963 resultados para processo-s,MACS,n_TOF,AGB,C ,Docker,continuous integration


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Ps-graduao em Estudos Lingusticos - IBILCE


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Cermicas nanoestruturadas base do xido niobato de estrncio e potssio com insero de lons cobre e Processo otimizado de fabricao de cermicas nanoestruturadas base do xido niobato de estrncio e potssio com insero de lons cobre via sinterizao aditivada com xido de cobre", a presente inveno descreve uma classe de materiais compsitos cermicos ferroeltricos nanoestruturados base do xido niobato de estrncio e potssio obtidos via sinterizao aditivada com xido de cobre II (CuO). Os materiais compsitos cermicos KSN - CuO so sinterizados entre 960 <198>C a 1250 <198>C, a composio do aditivo de sinterizao (CuO) est entre 0,5 a 2,0 % (percentagem em massa).


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A inveno descreve uma classe de materiais compsitos cermicos ferroeltricos nanoestruturados base do xido niobato de estrncio e potssio obtidos via sinterizao aditivada com xidos de cobre (CuO/Cu~ 2~O), preferencialmente o xido de cobre II, e xido de boro (B~ 2~O~ 3~). Os materiais compsitos cermicos KSN - CuO:B~ 2~O~ 3~ so sinterizados entre 960<198>C a 1250<198>C, diversas razes em massa CuO:B~ 2~O~ 3~ (1:1, 1:2, e 1:4) so utilizadas como aditivos de sinterizao.


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Composto de paldio com desoxialiina, processo de preparao deste composto e agente com atividade antiproliferativa e citotxica sobre clulas tumorais, obtido a partir do composto especialmente desenvolvido contra clulas da linhagem tumoral HeLa. O composto apresenta frmula molecular Pd(C~ 6~H~ 10~NO~ 2~S)~ 2~, sendo preparado pela reao entre tetracloropaladato de ltio e desoxialiina, possuindo atividade antiproliferativa e citotxica em clulas da linhagem tumoral HeLa. Com base nesta atividade possvel inferir que este composto possui potencial para ser utilizado em preparaes farmacuticas no tratamento de tumores e/ou cncer.


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This study evaluated whether the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in the delivery room alters the need for mechanical ventilation and surfactant during the first 5 days of life and modifies the incidence of respiratory morbidity and mortality during the hospital stay. The study was a multicenter randomized clinical trial conducted in five public university hospitals in Brazil, from June 2008 to December 2009. Participants were 197 infants with birth weight of 1000-1500 g and without major birth defects. They were treated according to the guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics (APP). Infants not intubated or extubated less than 15 min after birth were randomized for two treatments, routine or CPAP, and were followed until hospital discharge. The routine (n=99) and CPAP (n=98) infants studied presented no statistically significant differences regarding birth characteristics, complications during the prenatal period, the need for mechanical ventilation during the first 5 days of life (19.2 vs 23.4%, P=0.50), use of surfactant (18.2 vs 17.3% P=0.92), or respiratory morbidity and mortality until discharge. The CPAP group required a greater number of doses of surfactant (1.5 vs 1.0, P=0.02). When CPAP was applied to the routine group, it was installed within a median time of 30 min. We found that CPAP applied less than 15 min after birth was not able to reduce the need for ventilator support and was associated with a higher number of doses of surfactant when compared to CPAP applied as clinically indicated within a median time of 30 min.


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This study aimed to determine how the richness and composition of ant species behaves with changes in the recovery process of a gully erosion. The study area has 0.9 hectares subdivided into three sections called sector: A, B and C. For the definition of the sectors, erosive and natural restoring were taken as the base level of activity. Four transects were laid systematically throughout the area and surrounding compound with forest and grassland. Each transect had three pitfall trap ten meters apart from each other, with catches of ants were held in rainy and dry seasons. Analysis of variance was applied to compare the number of ant species per plot captured and Scott-Knott test 5% for comparison of means. To verify the similarity of species between environments it was performed an analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and ordering of environments a Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS). We captured 74 species of ants inside and around the gully erosion. The more degraded environment and initial stage of regeneration, showed greater richness of ant species. The composition of ant species was different between the recovery environments and around. The parameters of ant communities analyzed, richness and composition species were influenced by the regeneration of the area, indicating that ants can be used as bioindicators of gullies recovery.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Microbiologia Agropecuria - FCAV


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conveyor belts are widely used in food handling areas, especially in poultry processing plants. Because they are in direct contact with food and it is a requirement of the Brazilian health authority, conveyor belts are required to be continuously cleaned with hot water under pressure. The use of water in this procedure has been questioned based on the hypothesis that water may further disseminate microorganisms but not effectively reduce the organic material on the surface. Moreover, reducing the use of water in processing may contribute to a reduction in costs and emission of effluents. However, no consistent evidence in support of removing water during conveyor belt cleaning has been reported. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to compare the bacterial counts on conveyor belts that were or were not continuously cleaned with hot water under pressure. Superficial samples from conveyor belts (cleaned or not cleaned) were collected at three different times during operation (T1, after the preoperational cleaning [5 a.m.]; T2, after the first work shift [4 p.m.]; and T3, after the second work shift [1:30 a.m.]) in a poultry meat processing facility, and the samples were subjected to mesophilic and enterobacterial counts. For Enterobacteriaceae, no significant differences were observed between the conveyor belts, independent of the time of sampling or the cleaning process. No significant differences were observed between the counts of mesophilic bacteria at the distinct times of sampling on the conveyor belt that had not been subjected to continuous cleaning with water at 45 degrees C. When comparing similar periods of sampling, no significant differences were observed between the mesophilic counts obtained from the conveyor belts that were or were not subjected to continuous cleaning with water at 45 degrees C. Continuous cleaning with water did not significantly reduce microorganism counts, suggesting the possibility of discarding this procedure in chicken processing.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)