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What does endogenous growth theory tell about regional economies? Empirics of R&D worker-based productivity growth, Regional Studies. Endogenous growth theory emerged in the 1990s as ‘new growth theory’ accounting for technical progress in the growth process. This paper examines the role of research and development (R&D) workers underlying the Romer model (1990) and its subsequent modifications, and compares it with a model based on the accumulation of human capital engaged in R&D. Cross-section estimates of the models against productivity growth of European regions in the 1990s suggest that each R&D worker has a unique set of knowledge while his/her contributions are enhanced by knowledge sharing within a region as well as spillovers from other regions in proximity.


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In this paper, we focus on the rationales for the recruitment of international students to universities in South Africa. Through the use of in-depth interviews with international officers at a cross-section of South African universities, we argue that there are competing and complementary rationales for the recruitment of international students. Some South African universities follow international trends in terms of international student recruitment while others adopt a different approach. The analysis locates the rationales of international student recruitment as part of an internationalisation process within the context of globalisation. Dans cet article, nous nous focalisons sur les raisons derrière le recrutement des étudiants internationaux dans les universités de l'Afrique du Sud. Basé sur des interviews approfondies que nous avons menées avec les agents internationaux mandatés par les universités en Afrique du Sud, nous soutenons qu'il existe des raisons d'ordre compétitif et complémentaire qui expliquent le recrutement d'étudiants internationaux. Certaines universités sud africaines suivent la tendance de tels recrutement alors que d'autres adoptent une approche différente. Cette analyse identifie les raison du recrutement des étudiants internationaux dans le cadre du processus d'internationalisation dans le contexte de la globalisation.


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Ta and Ta-1% W are being considered to be used as target clad materials in the LANSCE proton beam line for the material test station (MTS). To investigate the embrittlement of these materials due to oxygen contamination and proton irradiation, Ta and Ta-1 wt% W (as received and with ~400 ppm O) were exposed to a 3.5 MeV proton beam at the ion beam materials laboratory at LANL. After irradiating the samples in the proton beam, nanoindentation was performed in cross-section to investigate the hardness increase of the materials due to irradiation. The nanoindentation showed that the hardness increase due to irradiation is between 9% and 20% depending on the material. The results show good agreement with mechanical testing results on tantalum and Ta-1 wt% W after high energy proton irradiation to doses up to 23 dpa.


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A novel, direction-sensitive bending sensor based on an asymmetric fiber Bragg grating (FBG) inscribed by an infrared femtosecond laser was demonstrated. The technique is based on tight transverse confinement of the femto-inscribed structures and can be directly applied in conventional, untreated singlemode fibers. The FBG structure was inscribed by an amplified, titanium sapphire laser system. The grating cross-section was elongated along the direction of the laser beam with the transverse dimensions of approximately 1 by 2 μm. It was suggested that the sensitivity of the device can be improved by inscribing smaller spatial features and by implementing more complex grating designs aimed at maximizing the effect of strain.


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Ferritic/martensitic (F/M) steels (T91, HT-9, EP 823) are candidate materials for future liquid lead or lead bismuth eutectic (LBE) cooled nuclear reactors. To understand the corrosion of these materials in LBE, samples of each material were exposed at 535 °C for 600 h and 200 h at an oxygen content of 10 wt%. After the corrosion tests, the samples were analyzed using SEM, WDX and nano-indentation in cross section. Multi-layered oxide scales were found on the sample surfaces. The compositions of these oxide layers are not entirely in agreement with the literature. The nano-indentation results showed that the E-modulus and hardness of the oxide layers are significantly lower than the values for dense bulk oxide materials. It is assumed that the low values stem from high porosity in the oxide layers. Comparison with in-air oxidized steels show that the E-modulus decreases with increasing oxide layer thickness. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose – The debate about services-led competitive strategies continues to grow, with much interest emerging around the differing practices between production and servitized operations. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to this discussion by investigating the vertical integration practice (in particular the micro-vertical integration, otherwise known as the supply chain position) of manufacturers who are successful in their adoption of servitization. Design/methodology/approach – To achieve this the authors have investigated a cross-section of four companies which are successfully delivering advanced services coupled to their products. Findings – Manufacturers who have embraced the servitization trend tend to retain capabilities in design and production, and do so because this benefits their speed, effectiveness and costs of supporting assets on advanced services contracts. Research limitations/implications – These are preliminary findings from a longer term research programme. Practical implications – Through this research note the authors seek to simultaneously contribute to the debate in the research community and offer guidance to practitioners exploring the consequences of servitization. Originality/value – Successful servitization demands that manufacturers adopt new and alternative practices and technologies to those traditionally associated with production operations. A prevailing challenge is to understand these differences and their underpinning rationale. Therefore, in this research note, the authors report on the practices of four case companies, explore the rationale underpinning these, and propose an hypothesis for the impact on vertical integration of successful servitization.


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Purpose. To evaluate the influence of soft contact lens midperipheral shape profile and edge design on the apparent epithelial thickness and indentation of the ocular surface with lens movement. Methods. Four soft contact lens designs comprising of two different plano midperipheral shape profiles and two edge designs (chiseled and knife edge) of silicone-hydrogel material were examined in 26 subjects aged 24.7 ± 4.6 years, each worn bilaterally in randomized order. Lens movement was imaged enface on insertion, at 2 and 4 hours with a high-speed, high-resolution camera simultaneous to the cross-section of the edge of the contact lens interaction with the ocular surface captured using optical coherence tomography (OCT) nasally, temporally, and inferiorly. Optical imaging distortions were individually corrected for by imaging the apparent distortion of a glass slide surface by the removed lens. Results. Apparent epithelial thickness varied with edge position (P < 0.001). When distortion was corrected for, epithelial indentation decreased with time after insertion (P = 0.010), changed after a blink (P < 0.001), and varied with position on the lens edge (P < 0.001), with the latter being affected by midperipheral lens shape profile and edge design. Horizontal and vertical lens movement did not change with time postinsertion. Vertical motion was affected by midperipheral lens shape profile (P < 0.001) and edge design (P < 0.001). Lens movement was associated with physiologic epithelium thickness for lens midperipheral shape profile and edge designs. Conclusions. Dynamic OCT coupled with high-resolution video demonstrated that soft contact lens movement and image-corrected ocular surface indentation were influenced by both lens edge design and midperipheral lens shape profiles. © 2013 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Inc.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how a UK business school is addressing the Government's skills strategy through its Graduate Certificate in Management, and to identify good practice and development needs and to clarify how the Graduate Certificate is adapting to the needs of Generation X and Millennial students. The paper also aims to test Kolb and Kolb's experiential learning theory (ELT) in a business school setting. Design/methodology/approach – A case study methodology was adopted. In order to get a cross-section of views and triangulate the data, three focus groups were held, supported by reading documentation about the programme of study. Findings – The skills strategy is not just an ambition for some business schools, but is already part of the curriculum. Generation X and the Millennials have more in common with the positive attitudes associated with older generations than stereotyped views might allow. ELT provides a useful theoretical framework for evaluating a programme of study and student attitudes. Research limitations/implications – The research findings from one case study are reported, limiting the generalisability of the study. Practical implications – Good practice and development needs are identified which support the implementation of the Government's skills strategy and address employer concerns about student skills. Originality/value – New empirical data are reported which supports the use of ELT in evaluating programmes of study and student attitudes to work.


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Two ways to improve efficiency of components based on Talbot effect are considered in the present paper. One way is based on optimization of waveguide wall impedance, another one consists in modification of waveguide cross-section shape. Both methods allow correction of waveguide modes spectrum and lead to efficiency enhancement. For the important application of Talbot effect-remote steering antenna of a wavebeam in plasma-the steering band is expanded by 40-50%. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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This essay aims at an overview of W. G. Sebald's lyrical production, a hitherto neglected area of research. The article examines poetry's role in the works of Sebald and focuses in particular on texts published posthumously from his literary estate, as well as on pieces printed in various scattered sources from 1964 up to his death in 2001. The main thematic focus in this cross-section of Sebald's lyrical writings is a motif that likewise typified his fictional works: the topic of travel. In addition my survey of Sebald's poetry is complemented by a study of those texts revolving around the motif of insomnia. Death, a dominant theme in Sebald's lyrical works, as it was in his fiction, concludes my essay. © 2014 John Wiley and Sons Ltd.


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This paper proposes a constrained nonparametric method of estimating an input distance function. A regression function is estimated via kernel methods without functional form assumptions. To guarantee that the estimated input distance function satisfies its properties, monotonicity constraints are imposed on the regression surface via the constraint weighted bootstrapping method borrowed from statistics literature. The first, second, and cross partial analytical derivatives of the estimated input distance function are derived, and thus the elasticities measuring input substitutability can be computed from them. The method is then applied to a cross-section of 3,249 Norwegian timber producers.


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We present the results of experimental and theoretical study of an energy absorption of femtosecond laser pulse in fused silica. Fundamental and second harmonics of ytterbium laser were used in experiment while general case was considered theoretically and numerically. More efficient absorption at the second harmonics is confirmed both experimentally and numerically. Quantitative characterization of the theoretical model is performed by fitting key parameters of the absorption process such as cross-section of multi-photon absorption and effective electronic collision and recombination times.


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This paper explores and rationalises the process of servitization adoption across manufacturing firms. A Delphi research methodology has been applied to capture evidence and opinion from 33 senior executives, in 28 different sized organisations, from a cross section of British industry. The findings focus on five areas: (1) servitization and advanced services, (2) transformation: stimulus, drivers and organisational change, (3) impact on the customer and manufacturer, (4) enablers and inhibitors and (5) potential for business and the economy. Six findings are presented and collectively these contribute to our understanding of the broader change management processes that transform manufacturers to compete through advanced services.


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E tanulmány központi témája a nyugdíjrendszerek implicit hozama. Az együtt élő nemzedékek figyelembevételével felépülő nyugdíjmodellekben kétféle implicit hozamot különböztetünk meg. A hosszmetszeti implicit hozamot valamely adott nemzedékhez tartozó, különböző években esedékes pénzáramlások alapján, a keresztmetszeti implicit hozamot pedig több, különböző nemzedék adott évben jellemző pénzáramlásai alapján számíthatjuk ki. A hosszmetszeti és keresztmetszeti implicit hozamok értékeit és a közük lévő összefüggéseket a tőkefedezeti, a névleges egyéni számlás és a hagyományos felosztó-kirovó nyugdíjrendszerek egyszerű elméleti modelljeiben hasonlítjuk össze. A számításokhoz használt modellkeret fontos eleme a várható élettartam figyelembevétele. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a maximális és a várható élettartam eltérésekor a hosszmetszeti és a keresztmetszeti implicit hozamok közötti összefüggések még egyszerű elméleti modellben is meglehetősen összetettek lehetnek. ____ The focus of this study is on the implicit returns of pension systems. Two types are analysed using an overlapping generations model: the calculation of longitudinal\" return is based on cash flows in different years belonging to a given generation, while cross-section\" implicit return is calculated in a given year with cash flows of multiple generations. Values and relationships of longitudinal and cross-section implicit returns are compared in simple theoretical models of fully funded\", notional defined-contribution\" and traditional pay-as-you-go\" pension systems. An important element of the theoretical model is the inclusion of an assumption about life expectancy. Model results point to the complexity of the relation between longitudinal and cross-section implicit returns, if expected and maximum life expectancy differ. The study maps and introduces these complex relationships.


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A globalizálódó világgazdaságban a vezető bortermelő országok egyre jelentősebb borkereskedelmet bonyolítanak le egymás között. Míg Európában a fogyasztók egyre kevesebb bort vásárolnak, addig Amerikában és Ázsiában a bor iránti kereslet folyamatosan bővül: a borkereskedelem földrajzi átrendeződése zajlik. A kulturális hasonlóság és a földrajzi távolság kereskedelemre gyakorolt hatását gyakran a kereskedelemelméletek gravitációs modelljével elemzik. E tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy a fő borexportáló országok közötti földrajzi távolság, kulturális hasonlóság és szabadkereskedelem milyen hatással van a nemzetközi borkereskedelemre, annak költségeire. A regressziós becslés eredményei alátámasztják, hogy a borkereskedelem költségei alacsonyabbak, ha a kereskedelmi partnerek kulturálisan hasonlók, földrajzilag közel helyezkednek el egymáshoz, vagy van tengeri kikötőjük, tagjai a WTO-nak, illetve ha kötöttek egymással regionális kereskedelmi megállapodást. Ezenkívül megállapítható, hogy az angolszász, a latin-amerikai és az európai kulturális klaszterek elsősorban egymással kereskednek. A kutatás számos kulturális változó alkalmazásával és több ökonometriai modell, illetve becslési eljárás nagymintás tesztelésével gazdagítja a szakirodalmat. ____ In a globalizing world, major wine-producing countries export considerable quantities to the global wine market and turn over a notable trade, but in what happens European wine regions differ markedly from the New World. Here major wine producers suffered a remarkable fall in domestic wine consumption in recent decades, while New World wine producers increased their production potential and generated new foreign demand. The changes have been joined by geographical relocation of wine consumption and exports. The gravity equation can be derived from demand-side or supply-side theory-consistent estimation methods that suggest relationships between the size of the economies, geographical distances, cultural similarities, and size of their trade. The paper analyses the effects of cultural and geographical proximity, free trade, and linguistic similarity on bilateral trade in the main wine-producing countries, using a cross-section gravity model for 2012. The results suggest that larger countries export more wine, while transport costs rise in line with geographical distance and are higher for landlocked trading partners. Wine export costs are lower if trading partners are culturally similar, share a dominant religion, or are both WTO members with regional trade agreements. Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Latin American and Latin European countries mainly trade wines within their groups. The paper looks to extend the number of trading partners, investigate the effect of language clusters, and confirm that the results are robust by different econometric methodologies.