1000 resultados para sistema semeadura direta


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aims of this work are to analyze the direct solar radiation pressure torque (TPRS) in the rotational motion of spin-stabilized artificial satellites, to numerically implement these solutions and to compare the results with real data of the Brazilian Satellite Data Collection – SCD1 and SCD2, supplied by INPE. The mathematical model for this torque is determined for a cylindrical satellite, and the components of this torque are determined in a fixed system in the satellite. An analytical solution for the spin motion equations is proposed, in which TPRSD does not affect the spin velocity of the satellite. Two approaches are adopted in the numerical implementation of the developed theory: the first one considers the proposed theory and the second introduces a variation in the spin velocity based on its real variation. The results obtained indicate that the solar radiation pressure torque has little influence in the right ascension and declination axis of rotation due to the small dimension of the satellite and altitude in which it is found. To better validate the application of the presented theory, the angular deviation of the spin axis and solar aspect angle were also analyzed. The comparison of the results of the approaches conducted with real data show good precision in the theory, which can be applied in the prediction of the rotational motion of the spin-stabilized artificial satellites, when others external torques are considered besides the direct solar radiation pressure torque


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Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi revolucionou a sociedade no século XVIII, com suas ideias educativas. Com uma educação humanitária, tendo como princípio básico a benevolência na formação de seus educandos, Pestalozzi posicionava-se a favor da generalização da instrução, para que esta fosse concebida também aos pobres. Desse modo, Pestalozzi funda escolas que recolhem órfãos, mendigos e pequenos ladrões. Nessas entidades havia uma formação geral e profissional. Para Pestalozzi, as crianças precisam de limites, porém em sua Pedagogia não havia punições, sugerindo uma educação não repressiva, contrapondo com as ideias da época. Esta concepção de educação baseada na repressão ainda continua em parte do século XIX, porém outro educador, assim como Pestalozzi, não concorda com os métodos punitivos. Giovanni Melchiorre Bosco, mais conhecido como Dom Bosco, engloba em suas obras educativas três princípios, que compõem o tripé básico de sua educação: razão, religião e amorevolezza, formando o Sistema Preventivo, ideal de sua arte educativa. Com a intenção de desenvolver esse Sistema, Dom Bosco cria os oratórios. Nestes espaços, crianças e jovens de classe baixa, são acolhidos para estudar, brincar e rezar. Mais tarde, as escolas profissionalizantes são incluídas nessa educação. Desse modo, tornam-se interessantes estas duas perspectivas educacionais, separadas pelo tempo histórico de seus idealizadores, com propostas pedagógicas pautadas em bases preventivas ao invés de repressivas. Neste ponto, pretende-se investigar se há realmente alguma relação entre a Pedagogia de Pestalozzi e o Sistema Preventivo de Dom Bosco. Indaga-se ainda se existe alguma influência direta e/ou indireta do primeiro sobre o segundo. Assim, este trabalho visa analisar comparativamente a pedagogia de Pestalozzi e o Sistema Preventivo de Dom Bosco... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Increasingly competitive markets have driven the search for companies in many different ways to win and keep customers. The service level is basically the performance of companies in fulfilling the orders made, or how companies demonstrate to their clients efforts in their behalf. This work aims to solve the difficulties faced by a multinational company present in Brazil, in the distribution of its products in the category Ice Cream in order to improve the service level of their customers. Review the logistics network and concepts related to the distribution system of products is one of several ways to achieve this goal, as well as the use of IT and tools to assist in planning and programming of the physical distribution of products. In this study we used the concept of direct distribution system called Transit Point (TP). The TP provides at the same time, a strategy of rapid response, flexibility, low transportation costs and no inventory. A router - software capable of simulating the actual conditions experienced in the daily distribution - was used to assist in calculations. Results showed reductions of up to 47.5% in transportation costs and better conditions were provided in the distribution of products, positively impacting on service levels and in the maintenance of products quality, with a reduction of 1.6% of the total costs involve


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O conteúdo “Grupos sanguíneos” é abordado principalmente no ensino de biologia no Ensino Médio e está atrelado a diversas questões biológicas relevantes ao ensino básico. Além disso, sabe-se que esse tema é de cunho abstrato aos alunos, o que muitas vezes dificulta a apropriação do conteúdo pelo aluno. Nesse contexto, se torna relevante a elaboração de materiais que contribuam para um melhor processo de ensino e aprendizagem desse tema, além da incorporação da dimensão lúdica no universo escolar. Assim, a proposta do presente trabalho foi a elaboração de dois modelos didáticos de célula que facilitem a visualização da relação direta existente entre os genes responsáveis pela manifestação dos antígenos do sistema ABO, os genótipos dos diferentes indivíduos e as possibilidades de transfusão sanguínea existentes dentro de cada grupo sanguíneo. Além disso, foi construído um jogo didático de perguntas e respostas que envolvem os conhecimentos adquiridos durante a explanação teórica do professor com o intuito de fixação do conteúdo. O conteúdo fornecido neste trabalho foi baseado em livros didáticos, possibilitando aulas com conteúdo programático adequado e evitando erros conceituais


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Ambientais - Sorocaba


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Soybean cross-seeding tillage came from better spatial arrangement of plants per area, so some producers have opted for this tillage system, which consists in seeding the area in two steps, forming a chessboard with perpendicular lines of tillage. This study aims to analyse the soybean productivity and production costs when it planted in different dispositions of crossed tillage. The experiment was conducted during the harvests 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 at Lageado Farm of the FCA/UNESP, Botucatu-SP, in an area cultivated under no-tillage. The experimental design was in randomized block with five treatments and eight replications. The treatments were: seeding in parallel rows with recommended fertilization and recommended plant population (conventional); cross-seeding with doubled fertilization and doubled plant population; cross-seeding with recommended plant population and doubled fertilization; cross-seeding with doubled plant population and recommended fertilization; cross-seeding with fertilization and recommended plant population. The results showed statistical difference among the treatments, with increased productivity for the cross-seeding with doubled plant population and recommended fertilization. However the conventional tillage with parallel lines shows higher net earnings than soybean cross-seeding, being more profitable for producer.


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Soil compaction is one of the limiting factors in areas subjected to direct seeding. The method used to break up the compacted layer should disturb the soil as little as possible, as well as maintain the ground cover. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of subsoiling, scarification and use of shaft-type furrowing mechanisms when sowing, on preserving the ground cover, water content and soil density, as well as the effects on maize yield in a dystroferic Red Nitosol, cultivated under a system of direct seeding for ten years. The experimental design was of randomised blocks, with eight soil management treatments: subsoiling to a depth of 0.40 m before sowing the winter crop, subsoiling to 0.40 m before sowing the maize, scarification to 0.30 m before the winter crop, scarification to 0.30 m before the maize, scarification to 0.20 m before the winter crop, scarification to 0.20 m before the maize, direct seeding of the maize with a shaft-type furrowing mechanism and direct seeding of the maize using a double disc furrower. There were four replications. Subsoiling and scarification influenced the preservation of the ground cover, soil density and water content immediately after sowing, but did not interfere in plant development or grain yield in the maize crop. The use of shaft-type furrowing mechanisms in the sowing operation had no effect on any of the parameters under study.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of an experimental rainwater treatment system for non-potable uses. Without the first-flush discharge it was expected to control the quality of captured rainwater and to minimize the rainwater by-pass caused by the first-flush strategy. A full-scale direct filtration unit was operated and a solution of natural corn starch was used as the primary coagulant. The color, turbidity e coliform efficiencies of the unit was analyzed based on filtration loads and the net water production was estimated. The results pointed out turbidity removal up to 70.8% and color removal up to 61.0%. The backwash of the filtering system was completed in 3 minutes at the rate of 1,440 m3/m2day with consumption of treated water from 0.5% to 2.2%, based on the potentially harvesting.