998 resultados para sensorial properties
BACKGROUND: The activity of melanopsin containing intrinsically photosensitive ganglion retinal cells (ipRGC) can be assessed by a means of pupil responses to bright blue (appr.480 nm) light. Due to age related factors in the eye, particularly, structural changes of the lens, less light reaches retina. The aim of this study was to examine how age and in vivo measured lens transmission of blue light might affect pupil light responses, in particular, mediated by the ipRGC. METHODS: Consensual pupil responses were explored in 44 healthy subjects aged between 26 and 68 years. A pupil response was recorded to a continuous 20 s light stimulus of 660 nm (red) or 470 nm (blue) both at 300 cd/m2 intensity (14.9 and 14.8 log photons/cm2/s, respectively). Additional recordings were performed using four 470 nm stimulus intensities of 3, 30, 100 and 300 cd/m2. The baseline pupil size was measured in darkness and results were adjusted for the baseline pupil and gender. The main outcome parameters were maximal and sustained pupil contraction amplitudes and the postillumination response assessed as area under the curve (AUC) over two time-windows: early (0-10 s after light termination) and late (10-30 s after light termination). Lens transmission was measured with an ocular fluorometer. RESULTS: The sustained pupil contraction and the early poststimulus AUC correlated positively with age (p=0.02, p=0.0014, respectively) for the blue light stimulus condition only.The maximal pupil contraction amplitude did not correlate to age either for bright blue or red light stimulus conditions.Lens transmission decreased linearly with age (p<0.0001). The pupil response was stable or increased with decreasing transmission, though only significantly for the early poststimulus AUC to 300 cd/m2 light (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Age did not reduce, but rather enhance pupil responses mediated by ipRGC. The age related decrease of blue light transmission led to similar results, however, the effect of age was greater on these pupil responses than that of the lens transmission. Thus there must be other age related factors such as lens scatter and/or adaptive processes influencing the ipRGC mediated pupil response enhancement observed with advancing age.
While the influence of water in Helicobacter pylori culturability and membrane integrity has been extensively studied, there are little data concerning the effect of this environment on virulence properties. Therefore, we studied the culturability of water-exposed H. pylori and determined whether there was any relation with the bacterium’s ability to adhere, produce functional components of pathogenicity and induce inflammation and alterations in apoptosis in an experimental model of human gastric epithelial cells. H. pylori partially retained the ability to adhere to epithelial cells even after complete loss of culturability. However, the microorganism is no longer effective in eliciting in vitro host cell inflammation and apoptosis, possibly due to the non-functionality of the cag type IV secretion system. These H. pylori-induced host cell responses, which are lost along with culturability, are known to increase epithelial cell turnover and, consequently, could have a deleterious effect on the initial H. pylori colonisation process. The fact that adhesion is maintained by H. pylori to the detriment of other factors involved in later infection stages appears to point to a modulation of the physiology of the pathogen after water exposure and might provide the microorganism with the necessary means to, at least transiently, colonise the human stomach.
A rapid decrease in parasitaemia remains the major goal for new antimalarial drugs and thus, in vivo models must provide precise results concerning parasitaemia modulation. Hydroxyethylamine comprise an important group of alkanolamine compounds that exhibit pharmacological properties as proteases inhibitors that has already been proposed as a new class of antimalarial drugs. Herein, it was tested the antimalarial property of new nine different hydroxyethylamine derivatives using the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-expressing Plasmodium bergheistrain. By comparing flow cytometry and microscopic analysis to evaluate parasitaemia recrudescence, it was observed that flow cytometry was a more sensitive methodology. The nine hydroxyethylamine derivatives were obtained by inserting one of the following radical in the para position: H, 4Cl, 4-Br, 4-F, 4-CH3, 4-OCH3, 4-NO2, 4-NH2 and 3-Br. The antimalarial test showed that the compound that received the methyl group (4-CH3) inhibited 70% of parasite growth. Our results suggest that GFP-transfected P. berghei is a useful tool to study the recrudescence of novel antimalarial drugs through parasitaemia examination by flow cytometry. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the insertion of a methyl group at the para position of the sulfonamide ring appears to be critical for the antimalarial activity of this class of compounds.
Time-lapse geophysical data acquired during transient hydrological experiments are being increasingly employed to estimate subsurface hydraulic properties at the field scale. In particular, crosshole ground-penetrating radar (GPR) data, collected while water infiltrates into the subsurface either by natural or artificial means, have been demonstrated in a number of studies to contain valuable information concerning the hydraulic properties of the unsaturated zone. Previous work in this domain has considered a variety of infiltration conditions and different amounts of time-lapse GPR data in the estimation procedure. However, the particular benefits and drawbacks of these different strategies as well as the impact of a variety of key and common assumptions remain unclear. Using a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo stochastic inversion methodology, we examine in this paper the information content of time-lapse zero-offset-profile (ZOP) GPR traveltime data, collected under three different infiltration conditions, for the estimation of van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters in a layered subsurface medium. Specifically, we systematically analyze synthetic and field GPR data acquired under natural loading and two rates of forced infiltration, and we consider the value of incorporating different amounts of time-lapse measurements into the estimation procedure. Our results confirm that, for all infiltration scenarios considered, the ZOP GPR traveltime data contain important information about subsurface hydraulic properties as a function of depth, with forced infiltration offering the greatest potential for VGM parameter refinement because of the higher stressing of the hydrological system. Considering greater amounts of time-lapse data in the inversion procedure is also found to help refine VGM parameter estimates. Quite importantly, however, inconsistencies observed in the field results point to the strong possibility that posterior uncertainties are being influenced by model structural errors, which in turn underlines the fundamental importance of a systematic analysis of such errors in future related studies.
The intestinal immune system hasthe complex task to protect the sterilecore of the organism against invasion.Most of invasive enterobacteria targetintestinal epithelial cells (IEC) inducingmajor damages to the mucosa.Shigella flexneri, by invading IECand inducing inflammatory responsesof the colonic mucosa, causes bacillarydysentery, a bloody diarrhea thatis endemic worldwide. The mechanismof entry of this bacterium is stilla matter of debate. Mcells participatingin sampling antigens from the gutlumen through Peyers patches arecommonly considered as the primarysite of entry of the bacteria. Once inthe lamina propria, Shigella can invadeIEC via their basolateral poleand spread from cell-to-cell leading tomassive tissue destruction. More recently,data are accumulating demonstratingthat bacteria can also enter thelamina propria directly via IEC, underscoringIEC as another gate of entry.In addition, the protective role ofsecretory IgA (SIgA) produced byplasmocytes of the lamina propria hasbeen established in shigellosis contextbut few is known about its role inmaintaining IEC monolayer integrity.Here, the impact of the bacterium wasstudied using polarized CaCo 2 cellmonolayer apically infected with avirulent strain of S. flexneri eitheralone or complexed with its cognateanti LPS SIgA. Parameters associatedwith the infection process includingcytokine measurements (IL-8, IL-18)and laser scanning confocal microscopydetection of Zonula Occludens-1, a tight junction (TJ) protein werestudied.We demonstrate that bacteriaare able to infect IEC through theirluminal-like pole as well, inducingthe complete disruption of TJ and thedestruction of the whole reconstitutedCaCo-2 cell monolayer. SIgA uponneutralization of bacteria led to themaintenance of TJ supporting IEC integrity,and the modulation of cytokinereleases. Together with anti-inflammatoryproperties of SIgA, thefact that apical bacteria can damagethe IEC without the intervention ofother cells such as Mcells offers newpossibilities in understanding thepathogenic mechanisms involved inshigellosis.
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumors are the most common malignant primary brain tumors in adults. Although many GBM tumors are believed to be caused by self-renewing, glioblastoma-derived stem-like cells (GSCs), the mechanisms that regulate self-renewal and other oncogenic properties of GSCs are only now being unraveled. Here we showed that GSCs derived from GBM patient specimens express varying levels of the transcriptional repressor repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST), suggesting heterogeneity across different GSC lines. Loss- and gain-of-function experiments indicated that REST maintains self-renewal of GSCs. High REST-expressing GSCs (HR-GSCs) produced tumors histopathologically distinct from those generated by low REST-expressing GSCs (LR-GSCs) in orthotopic mouse brain tumor models. Knockdown of REST in HR-GSCs resulted in increased survival in GSC-transplanted mice and produced tumors with higher apoptotic and lower invasive properties. Conversely, forced expression of exogenous REST in LR-GSCs produced decreased survival in mice and produced tumors with lower apoptotic and higher invasive properties, similar to HR-GSCs. Thus, based on our results, we propose that a novel function of REST is to maintain self-renewal and other oncogenic properties of GSCs and that REST can play a major role in mediating tumorigenicity in GBM. STEM CELLS 2012;30:405-414.
BACKGROUND: In our hands, in vivo segmental vessel length changes up to 5% because of blood pressure: increasing in arterial pressure is associated to decrease in segmental vessel length. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Using two piezoelectric crystals sutured on vessel wall and a high fidelity pressure probe, we recorded artery length variations as function of blood pressure, before and after an end-to-end anastomosis on four pigs carotid arteries. RESULTS: Mean arterial pressure before anastomosis = 73 mmHg (+/- 12); mean arterial pressure after anastomosis = 91 mmHg (+/- 14); mean crystals displacement before anastomosis during systole = -0.21 mm; mean crystals displacement after anastomosis during systole = +0.24 mm; mean distance between crystals before anastomosis = 12.3 mm (+/- 0.8) and after anastomosis = 11.2 mm (+/- 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: In the acute phase following an end-to-end anastomosis, an increase in blood pressure causes increasing in vessel length, with an exponential correlation. The anastomosis is constantly subjected to a longitudinal traction whose magnitude depends on blood pressure.
Currently, acoustic isolation is one of the problems raised with building construction in Spain. The publication of the Basic Document for the protection against noise of the Technical Building Code has increased the demand of comfort for citizens. This has created the need to seek new composite materials that meet the new required acoustical building codes. In this paper we report the results of the newly developed composites that are able to improve the acoustic isolation of airborne noise. These composites were prepared from polypropylene (PP) reinforced with mechanical pulp fibers from softwood (Pinus radiata). Mechanical and acoustical properties of the composites from mechanical pulp (MP) and polypropylene (PP) have been investigated and compared to fiberglass (FG) composites. MP composites had lower tensile properties compared with FG composites, although these properties can be improved by incorporation of a coupling agent. The results of acoustical properties of MP composites were reported and compared with the conventional composites based on fiberglass and gypsum plasterboards. Finally, we suggest the application of MP composites as a light-weight building material to reduce acoustic transmitions
Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) has the potential to provide valuable information on hydrological properties of the vadose zone because of their strong sensitivity to soil water content. In particular, recent evidence has suggested that the stochastic inversion of crosshole GPR data within a coupled geophysical-hydrological framework may allow for effective estimation of subsurface van-Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters and their corresponding uncertainties. An important and still unresolved issue, however, is how to best integrate GPR data into a stochastic inversion in order to estimate the VGM parameters and their uncertainties, thus improving hydrological predictions. Recognizing the importance of this issue, the aim of the research presented in this thesis was to first introduce a fully Bayesian inversion called Markov-chain-Monte-carlo (MCMC) strategy to perform the stochastic inversion of steady-state GPR data to estimate the VGM parameters and their uncertainties. Within this study, the choice of the prior parameter probability distributions from which potential model configurations are drawn and tested against observed data was also investigated. Analysis of both synthetic and field data collected at the Eggborough (UK) site indicates that the geophysical data alone contain valuable information regarding the VGM parameters. However, significantly better results are obtained when these data are combined with a realistic, informative prior. A subsequent study explore in detail the dynamic infiltration case, specifically to what extent time-lapse ZOP GPR data, collected during a forced infiltration experiment at the Arrenaes field site (Denmark), can help to quantify VGM parameters and their uncertainties using the MCMC inversion strategy. The findings indicate that the stochastic inversion of time-lapse GPR data does indeed allow for a substantial refinement in the inferred posterior VGM parameter distributions. In turn, this significantly improves knowledge of the hydraulic properties, which are required to predict hydraulic behaviour. Finally, another aspect that needed to be addressed involved the comparison of time-lapse GPR data collected under different infiltration conditions (i.e., natural loading and forced infiltration conditions) to estimate the VGM parameters using the MCMC inversion strategy. The results show that for the synthetic example, considering data collected during a forced infiltration test helps to better refine soil hydraulic properties compared to data collected under natural infiltration conditions. When investigating data collected at the Arrenaes field site, further complications arised due to model error and showed the importance of also including a rigorous analysis of the propagation of model error with time and depth when considering time-lapse data. Although the efforts in this thesis were focused on GPR data, the corresponding findings are likely to have general applicability to other types of geophysical data and field environments. Moreover, the obtained results allow to have confidence for future developments in integration of geophysical data with stochastic inversions to improve the characterization of the unsaturated zone but also reveal important issues linked with stochastic inversions, namely model errors, that should definitely be addressed in future research.
The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC), located in the apical membrane of tight epithelia, allows vectorial Na(+) absorption. The amiloride-sensitive ENaC is highly selective for Na(+) and Li(+) ions. There is growing evidence that the short stretch of amino acid residues (preM2) preceding the putative second transmembrane domain M2 forms the outer channel pore with the amiloride binding site and the narrow ion-selective region of the pore. We have shown previously that mutations of the alphaS589 residue in the preM2 segment change the ion selectivity, making the channel permeant to K(+) ions. To understand the molecular basis of this important change in ionic selectivity, we have substituted alphaS589 with amino acids of different sizes and physicochemical properties. Here, we show that the molecular cutoff of the channel pore for inorganic and organic cations increases with the size of the amino acid residue at position alpha589, indicating that alphaS589 mutations enlarge the pore at the selectivity filter. Mutants with an increased permeability to large cations show a decrease in the ENaC unitary conductance of small cations such as Na(+) and Li(+). These findings demonstrate the critical role of the pore size at the alphaS589 residue for the selectivity properties of ENaC. Our data are consistent with the main chain carbonyl oxygens of the alphaS589 residues lining the channel pore at the selectivity filter with their side chain pointing away from the pore lumen. We propose that the alphaS589 side chain is oriented toward the subunit-subunit interface and that substitution of alphaS589 by larger residues increases the pore diameter by adding extra volume at the subunit-subunit interface.
Stone groundwood (SGW) is a fibrous matter commonly prepared in a high yield process, and mainly used for papermaking applications. In this work, the use of SGW fibers is explored as reinforcing element of polypropylene (PP) composites. Due to its chemical and superficial features, the use of coupling agents is needed for a good adhesion and stress transfer across the fiber-matrix interface. The intrinsic strength of the reinforcement is a key parameter to predict the mechanical properties of the composite and to perform an interface analysis. The main objective of the present work was the determination of the intrinsic tensile strength of stone groundwood fibers. Coupled and non-coupled PP composites from stone groundwood fibers were prepared. The influence of the surface morphology and the quality at interface on the final properties of the composite was analyzed and compared to that of fiberglass PP composites. The intrinsic tensile properties of stone groundwood fibers, as well as the fiber orientation factor and the interfacial shear strength of the current composites were determined
Streptococcus gordonii alpha-phosphoglucomutase, which converts glucose 6-phosphate to glucose 1-phosphate, is encoded by pgm. The pgm transcript is monocistronic and is initiated from a sigma(A)-like promoter. Mutants with a gene disruption in pgm exhibited an altered cell wall muropeptide pattern and a lower teichoic acid content, and had reduced fitness both in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, the reduced fitness included reduced growth, reduced viability in the stationary phase and increased autolytic activity. In vivo, the pgm-deficient strain had a lower virulence in a rat model of experimental endocarditis.
Nonlinear optical nanocrystals have been recently introduced as a promising alternative to fluorescent probes for multiphoton microscopy. We present for the first time a complete survey of the properties of five nanomaterials (KNbO(3), LiNbO(3), BaTiO(3), KTP, and ZnO), describing their preparation and stabilization and providing quantitative estimations of their nonlinear optical response. In the light of their prospective use as biological and clinical markers, we assess their biocompatibility on human healthy and cancerous cell lines. Finally, we demonstrate the great potential for cell imaging of these inherently nonlinear probes in terms of optical contrast, wavelength flexibility, and signal photostability.
Two of the drawbacks of using natural-based composites in industrial applications are thermal instability and water uptake capacity. In this work, mechanical wood pulp was used to reinforce polypropylene at a level of 20 to 50 wt. %. Composites were mixed by means of a Brabender internal mixer for both non-coupled and coupled formulations. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) were used to determine the thermal properties of the composites. The water uptake behavior was evaluated by immersion of the composites in water until an equilibrium state was reached. Results of water absorption tests revealed that the amount of water absorption was clearly dependent upon the fiber content. The coupled composites showed lower water absorption compared to the uncoupled composites. The incorporation of mechanical wood pulp into the polypropylene matrix produced a clear nucleating effect by increasing the crystallinity degree of the polymer and also increasing the temperature of polymer degradation. The maximum degradation temperature for stone ground wood pulp–reinforced composites was in the range of 330 to 345 ºC