900 resultados para temperate grassland
The ”Vollenweider model” is a sophisticated mathematical statement about the long-range behaviour of (mainly temperate) lakes and their ability to support phytoplankton chlorophyll. Misapplication of the model, against which Vollenweider himself warned, has led to many misconceptions about the dynamics of plankton in lakes and reservoirs and about how best to manage systems subject to eutrophication. This contribution intends to frame the most important issues in context of the phosphorus- loading and phosphorus-limitation concepts. Emphasis is placed on the need to distinguish rate-limitation from capacity-limitation, to understand which is more manageable and why, to discern the mechanisms of internal recycling and their importance, and to appreciate the respective roles of physical and biotic components in local control of algal dynamics. Some general approaches to the management of water quality in lakes and reservoirs to eutrophication are outlined.
Embora exista uma enorme variação de histórias de vida e ecologia, a maioria das espécies de morcegos mostra-se, em algum nível, social. Os aspectos de ecologia comportamental de quirópteros tem sido estudados, embora a maior parte refira-se a colônias de maternidades em regiões de clima temperado. Repertórios comportamentais completos e orçamentos temporais são raros, especialmente para a região Neotropical. Para compreender melhor a sociabilidade neste grupo, mostra-se importante focar também em grupos neutros com relação a fatores associados à atividade reprodutiva. Neste sentido, o estudo de grupos de machos neotropicais pode apresentar respostas importantes. O comportamento de um grupo machos não pareados de Phyllostomus hastatus foi estudado dentro do seu abrigo por aproximadamente 100 horas entre os meses de janeiro e agosto de 2012. O grupo estava abrigado no forro de um telhado de uma casa em desuso da Vila Dois Rios, na Ilha Grande. Os comportamentos foram registrados com uma câmera sensível a infra-infravermelho Sony DCR-HC28 em modo night-vision. Quando necessário, utilizei uma luz de auxílio infravermelha. A partir dos vídeos eu elaborei primeiramente um etograma. Os comportamentos classificados como estados foram usados para fazer um orçamento temporal, usando metodologia de amostragem por varredura e amostragem instantânea. Adicionalmente, fiz algumas observações a respeito de horário de entrada e saída dos morcegos e do tamanho do grupo. Organizei os comportamentos em seis categorias, com um total de 24 comportamentos distintos. Os comportamentos descritos são consistentes com os publicados em outros etogramas de morcegos, inclusive de alguns megaquirópteros. Um comportamento mais notável foi ventilando, que parece raro entre os microquirópteros, mas provavelmente importante na termorregulação. Nos meses analisados os morcegos alocaram aproximadamente 50% do tempo ao estado dormindo; 14,6% ao estado parado; 15,3% ao estado ativo; 0,9% ao estado andando; 0,1% ao estado voando; 14,1% ao estado higiene; e 3,5% ao estado ventilando. O orçamento temporal foi semelhante aos descritos para outros microquirópteros no interior de abrigos, com uma maior prevalência do estado dormindo, e com picos de atividade (principalmente do estado higiene) antes e depois das saídas noturnas. A higiene parece ter um papel importante no controle de ectoparasitas, e talvez algum papel social, mas como a higiene de outros indivíduos só foi observada uma única vez, não pude concluir nada a respeito. O presente trabalho é o primeiro etograma para Phyllostomus hastatus e o primeiro etograma e orçamento temporal para um grupo de machos em Chiroptera. Observei algumas diferenças importantes do grupo estudado com trabalhos já publicados sobre essa espécie, e sugiro que essas diferenças sejam estudadas mais a fundo. Apesar desta dissertação trazer contribuições importantes, fica claro que ainda falta muito a ser examinado nesse campo.
Crassostrea (Sacco, 1897) é o gênero mais importante do mundo de ostras de cultivo e consiste de 34 espécies distribuídas pelas regiões tropicais e temperadas do globo. C. gasar e C. rhizophorae são as duas espécies nativas que estão distribuídas ao longo de toda a costa do Brasil até o Caribe. C. gasar também ocorre na costa da Africa. Ainda que sua distribuição seja extensa e com disponibilidade abundante, o cultivo de ostras nativas no Brasil ainda é incipiente e a delimitação correta dos estoques mantém-se incerta. O sucesso do desenvolvimento da malacocultura, que é recomendada internacionalmente como forma sustentável de aquicultura, depende da resolução desses problemas. Assim, com o objetivo de determinar geneticamente seus estoques no Atlântico como também estimar sua história demográfica, dois diferentes marcadores moleculares foram empregados: sequências de DNA da região controle mitocondrial e loci de microssatélites espécie-especifícos, desenvolvidos no presente estudo. Foram sequenciados fragmentos da região controle de um total de 930 indivíduos de C. gasar e C. rhizophorae coletados em 32 localidades que incluíram o Caribe, a Guiana Francesa, a costa brasileira e a África. Também foram realizadas genotipagens de 1178 indivíduos, e ambas as espécies, com 9 e 11 loci de microssatélites para C. gasar e C. rhizophorae, respectivamente. Os dados genéticos foram analisados através de diferentes abordagens (índices de estruturação (FST) e de (Jost D), análise molecular de variância (AMOVA), análise espacial molecular de variância (SAMOVA), Bayesian Skyline Plots (BSP), análise fatorial de correspondência (AFC) e análise de atribuição Bayesiana (STRUCTURE)). Os resultados indicaram um padrão geral de estruturação, onde dois diferentes estoques foram detectados para ambas as espécies: grupos do norte e do sul, onde o Rio de Janeiro seria a região limitante entre os dois estoques. Os maiores valores dos índices de estruturação foram encontrados para C. gasar, indicando que esta espécie estaria mais estruturada do que C. rhizophorae. As análises demográficas indicaram uma provável expansão das populações durante o ultimo período glacial e uma possível origem americana das populações africanas. Todos os resultados sugeriram a existência de uma barreira geográfica próxima ao Rio de Janeiro, que poderia ser a cadeia de Vitória-Trindade e o fenômeno de ressurgência que ocorre em Cabo Frio (RJ). Esses resultados serão de grande utilidade para estabelecer critérios para seleção de sementes para cultivo ao longo da costa do Brasil que permitirá o manejo adequado dos estoques ostreícolas, prevenindo seu desaparecimento como já ocorrido em outros recifes no mundo.
Juvenile fish in temperate coastal oceans exhibit an annual cycle of feeding, and within this cycle, poor wintertime feeding can reduce body growth, condition, and perhaps survival, especially in food-poor areas. We examined the stomach contents of juvenile walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) to explain previously observed seasonal and regional variation in juvenile body condition. Juvenile walleye pollock (1732 fish, 37–250 mm standard length) of the 2000 year class were collected from three regions in the Gulf of Alaska (Kodiak, Semidi, and Shumagin) representing an area of the continental shelf of ca. 100,000 km2 during four seasons (August 2000 to September 2001). Mean stomach content weight (SCW, 0.72% somatic body weight) decreased with fish body length except from winter to summer 2001. Euphausiids composed 61% of SCW and were the main determinant of seasonal change in the diets of fish in the Kodiak and Semidi regions. Before and during winter, SCW and the euphausiid dietary component were highest in the Kodiak region. Bioenergetics modeling indicated a relatively high growth rate for Kodiak juveniles during winter (0.33 mm standard length/d). After winter, Shumagin juveniles had relatively high SCW and, unlike the Kodiak and Semidi juveniles, exhibited no reduction in the euphausiid dietary component. These patterns explain previous seasonal and regional differences in body condition. We hypothesize that high-quality feeding locations (and perhaps nursery areas) shift seasonally in response to the availability of euphausiid
Most shallow-dwelling tropical marine fishes exhibit different activity patterns during the day and night but show similar transition behavior among habitat sites despite the dissimilar assemblages of the species. However, changes in species abundance, distribution, and activity patterns have only rarely been examined in temperate deepwater habitats during the day and night, where day-to-night differences in light intensity are extremely slight. Direct-observation surveys were conducted over several depths and habitat types on Heceta Bank, the largest rocky bank off the Oregon coast. Day and night fish community composition, relative density, and activity levels were compared by using videotape footage from a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operated along paired transects. Habitat-specific abundance and activity were determined for 31 taxa or groups. General patterns observed were similar to shallow temperate day and night studies, with an overall increase in the abundance and activity of fishes during the day than at night, particularly in shallower cobble, boulder, and rock ridge habitats. Smaller schooling rockfishes (Sebastes spp.) were more abundant and active in day than in night transects, and sharpchin (S. zacentrus) and harlequin (S. variegatus) rockfish were significantly more abundant in night transects. Most taxa, however, did not exhibit distinct diurnal or nocturnal activity patterns. Rosethorn rockfish (S. helvomaculatus) and hagfishes (Eptatretus spp.) showed the clearest diurnal and nocturnal activity patterns, respectively. Because day and night distributions and activity patterns in demersal fishes are likely to influence both catchability and observability in bottom trawl and direct-count in situ surveys, the patterns observed in the current study should be considered for survey design and interpretation.
The western blue groper (Achoerodus gouldii) is shown to be a temperate protogynous hermaphrodite, which spawns between early winter and mid-spring. Because A. gouldii changes body color at about the time of sex change, its color can be used as a proxy for sex for estimating the size and age at sex change and for estimating growth when it is not possible to use gonads for determining the sex of this fish. The following characteristics make A. gouldii highly susceptible to overfishing: 1) exceptional longevity, with a maximum age (70 years) that is by far the greatest yet estimated for a labrid; 2) slow growth for the first 15 years and little subsequent growth by females; and 3) late maturation at a large total length (TL50 = 653 mm) and old age (~17 years) and 4) late sex change at an even greater total length (TL50 = 821 mm) and age (~35 years). The TL50 at maturity and particularly at sex change exceeded the minimum legal total length (500 mm) of A. gouldii and the lengths of many recreationally and commercially caught fish. Many of these characteristics are found in certain deep-water fishes that are likewise considered susceptible to overfishing. Indeed, although fishing effort for A. gouldii in Western Australia is not particularly high, per-recruit analyses indicate that this species is already close to or fully exploited.
Fish species of warmwater origin appear in northeastern U.S. coastal waters in the late summer and remain until late fall when the temperate waters cool. The annual abundance and species composition of warm-water species is highly variable from year to year, and these variables may have effects on the trophic dynamics of this region. To understand this variability, records of warm-water fish occurrence were examined in two neighboring temperate areas, Narragansett Bay and Long Island Sound. The most abundant fish species were the same in both areas, and regional abundances peaked in both areas in the middle of September, four weeks after the maximum temperature in the middle of August. On average, abundance of warm-water species increased throughout the years sampled, although this increase can not be said to be exclusively related to temperature. Weekly mean temperatures between the two locations were highly correlated (r= 0.99; P<0.001). The warm-water fish faunas were distinctly different in annual abundances in the two areas for each species by year (1987–2000), and these differences ref lect the variability in the transport processes to temperate estuaries. The results reveal information on the abundance of warm-water fish in relation to trends toward warmer waters in these region
Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius) is hexagrammid fish that inhabits the temperate and subarctic North Pacific Ocean and neighboring seas (Fig. 1). This highly abundant fish is a critically important prey species (Sinclair and Zeppelin, 2002; Zenger, 2004) that supports a directed commercial trawl fishery (Lowe et al., 2006). Atka mackerel is a demersal spawner and males provide parental care to eggs (Zolotov, 1993). During breeding periods, sexually mature males aggregate on the bottom at nesting sites where they establish territories (Lauth et al., in press). Sexually mature females periodically visit male nesting territories from July to October to spawn batches of demersal egg masses (McDermott and Lowe, 1997; McDermott et al., 2007). Individual nests may consist of multiple egg masses deposited by different females, and males defend nesting territories for a protracted period lasting from the time territories are being established until all eggs within the territory are completely hatched (Lauth et al., 2007). Knowledge about the timing of the reproductive cycle and the use of spawning habitat are important for understanding population structure and the dynamics of stock recruitment, which in turn are important factors in the management of Atka mackerel populations.
Severe overfishing of sea cucumbers has occurred in most countries of the tropical Indo-Pacific. The release of juveniles is being examined at the ICLARM Coastal Aquaculture Centre in the Solomon islands as a means of restoring and enhancing tropical sea cucumber stocks. Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) are the tropical species that show the best potential for stock enhancement. Sandfish are of high value, widely distributed and relatively easy to culture in simple systemss at a low cost. This paper summarizes information about the culture of H. scabra and compares it to that of the temperate species Stichopus japonicus.
This contribution presents von Bertalanffy growth parameter estimates for species/stocks of jack mackerels of the genus Trachurus from around the world, and compares them with growth parameters for T. symmetricus murphyi caught off central-Chile (33 super(o)S-39 super(o)S). It is found that Trachurus stocks inhabiting upwelling areas such as the Humboldt and Benguela current systems grow better than their ecological equivalents in temperate waters, such as the North Sea. The von Bertalanffy growth paramters estimated from Chilean horse mackerel are: FL = 65.2 cm (TL = 71.6 cm) and K = 0.138 year super(-1).
As compared to crops and livestock, the genetic enhancement of fish is in its infancy. While significant progress has been achieved in the genetic improvement of temperate fish such as salmonids, no efforts were made until the late 1980s for the genetic improvement of tropical finfish, which account for about 90 percent of global aquaculture production. This paper traces the history of the Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) project initiated in 1988 by the WorldFish Center and its partners for the development of methods for genetic enhancement of tropical finfish using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as a test species. It also describes the impacts of the project on the adoption of these methods for other species and the dissemination of improved breeds in several countries in Asia and the Pacific.
Growth of a temperate reefa-ssociated fish, the purple wrasse (Notolabrus fucicola), was examined from two sites on the east coast of Tasmania by using age- and length-based models. Models based on the von Bertalanffy growth function, in the standard and a reparameterized form, were constructed by using otolith-derived age estimates. Growth trajectories from tag-recaptures were used to construct length-based growth models derived from the GROTAG model, in turn a reparameterization of the Fabens model. Likelihood ratio tests (LRTs) determined the optimal parameterization of the GROTAG model, including estimators of individual growth variability, seasonal growth, measurement error, and outliers for each data set. Growth models and parameter estimates were compared by bootstrap confidence intervals, LRTs, and randomization tests and plots of bootstrap parameter estimates. The relative merit of these methods for comparing models and parameters was evaluated; LRTs combined with bootstrapping and randomization tests provided the most insight into the relationships between parameter estimates. Significant differences in growth of purple wrasse were found between sites in both length- and age-based models. A significant difference in the peak growth season was found between sites, and a large difference in growth rate between sexes was found at one site with the use of length-based models.
The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is an oceanic species that occurs in temperate and tropical waters around the globe (Robins and Ray, 1986). This species is a major bycatch of pelagic longline fleets that operate to supply the world’s growing demand for tunas and swordfish (Xiphias gladius) (Stevens, 1992; Bailey et al., 1996; Francis, 1998; Francis et al., 2001; Macias and de la Serna, 2002); numerically, the blue shark is the top nontarget species captured by the U.S. longline pelagic Atlantic fleet (Beerkircher et al.
The gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) is a temperate and tropical reef fish that is found along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts of the southeastern United States. The recreational fishery for gray snapper has developed rapidly in south Louisiana with the advent of harvest and seasonal restrictions on the established red snapper (L. campechanus) fishery. We examined the age and growth of gray snapper in Louisiana with the use of cross-sectioned sagittae. A total of 833 specimens, (441 males, 387 females, and 5 of unknown sex) were opportunistically sampled from the recreational fishery from August 1998 to August 2002. Males ranged in size from 222 to 732 mm total length (TL) and from 280 g to 5700 g total weight (TW) and females ranged from 254 to 756 mm TL and from 340 g to 5800 g TW. Both edge analysis and bomb radiocarbon analyses were used to validate otolith-based age estimates. Ages were estimated for 718 individuals; both males and females ranged from 1 to 28 years. The von Bertalanffy growth models derived from TL at age were Lt = 655.4{1–e[–0.23(t)]} for males, Lt = 657.3{1–e[– 0.21(t)]} for females, and L t = 656.4{1–e[– 0.22 (t)]} for all specimens of known sex. Catch curves were used to produce a total mortality (Z) estimate of 0.17. Estimates of M calculated with various methods ranged from 0.15 to 0.50; however we felt that M= 0.15 was the most appropriate estimate based on our estimate of Z. Full recruitment to the gray snapper recreational fishery began at age 4, was completed by age 8, and there was no discernible peak in the catch curve dome.
In this note we describe the re-formation of a spawning aggregation of mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis). A review of four consecutive years of survey data indicates that the aggregation may be increasing in size. Mutton snapper are distributed in the temperate and tropical waters of the western Atlantic Ocean from Florida to southeastern Brazil (Burton, 2002). Juveniles and subadults are found in a variety of habitats such as vegetated sand bottoms, bays, and mangrove estuaries (Allen, 1985). Adults are found offshore on coral reefs and other complex hardbottom habitat. They are solitary and wary fish, rarely found in groups or schools except during spawning aggregations (Domeier et al., 1996). Spawning occurs from May through July at Riley’s Hump (Domeier et al., 1996) and peaks in June, as indicated by gonadosomatic indices (M. Burton, unpubl. data). Mutton snapper are highly prized by Florida fishermen for their size and fighting ability, and the majority of landings occur from Cape Canaveral, through the Florida Keys, including the Dry Tortugas (Burton, 2002).