946 resultados para stranded cable damping


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Tämän diplomityön päämääränä oli tutkia nykyisen optisen markkinasektorin nykytilaa ja ennakoida mahdollista tulevaa kapasiteetin tarpeen kasvua merkittävän taantumakauden jälkeen. Erityistä huomiota käytettiin kaapelin valmistuksen vaiheisiin ja näitä vastaaviin laitteisiin. Tätä kautta selvitettiin nykyisten markkinoilla toimivien laiteratkaisujen ominaisuudet. Työssä havaittiin kuitukaapeleiden rakenneratkaisujen muuttuvan asennettavuuden parantamisen ja kaapeleiden paremman kestävyyden suuntaan. Näiden muuttuessa tulevat valmistustekniikat ja menetelmät kehittymään vastaamaan uusia ratkaisuja. Laserhitsausmenetelmällä voidaan laajentaa kaapeleiden rakenneratkaisujen ja materiaalivaihtoehtojen valikoimaa perinteisen extruusiotekniikan rinnalle. Työ avaa uusia toteutusmandollisuuksia kaapelinvalmistusprosessiin, sekä antaa pohjaa uusien kaapelirakenteiden tuomiseen globaaleille optisen kuitukaapelin markkinoille.


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Exposure to organochlorines induces retinoid deficiency in mammals; hence, retinoids are potential biomarkers of the impact of these pollutants. Appropriate target tissues to monitor retinoids in cetaceans have not been properly identified because of a lack of information on the contribution of each tissue to total body retinoids. Therefore, we have addressed this issue by studying the contribution of the main body tissues to retinoids in 21 common dolphins obtained from incidental catches and in apparent good health and nutritive condition. Although concentrations in the liver were highest, those in blubber were also high and accounted for 43% of the total retinoid load of the compartments examined. As blubber can be obtained using non-invasive biopsy techniques, this tissue is proposed as a reliable indicator of retinoid status in cetaceans. However, blubber topographical variation in structure and composition requires standardization of sampling sites. Retinoid concentrations did not differ significantly between sexes or with body size for any of the tissues, but the lipid content of blubber strongly influenced these concentrations. Biopsies from healthy, free-ranging individuals are preferred to samples from stranded animals. Further research on the influence of factors (age, sex, reproductive condition, diet) that potentially affect retinoid levels is required to implement the use of retinoids as biomarkers of pollutant exposure in cetaceans.


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Network neutrality is a growing policy controversy. Traffic management techniques affect not only high-speed, high-money content, but by extension all other content too. Internet regulators and users may tolerate much more discrimination in the interests of innovation. For instance, in the absence of regulatory oversight, ISPs could use Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to block some content altogether, if they decide it is not to the benefit of ISPs, copyright holders, parents or the government. ISP blocking is currently widespread in controlling spam email, and in some countries in blocking sexually graphic illegal images. In 1999 this led to scrutiny of foreclosure of Instant Messaging and video and cable-telephony horizontal merger. Fourteen years later, there were in 2013 net neutrality laws implemented in Slovenia, the Netherlands, Chile and Finland, regulation in the United States and Canada , co-regulation in Norway, and self-regulation in Japan, the United Kingdom and many other European countries . Both Germany and France in mid-2013 debated new net neutrality legislation, and the European Commission announced on 11 September 2013 that it would aim to introduce legislation in early 2014. This paper analyses these legal developments, and in particular the difficulty in assessing reasonable traffic management and ‘specialized’ (i.e. unregulated) faster services in both EU and US law. It also assesses net neutrality law against the international legal norms for user privacy and freedom of expression


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Eukaryotic cells respond to DNA breaks, especially double-stranded breaks (DSBs), by activating the DNA damage response (DDR), which encompasses DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint signaling. The DNA damage signal is transmitted to the checkpoint machinery by a network of specialized DNA damage-recognizing and signal-transducing molecules. However, recent evidence suggests that DNA repair proteins themselves may also directly contribute to the checkpoint control. Here, we investigated the role of homologous recombination (HR) proteins in normal cell cycle regulation in the absence of exogenous DNA damage. For this purpose, we used Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells expressing the Fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicators (Fucci). Systematic siRNA-mediated knockdown of HR genes in these cells demonstrated that the lack of several of these factors alters cell cycle distribution, albeit differentially. The knock-down of MDC1, Rad51 and Brca1 caused the cells to arrest in the G2 phase, suggesting that they may be required for the G2/M transition. In contrast, inhibition of the other HR factors, including several Rad51 paralogs and Rad50, led to the arrest in the G1/G0 phase. Moreover, reduced expression of Rad51B, Rad51C, CtIP and Rad50 induced entry into a quiescent G0-like phase. In conclusion, the lack of many HR factors may lead to cell cycle checkpoint activation, even in the absence of exogenous DNA damage, indicating that these proteins may play an essential role both in DNA repair and checkpoint signaling.


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Modelling the shoulder's musculature is challenging given its mechanical and geometric complexity. The use of the ideal fibre model to represent a muscle's line of action cannot always faithfully represent the mechanical effect of each muscle, leading to considerable differences between model-estimated and in vivo measured muscle activity. While the musculo-tendon force coordination problem has been extensively analysed in terms of the cost function, only few works have investigated the existence and sensitivity of solutions to fibre topology. The goal of this paper is to present an analysis of the solution set using the concepts of torque-feasible space (TFS) and wrench-feasible space (WFS) from cable-driven robotics. A shoulder model is presented and a simple musculo-tendon force coordination problem is defined. The ideal fibre model for representing muscles is reviewed and the TFS and WFS are defined, leading to the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a solution. The shoulder model's TFS is analysed to explain the lack of anterior deltoid (DLTa) activity. Based on the analysis, a modification of the model's muscle fibre geometry is proposed. The performance with and without the modification is assessed by solving the musculo-tendon force coordination problem for quasi-static abduction in the scapular plane. After the proposed modification, the DLTa reaches 20% of activation.


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Treatment failure and symptomatic relapse are major concerns in American tegumentary leishmaniasis (TL). Such complications are seen frequently in Leishmania guyanensis infections, in which patients respond variously to first-line antileishmanials and are more prone to develop chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis. The factors underlying this pathology, however, are unknown. Recently, we reported that a double-stranded RNA virus, Leishmania RNA virus 1 (LRV1), nested within L. guyanensis parasites is able to exacerbate experimental murine leishmaniasis by inducing a hyperinflammatory response. This report investigates the prevalence of LRV1 in human L. guyanensis infection and its effect on treatment efficacy, as well as its correlation to symptomatic relapses after the completion of first-line treatment. In our cohort of 75 patients with a diagnosis of primary localized American TL, the prevalence of LRV1-positive L. guyanensis infection was elevated to 58%. All patients infected with LRV1-negative L. guyanensis were cured after 1 dose (22 of 31 [71%]) or 2 doses (31 of 31 [100%]) of pentamidine. In contrast, 12 of 44 LRV1-positive patients (27%) presented with persistent infection and symptomatic relapse that required extended therapy and the use of second-line drugs. Finally, LRV1 presence was associated with a significant increase in levels of intra-lesional inflammatory markers. In conclusion, LRV1 status in L. guyanensis infection is significantly predictive (P = .0009) of first-line treatment failure and symptomatic relapse and has the potential to guide therapeutic choices in American TL.


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Data transmission between an electric motor and a frequency converter is required in variablespeed electric drives because of sensors installed at the motor. Sensor information can be used for various useful applications to improve the system reliability and its properties. Traditionally, the communication medium is implemented by an additional cabling. However, the costs of the traditional method may be an obstacle to the wider application of data transmission between a motor and a frequency converter. In any case, a power cable is always installed between a motor and a frequency converter for power supply, and hence it may be applied as a communication medium for sensor level data. This thesis considers power line communication (PLC) in inverter-fed motor power cables. The motor cable is studied as a communication channel in the frequency band of 100 kHz−30 MHz. The communication channel and noise characteristics are described. All the individual components included in a variable-speed electric drive are presented in detail. A channel model is developed, and it is verified by measurements. A theoretical channel information capacity analysis is carried out to estimate the opportunities of a communication medium. Suitable communication and forward error correction (FEC) methods are suggested. A general method to implement a broadband and Ethernet-based communication medium between a motor and a frequency converter is proposed. A coupling interface is also developed that allows to install the communication device safely to a three-phase inverter-fed motor power cable. Practical tests are carried out, and the results are analyzed. Possible applications for the proposed method are presented. A speed feedback motor control application is verified in detail by simulations and laboratory tests because of restrictions for the delay in the feedback loop caused by PLC. Other possible applications are discussed at a more general level.


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En los tiempos que corren la robótica forma uno de los pilares más importantes en la industria y una gran noticia para los ingenieros es la referente a las ventas de estos, ya que en 2013, unos 179.000 robots industriales se vendieron en todo el mundo, de nuevo un máximo histórico y un 12% más que en 2012 según datos de la IFR (International Federation of Robotics). Junto a esta noticia, la robótica colaborativa entra en juego en el momento que los robots y los seres humanos deben compartir el lugar de trabajo sin que nos veamos excluidos por las maquinas, por lo tanto lo que se intenta es que los robots mejoren la calidad del trabajo al hacerse cargo de los trabajos peligrosos, tediosos y sucios que no son posibles o seguros para los seres humanos. Otro concepto muy importante y directamente relacionado con lo anterior que está muy en boga y se escucha desde hace relativamente poco tiempo es el de la fabrica del futuro o “Factory Of The Future” la cual intenta que los operarios y los robots encuentren la sintonía en el entorno laboral y que los robots se consideren como maquinaria colaborativa y no como sustitutiva, considerándose como uno de los grandes nichos productivos en plena expansión. Dejando a un lado estos conceptos técnicos que nunca debemos olvidar si nuestra carrera profesional va enfocada en este ámbito industrial, el tema central de este proyecto está basado, como no podía ser de otro modo, en la robótica, que junto con la visión artificial, el resultado de esta fusión, ha dado un manipulador robótico al que se le ha dotado de cierta “inteligencia”. Se ha planteado un sencillo pero posible proceso de producción el cual es capaz de almacenar piezas de diferente forma y color de una forma autónoma solamente guiado por la imagen capturada con una webcam integrada en el equipo. El sistema consiste en una estructura soporte delimitada por una zona de trabajo en la cual se superponen unas piezas diseñadas al efecto las cuales deben ser almacenadas en su lugar correspondiente por el manipulador robótico. Dicho manipulador de cinemática paralela está basado en la tecnología de cables, comandado por cuatro motores que le dan tres grados de libertad (±X, ±Y, ±Z) donde el efector se encuentra suspendido sobre la zona de trabajo moviéndose de forma que es capaz de identificar las características de las piezas en situación, color y forma para ser almacenadas de una forma ordenada según unas premisas iníciales.


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Verkkosuunnittelussa vallitsee käytettävyyden osalta tiettyjä sääntöjä ja käytöntöjä, jotka liittyvät yksinkertaistamiseen, typistämiseen ja selkeyttämiseen. Yleisenä tavoitteena ja ihanteena on rakentaa verkkosivut nopeasti selailtaviksi ja helppolukuisiksi, sillä usein sivujen tarkoitus on tarjota käyttäjälleen informaatiosisältöä. Opinnäytetyön aiheena on sekä taiteellisten ja teknisten arvojen yhdistäminen suunnitteluprosessissa. Työtä voi käyttää oppaana siihen, miten tarina pitäisi ottaa huomioon käyttöliittymää suunnitellessa, sillä sisältö sanelee toteutuksen arkkitehtuurin. Työ käsittelee myös verkkotekstin erikoispiirteitä, mitä kannattaa ottaa huomioon tarinallista tekstiä verkkoon tuotettaessa, sillä verkkoselain ei toimi kuin kirja tai kuten sähköinen ekirja. Verkkonarratiivi, tai dramaattinen hyperteksti pitäisi jo suunnittelun alkuvaiheessa ymmärtää paitsi omaksi kerronnan lajikseen, myös sen välineeksi. Opinnäytetyöni on monimuototyö, jonka teososana on kirjoittamani ja suunnittelemani kuusiosainen englanninkielinen tarina Stranded. Olen kirjoittanut teoksen verkossa esittämistä varten ja käytän teososaa muutaman esimerkkiteoksen yhteydessä esittämään havaintoja tarinankerronnan mahdollisuuksista verkkoselaimessa. Tavoitteeni oli työn kirjallisessa osassa löytää ja esittää parhaimpia esitystapoja narratiivista tekstiä verkkoselaimessa. Tätä kirjoittaessani olen ajatuksissani yhdistellyt ajatuksia digitaalisen tekstin teoreettisista ominaisuuksista ja käytännöllisiä näkökulmia sähköisen tarinan esittämiseen.


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Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tehdä perusteltu esitys kahden suunnitellun sähköaseman toiminnan aloittamisen ajankohdasta sekä rakentamisen kestosta lupamenettelyineen. Työssä oli pyrkimys perustella asemien maantieteellinen sijainti, toteutustapa, rakenne sekä sähköasemien syöttöön tarvittavien 110 kV johtojen alustava rakenne ja reitti. Työssä on tarkasteltu uuden sähköaseman verkosto- ja kustannusvaikutuksia, sähköasemarakenteita ja niiden valintaa, sähköasemainvestointihankkeen vaiheita ja rakennuttamisprosessin läpivientiin tarvittavaa aikaa. Verkoston nykytilaa, käyttövarmuutta ja selviytymistä kuormituksen kasvusta on tarkasteltu sähköasemien toiminnan aloittamisen ajankohtien määrittämiseksi. Työn keskeisin painopiste oli sähköasemien rakentamisajankohdan määrittäminen. Sähköasemien toiminnan aloittamisen ajankohdan määrääväksi tekijäksi muodostuivat sähköasemien korvaustilanteet. Nykytilassa Valkealan haja-asutusalueen sähkönjakelua ei voida taata yksittäisen sähköaseman korvaustilanteessa, minkä takia sähköasemahankkeen valmistelu on aloitettava välittömästi. Kouvolan ydinkeskustan alueen maakaapeliverkon tehonsiirtokyky ja päämuuntajien reservitehokapasiteetti korvaustilanteissa riittävät vielä 5-10 vuotta riippuen suuresti alueen kuormituksen kasvusta.


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A lab-made interface for acquisition of instrumental analog signals between 0 and 5 V at a frequency up to 670 kHz at the parallel port of a microcomputer is described. Since it uses few and small components, it was built into the connector of a printer parallel cable. Its performance was evaluated by monitoring the signals of four different instruments and similar analytical curves were obtained with the interface and from readings from the instrument' displays. Because the components are cheap (~U$35,00) and easy to get, the proposed interface is a simple and economical alternative for data acquisition in small laboratories for routine work, research and teaching.


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Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is widely used in materials characterization. In this work, we briefly introduce the main concepts related to this technique such as, linear and non-linear viscoelasticity, relaxation time, response of material when it is submitted to a sinusoidal or other periodic stress. Moreover, the main applications of this technique in polymers and polymer blends are also presented. The discussion includes: phase behavior, crystallization; spectrum of relaxation as a function of frequency or temperature; correlation between the material damping and its acoustic and mechanical properties.


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Tämä diplomityö tutkii korroosionestoa polymeerin ekstruusiolinjalla. Kirjallisuusosassa käsitellään ekstruusiolinjaa, linjalla valmistettavia tuotteita ja niiden jatkojalostusta. Lisäksi kirjallisuusosassa käydään läpi linjalla ilmeneviä korroosiotyyppejä, korroosiota eri prosessilaitteissa, korroosionestossa käytettäviä inhibiittoreita ja eri materiaalien korroosiokestävyyden kartoitusta. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin perushartsin kuivauksen vaikutusta ekstruuderin kaasutilan metanoli-, happi- ja kosteuspitoisuuksiin. Kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin myös korroosioinhibiittorien I1 ja I2 vaikutusta korroosionestoon, seuraamalla korrodoivalla alueella olleiden ruuvielementtien painohäviöitä. Kaapelitestauksessa selvitettiin inhibiittorien käytön vaikutukset matalajännitekaapelin laatuun. Kuivauksella ei todettu olevan vaikutusta korroosionestoon. Metanolipitoisuus pysyi korkeana ja happipitoisuuden aleneminen ei ollut merkittävää. Kosteuspitoisuuden suuruusluokka selvitettiin. Kuivauksesta huolimatta se pysyi korkeana. Inhibiittorien käytöstä huolimatta ruuvielementit korrodoituivat, mutta inhibiittoria I2 käytettäessä tutkittujen ruuvielementtien painohäviöt olivat pienempiä referenssiajoon verrattuna. Inhibiittori I2:lla ei todettu olevan negatiivisia vaikutuksia matalajännitekaapelin laatuun suoritetuissa ikääntymis- sähköominaisuus- ja ristisilloittumisnopeustesteissä.


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The provision of Internet access to large numbers has traditionally been under the control of operators, who have built closed access networks for connecting customers. As the access network (i.e. the last mile to the customer) is generally the most expensive part of the network because of the vast amount of cable required, many operators have been reluctant to build access networks in rural areas. There are problems also in urban areas, as incumbent operators may use various tactics to make it difficult for competitors to enter the market. Open access networking, where the goal is to connect multiple operators and other types of service providers to a shared network, changes the way in which networks are used. This change in network structure dismantles vertical integration in service provision and enables true competition as no service provider can prevent others fromcompeting in the open access network. This thesis describes the development from traditional closed access networks towards open access networking and analyses different types of open access solution. The thesis introduces a new open access network approach (The Lappeenranta Model) in greater detail. The Lappeenranta Model is compared to other types of open access networks. The thesis shows that end users and service providers see local open access and services as beneficial. In addition, the thesis discusses open access networking in a multidisciplinary fashion, focusing on the real-world challenges of open access networks.


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As a result of the recent regulatory amendments and other development trends in the electricity distribution business, the sector is currently witnessing radical restructuring that will eventually impact the business logics of the sector. This report represents upcoming changes in the electricity distribution industry and concentrates on the factors that are expected to be the most fundamental ones. Electricity network companies nowadays struggle with legislative and regulatory requirements that focus on both the operational efficiency and the reliability of electricity distribution networks. The forces that have an impact on the distribution network companies can be put into three main categories that define the transformation at a general level. Those are: (1) a requirement for a more functional marketplace for energy, (2) environmental aspects (combating climate change etc.), and (3) a strongly emphasized requirement for the security of energy supply. The first point arises from the legislators’ attempt to increase competition in electricity retail markets, the second one concerns both environmental protection and human safety issues, and the third one indicates societies’ reduced willingness to accept interruptions in electricity supply. In the future, regulation of electricity distribution business may lower the threshold for building more weather-resistant networks, which in turn means increased underground cabling. This development pattern is reinforced by tightening safety and environmental regulations that ultimately make the overhead lines expensive to build and maintain. The changes will require new approaches particularly in network planning, construction, and maintenance. The concept for planning, constructing, and maintaining cable networks is necessary because the interdependencies between network operations are strong, in other words, the nature of the operation requires a linkage to other operations.