822 resultados para proactive policing


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Virtual learning environments (VLEs) are computer-based online learning environments, which provide opportunities for online learners to learn at the time and location of their choosing, whilst allowing interactions and encounters with other online learners, as well as affording access to a wide range of resources. They have the capability of reaching learners in remote areas around the country or across country boundaries at very low cost. Personalized VLEs are those VLEs that provide a set of personalization functionalities, such as personalizing learning plans, learning materials, tests, and are capable of initializing the interaction with learners by providing advice, necessary instant messages, etc., to online learners. One of the major challenges involved in developing personalized VLEs is to achieve effective personalization functionalities, such as personalized content management, learner model, learner plan and adaptive instant interaction. Autonomous intelligent agents provide an important technology for accomplishing personalization in VLEs. A number of agents work collaboratively to enable personalization by recognizing an individual's eLeaming pace and reacting correspondingly. In this research, a personalization model has been developed that demonstrates dynamic eLearning processes; secondly, this study proposes an architecture for PVLE by using intelligent decision-making agents' autonomous, pre-active and proactive behaviors. A prototype system has been developed to demonstrate the implementation of this architecture. Furthemore, a field experiment has been conducted to investigate the performance of the prototype by comparing PVLE eLearning effectiveness with a non-personalized VLE. Data regarding participants' final exam scores were collected and analyzed. The results indicate that intelligent agent technology can be employed to achieve personalization in VLEs, and as a consequence to improve eLeaming effectiveness dramatically.


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Until now, suicide prevention efforts have been limited in developing countries, although there are pockets of excellent achievement. Various universal, selective, and indicated interventions have been implemented, many of which target a different pattern of risk factors to those in developed countries. In the absence of sufficient mental health services, developing countries rely heavily on nongovemment organizations (NGOs) to provide crisis interventions for suicidal individuals, as well as proactive interventions aimed at raising community awareness and building resilience. Often these NGOs work within a social and public health framework, collaborating with others to provide nested suicide prevention programs that are responsive to local community needs. There is a clear need to develop appropriate, relevant and effective national suicide prevention plans in developing countries, since, to date, only Sri Lanka has done so. These plans should focus on a range of priority areas, specify the actions necessary to achieve positive change in these priority areas, consider the range of collaborators required to implement these actions, and structure their efforts at national, regional, and local levels. The plans should also promote the collection of accurate data on completed and attempted suicide, and should foster evaluation efforts.


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As more and more students pursue an international education, there is a need to investigate how these students deal with the demands of their study programs in the new academic context. This paper introduces one such student, a Thai English teacher named Woody,2 and looks at the ways that he engaged with a Master of Education program in Australia. I analyse the transcripts of two interviews that I conducted with Woody in his first semester using Fairclough's model of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). The analysis is interested in the social and institutional demands that Woody identified as impacting on the course, and the strategic action that he took in response to them. I argue that by undertaking this action, Woody was “working” as an agent of his own change. The analysis highlights a proactive and strategic engagement on Woody's part, a point that has been missed in much of the literature on the international student experience in Australia.


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Despite the inevitability of the bushfires hazard across the Sydney region, a mismatch exists between reactive technological fixes and proactive social programs which have far-reaching vulnerability and governance consequences. This paper questions the adequacy of current policy and action, revealing contradictions and tensions that expose Sydney's vulnerability and have implications for other Australian cities.


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Utilising a comparison research design of mothers involved in fostering (N= 28) and their peers (N =28), the major findings were that within the fostering group, those who had been fostering the longest had the lowest sense of efficacy, reflecting that the experience of providing foster care eroded parents' sense of their own skill. In terms of attachment to the children, the data suggested that foster carers may resist becoming too close to the children in their care in order to limit the emotional cost of subsequent separation. Importantly, there was no significant correlation between the length of time in providing foster care and marital satisfaction, which supports the notion that providing foster care does not, in itself cause marital stress. While formal support services were more utilised by foster carers there was some indication that this group is not well integrated into the broader community. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that over the long- term providing fostering care has some negative consequences for the carers in terms of their self-confidence. Agencies designated to work with carers need to consider proactive strategies to reduce this consequence.


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Goals of work: The diagnosis and treatment of a brain tumour may result in long-term changes in a patient's functional and social abilities and/or in a greatly reduced life span. A qualitative investigation was conducted to examine the supportive care needs of patients with brain tumour and their carers. Materials and methods: Overall, 18 patients and 18 carers participated in focus groups or telephone interviews, following a structured interview guide to elicit supportive care services of importance to these patients and carers. Main results: Six major themes were identified using the framework analysis method, including needs for information and coping with uncertainty, practical support, support to return to pretreatment responsibilities or prepare for long-term care, support to deal with social isolation and organize respite care, support to overcome stigma/discrimination and support to discuss potentially reduced life expectancy. Conclusions: Five recommendations to improve service delivery include: assignment of a dedicated member of the care team or case manager; proactive dissemination of information, education and psychosocial support; access to objective assessment of neuropsychological functioning; facilitating easier access to welfare payments; and services facilitating communication about difficult illness-related topics. Provision of services along these recommendations could improve supportive care of brain tumour patients and their carers.


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The successful restructuring of Chinese industries is of immense importance not only for the continued development of China but also to the stability of the world economy. The transformation of the Chinese wool textile industry illustrates well the many problems and pressures currently facing most Chinese industries. The Chinese wool textile industry has undergone major upheaval and restructuring in its drive to modernize and take advantage of developments in world textile markets. Macro level ownership and administrative reforms are well advanced as is the uptake of new technology and equipment. However, the changing market and institutional environment also demands an increasing level of sophistication in mill management decisions including product selection, input procurement, product pricing, investment appraisal, cost analysis and proactive identification of new market and growth opportunities. This paper outlines a series of analyses that have been integrated into a decision-making model designed to assist mill managers with these decisions. Features of the model include a whole-of-mill approach, a design based on existing mill structures and information systems, and the capacity for the model to be tailored to individual mills. All of these features facilitate the adoption of the model by time and resource constrained managers seeking to maintain the viability of their enterprises in the face of extremely dynamic market conditions.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa faz uma abordagem não exaustiva acerca da temática da liberdade na perspectiva da teóloga cristã protestante norte-americana Ellen G. White, partindo do estudo de sua pessoa e dos contextos geopolítico e sociocultural nos quais viveu, avançando ainda para uma noção de sua produção literária e a importância da sistematização de seu pensamento para uma compreensão de sua tratativa quanto ao tema proposto. Toma-se como critério de análise a organização de seu pensamento em três linhas de raciocínios teológicos chamadas, respectivamente, Teologia Integral, Teologia do Compromisso e Teologia do Discipulado, as quais, combinadas, constituem sua perspectiva teológica de liberdade. Mostra-se que a primeira linha justifica as razões da liberdade, a segunda explica como ela ocorre no ser humano, e a terceira propõe o roteiro de sua exteriorização positiva para a humanidade. Segue-se, então, examinando os conceitos, fundamentos, características e desdobramentos temáticos de cada um dos elementos constituintes dos roteiros teológicos mencionados, evidenciando os teólogos que mais influenciaram a autora e apontando as aproximações de sua perspectiva à de teólogos que lhe são posteriores. Em conclusão, propõe-se, na perspectiva da autora, liberdade como expressão significante de uma vida comprometida com o servir em amor de forma piedosa. Liberdade é, assim, uma condição experimentada por aqueles que creem e se submetem a Deus, experimentando uma vida de permanente amor e serviço abnegado ao próximo, realidade testemunhada na prática da genuína piedade cristã. E, por último, desafia-se o leitor à urgente percepção, crítica e reação proativa equilibrada em relação às ideologias humanistas de matriz antropocêntrica exclusiva, mostrando-as como principais fundamentos dos equívocos (pós)modernos de liberdade. Diante dessa realidade, propõe-se a reumanização da ideia de liberdade numa perspectiva teocêntrica por meio do retorno a Deus e à Sua Palavra, empreendimento para o qual a proposta de Ellen G. White se mostra um potencial Teo-humanizador de considerável valor, capaz de possibilitar inclusive o desenvolvimento harmônico da integralidade humana.


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O período de transição para a universidade constitui-se um desafio para os estudantes devido à quantidade e à diversidade de mudanças originadas por um novo contexto pessoal e social que exige o desenvolvimento de recursos adaptativos. A vulnerabilidade trazida por essa fase pode motivar o uso de álcool e outras drogas, sendo um padrão recorrente encontrado em universitários. O bem-estar subjetivo (BES) e a autoeficácia (AE) são exemplos de fatores de proteção capazes de influenciar os comportamentos e atitudes dos jovens diante de situações como o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar a capacidade explicativa do bem-estar subjetivo e da autoeficácia sobre o consumo de álcool em universitários. A amostra pesquisada foi constituída por 405 estudantes universitários de cursos da área da saúde da região metropolitana de São Paulo, com uma idade média de 21,69 (DP= 5,49), sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (81,5%), cursando o primeiro ou o segundo semestre, tanto do período matutino quanto do noturno. A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando-se o programa SPSS, versão 20.0 para Windows para a realização de cálculos descritivos e exploratórios: média, desvio-padrão, correlações, análise de regressão múltipla, análises de variância (ANOVA) e teste t de Student. Os resultados do estudo revelaram que os universitários apresentaram um baixo nível de bem-estar subjetivo, autoeficácia acima da média e baixo consumo de álcool, sendo classificados na sua maioria como abstinentes. Foram observados indícios de que o bem-estar subjetivo e a autoeficácia predizem, ainda que de forma limitada, o consumo de álcool, destacando-se com maior capacidade preditiva os afetos negativos, a autoeficácia em ações pró-ativas e a autoeficácia em interação social. Além disso, a análise de correlação (r de Pearson) revelou que BES e AE guardam relação entre si, apresentando índices positivos e significativos. Também foram verificadas correlações significativas e negativas entre o consumo de álcool, a autoeficácia total e seus fatores, assim como correlações significativas e positivas entre o consumo de álcool e afetos negativos. Adicionalmente, é possível concluir que, no grupo estudado, dentre os jovens que consumiram álcool, estudantes do sexo masculino demonstraram um consumo maior da bebida do que as mulheres.


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Since the 1950s, pedagogical stylistics has been intrinsically linked with the teaching of written texts (and especially literary texts) to speakers of English as a second language. This is despite the fact that for decades many teachers have also structured their lessons in L1 classrooms to focus upon the linguistic features of literary texts as a means of enhancing their students’ understanding of literature and language. Recognizing that instructors in both L1 and L2 settings were often employing related pedagogical techniques without realizing that their colleagues in the other context were facing similar challenges, the PEDSIG group of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) has sought to add a theoretical dimension to research undertaken into practice in the stylistics classroom. Its goals, then, were: to establish a working definition of pedagogical stylistics; to identify the theoretical and pedagogical underpinnings of the discipline shared by L1 and L2 practitioners; to point if possible towards any emerging consensus on good practice. The group determined that the principal aim of stylistics in the classroom is to make students aware of language use within chosen texts, and that what characterizes pedagogical stylistics is classroom activities that are interactive between the text and the (student) reader. Preliminary findings, from a pilot study involving a poem by Langston Hughes, suggest that the process of improving students’ linguistic sensibilities must include greater emphasis upon the text as action: i.e. upon the mental processing which is such a proactive part of reading and interpretation; and how all of these elements – pragmatic and cognitive as well as linguistic – function within quite specific social and cultural contexts.


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Case linkage, the linking of crimes into series, is used in policing in the UK and other countries. Previous researchers have proposed using rapists' speech in this practice; however, researching this application requires the development of a reliable coding system for rapists' speech. A system was developed based on linguistic theories of pragmatics which allowed for the categorization of an utterance into a speech act type (e.g. directive). Following this classification, the qualitative properties of the utterances (e.g. the degree of threat it carried) could be captured through the use of rating scales. This system was tested against a previously developed system using 188 rapists' utterances taken from victims' descriptions of rape. The pragmatics-based system demonstrated higher inter-rater reliability whilst enabling the classification of a greater number of rapists' utterances. Inter-rater reliability for the subscales was also tested using a sub-sample of 50 rapists' utterances and inter-item correlations were calculated. Seventy-six per cent of the subscales had satisfactory to high inter-rater reliability. Based on these findings and the inter-item correlations, the classification system was revised. The potential use of this system for the practices of case linkage and offender profiling is discussed.


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This research is concerned with the relationship between business strategy and the environment within traditional sectors. It has sought to learn more about the strategic environmental attitudes of SMEs compared with large companies operating under the same market conditions. The sector studied is the ceramics industry (including tableware & ornamental-ware, sanitary ware & tiles, bricks, industrial & advanced ceramics and refractories) in the UK and France. Unlike the automotive, oil, chemical, steel or metal processing sectors, this industry is one of the few industrial sectors which has rarely been considered. The information on this sector was gathered by interviewing people responsible for environmental issues. The actual programme of valid interviews represents approximately a quarter of the UK and French ceramics industry which is large enough to enable a quantitative analysis and significant and non-biased conclusions. As a whole, all companies surveyed agreed that the ceramics activity impacts on the environment, and that they are increasingly affected both by environmental legislation, and by various non-legislative pressures. Approaches to the environmental agenda differ significantly among large and small companies. Smaller companies feel particularly pressed both by the financial costs and management time required to meet complex and changing legislation. The results of this survey also suggest that the ceramics industry sees environmental issues in terms of increased costs rather than new business opportunities. This is due principally to fears of import substitution from countries with lower environmental standards. Finally, replies indicate that generally there is a low level of awareness of the current legislative framework, suggesting a need to shift from a regulatory approach to a more self-regulated approach which encourages companies to be more proactive


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This study examined personal/interpersonal antecedents of leader-member exchange (LMX) and why and how LMX is related to the helping and voice dimensions of citizenship behavior. The results indicate that: (i) proactive personality and supervisor trust in employee were significant antecedents of LMX; (ii) the psychological empowerment dimension of autonomy partially mediated the LMX-helping relationship whereas the LMX-voice relationship was fully mediated the by autonomy and impact dimensions of psychological empowerment; and (iii) organization-based self-esteem more strongly moderated the LMX-helping relationship relative to the LMX-voice relationship.


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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons of social impacts of projects in developing countries despite of thorough impact assessment in appraisal phase of projects. A case study approach on a sewerage project in Barbados was undertaken using primary and secondary information. The study reveals that although the impact assessment report suggested appropriate mitigation measures, but they were not implemented by the contractors. The study suggests fostering an interconnected and symbiotic relationship between appraisal and implementation phases of a project in order to manage project environment. Additionally, a more vigilant and proactive supervisory role should be instituted and strengthened over time and adapted within the dictates of environmental needs. Copyright © 2005 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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Presents a simulation study of the costing of police custody operations at a UK police force. The custody operation incorporates the arrest, booking-in, interview, detention and court appearance activities. The Activity Based Costing (ABC) approach is used as a framework to show how costs are generated by the three “drivers” of cost, activity and resource. These relate to the design efficiency of the process, the timing and mix of demand on the process and the cost of resources used to undertake the process respectively. The use of discrete-event simulation allows the incorporation of dynamic (time-dependent) and stochastic (variability) elements in the cost analysis. This enables both the amount and timing of the use of capacity and the generation of cost to be established. The concept of committed and flexible resources directs management decisions to the redeployment of unused capacity or alternatively the identification of additional capacity requirements.