931 resultados para random mutagenesis
Using a cell-free system for UV mutagenesis, we have previously demonstrated the existence of a mutagenic pathway associated with nucleotide-excision repair gaps. Here, we report that this pathway can be reconstituted by using six purified proteins: UvrA, UvrB, UvrC, DNA helicase II, DNA polymerase III core, and DNA ligase. This establishes the minimal requirements for repair-gap UV mutagenesis. DNA polymerase II could replace DNA polymerase III, although less effectively, whereas DNA polymerase I, the major repair polymerase, could not. DNA sequence analysis of mutations generated in the in vitro reaction revealed a spectrum typical of mutations targeted to UV lesions. These observations suggest that repair-gap UV mutagenesis is performed by DNA polymerase III, and to a lesser extent by DNA polymerase II, by filling-in of a rare class of excision gaps that contain UV lesions.
ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase (glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase; ADP:alpha-D-glucose-1-phosphate adenylyltransferase, EC catalyzes a key regulatory step in alpha-glucan synthesis in bacteria and higher plants. We have previously shown that the expression of the cDNA sequences of the potato tuber large (LS) and small (SS) subunits yielded a functional heterotetrameric enzyme capable of complementing a mutation in the single AGP (glgC) structural gene of Escherichia coli. This heterologous complementation provides a powerful genetic approach to obtain biochemical information on the specific roles of LS and SS in enzyme function. By mutagenizing the LS cDNA with hydroxylamine and then coexpressing with wild-type SS in an E. coli glgC- strain, >350 mutant colonies were identified that were impaired in glycogen production. One mutant exhibited enzymatic and antigen levels comparable to the wild-type recombinant enzyme but required 45-fold greater levels of the activator 3-phosphoglycerate for maximum activity. Sequence analysis identified a single nucleotide change that resulted in the change of Pro-52 to Leu. This heterologous genetic system provides an efficient means to identify residues important for catalysis and allosteric functioning and should lead to novel approaches to increase plant productivity.
High-density mutational spectra have been established for exon 3 of the gene encoding adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) of the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line derivative D422 and closely related and/or modified lines by using the mutagen ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). The total number of selectable sites (GC-->AT transitions yielding a selectable APRT- phenotype) was estimated at 31 based on our own accumulated data base of 136 sequenced exon 3 mutations and on literature reports. D422 and two other APRT hemizygous lines each yielded very similar spectra and showed two populations of mutable sites: (i) 24 "baseline" sites that followed the Poisson distribution and therefore were equally susceptible to mutation and (ii) two hotspots, one comprising a cluster at nucleotides 1293-1309 and the other at nucleotide 1365. Collectively, the latter sites were about 10-fold more frequently mutated than the others. CHO cells are mer- as they lack the repair enzyme O6-methylguanidine methyltransferase (EC In modified repair-proficient CHO cells, the distribution of mutations among all of the 31 sites was random, with only 3 of the 19 GC-->AT transitions in the above hotspots. To determine whether the distribution was locus-dependent, two independent lines carrying single copies of transfected APRT genes were generated from a derivative of D422 carrying a deletion in the endogenous APRT gene. Nucleotides 1293-1309 were again no longer preferentially mutated, but the site at nucleotide 1365 was still a hotspot. We conclude that mutational spectra in mer- cells are at least in part locus dependent and that some sequences are particularly susceptible to EMS mutagenesis and perhaps also to methyltransferase repair.
The pores of voltage-gated cation channels are formed by four intramembrane segments that impart selectivity and conductance. Remarkably little is known about the higher order structure of these critical pore-lining or P segments. Serial cysteine mutagenesis reveals a pattern of side-chain accessibility that contradicts currently favored structural models based on alpha-helices or beta-strands. Like the active sites of many enzymes of known structure, the sodium channel pore consists of irregular loop regions.
RNA and ribonuclease-resistant RNA analogs that bound and neutralized Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) were isolated from a large pool of random sequences by multiple cycles of in vitro selection using infectious viral particles. The selected RNA pool of RSV-binding sequences at a concentration of 0.16 microM completely neutralized the virus. Of 19 sequences cloned from the selected pool, 5 inhibited RSV infection. The selected RNA and RNA analogs were shown to neutralize RSV by interacting with the virus, rather than by adversely affecting the host cells. The selection of the anti-RSV RNA and RNA analogs by intact virions immediately suggests the potential application of this approach to develop RNA and RNA analogs as inhibitors of other viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus.
The inducible SOS system increases the survival of bacteria exposed to DNA-damaging agents by increasing the capacity of error-free and error-prone DNA repair systems. The inducible mutator effect is expected to contribute to the adaptation of bacterial populations to these adverse life conditions by increasing their genetic variability. The evolutionary impact of the SOS system would be even greater if it was also induced under conditions common in nature, such as in resting bacterial populations. The results presented here show that SOS induction and mutagenesis do occur in bacteria in aging colonies on agar plates. The observed SOS induction and mutagenesis are controlled by the LexA repressor and are RecA- and cAMP-dependent.
The endothelial nitric oxide synthase (ec-NOS) plays a key role in the transduction of signals from the bloodstream to the underlying smooth muscle. ecNOS undergoes a complex series of covalent modifications, including myristoylation and palmitoylation, which appear to play a role in ecNOS membrane association. Mutagenesis of the myristoylation site, which prevents both myristoylation and palmitoylation, blocks ecNOS targeting to cell membranes. Further, as described for some G-protein alpha subunits, both membrane association and palmitoylation of ecNOS are dynamically regulated: in response to agonists, the enzyme undergoes partial redistribution to the cell cytosol concomitant with depalmitoylation. To clarify the role of palmitoylation in determining ecNOS subcellular localization, we have constructed palmitoylation-deficient mutants of ecNOS. Serine was substituted for cysteine at two potential palmitoylation sites (Cys-15 and Cys-26) by site-directed mutagenesis. Immunoprecipitation of ecNOS mutants following cDNA transfection and biosynthetic labeling with [3H]palmitate revealed that mutagenesis of either cysteine residue attenuated palmitoylation, whereas replacement of both residues completely eliminated palmitoylation. Analysis of N-terminal deletion mutations of ecNOS demonstrated that the region containing these two cysteine residues is both necessary and sufficient for enzyme palmitoylation. The cysteines thus identified as the palmitoylation sites for ecNOS are separated by an unusual (Gly-Leu)5 sequence and appear to define a sequence motif for dual acylation. We analyzed the subcellular distribution of ecNOS mutants by differential ultracentrifugation and found that mutagenesis of the ecNOS palmitoylation sites markedly reduced membrane association of the enzyme. These results document that ecNOS palmitoylation is an important determinant for the subcellular distribution of ecNOS and identify a new motif for the reversible palmitoylation of signaling proteins.
Cassette mutagenesis was used to identify side chains in human interleukin 5 (hIL-5) that mediate binding to hIL-5 receptor alpha chain (hIL-5R alpha). A series of single alanine substitutions was introduced into a stretch of residues in the C-terminal region, including helix D, which previously had been implicated in receptor alpha chain recognition and which is aligned on the IL-5 surface so as to allow the topography of receptor binding residues to be examined. hIL-5 and single site mutants were expressed in COS cells, their interactions with hIL-5R alpha were measured by a sandwich surface plasmon resonance biosensor method, and their biological activities were measured by an IL-5-dependent cell proliferation assay. A pattern of mutagenesis effects was observed, with greatest impact near the interface between the two four-helix bundles of IL-5, in particular at residues Glu-110 and Trp-111, and least at the distal ends of the D helices. This pattern suggests the possibility that residues near the interface of the two four-helix bundles in hIL-5 comprise a central patch or hot spot, which constitutes an energetically important alpha chain recognition site. This hypothesis suggests a structural explanation for the 1:1 stoichiometry observed for the complex of hIL-5 with hIL-5R alpha.
The [4Fe-4S] cluster of Azotobacter vinelandii ferredoxin I receives three of its four ligands from a Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys-Xaa-Xaa-Cys sequence at positions 39-45 while the fourth ligand, Cys20, is provided by a distal portion of the sequence. Previously we reported that the site-directed mutation of Cys20 to Ala (C20A protein) resulted in the formation of a new [4Fe-4S] cluster that obtained its fourth ligand from Cys24, a free cysteine in the native structure. That ligand exchange required significant protein rearrangement. Here we report the conversion of Cys20 to Ser (C20S protein), which gives the protein the opportunity either to retain the native structure and use the Ser20 O gamma as a ligand or to rearrange and use Cys24. X-ray crystallography demonstrates that the cluster does not use the Ser20 O gamma as a ligand; rather it rearranges to use Cys24. In the C20S protein the [4Fe-4S] cluster has altered stability and redox properties relative to either C20A or the native protein.
Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a lipoprotein formed by the disulfide linkage of apolipoprotein (apo) B100 of a low density lipoprotein particle to apolipoprotein(a). Prior studies have suggested that one of the C-terminal Cys residues of apo-B100 is involved in the disulfide linkage of apo-B100 to apo(a). To identify the apo-B100 Cys residue involved in the formation of Lp(a), we constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) spanning the human apo-B gene and used gene-targeting techniques to change Cys-4326 to Gly. The mutated YAC DNA was used to generate transgenic mice expressing the mutant human apo-B100 (Cys4326Gly). Unlike the wild-type human apo-B100, the mutant human apo-B100 completely lacked the ability to bind to apo(a) and form Lp(a). This study demonstrates that apo-B100 Cys-4326 is required for the assembly of Lp(a) and shows that gene targeting in YACs, followed by the generation of transgenic mice, is a useful approach for analyzing the structure of large proteins coded for by large genes.
The MotA protein of Escherichia coli is a component of the flagellar motors that functions in transmembrane proton conduction. Here, we report several features of MotA structure revealed by use of a mutagenesis-based approach. Single tryptophan residues were introduced at many positions within the four hydrophobic segments of MotA, and the effects on function were measured. Function was disrupted according to a periodic pattern that implies that the membrane-spanning segments are alpha-helices and that identifies the lipid-facing parts of each helix. The results support a hypothesis for MotA structure and mechanism in which water molecules form most of the proton-conducting pathway. The success of this approach in studying MotA suggests that it could be useful in structure-function studies of other integral membrane proteins.
During assembly of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase, cytosolic p47-phox translocates to the plasma membrane and binds to flavocytochrome b, and binding domains for p47-phox have been identified on the C-terminal tails of both flavocytochrome b subunits. In the present report, we further examine the interaction of these two oxidase components by using random-sequence peptide phage display library analysis. Screening p47-phox with the peptide libraries identified five potential sites of interaction with flavocytochrome b, including three previously reported regions of interaction and two additional regions of interaction of p47-phox with gp91-phox and p22-phox. The additional sites were mapped to a domain on the first predicted cytosolic loop of gp91-phox encompassing residues S86TRVRRQL93 and to a domain near the cytosolic C-terminal tail of gp91-phox encompassing residues F450EWFADLL457. The mapping also confirmed a previously reported binding domain on gp91-phox (E554SGPRGVHFIF564) and putative Src homology 3 domain binding sites on p22-phox (P156PRPP160 and G177GPPGGP183). To demonstrate that the additional regions identified were biologically significant, peptides mimicking the gp91-phox sequences F77LRGSSACCSTRVRRQL93 and E451WFADLLQLLESQ463 were synthesized and assayed for their ability to inhibit NADPH oxidase activity. These peptides had EC50 values of 1 microM and 230 microM, respectively, and inhibited activation when added prior to assembly but did not affect activity of the preassembled oxidase. Our data demonstrate the usefulness of phage display library analysis for the identification of biologically relevant sites of protein-protein interaction and show that the binding of p47-phox to flavocytochrome b involves multiple binding sites along the C-terminal tails of both gp91- and p22-phox and other regions of gp91-phox nearer to the N terminus.
Controversy still exists over the adaptive nature of variation of enzyme loci. In conifers, random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) represent a class of marker loci that is unlikely to fall within or be strongly linked to coding DNA. We have compared the genetic diversity in natural populations of black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] using genotypic data at allozyme loci and RAPD loci as well as phenotypic data from inferred RAPD fingerprints. The genotypic data for both allozymes and RAPDs were obtained from at least six haploid megagametophytes for each of 75 sexually mature individuals distributed in five populations. Heterozygosities and population fixation indices were in complete agreement between allozyme loci and RAPD loci. In black spruce, it is more likely that the similar levels of variation detected at both enzyme and RAPD loci are due to such evolutionary forces as migration and the mating system, rather than to balancing selection and overdominance. Furthermore, we show that biased estimates of expected heterozygosity and among-population differentiation are obtained when using allele frequencies derived from dominant RAPD phenotypes.
We applied mutational analysis to a protein domain that functions in neither catalysis nor binding but, rather, in transmembrane signaling. The domain is part of chemoreceptor Trg from Escherichia coli. It contains four transmembrane segments, two from each subunit of the homodimer. We used cysteine scanning to investigate the functional importance of each of 54 residues in the two transmembrane segments. Cysteines at some positions resulted in subtle but significant reductions in tactic response. Those positions defined a specific helical face on each segment, implying that the segments function as helices. The functionally important faces corresponded to structural, helical packing faces identified independently by biochemical studies. All functionally impaired receptors exhibited altered signaling properties, either reduced signaling upon stimulation or induced signaling in the absence of stimulation. The distribution of substitutions creating these two phenotypes implied that conformational signaling involves movement between the two transmembrane helices within a subunit and that signaling is optimal when stable interactions are maintained across the interface between subunits.
Analysis of an Aeromonas salmonicida A layer-deficient/O polysaccharide-deficient mutant carrying a Tn5 insertion in the structural gene for A protein (vapA) showed that the abcA gene immediately downstream of vapA had been interrupted by the endogenous insertion sequence element ISAS1. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that O polysaccharides did not accumulate at the inner membrane-cytoplasm interface of this mutant. abcA encodes an unusual protein; it carries both an amino-terminal ATP-binding cassette (ABC) domain showing high sequence similarity to ABC proteins implicated in the transport of certain capsular and O polysaccharides and a carboxyl-terminal potential DNA-binding domain, which distinguishes AbcA from other polysaccharide transport proteins in structural and evolutionary terms. The smooth lipopolysaccharide phenotype was restored by complementation with abcA but not by abcA carrying site-directed mutations in the sequence encoding the ATP-binding site of the protein. The genetic organization of the A. salmonicida ABC polysaccharide system differs from other bacteria. abcA also differs in apparently being required for both O-polysaccharide synthesis and in energizing the transport of O polysaccharides to the cell surface.