945 resultados para scale-free network


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Quasi-birth-and-death (QBD) processes with infinite “phase spaces” can exhibit unusual and interesting behavior. One of the simplest examples of such a process is the two-node tandem Jackson network, with the “phase” giving the state of the first queue and the “level” giving the state of the second queue. In this paper, we undertake an extensive analysis of the properties of this QBD. In particular, we investigate the spectral properties of Neuts’s R-matrix and show that the decay rate of the stationary distribution of the “level” process is not always equal to the convergence norm of R. In fact, we show that we can obtain any decay rate from a certain range by controlling only the transition structure at level zero, which is independent of R. We also consider the sequence of tandem queues that is constructed by restricting the waiting room of the first queue to some finite capacity, and then allowing this capacity to increase to infinity. We show that the decay rates for the finite truncations converge to a value, which is not necessarily the decay rate in the infinite waiting room case. Finally, we show that the probability that the process hits level n before level 0 given that it starts in level 1 decays at a rate which is not necessarily the same as the decay rate for the stationary distribution.


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A hydraulic jump is the transition from a supercritical open channel flow to a subcritical regime. It is characterised by a highly turbulent flow with macro-scale vortices, some kinetic energy dissipation and a bubbly two-phase flow structure. New air-water flow measurements were performed in hydraulic jump flows for a range of inflow Froude numbers. The experiments were conducted in a large-size facility using two types of phase-detection intrusive probes: i.e., single-tip and double-tip conductivity probes. These were complemented by some measurements of free-surface fluctuations using ultrasonic displacement meters. The present study was focused on the turbulence characteristics of hydraulic jumps with partially-developed inflow conditions. The void fraction measurements showed the presence of an advective diffusion shear layer in which the void fractions profiles matched closely an analytical solution of the advective diffusion equation for air bubbles. The present results highlighted some influence of the inflow Froude number onto the air bubble entrainment process. At the largest Froude numbers, the advected air bubbles were more thoroughly dispersed vertically, and larger amount of air bubbles were detected in the turbulent shear layer. In the air-water mixing layer, the maximum void fraction and bubble count rate data showed some longitudinal decay function in the flow direction. Such trends were previously reported in the literature. The measurements of interfacial velocity and turbulence level distributions provided new information on the turbulent velocity field in the highly-aerated shear region. The present data suggested some longitudinal decay of the turbulence intensity. The velocity profiles tended to follow a wall jet flow pattern. The air–water turbulent time and length scales were deduced from some auto- and cross-correlation analyses based upon the method of CHANSON (2006,2007). The results provided the integral turbulent time and length scales of the eddy structures advecting the air bubbles in the developing shear layer. The experimental data showed that the auto-correlation time scale Txx was larger than the transverse cross-correlation time scale Txz. The integral turbulence length scale Lxz was a function of the inflow conditions, of the streamwise position (x-x1)/d1 and vertical elevation y/d1. Herein the dimensionless integral turbulent length scale Lxz/d1 was closely related to the inflow depth: i.e., Lxz/d1 = 0.2 to 0.8, with Lxz increasing towards the free-surface. The free-surface fluctuations measurements showed large turbulent fluctuations that reflected the dynamic, unsteady structure of the hydraulic jumps. A linear relationship was found between the normalized maximum free-surface fluctuation and the inflow Froude number.


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Free Zarb banner in Mayday procession in Brisbane, Australia 1969Truck has another banner Trades and Labor Council of Queensland and affiliated unions. Banner reads Free Zarb and other political prisoners - gaoled for refusing to kill, end conscription. Facade of KR Darling Downs building can be seen in the background.


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A hydraulic jump is characterised by strong energy dissipation and air entrainment. In the present study, new air-water flow measurements were performed in hydraulic jumps with partially-developed flow conditions in relatively large-size facilities with phase-detection probes. The experiments were conducted with identical Froude numbers, but a range of Reynolds numbers and relative channel widths. The results showed drastic scale effects at small Reynolds numbers in terms of void fraction and bubble count rate distributions. The void fraction distributions implied comparatively greater detrainment at low Reynolds numbers leading to a lesser overall aeration of the jump roller, while dimensionless bubble count rates were drastically lower especially in the mixing layer. The experimental results suggested also that the relative channel width had little effect on the air-water flow properties for identical inflow Froude and Reynolds numbers.


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Large-scale patterns of species diversity in the gastrointestinal helminth faunas of the coral reef fish Epinephelus merra (Serranidae) were investigated in French Polynesia and the South Pacific Ocean. The richer barrier reef community in French Polynesia supported richer parasite communities in E. merra than that on the fringing reef. While parasite communities among fish from the same archipelago were similar, differences in potential host species and the distance between archipelagos may have contributed to a qualitative difference in parasite communities between archipelagos. Digenean community diversity in coral reef fishes was greater in the western South Pacific, following similar patterns in free-living species. However, overall species diversity of camallanid nematodes of coral reef fishes does not appear to have been similarly affected.


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The present study was designed to test the utility of a stress-coping model of employee adjustment to organisational change. Specifically, it was proposed that employee adjustment to this type of work stress would be influenced by the characteristics of the change situation, employees' appraisals of the situation, their coping strategies, and the extent of their personal resources. Data were collected from 140 middle managers and supervisors involved in a large-scale public sector integration. The results of the research provided some support for the proposed model: high levels of psychological distress were related to a reliance on informal sources of information, high appraised stress, low appraised certainty, and the use of avoidant rather than problem-focused strategies, whereas poor social functioning was associated with low self-esteem, high levels or disruption across the period of change, a reliance on informal sources of information, and the use of avoidant coping strategies. There was no evidence that coping strategies mediated the effects of the event characteristics, situational appraisals, and personal resources on adjustment; however, there was some evidence linking these variables to coping strategies, in particular, problem-focused coping. There was also some evidence to indicate that the experience of organisational change was different for managers and supervisors: levels of threat were higher for the managers than the supervisors, but there was no difference between the groups of employees in terms of adjustment.


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This paper discusses a multi-layer feedforward (MLF) neural network incident detection model that was developed and evaluated using field data. In contrast to published neural network incident detection models which relied on simulated or limited field data for model development and testing, the model described in this paper was trained and tested on a real-world data set of 100 incidents. The model uses speed, flow and occupancy data measured at dual stations, averaged across all lanes and only from time interval t. The off-line performance of the model is reported under both incident and non-incident conditions. The incident detection performance of the model is reported based on a validation-test data set of 40 incidents that were independent of the 60 incidents used for training. The false alarm rates of the model are evaluated based on non-incident data that were collected from a freeway section which was video-taped for a period of 33 days. A comparative evaluation between the neural network model and the incident detection model in operation on Melbourne's freeways is also presented. The results of the comparative performance evaluation clearly demonstrate the substantial improvement in incident detection performance obtained by the neural network model. The paper also presents additional results that demonstrate how improvements in model performance can be achieved using variable decision thresholds. Finally, the model's fault-tolerance under conditions of corrupt or missing data is investigated and the impact of loop detector failure/malfunction on the performance of the trained model is evaluated and discussed. The results presented in this paper provide a comprehensive evaluation of the developed model and confirm that neural network models can provide fast and reliable incident detection on freeways. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The study of the mechanisms of mechanical alloying requires knowledge of the impact characteristics between the ball and vial in the presence of milling powders. In this paper, foe falling experiments have br cn used to investigate the characteristics of impact events involved in mechanical milling. The effects of milling conditions, including impact velocity, ball size and powder thickness. on the coefficient of restitution and impact force are studied. It is found that the powder has a significant influence on the impact process due to its porous structure. This effect can be demonstrated using a modified Kelvin model. This study also confirms that the impact force is a relevant parameter for characterising the impact event due to its sensitivity to the milling conditions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A.


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The conventional analysis for the estimation of the tortuosity factor for transport in porous media is modified here to account for the effect of pore aspect ratio. Structural models of the porous medium are also constructed for calculating the aspect ratio as a function of porosity. Comparison of the model predictions with the extensive data of Currie (1960) for the effective diffusivity of hydrogen in packed beds shows good agreement with a network model of randomly oriented intersecting pores for porosities upto about 50 percent, which is the region of practical interest. The predictions based on this network model are also found to be in better agreement with the data of Currie than earlier expressions developed for unconsolidated and grainy media.


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A new method of poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) extraction from recombinant E. coli is proposed, using homogenization and centrifugation coupled with sodium hypochlorite treatment. The size of PHB granules and cell debris in homogenates was characterised as a function of the number of homogenization passes. Simulation was used to develop the PHB and cell debris fractionation system, enabling numerical examination of the effects of repeated homogenization and centrifuge-feedrate variation. The simulation provided a good prediction of experimental performance. Sodium hypochlorite treatment was necessary to optimise PHB fractionation. A PHB recovery of 80% at a purity of 96.5% was obtained with the final optimised process. Protein and DNA contained in the resultant product were negligible. The developed process holds promise for significantly reducing the recovery cost associated with PHB manufacture.


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Motivation: Prediction methods for identifying binding peptides could minimize the number of peptides required to be synthesized and assayed, and thereby facilitate the identification of potential T-cell epitopes. We developed a bioinformatic method for the prediction of peptide binding to MHC class II molecules. Results: Experimental binding data and expert knowledge of anchor positions and binding motifs were combined with an evolutionary algorithm (EA) and an artificial neural network (ANN): binding data extraction --> peptide alignment --> ANN training and classification. This method, termed PERUN, was implemented for the prediction of peptides that bind to HLA-DR4(B1*0401). The respective positive predictive values of PERUN predictions of high-, moderate-, low- and zero-affinity binder-a were assessed as 0.8, 0.7, 0.5 and 0.8 by cross-validation, and 1.0, 0.8, 0.3 and 0.7 by experimental binding. This illustrates the synergy between experimentation and computer modeling, and its application to the identification of potential immunotheraaeutic peptides.


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Structures of free, substrate-bound and product-bound forms of Escherichia coli xanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (XGPRT) have been determined by X-ray crystallography. These are compared with the previously determined structure of magnesium and sulphate-bound XPRT. The structure of free XGPRT at 2.25 Angstrom resolution confirms the flexibility of residues in and around a mobile loop identified in other PRTases and shows that the cis-peptide conformation of Arg37 at the active site is maintained in the absence of bound ligands. The structures of XGPRT complexed with the purine base substrates guanine or xanthine in combination with cPRib-PP, an analog of the second substrate PRib-PP, have been solved to 2.0 Angstrom resolution. In these two structures the disordered phosphate-binding loop of uncomplexed XGPRT becomes ordered through interactions with the 5'-phosphate group of cPRib-PP. The cyclopentane ring of cPRib-PP has the C3 exo pucker conformation, stabilised by the cPRib-PP-bound Mg2+. The purine base specificity of XGPRT appears to be due to water-mediated interactions between the 2-exocyclic groups of guanine or xanthine and side-chains of Glu136 and Asp140, as well as the main-chain oxygen atom of Ile135. Asp92, together with Lys115, could help stabilise the N7-protonated tautomer of the incoming base and could act as a general base to remove the proton from N7 .when the nucleotide product is formed. The 2.6 Angstrom resolution structure of XGPRT complexed with product GMP is similar to the substrate-bound complexes. However, the ribose ring of GMP is rotated by similar to 24 degrees compared with the equivalent ring in cPRib-PP. This rotation results in the loss of all interactions between the ribosyl group and the enzyme in the product complex. (C) 1998 Academic Press.