901 resultados para soft magnets


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This paper presents an experimental study of the sensitivity to 15-MeV neutrons of Advanced Low Power SRAMs (A-LPSRAM) at low bias voltage little above the threshold value that allows the retention of data. This family of memories is characterized by a 3D structure to minimize the area penalty and to cope with latchups, as well as by the presence of integrated capacitors to hinder the occurrence of single event upsets. In low voltage static tests, classical single event upsets were a minor source of errors, but other unexpected phenomena such as clusters of bitflips and hard errors turned out to be the origin of hundreds of bitflips. Besides, errors were not observed in dynamic tests at nominal voltage. This behavior is clearly different than that of standard bulk CMOS SRAMs, where thousands of errors have been reported.


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Non-cognitive skills have caught the attention of current education policy writers in Canada. Within the last 10 years, almost every province has produced a document including the importance of supporting non-cognitive skills in K-12 students in the classroom. Although often called different names (such as learning skills, cross curricular competencies, and 20th Century Skills) and occasionally viewed through different lenses (such as emotional intelligence skills, character skills, and work habits), what unifies non-cognitive skills within the policy documents is the claim that students that are strong in these skills are more successful in academic achievement and are more successful in post-secondary endeavors. Though the interest from policy-makers and educators is clear, there are still many questions about non-cognitive skills that have yet to be answered. These include: What skills are the most important for teacher’s to support in the classroom? What are these skills’ exact contributions to student success? How can teachers best support these skills? Are there currently reliable and valid measures of these skills? These are very important questions worth answering if Canadian teachers are expected to support non-cognitive skills in their classrooms with an already burdened workload. As well, it can begin to untangle the plethora of research that exists within the non-cognitive realm. Without a critical look at the current literature, it is impossible to ensure that these policies are effective in Canadian classrooms, and to see an alignment between research and policy. Upon analysis of Canadian curriculum, five non-cognitive skills were found to be the most prevalent among many of the provinces: Self-Regulation, Collaboration, Initiative, Responsibility and Creativity. The available research literature was then examined to determine the utility of teaching these skills in the classroom (can students improve on these skills, do these skills impact other aspects of students’ lives, and are there methods to validly and reliably assess these skills). It was found that Self-Regulation and Initiative had the strongest basis for being implemented in the classroom. On the other hand, Creativity still requires a lot more justification in terms of its impact on students’ lives and ability to assess in the classroom.


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By employing a research approach, known as subjective personal introspection - the critical "I" - four co-researchers wrote extensive autobiographical essays on their responses to an advertisement for Caffrey's Irish Ale. By delving in the shamelessly subjective this paper draws out the main themes by comparing, contrasting and critiquing the introspective insights of these four critical "I's". In doing so, it demonstrates that there can be no grounded interpretations of an advertising text, that the critical "I" can yield uniquely illuminating insights, and that its chief power, as a research method, lies in its capacity for creativity, imagination and discovery.


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Het doel van dit onderzoek is om inzicht te geven in de ontwikkeling van de rol van de controller en te onderzoeken hoe de rol van de controller zich verhoudt tot het gebruik van hard en soft controls. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd in de vorm van een case study waarbij de onderzoeksdata op twee manieren is verzameld. Ten eerste is door middel van desk research op basis van brondocumenten een overzicht in de tijd gemaakt van de gehanteerde management control systemen bij de casusorganisatie, zijnde vier lokale Rabobank vestigingen. Ten tweede is voor het beantwoorden van de deelvragen en hoofdvraag gebruik gemaakt van semigestructureerde interviews. De ontwikkelingen binnen management control laten zien dat de invulling hiervan bij de casusorganisatie veranderd is en dat management control niet meer alleen vraagt om hard controls. In de casusorganisatie zijn de hard controls duidelijk ingericht en laten de onderzoeksresultaten zien dat soft controls wel worden uitgevoerd maar niet concreet zijn geformuleerd en ingericht. Ten aanzien van het toepassen van hard of soft controls blijkt dat de nadruk ligt op hard controls. De verhouding lijkt samen te hangen met de verschillen in inrichting van de control afdeling en fase waarin de vier verschillende lokale banken zich bevinden. De ontwikkeling die reeds heeft plaatsgevonden en de verwachte ontwikkelingen ten aanzien van de taken van de controller en het toepassen van het type controls, duiden op een verschuiving van traditioneel controlewerk naar een controller die steeds meer betrokken is bij de business en gesprekspartner is van management en directie. De rol van de controller heeft zich doorontwikkeld en is veranderd van achteraf controle uitvoeren (controleur-rol) naar een veel bredere partner-rol die ook aan de voorkant met de business probeert mee te denken en management en directie ondersteunt bij organisatieveranderingen. Het bewustzijn ten aanzien van het inzetten van verschillende type controls, passend bij de doelstelling en situatie, is de laatste jaren toegenomen. Naast sturing op resultaat-, vindt nu ook actiesturen en medewerker- en leiderschapssturing plaats. De rol van de controller is over tijd veranderd, maar er heeft geen duidelijke verschuiving plaatsgevonden in het toepassen van het type controls van hard naar soft.


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The rise and fall of De Lorean Motor Cars Limited (DMCL) has been traditionally interpreted as either the result either of John De Lorean’s psychological flaws or as confirming the supposed limitations of activist industrial policy. However, when the episode is examined in greater historical detail, neither of these interpretations are compelling. The reinterpretation outlined here draws on institutional analysis as well as a range of archival sources, much of it previously unreleased. The inefficiencies within the original contractual agreement are highlighted. The lack of credibility associated with this agreement was in turn traceable to the institutional environment (with its associated risk-reward implications) under which industrial policy operated. This environment had a political element - it had been distorted by the Troubles and the resulting fears policymakers had of a cumulative causation relationship between violence and unemployment. Officials in Belfast, against Treasury opposition, advocated state-led entrepreneurship as a policy response.


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Sarcoma metastatic to the brain is uncommon and rarely occurs as the initial manifestation of tumor. Alveolar soft part sarcoma (ASPS) is a rare but well-studied subtype of sarcoma. A 39-year-old man presented with seizures due to a left temporal meningeal-enhancing lesion with striking brain edema on MRI. The patient underwent neurosurgical resection for suspected meningioma. Histology showed large tumor cells clustering and forming small nests, in places with pseudoalveolar pattern. Diastase-resistant periodic acid-Schiff revealed very rare granular and rod-like cytoplasmic inclusions. Immunohistochemistry showed convincing positivity only with vimentin and smooth muscle actin. The histological features were strongly suggestive of ASPS. At the molecular level RT-PCR and sequencing analysis demonstrated ASPCR1-TFE3 fusion confirming the histological diagnosis of ASPS. There was no evidence of primary extracranial tumor by physical examination and on chest and abdominal CT scan 11 months after presentation. ASPS typically arise from the soft tissues of the extremities and develop multiple metastatic deposits usually with a long clinical course. This case may represent primary meningeal ASPS although metastatic deposit from an undiscovered primary site cannot be entirely excluded.


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'Brexit means Brexit’: but what does Brexit mean for the environment? In the new EUrefEnv study, Dr Charlotte Burns (University of York), Prof Andrew Jordan and Dr Viviane Gravey (University of East Anglia) explore what Brexit may mean for UK environmental policies and governance processes by comparing two scenarios: a ‘soft’ and a ‘hard’ Brexit. A ‘soft’ Brexit would see the UK remain as close as possible to the EU, establishing a new relationship akin to Norway’s relationship with the EU. Conversely a ‘hard’ Brexit would see the UK trade with the EU under World Trade Organisation rules. Both will generate radically different impacts on policies, systems of governance and levels of environmental quality in the UK – key issues that should inform forthcoming negotiations to effect Brexit. The study concludes with suggestions for future research and policy.


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With security and surveillance, there is an increasing need to process image data efficiently and effectively either at source or in a large data network. Whilst a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has been seen as a key technology for enabling this, the design process has been viewed as problematic in terms of the time and effort needed for implementation and verification. The work here proposes a different approach of using optimized FPGA-based soft-core processors which allows the user to exploit the task and data level parallelism to achieve the quality of dedicated FPGA implementations whilst reducing design time. The paper also reports some preliminary
progress on the design flow to program the structure. An implementation for a Histogram of Gradients algorithm is also reported which shows that a performance of 328 fps can be achieved with this design approach, whilst avoiding the long design time, verification and debugging steps associated with conventional FPGA implementations.


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Understanding the dynamics of blood cells is a crucial element to discover biological mechanisms, to develop new efficient drugs, design sophisticated microfluidic devices, for diagnostics. In this work, we focus on the dynamics of red blood cells in microvascular flow. Microvascular blood flow resistance has a strong impact on cardiovascular function and tissue perfusion. The flow resistance in microcirculation is governed by flow behavior of blood through a complex network of vessels, where the distribution of red blood cells across vessel cross-sections may be significantly distorted at vessel bifurcations and junctions. We investigate the development of blood flow and its resistance starting from a dispersed configuration of red blood cells in simulations for different hematocrits, flow rates, vessel diameters, and aggregation interactions between red blood cells. Initially dispersed red blood cells migrate toward the vessel center leading to the formation of a cell-free layer near the wall and to a decrease of the flow resistance. The development of cell-free layer appears to be nearly universal when scaled with a characteristic shear rate of the flow, which allows an estimation of the length of a vessel required for full flow development, $l_c \approx 25D$, with vessel diameter $D$. Thus, the potential effect of red blood cell dispersion at vessel bifurcations and junctions on the flow resistance may be significant in vessels which are shorter or comparable to the length $l_c$. The presence of aggregation interactions between red blood cells lead in general to a reduction of blood flow resistance. The development of the cell-free layer thickness looks similar for both cases with and without aggregation interactions. Although, attractive interactions result in a larger cell-free layer plateau values. However, because the aggregation forces are short-ranged at high enough shear rates ($\bar{\dot{\gamma}} \gtrsim 50~\text{s}^{-1}$) aggregation of red blood cells does not bring a significant change to the blood flow properties. Also, we develop a simple theoretical model which is able to describe the converged cell-free-layer thickness with respect to flow rate assuming steady-state flow. The model is based on the balance between a lift force on red blood cells due to cell-wall hydrodynamic interactions and shear-induced effective pressure due to cell-cell interactions in flow. We expect that these results can also be used to better understand the flow behavior of other suspensions of deformable particles such as vesicles, capsules, and cells. Finally, we investigate segregation phenomena in blood as a two-component suspension under Poiseuille flow, consisting of red blood cells and target cells. The spatial distribution of particles in blood flow is very important. For example, in case of nanoparticle drug delivery, the particles need to come closer to microvessel walls, in order to adhere and bring the drug to a target position within the microvasculature. Here we consider that segregation can be described as a competition between shear-induced diffusion and the lift force that pushes every soft particle in a flow away from the wall. In order to investigate the segregation, on one hand, we have 2D DPD simulations of red blood cells and target cell of different sizes, on the other hand the Fokker-Planck equation for steady state. For the equation we measure force profile, particle distribution and diffusion constant across the channel. We compare simulation results with those from the Fokker-Planck equation and find a very good correspondence between the two approaches. Moreover, we investigate the diffusion behavior of target particles for different hematocrit values and shear rates. Our simulation results indicate that diffusion constant increases with increasing hematocrit and depends linearly on shear rate. The third part of the study describes development of a simulation model of complex vascular geometries. The development of the model is important to reproduce vascular systems of small pieces of tissues which might be gotten from MRI or microscope images. The simulation model of the complex vascular systems might be divided into three parts: modeling the geometry, developing in- and outflow boundary conditions, and simulation domain decomposition for an efficient computation. We have found that for the in- and outflow boundary conditions it is better to use the SDPD fluid than DPD one because of the density fluctuations along the channel of the latter. During the flow in a straight channel, it is difficult to control the density of the DPD fluid. However, the SDPD fluid has not that shortcoming even in more complex channels with many branches and in- and outflows because the force acting on particles is calculated also depending on the local density of the fluid.