972 resultados para relative static method


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The data of nitrogen adsorption on pillared clays (PILC) are converted to comparison plots (t-plots) to derive their pore size distribution (PSD). As in the MP method, the surface area of a group of pores having similar pore sizes is calculated from the slopes of tangent lines at two succeeding points on a comparison plot. By the modified MP method in this work, the tangent line is extrapolated to the adsorption axis on the t-plot, and the difference between intercepts is used to obtain the volume of the group of pores. From the information of surface area and pore volume, the average width of the pore group can be calculated and hence the PSDs of PILCs are obtained by carrying out such calculation procedures from high to low t. With this method, PSDs of several pillared clays are calculated over a wide pore size range, from micropores to mesopores. It is found that the modified MP method could result in the underestimation of the width of ultramicropores due to the enhancement in adsorption energy in these pores. Nevertheless, the method can be very useful in calculating the surface area and pore volume, as well as a mean width of these pores. For super-micropores and mesopores, pore size can also be underestimated, due to deviation of the pore shape from a slit. The principles of the improved MP method, as well as problems associated with it are thoroughly discussed in this paper. In general, this modified method provides practically meaningful results which are consistent with the pore dimension obtained from powder X-ray diffraction measurements, but involves no complicated theoretical treatment or assumptions.


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Immunohistochemistry of undecalcified bone sections embedded in methyl methacrylate (MMA) is not commonly employed because of potential destruction of tissue antigenicity by highly exothermic polymerization. The aim of the present study was to describe a new technique in which a quick decalcification of bone sections embedded in MMA improves the results for immunohistochemistry. The quality of interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1 alpha) immunostaining according to the present method was better than the conventional one. Immunostaining for osteoprotegerin (OPG) and the receptor activator of NF-kappa B ligand (RANKL) in bone sections of chronic kidney disease patients with mineral bone disorders (CKD-MBD) was stronger than in controls (postmortem healthy subjects). The present study suggested that this method is easy, fast, and effective to perform both histomorphometry and immunohistochemistry in the same bone fragment, yielding new insights into pathophysiological aspects and therapeutic approaches in bone disease.


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The role of catecholamines in the control of the GnRH pulse generator is unclear as studies have relied on the use of peripheral or intracerebroventricular injections, which lack specificity in relation to the anatomical site of action. Direct brain site infusions have been used, however, these are limited by the ability to accurately target small brain regions. One such area of interest in the control of GnRH is the median eminence and arcuate nucleus within the medial basal hypothalamus. Here we describe a method of stereotaxically targeting this area in a large animal (sheep) and an infusion system to deliver drugs into unrestrained conscious animals. To test our technique we infused the dopamine agonist, quinpirole or vehicle into the medial basal hypothalamus of ovariectomised ewes. Quinpirole significantly suppressed LH pulsatility only in animals with injectors located close to the lateral median eminence. This in vivo result supports the hypothesis that dopamine inhibits GnRH secretion by presynaptic inhibition in the lateral median eminence. Also infusion of quinpirole into the medial basal hypothalamus suppressed prolactin secretion providing in vivo evidence that is consistent with the hypothesis that there are stimulatory autoreceptors on tubero-infundibular dopamine neurons. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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Six Burkholderia solanacearum (formerly Pseudomonas solanacearum) genomic DNA fragments were isolated, using RAPD techniques and cloning, from the three genetically diverse strains: ACH092 (Biovar 4), ACH0158 (Biovar 2) and ACH0171 (Biovar 3) (1). One of these cloned fragments was selected because it was present constantly in all bacterial strains analysed. The remaining five clones were selected because Southern hybridisation revealed that each showed partial or complete specificity towards the strain of origin. A seventh genomic fragment showing a strain-specific distribution in Southern hybridisations was obtained by differential restriction, hybridisation and cloning of genomic DNA. Each of these clones was sequenced and primers to amplify the insert were designed. When DNA from the strain of origin was used as template, PCR amplification for each of these fragments yielded a single band on gel analysis. One pair of primers amplified the species-constant fragment of 281 bp from DNA of all B. solanacearum strains investigated, from DNA of the closely related bacterium which causes ''blood disease'' of banana (BDB) and in P. syzigii. The sensitivity of detection of B. solanacearum using these ubiquitous primers was between 1.3 and 20 bacterial cells. The feasibility and reliability of a PCR approach to detection and identification of B. solanacearum was tested in diverse strains of the bacterium in several countries and laboratories.


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beta-Galactosidase (beta-Gal) activity is a widely accepted biomarker to detect senescence both in situ and in vitro. A cytochemical assay based on production of a blue-dyed precipitate that results from the cleavage of the chromogenic substrate X-Gal is commonly used. Blue and nonblue cells are counted under the microscope and a semiquantitative percentage of senescent cells can be obtained. Here, we present a quantitative, fast, and easy to use chemiluminescent assay to detect senescence. The Galacton chemiluminescent method used to detect the prokaryotic beta-Gal reporter enzyme in transfection studies was adapted to assay mammalian beta-Gal. The assay showed linear production of luminescence in a time- and cell-number-dependent manner. The chemiluminescent assay showed significant correlation with the cytochemical assay in detecting replicative senescence (Pearson r = 0.8486, p < 0.005). Moreover, the chemiluminescent method (Galacton) also detected stress-induced senescence in cells treated with H2O2 similar to the cytochemical assay (X-Gal) (Galacton: control 25.207.3 +/- 6548.6. H2O, 52,487.4 +/- 16,284.9, p < 0.05; X-Gal: control 41.31 +/- 7.0%, H2O2 92.97 +/- 2.8%, p < 0.01). Thus, our method is well suited to the detection of replicative and stress-induced senescence in cell culture. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Study objective-To investigate the magnitude and consistency of the associations between smoking and body mass index (BMI) in different populations. Design-A cross sectional study. Setting and participants-About 69000 men and women aged 35-64 years from 42 populations participating in the first WHO MONICA survey in the early and mid 1980s. Main restults-Compared to never smokers, regular smokers had significantly (p < 0.05) lower median BMI in 20 (men) and 30 (women) out of 42 populations (range -2.9 to 0.5kg/m(2)). There was no population in which smokers had a significantly higher BMI than never smokers. Among men, the association between leanness and smoking was less apparent in populations with relatively low proportions of regular smokers and high proportions of ex-smokers. Ex-smokers had significantly higher BMI than never smokers in 10 of the male populations but in women no consistent pattern was observed. Adjustment for socioeconomic status did not affect these results. Conclusions-Although in most populations the association between smoking and BMI is similar, the magnitude of this association may be affected by the proportions of smokers and ex-smokers in these populations.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of various attitude-behavior theories in explaining alcohol use among young adults. The theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of planned behavior and an extension of the TRA that incorporates past behavior were compared by the method of maximum-likelihood estimation, as implemented in LISREL for Windows 8.12. Method: Respondents consisted of 122 university students (82 female) who were questioned about their attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, past behavior and intentions relating to drinking behavior. Students received course credit for their participation in the research. Results: Overall, the results suggest that the extension of the theory of reasoned action which incorporates past behavior provides the best fit to the data. For these young adults, their intentions to drink alcohol were predicted by their past behavior as well as their perceptions of what important others think they should do (subjective norm). Conclusions: The main conclusions drawn from the research concern the importance of focusing on normative influences and past behavior in explaining young adult alcohol use. Issues regarding the relative merit of various alternative models and the need for greater clarity in the measure of attitudes are also discussed.


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Smoothing the potential energy surface for structure optimization is a general and commonly applied strategy. We propose a combination of soft-core potential energy functions and a variation of the diffusion equation method to smooth potential energy surfaces, which is applicable to complex systems such as protein structures; The performance of the method was demonstrated by comparison with simulated annealing using the refinement of the undecapeptide Cyclosporin A as a test case. Simulations were repeated many times using different initial conditions and structures since the methods are heuristic and results are only meaningful in a statistical sense.


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Recent studies have demonstrated that spatial patterns of fMRI BOLD activity distribution over the brain may be used to classify different groups or mental states. These studies are based on the application of advanced pattern recognition approaches and multivariate statistical classifiers. Most published articles in this field are focused on improving the accuracy rates and many approaches have been proposed to accomplish this task. Nevertheless, a point inherent to most machine learning methods (and still relatively unexplored in neuroimaging) is how the discriminative information can be used to characterize groups and their differences. In this work, we introduce the Maximum Uncertainty Linear Discrimination Analysis (MLDA) and show how it can be applied to infer groups` patterns by discriminant hyperplane navigation. In addition, we show that it naturally defines a behavioral score, i.e., an index quantifying the distance between the states of a subject from predefined groups. We validate and illustrate this approach using a motor block design fMRI experiment data with 35 subjects. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The influence of respiratory activity of the abdominal muscles on their reaction time in a postural task was evaluated. The electromyographic (EMG) onsets of the abdominal muscles and deltoid were evaluated in response to shoulder flexion initiated by a visual stimulus occurring at random throughout the respiratory cycle. Increased activity of the abdominal muscles was produced by inspiratory loading, forced expiration below functional residual capacity, and a static glottis-closed expulsive maneuver. During quiet breathing, the latency between activation of the abdominal muscles and deltoid was not influenced by the respiratory cycle. When respiratory activity of the abdominal muscles increased, the EMG onset of transversus abdominis and internal oblique, relative to deltoid, was significantly earlier for movements beginning in expiration, compared with inspiration [by 97-107 ms (P < 0.01) and 64-90 ms (P < 0.01), respectively]. However, the onset of transversus abdominis EMG was delayed by 31-54 ms (P < 0.01) when movement was performed during a static expulsive effort, compared with quiet respiration. Thus changes occur in early anticipatory contraction of transversus abdominis during respiratory tasks but they cannot be explained simply by existing activation of the motoneuron pool.


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Universidade de São Paulo - LIM[40/HC-FM-USP]


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Scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM) has been used in forensic science in many ways. The reports of cases in which SEM has been used as an auxiliary method in the investigation of exhumed bones are rare. In this article, we report an exhumation that was made to determine if a seized weapon could have been used in a homicide. We used SEM to analyze a fracture in the interior of the skull of the victim. The findings described in this article showed us that it is possible to develop new researches in this field. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Neuron-glia interaction is involved in physiological function of neurons, however, recent evidences have suggested glial cells as participants in neurotoxic and neurotrophic mechanisms of neurodegenerative/neuroregenerative processes. Laser microdissection offers a unique opportunity to study molecular regulation in specific immunolabeled cell types. However, an adequate protocol to allow morphological and molecular analysis of rodent spinal cord astrocyte, microglia and motoneurons remains a big challenge. In this paper we present a quick method to immunolabel those cells in flash frozen sections to be used in molecular biology analyses after laser microdissection and pressure catapulting.


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Objective: Using longitudinal and prospective measures of trauma during childhood, the authors assessed the risk of developing psychotic symptoms associated with maltreatment, bullying, and accidents in a nationally representative U. K. cohort of young twins. Method: Data were from the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, which follows 2,232 twin children and their families. Mothers were interviewed during home visits when children were ages 5, 7, 10, and 12 on whether the children had experienced maltreatment by an adult, bullying by peers, or involvement in an accident. At age 12, children were asked about bullying experiences and psychotic symptoms. Children`s reports of psychotic symptoms were verified by clinicians. Results: Children who experienced maltreatment by an adult (relative risk=3.16, 95% CI=1.92-5.19) or bullying by peers (relative risk=2.47, 95% CI=1.74-3.52) were more likely to report psychotic symptoms at age 12 than were children who did not experience such traumatic events. The higher risk for psychotic symptoms was observed whether these events occurred early in life or later in childhood. The risk associated with childhood trauma remained significant in analyses controlling for children`s gender, socioeconomic deprivation, and IQ; for children`s early symptoms of internalizing or externalizing problems; and for children`s genetic liability to developing psychosis. In contrast, the risk associated with accidents was small (relative risk=1.47, 95% CI=1.02-2.13) and inconsistent across ages. Conclusions: Trauma characterized by intention to harm is associated with children`s reports of psychotic symptoms. Clinicians working with children who report early symptoms of psychosis should inquire about traumatic events such as maltreatment and bullying.


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Background: Risperidone (RSP) is a benzisoxazole antipsychotic agent used to treat schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses in adults and children (including those with autism). After oral administration, RSP is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and undergoes hydroxylation to yield 9-hydroxyrisperidone (9-OH-RSP), an active metabolite that has a pharmacologic profile and potency similar to RSP. Objectives: The aims of this study were to compare the relative bioavailability of a pharmaceutical-equivalent (test) formulation with a reference formulation of oral RSP 2 mg, both available commercially on the Brazilian pharmaceutical market, and to generate data regarding the oral bioavailability of the tested drug in healthy Brazilian volunteers. Methods: This single-dose, randomized-sequence, open-label, 2-period crossover study was conducted in healthy Brazilian volunteers from August to December 2008. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive the test formulation followed by the reference formulation or vice versa, with a 30-day washout period between doses. Study drugs were administered after a 12-hour overnight fast. For pharmacokinetic analysis, blood samples were drawn at 0 (baseline), 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 3, 5, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours after administration. Plasma concentrations of RSP and 9-OH-RSP were determined using LC-MS/MS. The test and reference formulations were to be considered bioequivalent if the 90% CIs for the geometric mean test/reference ratios were within a predetermined range of 80% to 125%, in accordance with the policies of the Brazilian Sanitary Surveillance Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration. Tolerability was determined using clinical assessments, monitoring of vital signs, analysis of laboratory test results, and subject interviews regarding adverse events. Results: A total of 22 subjects were enrolled (11 men, 11 women; mean [SD] age, 32 [12] years [range, 18-58 years]; weight, 70.4 [11.9] kg [range, 50-103 kg]; height, 1.67 [0.08] m [range, 1.56-1.80 m]; and body mass index, 25 [4] kg/m(2) [range, 18-29 kg/m(2)]). For RSP, mean (SD) C(max) values were 12.6 (2.7) and 16.0 (2.3) ng/mL for the test and reference formulations, respectively. For 9-OH-RSP, mean C(max) values were 17.8 (1.3) and 21.0 (1.7) ng/mL for the test and reference formulations. The 90% CIs for the mean test/reference ratios for RSP C(max), AUC(0-120), and AUC(0-infinity) were 74% to 82%, 75% to 85%, and 76% to 85%, respectively, and 83% to 87%, 75% to 79%, and 75% to 78% for 9-OH-RSP. The related adverse events (headache, low back pain, drowsiness, standing hypotension, local postvenipuncture ecchymoses, insomnia, nausea, and vomiting) were transient and mild. Conclusions: This single-dose study found that the test and reference formulations of oral RSP 2 mg did not meet the Brazilian and US regulatory criteria for bioequivalence in these fasting, healthy volunteers. The study formulations appeared to be well tolerated. (Clin Ther 2010;32:2106-2115) (C) 2010 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc.