments and ideas to influence the process of policy making. Our observations from a recent example indeed illustrates that think tanks can use the same channels as vested interests to bring in their know-how. Furthermore, we conclude that the characteristics of the political system, e.g. direct democracy and the consensual alignment particularly influence the chances of think tanks to intervene. In this exchange vested interests and think tanks do not really interfere with each other, but rather they complement each other both having.
INTRODUCTION: The objective was to study the effects of a novel lung volume optimization procedure (LVOP) using high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) upon gas exchange, the transpulmonary pressure (TPP), and hemodynamics in a porcine model of surfactant depletion. METHODS: With institutional review board approval, the hemodynamics, blood gas analysis, TPP, and pulmonary shunt fraction were obtained in six anesthetized pigs before and after saline lung lavage. Measurements were acquired during pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) prior to and after lung damage, and during a LVOP with HFOV. The LVOP comprised a recruitment maneuver with a continuous distending pressure (CDP) of 45 mbar for 2.5 minutes, and a stepwise decrease of the CDP (5 mbar every 5 minute) from 45 to 20 mbar. The TPP level was identified during the decrease in CDP, which assured a change of the PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% compared with maximum lung recruitment at CDP of 45 mbar (CDP45). Data are presented as the median (25th-75th percentile); differences between measurements are determined by Friedman repeated-measures analysis on ranks and multiple comparisons (Tukey's test). The level of significance was set at P < 0.05. RESULTS: The PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased from 99.1 (56.2-128) Torr at PCV post-lavage to 621 (619.4-660.3) Torr at CDP45 (CDP45) (P < 0.031). The pulmonary shunt fraction decreased from 51.8% (49-55%) at PCV post-lavage to 1.03% (0.4-3%) at CDP45 (P < 0.05). The cardiac output and stroke volume decreased at CDP45 (P < 0.05) compared with PCV, whereas the heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and intrathoracic blood volume remained unchanged. A TPP of 25.5 (17-32) mbar was required to preserve a difference in PaO2/FIO2 ratio < 25% related to CDP45; this TPP was achieved at a CDP of 35 (25-40) mbar. CONCLUSION: This HFOV protocol is easy to perform, and allows a fast determination of an adequate TPP level that preserves oxygenation. Systemic hemodynamics, as a measure of safety, showed no relevant deterioration throughout the procedure.
BACKGROUND: In women with chronic anovulation, the choice of the FSH starting dose and the modality of subsequent dose adjustments are critical in controlling the risk of overstimulation. The aim of this prospective randomized study was to assess the efficacy and safety of a decremental FSH dose regimen applied once the leading follicle was 10-13 mm in diameter in women treated for WHO Group II anovulation according to a chronic low-dose (CLD; 75 IU FSH for 14 days with 37.5 IU increment) step-up protocol. METHODS: Two hundred and nine subfertile women were treated with recombinant human FSH (r-hFSH) (Gonal-f) for ovulation induction according to a CLD step-up regimen. When the leading follicle reached a diameter of 10-13 mm, 158 participants were randomized by means of a computer-generated list to receive either the same FSH dose required to achieve the threshold for follicular development (CLD regimen) or half of this FSH dose [sequential (SQ) regimen]. HCG was administered only if not more than three follicles >or=16 mm in diameter were present and/or serum estradiol (E(2)) values were <1200 pg/ml. The primary outcome measure was the number of follicles >or=16 mm in size at the time of hCG administration. RESULTS: Clinical characteristics and ovarian parameters at the time of randomization were similar in the two groups. Both CLD and SQ protocols achieved similar follicular growth as regards the total number of follicles and medium-sized or mature follicles (>/=16 mm: 1.5 +/- 0.9 versus 1.4 +/- 0.7, respectively). Furthermore, serum E(2) levels were equivalent in the two groups at the time of hCG administration (441 +/- 360 versus 425 +/- 480 pg/ml for CLD and SQ protocols, respectively). The rate of mono-follicular development was identical as well as the percentage of patients who ovulated and achieved pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that the CLD step-up regimen for FSH administration is efficacious and safe for promoting mono-follicular ovulation in women with WHO Group II anovulation. This study confirms that maintaining the same FSH starting dose for 14 days before increasing the dose in step-up regimen is critical to adequately control the risk of over-response. Strict application of CLD regimen should be recommended in women with WHO Group II anovulation.
An increased or disturbed activation and aggregation of platelets plays a major role in the pathophysiology of thrombosis and haemostasis and is related to cardiovascular disease processes. In addition to qualitative disturbances of platelet function, changes in thrombopoiesis or an increased elimination of platelets, (e. g., in autoimmune thrombocytopenia), are also of major clinical relevance. Flow cytometry is increasingly used for the specific characterisation of phenotypic alterations of platelets which are related to cellular activation, haemostatic function and to maturation of precursor cells. These new techniques also allow the study of the in vitro response of platelets to stimuli and the modification thereof under platelet-targeted therapy as well as the characterisation of platelet-specific antibodies. In this protocol, specific flow cytometric techniques for platelet analysis are recommended based on a description of the current state of flow cytometric methodology. These recommendations are an attempt to promote the use of these new techniques which are at present broadly evaluated for diagnostic purposes. Furthermore, the definition of the still open questions primarily related to the technical details of the method should help to promote the multi-center evaluation of procedures with the goal to finally develop standardized operation procedures as the basis of interlaboratory reproducibility when applied to diagnostic testing.