946 resultados para process model


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Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles requires the recognition of the navigable areas and the potential obstacles. In this paper we describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist the navigation of autonomous vehicles that operate in industrial environments. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using a rule-based cooperative expert system


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We describe a model-based objects recognition system which is part of an image interpretation system intended to assist autonomous vehicles navigation. The system is intended to operate in man-made environments. Behavior-based navigation of autonomous vehicles involves the recognition of navigable areas and the potential obstacles. The recognition system integrates color, shape and texture information together with the location of the vanishing point. The recognition process starts from some prior scene knowledge, that is, a generic model of the expected scene and the potential objects. The recognition system constitutes an approach where different low-level vision techniques extract a multitude of image descriptors which are then analyzed using a rule-based reasoning system to interpret the image content. This system has been implemented using CEES, the C++ embedded expert system shell developed in the Systems Engineering and Automatic Control Laboratory (University of Girona) as a specific rule-based problem solving tool. It has been especially conceived for supporting cooperative expert systems, and uses the object oriented programming paradigm


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A rotating machine usually consists of a rotor and bearings that supports it. The nonidealities in these components may excite vibration of the rotating system. The uncontrolled vibrations may lead to excessive wearing of the components of the rotating machine or reduce the process quality. Vibrations may be harmful even when amplitudes are seemingly low, as is usually the case in superharmonic vibration that takes place below the first critical speed of the rotating machine. Superharmonic vibration is excited when the rotational velocity of the machine is a fraction of the natural frequency of the system. In such a situation, a part of the machine’s rotational energy is transformed into vibration energy. The amount of vibration energy should be minimised in the design of rotating machines. The superharmonic vibration phenomena can be studied by analysing the coupled rotor-bearing system employing a multibody simulation approach. This research is focused on the modelling of hydrodynamic journal bearings and rotorbearing systems supported by journal bearings. In particular, the non-idealities affecting the rotor-bearing system and their effect on the superharmonic vibration of the rotating system are analysed. A comparison of computationally efficient journal bearing models is carried out in order to validate one model for further development. The selected bearing model is improved in order to take the waviness of the shaft journal into account. The improved model is implemented and analyzed in a multibody simulation code. A rotor-bearing system that consists of a flexible tube roll, two journal bearings and a supporting structure is analysed employing the multibody simulation technique. The modelled non-idealities are the shell thickness variation in the tube roll and the waviness of the shaft journal in the bearing assembly. Both modelled non-idealities may cause subharmonic resonance in the system. In multibody simulation, the coupled effect of the non-idealities can be captured in the analysis. Additionally one non-ideality is presented that does not excite the vibrations itself but affects the response of the rotorbearing system, namely the waviness of the bearing bushing which is the non-rotating part of the bearing system. The modelled system is verified with measurements performed on a test rig. In the measurements the waviness of bearing bushing was not measured and therefore it’s affect on the response was not verified. In conclusion, the selected modelling approach is an appropriate method when analysing the response of the rotor-bearing system. When comparing the simulated results to the measured ones, the overall agreement between the results is concluded to be good.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is an abundant neurotransmitter in the brain and sympathetic nervous system (SNS). Hypothalamic NPY is known to be a key player in food intake and energy expenditure. NPY’s role in cardiovascular regulation has also been shown. In humans, a Leucine 7 to Proline 7 single nucleotide polymorphism (p.L7P) in the signal peptide of the NPY gene has been associated with traits of metabolic syndrome. The p.L7P subjects also show increased stress-related release of NPY, which suggests that more NPY is produced and released from SNS. The main objective of this study was to create a novel mouse model with noradrenergic cell-targeted overexpression of NPY, and to characterize the metabolic and vascular phenotype of this model. The mouse model was named OE-NPYDBH mouse. Overexpression of NPY in SNS and brain noradrenergic neurons led to increased adiposity without significant weight gain or increased food intake. The mice showed lipid accumulation in the liver at young age, which together with adiposity led to impaired glucose tolerance and hyperinsulinemia with age. The mice displayed stress-related increased mean arterial blood pressure, increased plasma levels of catecholamines and enhanced SNS activity measured by GDP binding activity to brown adipose tissue mitochondria. Sexual dimorphism in NPY secretion pattern in response to stress was also seen. In an experimental model of vascular injury, the OE-NPYDBH mice developed more pronounced neointima formation compared with wildtype controls. These results together with the clinical data indicate that NPY in noradrenergic cells plays an important role in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome and related diseases. Furthermore, new insights on the role of the extrahypothalamic NPY in the process have been obtained. The OE-NPYDBH model provides an important tool for further stress and metabolic syndrome-related studies.


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Recerca centrada en l’anàlisi de característiques concretes de l’educació inclusiva en un entorn d’educació no formal, com és el futbol base. El criteri que s’ha utilitzat per realitzar l’anàlisi són els agrupaments. Des de l’educació inclusiva es promouen els agrupaments heterogenis, una forma d’agrupar a l’alumnat tenint en compte les seves diferències, per tal d’enriquir-se entre tot l’alumnat i treure profit d’elles. A la vegada aquest agrupament es caracteritza per fomentar la igualtat d’oportunitats en l’aprenentatge dels alumnes. En canvi, al futbol base predominen els agrupaments homogenis, distribuint als jugadors segons el seu nivell en diferents equips. A la recerca es fa una comparació entre l’opinió de diferents membres involucrats en el món del futbol base de dues entitats esportives, un club de futbol, on es fan els grups de forma homogènia, i una escola de futbol, on es fan els agrupaments de forma heterogènia. Els resultats mostren que realitzant agrupaments homogenis no s’assegura que tots els jugadors tinguin les mateixes oportunitats d’aprenentatge i que el nivell competencial dels jugadors en edat de formació pot ser un element que fomenti desigualtats en el seu procés d’aprenentatge esportiu.


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Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin puuhakkeen esihydrolyysi- ja hakkuujätteen hydrolyysiprosessien integroimista sellutehtaaseen bioetanolin tuottamiseksi. Tällaisesta ns. biojalostamosta luotiin WinGEMS-simulointiohjelmalla simulointimalli, jonka avulla tutkittiin bioetanoliprosessin vaikutusta sellutehtaan massa- ja energiataseisiin sekä alustavaa biojalostamon kannattavuutta. Simuloinnissa tarkasteltiin kolmea eri tapausta, joissa mäntysellun tuotannon ajateltiin olevan 1000 tonnia päivässä ja hakkuujätettä käytettävän 10 % tarvittavan kuitupuun määrästä: 1) Puuhakkeen esihydrolyysi ja hakkuujätteen hydrolyysi etanolin tuottamiseksi 2) Puuhakkeen esihydrolyysi, hakkuujäte kuorikattilaan poltettavaksi 3) Ei esihydrolyysiä, hakkuujäte kuorikattilaan poltettavaksi Verrattuna tapaukseen 3, puun kulutus kasvaa 16 % esihydrolysoitaessa puuhake ennen keittoa tapauksissa 1 ja 2. Kasvaneella puun kulutuksella tuotetaan tapauksessa 1 149 tonnia etanolia ja 240 MWh enemmän ylimääräsähköä päivässä. Tapauksessa 2 tuotetaan 68 tonnia etanolia ja 460 MWh enemmän ylimääräsähköä päivässä. Tämä tuottaisi vuotuista lisäkassavirtaa 18,8 miljoonaa euroa tapauksessa 1 ja 9,4 miljoonaa euroa tapauksessa 2. Hydrolyysin tuoteliuoksen, hydrolysaatin, haihduttaminen sekä hydrolyysiprosessien orgaanisten jäännöstuotteiden haihduttaminen ja polttaminen kasvattavat haihduttamon ja soodakattilan kuormitusta. Verrattuna tapaukseen 3, tapauksissa 1 ja 2 haihduttamon vaiheiden määrä on kasvatettava viidestä seitsemään ja tarvittavat lämmönsiirtopinta-alat lähes kaksinkertaistettava. Soodakattilan kuormitus kasvaa 39 % tapauksessa 1 ja 26 % tapauksessa 2.


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Most motor bodily injury (BI) claims are settled by negotiation, with fewer than 5% of cases going to court. A well-defined negotiation strategy is thus very useful for insurance companies. In this paper we assume that the monetary compensation awarded in court is the upper amount to be offered by the insurer in the negotiation process. Using a real database, a log-linear model is implemented to estimate the maximal offer. Non-spherical disturbances are detected. Correlation occurs when various claims are settled in the same judicial verdict. Group wise heteroscedasticity is due to the influence of the forensic valuation on the final compensation amount. An alternative approximation based on generalized inference theory is applied to estimate confidence intervals on variance components, since classical interval estimates may be unreliable for datasets with unbalanced structures.


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Observational and theoretical studies point to microquasars (MQs) as possible counterparts of a significant fraction of the unidentified gamma-ray sources detected so far. At present, a proper scenario to explain the emission beyond soft X-rays from these objects is not known, nor what the precise connection is between the radio and the high-energy radiation. We develop a new model where the MQ jet is dynamically dominated by cold protons and radiatively dominated by relativistic leptons. The matter content and power of the jet are both related with the accretion process. The magnetic field is assumed to be close to equipartition, although it is attached to and dominated by the jet matter. For the relativistic particles in the jet, their maximum energy depends on both the acceleration efficiency and the energy losses. The model takes into account the interaction of the relativistic jet particles with the magnetic field and all the photon and matter fields. Such interaction produces significant amounts of radiation from radio to very high energies through synchrotron, relativistic Bremsstrahlung, and inverse Compton (IC) processes. Variability of the emission produced by changes in the accretion process (e.g. via orbital eccentricity) is also expected. The effects of the gamma-ray absorption by the external photon fields on the gamma-ray spectrum have been taken into account, revealing clear spectral features that might be observed. This model is consistent to the accretion scenario, energy conservation laws, and current observational knowledge, and can provide deeper physical information of the source when tested against multiwavelength data.


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The objectives of this thesis areto identify the best elements from Information Technology Infrastructure Library financial management for an international company. The elements need to be customized to fit existing elements and the thesis needs to provide implementation proposal. The new IT financial management needs to improve cost visibility and bring benefits to the company. In order to find the best elements for IT financial management, there needs to be a research to discover the companys business needs. The ITIL library is used to find answers and solutions to the companys issues in IT financial management. Other IT frameworks can and will be used as well, if they are able to work with ITIL model. ITIL consists from budgeting, accounting and charging in IT financial management, which all needs to be investigated. In addition more ITIL elements such as contract management and supplier management can be used, in order to make IT financial management work better.


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In general, models of ecological systems can be broadly categorized as ’top-down’ or ’bottom-up’ models, based on the hierarchical level that the model processes are formulated on. The structure of a top-down, also known as phenomenological, population model can be interpreted in terms of population characteristics, but it typically lacks an interpretation on a more basic level. In contrast, bottom-up, also known as mechanistic, population models are derived from assumptions and processes on a more basic level, which allows interpretation of the model parameters in terms of individual behavior. Both approaches, phenomenological and mechanistic modelling, can have their advantages and disadvantages in different situations. However, mechanistically derived models might be better at capturing the properties of the system at hand, and thus give more accurate predictions. In particular, when models are used for evolutionary studies, mechanistic models are more appropriate, since natural selection takes place on the individual level, and in mechanistic models the direct connection between model parameters and individual properties has already been established. The purpose of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, a systematical way to derive mechanistic discrete-time population models is presented. The derivation is based on combining explicitly modelled, continuous processes on the individual level within a reproductive period with a discrete-time maturation process between reproductive periods. Secondly, as an example of how evolutionary studies can be carried out in mechanistic models, the evolution of the timing of reproduction is investigated. Thus, these two lines of research, derivation of mechanistic population models and evolutionary studies, are complementary to each other.


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We study the lysis timing of a bacteriophage population by means of a continuously infection-age-structured population dynamics model. The features of the model are the infection process of bacteria, the death process, and the lysis process which means the replication of bacteriophage viruses inside bacteria and the destruction of them. The time till lysis (or latent period) is assumed to have an arbitrary distribution. We have carried out an optimization procedure, and we have found that the latent period corresponding to maximal fitness (i.e. maximal growth rate of the bacteriophage population) is of fixed length. We also study the dependence of the optimal latent period on the amount of susceptible bacteria and the number of virions released by a single infection. Finally, the evolutionarily stable strategy of the latent period is also determined as a fixed period taking into account that super-infections are not considered


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Per diferents motius, l'acció de la justícia es troba permanentment d'actualitat. Una de les causes és la contínua novetat que prové de les propostes de modernització en els diversos àmbits, que tracten de pal·liar els dèficits amb els quals s'enfronta cada dia l'acció judicial. El debat és ja antic i permanent, sent que, simultàniament un ventall de projectes ha aparegut amb la intenció de dur a terme un canvi profund i determinant en la visió de l'estructura del Poder Judicial i dels serveis associats. En particular, la proposta de reforma de Llei Orgànica del Poder Judicial i de Demarcació i Planta, suposa la concentració de tots els jutjats a les capitals de província, amb el risc d'allunyament enfront dels ciutadans i problemes associats. L'esborrany de Codi Processal Penal aposta per un nou sistema de recerca a càrrec del Ministeri Fiscal, amb curts terminis taxats per a la finalització del procediment, promoció de la mediació i augment de les possibilitats de no continuació de la causa, a més una concentració i simplificació de totes les fases del procediment penal. D'altra banda, el Registre Civil ha estat retirat dels jutjats però, malgrat el transcurs del temps, no s'és capaç d'identificar a quin col·lectiu li correspondrà aquesta funció, amb la conseqüent generació d'una important inquietud social. Aquestes i altres novetats seran analitzades en profunditat, amb especial perspectiva des de l'àmbit de Catalunya, tractant d'aportar solucions i propostes de millora.


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Potential parameters sensitivity analysis for helium unlike molecules, HeNe, HeAr, HeKr and HeXe is the subject of this work. Number of bound states these rare gas dimers can support, for different angular momentum, will be presented and discussed. The variable phase method, together with the Levinson's theorem, is used to explore the quantum scattering process at very low collision energy using the Tang and Toennies potential. These diatomic dimers can support a bound state even for relative angular momentum equal to five, as in HeXe. Vibrational excited states, with zero angular momentum, are also possible for HeKr and HeXe. Results from sensitive analysis will give acceptable order of magnitude on potentials parameters.


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This research was motivated by the need to examine the potential application areas of process intensification technologies in Neste Oil Oyj. According to the company’s interest membrane reactor technology was chosen and applicability of this technology in refining industry was investigated. Moreover, Neste Oil suggested a project which is related to the CO2 capture from FCC unit flue gas stream. The flowrate of the flue gas is 180t/h and consist of approximately 14% by volume CO2. Membrane based absorption process (membrane contactor) was chosen as a potential technique to model CO2 capture from fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit effluent. In the design of membrane contactor, a mathematical model was developed to describe CO2 absorption from a gas mixture using monoethanole amine (MEA) aqueous solution. According to the results of literature survey, in the hollow fiber contactor for laminar flow conditions approximately 99 % percent of CO2 can be removed by using a 20 cm in length polyvinylidene fluoride (PDVF) membrane. Furthermore, the design of whole process was performed by using PRO/II simulation software and the CO2 removal efficiency of the whole process obtained as 97 %. The technical and economical comparisons among existing MEA absorption processes were performed to determine the advantages and disadvantages of membrane contactor technology.