944 resultados para potential nutrient use efficiency
Accumulation of large volumes of dilute slurries is considered one of the major problems related to intensive farming (Sommer et al., 2004). In the EU-27, more than half of the total N excretion is applied to croplands due to technical advantages for farmers (e.g. reuse of nutrients). However, the N use efficiency of slurries produced by livestock is low, i.e. only 20-52% of the excreted N is recovered by crops. Much of the remainder can be lost into the atmosphere as ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O), dinitrogen (N2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
In order to establish rational nitrogen (N) application and reduce groundwater contamination, a clearer understanding of the N distribution through the growing season and its balance is crucial. Excessive doses of N and/or water applied to fertigated crops involve a substantial risk of aquifer contamination by nitrate; but knowledge of N cycling and availability within the soil could assist in avoiding this excess. In central Spain, the main horticultural fertigated crop is the melon type ?piel de sapo¿ and it is cultivated in vulnerable zones to nitrate pollution (Directive 91/676/CEE). However, until few years ago there were not antecedents related to the optimization of nitrogen fertilization together with irrigation. Water and N footprint are indicators that allow assessing the impact generated by different agricultural practices, so they can be used to improve the management strategies in fertigated crop systems. The water footprint distinguishes between blue water (sources of water applied to the crop, like irrigation and precipitation), green water (water used by the crop and stored in the soil), and it is furthermore possible to quantify the impact of pollution by calculating the grey water, which is defined as the volume of polluted water created from the growing and production of crops. On the other hand, the N footprint considers green N (nitrogen consumed by the crops and stored in the soil), blue N (N available for crop, like N applied with mineral and/or organic fertilizers, N applied with irrigation water and N mineralized during the crop period), whereas grey N is the amount of N-NO3- washed from the soil to the aquifer. All these components are expressed as the ratio between the components of water or N footprint and the yield (m3 t-1 or kg N t-1 respectively). The objetives of this work were to evaluate the impact derivated from the use of different fertilizer practices in a melon crop using water and N footprint.
La disponibilidad hídrica es uno de los principales factores que determinan el rendimiento del viñedo en muchas regiones vitícolas, por lo que sus consecuencias han sido ampliamente estudiadas. Sin embargo, para una cantidad de agua de riego determinada, otros aspectos como la frecuencia de aplicación, o la combinación entre el caudal de los goteros y la distancia entre los mismos (es decir, el patrón de distribución de agua en el suelo), pueden jugar un papel relevante, pero estos factores han sido poco estudiados. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido evaluar las implicaciones agronómicas y fisiológicas de dos frecuencias de riego (IrrF, cada 2 y 4 días) y dos patrones de distribución de agua (DisP, goteros de 2 L h-1 separados 0,6 m vs. goteros de 4 L h-1 separados 1,2 m). El experimento se llevó a cabo durante cuatro temporadas consecutivas en un viñedo cv. Syrah con un suelo arcilloso en el centro de España, y los dos factores fueron evaluados bajo dos condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica (Baja: 20% de ETo y Media: 40% de ETo). El efecto de la frecuencia de riego y el patrón de distribución de agua en la respuesta agronómica del cv. Syrah se ha estudiado en el capítulo 1. La frecuencia de riego y el patrón de distribución de agua en el suelo afectaron a algunos aspectos de los componentes de rendimiento y desarrollo vegetativo en las dos condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica, aunque los efectos observados no fueron los mismos todos los años. Los efectos fueron más evidentes para IrrF en condiciones de baja disponibilidad hídrica y para DisP en condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica media. Dos de los cuatro años del experimento, el pasar de frecuencia de riego de 2 días a 4 días causó un incremento medio de rendimiento del 20% para la situación de baja disponibilidad hídrica. La textura del suelo, sin duda ha condicionado los resultados obtenidos en los tratamientos regados con el 20% de la ETo, ya que regar cada dos días implicaba la aplicación de pequeñas cantidades de agua y se formaban bulbos de riego superficiales, probablemente favoreciendo las pérdidas por evaporación. En el capítulo 2, se ha analizado el efecto de la frecuencia de riego y del patrón de distribución de agua en el estado hídrico de la planta y el intercambio gaseoso a nivel de hoja con el fin de explicar las diferencias observadas en la respuesta agronómica. En lo que respecta a la frecuencia de riego, en condiciones de baja disponibilidad hídrica, las plantas regadas cada 4 días (plantas 4d), mostraron mayores tasas de asimilación neta y conductancia estomática que las plantas regadas cada 2 días (plantas 2d), lo que es consistente con la hipótesis de que con la frecuencia de riego de 2 días se produjo una pérdida de eficiencia del uso del agua, probablemente debido a una mayor evaporación como consecuencia del hecho de que el volumen de suelo mojado creado era pequeño y cerca de la superficie. En condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica media, las diferencias en el intercambio gaseoso a nivel de hoja fueron mucho más pequeñas. Al comienzo del verano cada frecuencia de riego se comportó mejor uno de los días de medida, compensando al final del ciclo de riego de 4 días. Sin embargo, a medida que avanzó el verano y el déficit de agua se hizo más alto, las diferencias significativas aparecieron sólo en el 'día 4' del ciclo de riego, cuando las plantas 2d se comportaron mejor que las plantas regadas 4d que llevaban tres días sin regarse. Estas diferencias fisiológicas fueron menores que en condiciones de baja disponibilidad hídrica y al parecer no suficientes para afectar el comportamiento agronómico. En cuanto al patrón de distribución de agua, el efecto fue poco significativo, pero la mayor densidad de goteros tendió a presentar un mayor intercambio gaseoso a nivel de hoja, especialmente a media mañana. El efecto fue más importante para las condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica media. En el capítulo 3, se han comparado las relaciones entre el intercambio gaseoso a nivel de hoja, el estado hídrico y la demanda atmosférica, con el fin de explicar los cambios en la intensidad de la respuesta fisiológica observados en el Capítulo 2. No se han encontrado diferencias en dichas relaciones para el patrón de distribución de agua, por lo que sólo se ha analizado el efecto de la frecuencia de riego. El estudio se ha centrado fundamentalmente en si las plantas mostraron una respuesta fisiológica diferente a los cambios en el estado hídrico y en la demanda atmosférica según el tiempo transcurrido desde el último riego. Las diferencias observadas explican los resultados obtenidos en los capítulos anteriores, y sugieren la existencia de procesos de aclimatación vinculados a la frecuencia de riego y a la disponibilidad hídrica. Las plantas bajo condiciones de baja disponibilidad hídrica se mostraron más aclimatadas al estrés hídrico que aquellas en condiciones de disponibilidad hídrica media. La frecuencia de riego afectó claramente la relación entre los parámetros de intercambio gaseoso a nivel de hoja, el estado hídrico de la planta y las condiciones atmosféricas, y junto con la cantidad de agua aplicada tuvo implicaciones en el desarrollo de mecanismos de aclimatación que afectaron a la respuesta fisiológica de la planta, afectando a la eficiencia del riego. ABSTRACT Water availability is one of the major factors that determine vineyard performance in many grape growing regions, so its implications have been widely studied before. However, for a given irrigation water amount, other aspects such as application frequency, or emitter spacing and flow rate (i.e., distribution pattern), may play a relevant role, but these factors have been scarcely studied. The aim of this work was to evaluate the agronomic and physiological implications of two irrigation frequencies (IrrF, every 2 and 4 days) and two water distribution patterns (DisP, 2 L h−1 emitters every 0.6 m vs. 4 L h−1 emitters every 1.2 m). The experiment was carried out during four consecutive seasons in a cv. Syrah vineyard with a clay soil in central Spain, and the two factors were evaluated under two water availability conditions (LOW WA: 20% of ETo and MEDIUM WA: 40% of ETo). The effect of irrigation frequency and water distribution pattern on the agronomical response of cv. Syrah was studied in Chapter 1. IrrF and DisP affected some aspects of vegetative development and yield components under both water availability conditions, although the effects observed were not the same every year. The effects were more evident for IrrF under low water availability and for DisP under medium water availability. Two out of the four years of the experiment, the change of irrigation frequency from 2 days to 4 days promoted an average yield increase of 20% for the LOW WA situation. Soil texture certainly conditioned the results obtained under LOW WA conditions, since high frequency irrigation implied applying small amounts of water that resulted in limited superficial water bulbs, which probably favored water evaporation. In Chapter 2, the effect of irrigation frequency and water distribution pattern on plant water status and leaf gas exchange was analyzed to explain the differences observed in the agronomical response. Concerning irrigation frequency, under LOW WA conditions, applying irrigation every 4 days, resulted in higher net assimilation rates and stomatal conductance than doing it every 2 days, supporting the hypothesis that the latter frequency resulted in a water use efficiency loss, probably due to higher evaporation as a consequence of the fact the wetted soil volume created was small and close to the surface. Under MEDIUM WA conditions, differences in leaf gas exchange were much smaller. At the beginning of the summer each irrigation frequency behaved better one of the measurements days, compensating at the end of the 4-day irrigation cycle. However, as the summer progressed and water deficit became higher, significant differences appeared only on ‘day 4’ of the irrigation cycle, when 2d plants behaved better than 4d plants. These physiological differences were smaller than under LOW WA conditions and apparently not sufficient to affect agronomical performance. Regarding water distribution pattern, the effect was less significant but the closest emitter spacing resulted in general terms in a higher leaf gas exchange, especially at midmorning. The effect was more noticeable for MEDIUM WA conditions. In Chapter 3, the relationships between leaf gas exchange and leaf water status and atmospheric demand were compared to explain the changes in the intensity of the physiological response observed in Chapter 2. No differences were found in the relationships for water distribution pattern, so only the effect of irrigation frequency was analyzed focusing on whether the plants have a different physiological response to changes in water status and atmospheric demand according to the time elapsed since the last irrigation. Differences observed in the relationships explained the results obtained in the previous chapters, and point at the occurrence of acclimation processes linked to irrigation frequency and to water availability. Plants under LOW WATER AVAILABILITY conditions seemed to be more acclimated to water stress than those under MEDIUM WATER AVAILABILITY conditions. Irrigation frequency clearly affected the relationship between leaf gas exchange parameters, plant water status and atmospheric conditions, and together with the amount of water applied had implications in the development of acclimation mechanisms that affected plant physiological response, thus affecting irrigation efficiency.
El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación fue evaluar el efecto de la aplicación de lodos residuales procedentes de una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales acondicionados como biosólido para el abonado de tres cultivos agrícolas. Esto se realizó a través del estudio de las variables de producción (desarrollo vegetal de cada cultivo) y de la comparación de las características de los suelos utilizados antes y después de los ensayos experimentales. A través de la investigación se confirmó la mejora en la calidad del suelo y mejor rendimiento de cultivo debido a los biosólidos procedentes de tratamiento de aguas residuales. Este trabajo de investigación de tipo descriptivo y experimental, utilizó lodos optimizados que fueron aplicados a tres cultivos agrícolas de ciclo corto. Fueron evaluados dos cultivos (sandía y tomate) bajo riego y un cultivo (arroz) en secano. En la primera fase del trabajo se realizó la caracterización de los lodos, para ellos se realizaron pruebas físico químicas y microbiológicas. Fue utilizado el método de determinación de metales por espectrometría de emisión atómica de plasma acoplado inductivamente, (ICP-AES) para conocer las concentraciones de metales. La caracterización microbiológica para coliformes totales y fecales se realizó utilizando la técnica del Número más probable (NMP), y para la identificación de organismos patógenos se utilizó el método microbiológico propuesto por Kornacki & Johnson (2001), que se fundamenta en dos procesos: pruebas presuntivas y prueba confirmativa. Tanto los resultados para la determinación de metales y elementos potencialmente tóxicos; como las pruebas para la determinación de microorganismos potencialmente peligrosos, estuvieron por debajo de los límites considerados peligrosos establecidos por la normativa vigente en Panama (Reglamento Técnico COPANIT 47-2000). Una vez establecido la caracterización de los lodos, se evalúo el potencial de nutrientes (macro y micro) presentes en los biosólidos para su potencial de uso como abono en cultivos agrícolas. El secado de lodos fue realizado a través de una era de secado, donde los lodos fueron deshidratados hasta alcanzar una textura pastosa. “La pasta de lodo” fue transportada al área de los ensayos de campo para continuar el proceso de secado y molida. Tres ensayos experimentales fueron diseñados al azar con cinco tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones para cada uno de los tres cultivos: sandía, tomate, arroz, en parcelas de 10m2 (sandía y tomate) y 20 m2 (arroz) para cada tratamiento. Tres diferentes dosis de biosólidos fueron evaluadas y comparadas con un tratamiento de fertilizante comercial y un tratamiento control. La dosis de fertilizante comercial utilizada en cada cultivo fue la recomendada por el Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria de Panamá. Los ensayos consideraron la caracterización inicial del suelo, la preparación del suelo, semilla, y arreglo topográfico de los cultivos siguiendo las recomendaciones agronómicas de manejo de cultivo establecida por el Instituto de Investigación Agropecuaria. Para los ensayos de sandía y tomate se instaló el sistema de riego por goteo. Se determinaron los ácidos húmicos presentes en los cultivos, y se estudiaron las variables de desarrollo de cada cultivo (fructificación, cosecha, peso de la cosecha, dimensiones de tamaño y color de las frutas, rendimiento, y la relación costo – rendimiento). También se estudiaron las variaciones de los macro y micro nutrientes y las variaciones de pH, textura de suelo y MO disponible al inicio y al final de cada uno de los ensayos de campo. Todas las variables y covariables fueron analizadas utilizando el programa estadístico INFOSAT (software para análisis estadístico de aplicación general) mediante el análisis de varianza, el método de comparaciones múltiples propuesto por Fisher (LSD Fisher) para comparar las medias de los cultivares y el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson que nos permite analizar si existe una asociación lineal entre dos variables. En la evaluación de los aportes del biosólido a los cultivos se observó que los macronutrientes N y P se encontraban de los límites requeridos en cada uno de los cultivos, pero que los niveles de K estuvieron por debajo de los requerimientos de los cultivos. A nivel de la fertilización tradicional con fertilizante químico se observó que la dosis recomendada para cada uno de los cultivos del estudio estaba sobreestimada en los tres principales macronutrientes: Nitrógeno, Fosforo y Potasio. Contenían concentraciones superiores de N, P y K a las requeridas teóricamente por el cultivo. El nutriente que se aporta en exceso es el Fósforo. Encontramos que para el cultivo de sandía era 18 veces mayor a lo requerido por el cultivo, en tomate fue 12 veces mayor y en el cultivo de arroz, 34 veces mayor. El fertilizante comercial tuvo una influencia en el peso final y rendimiento final en cada uno de los cultivos del estudio. A diferencia, los biosólidos tuvieron una influencia directa en el desarrollo de los cultivos (germinación, coloración, tamaño, longitud, diámetro, floración y resistencia a enfermedades). Para el caso de la sandía la dosis de biosólido más cercana al óptimo para el cultivo es la mayor dosis aplicada en este ensayo (97.2 gramos de biosólido por planta). En el caso de tomate, el fertilizante comercial obtuvo los mejores valores, pero las diferencias son mínimas con relación al tratamiento T1, de menor dosis de biosólido (16.2 gramos de biosólido por planta). Los resultados generales del ensayo de tomate estuvieron por debajo del rendimiento esperado para el cultivo. Los tratamientos de aplicación de biosólidos aportaron al desarrollo del cultivo en las variables tamaño, color y resistencia a las enfermedades dentro del cultivo de tomate. Al igual que el tomate, en el caso del arroz, el tratamiento comercial obtuvo los mejores resultados. Los resultados finales de peso y rendimiento del cultivo indican que el tratamiento (T2), menor dosis de biosólido (32.4 gramos por parcela), no tuvo diferencias significativas con los resultados obtenidos en las parcelas con aplicación de fertilizante comercial (T1). El tratamiento T4 (mayor dosis de biosólido) obtuvo los mejores valores para las variables germinación, ahijamiento y espigamiento del cultivo, pero al momento de la maduración obtuvo los menores resultados. Los biosólidos aportan nutrientes a los cultivos y al final del ensayo se observó que permanecen disponibles en el suelo, aportando a la mejora del suelo final. En los tres ensayos, se pudo comprobar que los aportes de los biosólidos en el desarrollo vegetativo de los cultivos. También se encontró en todos los ensayos que no hubo diferencias significativas (p > 0.05) entre los tratamientos de biosólidos y fertilizante comercial. Para obtener mejores resultados en estos tres ensayos se requeriría que a la composición de biosólidos (utilizada en este ensayo) se le adicione Potasio, Calcio y Magnesio en las cantidades requeridas por cada uno de los cultivos. ABSTRACT The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of residual sewage sludge obtained from the residual water of a treatment plant conditioned as Biosolid used on three reliable agricultural crops. The effect of the added sewage sludge was evaluated through the measurement of production variables such as crop plant development and the comparison of the soil characteristics used before and after the experimental tests. This investigation confirmed that biosolids from wastewater treatment can contribute to the growth of these crops. In this experimental approach, optimized sludge was applied to three short-cycle crops including two low-risk crops (watermelon and tomato) and one high-risk crop (rice) all grown on dry land. In the first phase of work, the characteristics of the sludge were assessed using chemical, physical and microbiological tests. The concentrations of metals were determined by atomic emission spectrometry inductively coupled plasma, (ICP-AES). Microbiological characterization was performed measuring total coliform and fecal count using the most probable number technique (NMP) and microbiological pathogens were identified using Kornacki & Johnson (2001) method based on two processes: presumptive and confirmatory tests. Both the results for the determination of metals and potentially toxic elements, as testing for the determination of potentially dangerous microorganisms were below the limits established by the applicable standard in Panama (Technical Regulate COPANIT 47-2000). After the metal and bacterial characterization of the sludge, the presence of macro or micronutrients in biosolids was measured to evaluate its potential for use as fertilizer in the growth of agricultural crops. The sludge was dehydrated via a drying process into a muddy slurry. The pulp slurry was transported to the field trial area to continue the process of drying and grinding. Three randomized experimental trials were designed to test with five treatment regimens and four replications for each of the crops: watermelon, tomato, rice. The five treatment regimens evaluated were three different doses of bio solid with commercial fertilizer treatment control and no fertilizer treatment control. Treatment areas for the watermelon and tomato were 10m2 plots land and for rice was 20m2. The amount of commercial fertilizer used to treat each crop was based on the amount recommended by Agricultural Research Institute of Panama. The experimental trials considered initial characterization of soil, soil preparation, seed, and crop topographical arrangement following agronomic crop management recommendations. For the tests evaluating the growth of watermelons and tomatoes and drip irrigation system was installed. The amount of humic acids present in the culture were determined and developmental variable of each crop were studied (fruiting crop harvest weight, size dimensions and color of the fruit, performance and cost effectiveness). Changes in macro and micronutrients and changes in pH, soil texture and OM available were measured at the beginning and end of each field trial. All variables and covariates were analyzed using INFOSAT statistical program (software for statistical analysis of general application) by analysis of variance, multiple comparisons method as proposed by Fisher (LSD Fisher) to compare the means of cultivars and the Pearson ratio that allows us to analyze if there is a linear association between two variables. In evaluating the contribution of biosolids to agricultural crops, the study determined that the macronutrients N & P were within the requirements of crops, but K levels were below the requirements of crops. In terms of traditional chemical fertilizer fertilization, we observed that the recommended dose for each study crop was overestimated for the three major nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Higher concentrations containing N, P and K to the theoretically required by the crop. The recommended dose of commercial fertilizer for crops study contained greater amounts of phosphorus, crops that need. The level of phosphorous was found to be18 times greater than was required for the cultivation of watermelon; 12 times higher than required for tomato, and 34 times higher than required for rice cultivation. Phosphorus inputs of commercial fertilizer were a primary influence on the weight and performance of each crop. Unlike biosolids had a direct influence on crop development (germination, color, size, length, diameter, flowering and disease resistance). In the case of growth of watermelons, the Biosolid dose closest to the optimum for cultivation was applied the highest dose in this assay (97.2 grams of bio solids per plant). In the case of tomatoes, commercial fertilizer had the best values but the differences were minimal when compared to treatment T1, the lower dose of sewage sludge (Biosolid 16.2 grams per plant). The overall results for the tomato crop yield of the trial were lower than expected. Additionally, the application of biosolids treatment contributed to the development of fruit of variable size, color and disease resistance in the tomato crops. Similar to the tomato crop, commercial fertilizer treatment provided the best results for the rice crop. The final results of weight and crop yield for rice indicated that treatment with T2 amount of biosolids (34.2 grams per plot) was not significantly different from the result obtained in the application plot given commercial fertilizer (T1). The T4 (higher dose of bio solid) treatment had the best values for the germination, tillering and bolting variables of the rice crop but for fruit ripening yielded lower results. In all three trials, biosolids demonstrated the ability to contribute in the vegetative growth of crops. It was also found in all test no significant differences (p>0.05) between treatment of bio solid and commercial fertilizer. Biosolids provided nutrients to the crops and even at the end of the trial remained available in the ground soil, contributing to the improvement of the final ground. The best results from these three trials is that the use of bio solids such as those used in this assay would require the addition of potassium, calcium and magnesium in quantities required for each crop.
We have synthesized 13 hammerhead ribozyme variants, each containing an abasic residue at a specific position of the catalytic core. The activity of each of the variants is significantly reduced. In four cases, however, activity can be rescued by exogenous addition of the missing base. For one variant, the rescue is 300-fold; for another, the rescue is to the wild-type level. This latter abasic variant (G10.1X) has been characterized in detail. Activation is specific for guanine, the base initially removed. In addition, the specificity for guanine versus adenine is substantially altered by replacing C with U in the opposite strand of the ribozyme. These results show that a binding site for a small, noncharged ligand can be created in a preexisting ribozyme structure. This has implications for structure-function analysis of RNA, and leads to speculations about evolution in an "RNA world" and about the potential therapeutic use of ribozymes.
Diseases characterized by retinal neovascularization are among the principal causes of visual loss worldwide. The hypoxia-stimulated expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) has been implicated in the proliferation of new blood vessels. We have investigated the use of antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides against murine VEGF to inhibit retinal neovascularization and VEGF synthesis in a murine model of proliferative retinopathy. Intravitreal injections of two different antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides prior to the onset of proliferative retinopathy reduced new blood vessel growth a mean of 25 and 31% compared with controls. This inhibition was dependent on the concentration of antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides and resulted in a 40-66% reduction in the level of VEGF protein, as determined by Western blot analysis. Control (sense, nonspecific) phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides did not cause a significant reduction in retinal neovascularization or VEGF protein levels. These data further establish a fundamental role for VEGF expression in ischemia-induced proliferative retinopathies and a potential therapeutic use for antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides.
O milho de segunda safra, também conhecido como milho safrinha, é definido como aquele semeado entre os meses de janeiro e março. Esta modalidade de cultivo atingiu no ano agrícola de 2013/2014 uma área plantada de 9,18 milhões de hectares, superior a área cultivada com milho primeira safra, que no mesmo período foi de 6,61 milhões de hectares. Na segunda safra, há alto risco de instabilidades climáticas, principalmente em decorrência de baixas temperaturas, geadas, má distribuição de chuvas e redução do fotoperíodo. Todos estes fatores prejudicam a atividade fotossintética do milho, reduzindo sua produtividade. No entanto, dada a importância deste cultivo, empresas públicas, privadas e universidades vêm buscando incrementar a produtividade e a estabilidade. Para isso, alguns caracteres são especialmente preconizados. Devido ao alto risco de perda por adversidades ambientais, muitos produtores investem pouco em adubação, principalmente adubação nitrogenada. Neste contexto, o desenvolvimento de plantas mais eficientes no uso e, ou, tolerantes ao estresse por nitrogênio, resultaria em maior segurança para o produtor. Não obstante, a precocidade tem elevada importância, já que materiais precoces reduzem o risco de perdas neste período. No entanto, a mesma deve estar sempre associada a alta produtividade. Assim, para a seleção simultânea destes caracteres, pode-se lançar mão de índices per se de resposta das plantas ao estresse, análises gráficas e, ou, índices de seleção simultânea. Adicionalmente, os valores genotípicos das linhagens para essas características, além de serem preditos via REML/BLUP single-trait (análise univariada), também podem ser preditos via REML/BLUP multi-trait (análise multivariada). Dessa forma, os valores genotípicos são corrigidos pela covariância existente entre os caracteres. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de seleção simultânea para eficiência no uso e tolerância ao estresse por nitrogênio, além de plantas precoces e produtivas. Para isto, linhagens de milho tropical foram cultivadas e avaliadas para estes caracteres. Foram então simulados diversos cenários de seleção simultânea. A partir destes resultados, observou-se que o índice per se de resposta das plantas ao estresse Média Harmônica da Performance Relativa (MHPR) foi o mais eficiente na seleção de plantas eficientes no uso e tolerantes ao estresse por nitrogênio. Isto ocorreu devido a forte correlação desfavorável entre os índices que estimam a eficiência e a tolerância, além da superioridade e em acurácia, herdabilidade e ganhos com a seleção deste índice per se. Já para a seleção simultânea da produtividade e precocidade, o índice Aditivo de seleção simultânea, utilizando os valores genotípicos preditos via REML/BLUP single-trait se mostrou o mais eficiente, já que obteve ganhos satisfatórios em todos os caracteres e há a possibilidade de modular, de forma mais satisfatória, os ganhos em cada caractere. Conclui-se que a seleção simultânea tanto para eficiência no uso e tolerância ao estresse por nitrogênio, quanto para produtividade e precocidade são possíveis. Além disso, a escolha do melhor método de seleção simultânea depende da magnitude e do sentido da correlação entre os caracteres.
A concentração demográfica e de sistemas coletivos de esgotamento sanitário dentro do perímetro urbano da maioria dos municípios brasileiros, dificulta a viabilização do fornecimento de serviços de tratamento de esgotos domésticos à habitações e núcleos habitacionais isolados situados em áreas periurbanas e rurais, intensificando os danos provocados pela poluição de origem antrópica ao meio ambiente e à preservação da saúde pública. Para contribuir no equacionamento deste problema, o presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar uma wetland construída híbrida em escala real, composta por uma unidade com fluxo contínuo subsuperficial vertical seguida por uma unidade de fluxo contínuo subsuperficial horizontal, cultivadas com capim Vetiver, para o tratamento de efluente proveniente de tanque séptico. A presente configuração experimental busca uma solução de baixo custo e simplificada para o tratamento descentralizado de esgotos domésticos. A estação experimental de tratamento de esgotos, parte integrante e um dos produtos da Rede Nacional de Tratamento de Esgotos Descentralizados RENTED, foi construída no Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica CTH / Escola Politécnica EPUSP, campus Butantã da USP, em São Paulo. O esgoto bruto foi proveniente do Conjunto Residencial da USP e do restaurante central da Cidade Universitária. As vazões média e máxima de esgoto bruto, respectivamente, de 640L.d-1 e 1600L.d-1, foram aplicadas à entrada do TS de 5.000L e deste escoaram por gravidade à entrada da wetland construída híbrida, com TDH total de 2,8d e 1,1d, respectivamente, sob aplicação das vazões média e máxima de projeto. O monitoramento do experimento em campo, incluindo o período inicial de partida, durou 6 meses consecutivos. Foram avaliados os parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos do esgoto bruto e do efluente do tanque séptico e das câmaras da wetland construída híbrida durante 97 dias consecutivos. Os resultados indicaram que tanto as mudas jovens quanto as adultas de capim Vetiver adaptaram-se bem às condições ambientais. As eficiências médias de remoção no efluente tratado final quanto à matéria orgânica carbonácea foram de 96 por cento para DBO5,20 e 90 por cento para DQO, 40 por cento para N-total, 23 por cento para N-amoniacal total, 60 por cento para P-total, 52 por cento para P-PO4, 74 por cento para SST, 96 por cento para SSV, 75 por cento para sólidos sedimentáveis, 44 por cento para SDV, 88 por cento para sulfeto total, e 97 por cento para óleos e graxas totais, variando entre 73 por cento a 100 por cento . Cerca de 80 por cento da fração orgânica da matéria nitrogenada presente no esgoto bruto foi removida. A remoção de coliformes termotolerantes foi, em média, de 2 e 3 unidades log, e de Escherichia Coli, média de 1 e 3 unidades log, respectivamente, sob aplicação das vazões máxima e média, Giardia sp, média de 99,995 por cento , Cryptosporidium sp, média de 98,7 por cento , Enterovírus, média de 99,6 por cento , e Ascaris sp, média de 0,10 ovo/L. A remoção de sulfetos propiciou a geração de efluente tratado sem odores desagradáveis. A diminuição da vazão aplicada e a elevação do TDH influenciaram positivamente no desempenho do sistema com relação às remoções dos parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos. Com base no presente estudo, ficou evidente o benefício da associação de wetlands construídas com fluxo vertical e horizontal no tratamento de efluente de tanque séptico. O capim Vetiver apresentou bom potencial de utilização em wetlands 8 construídas para tratamento de esgotos domésticos. O sistema experimental de tratamento apresentou flexibilidade operacional, mantendo bom desempenho inclusive nos períodos de sobrecarga. A qualidade do efluente tratado final obtido no presente estudo atende às exigências de lançamento e aos padrões de emissão de efluentes líquidos em corpos dágua e em sistemas públicos de esgotamento sanitário definidos na legislação ambiental federal e do Estado de São Paulo. A tecnologia de wetlands construídas híbridas associada ao tratamento de efluentes de tanque séptico apresentou bom potencial para o tratamento descentralizado de esgotos domésticos, inclusive em regiões com pouca disponibilidade de área livre.
O trabalho aqui apresentado é resultado de uma pesquisa onde se procurou caracterizar os solos da Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza (RMF). Inicialmente, o objetivo deixou de ser principal devido às limitações desse método quando aplicado aos solos da RMF. O objetivo principal do trabalho passou a ser estudar mais detalhadamente os solos que ocorrem na Região Metropolitana de Fortaleza à luz de métodos convencionais e não convencionais, para aplicação na engenharia rodoviária. Para tanto, foram estudados sessenta solos pertencentes às classes pedológicas que ocorrem na RMF. Esses solos foram submetidos a um programa experimental que envolveu a execução de ensaios \"convencionais\" e \"não convencionais\". A partir dos resultados experimentais foram estabelecidas correlações entre os valores de algumas propriedades de interesse à pavimentação realizadas em cilindro convencional e miniatura. Tentou-se determinar o valor de CBR de um solo, dispondo das cargas calculadas no ensaio mini-CBR, mas essa tarefa não logrou êxito. As amostras foram classificadas pelas classificações HBR e MCT para verificação da qualidade da previsão das propriedades dos solos obtidas por esses métodos e aqueles resultantes da execução dos ensaios de laboratório. Foi proposto, a partir da execução de ensaio de adsorção de azul de metileno, a inclusão no ábaco de três zonas para se caracterizar o comportamento dos solos da RMF. Os resultados experimentais permitiram, também, concluir que pode-se identificar os materiais com potencial de uso na pavimentação de sua classe pedológica.
Plants produce a number of substances and products and primary and secondary metabolites (SM) are amongst them with many benefits but limitation as well. Usually, the fodder are not considered toxic to animals or as a source having higher SM. The Brachiaria decumbens has a considerable nutritional value, but it is considered as a toxic grass for causing photosensitization in animals, if the grass is not harvested for more than 30 days or solely. The absence of detailed information in the literature about SM in Brachiaria, metabolites production and its chemical profile enable us to focus not only on the nutritive value but to get answers in all aspects and especially on toxicity. The study was conducted in the period of december 2013 to december 2014; in greenhouse FZEA-USP. B. decumbens was used with two cutting heights (10 and 20 cm) and nitrogen doses (0, 150, 300 and 450 kg ha-1) in complete randomized block design. The bromatological analysis were carried out on near infrared spectroscopy. Generally, the application of 150 kg ha-1 N was sufficient to promote the nutritional value in B. decumbens but above it the nitrogen use efficiency decline significantly. The highest dry matter yield (99.97 g/pot) was observed in autumn and the lowest was in winter (30.20 g/pot). While, as per nitrogen dose the average highest dry matter yield was at 150 kg ha-1 (79.98 g/pot). The highest crude protein was observed in winter (11.88%) and the lowest in autumn (7.78%). By the cutting heights; the 10 cm proved to have high CP (9.51%). In respect of fibrous contents, the highest acid detergent fiber was noted in summer (36.37%) and lowest in winter (30.88%). While the neutral detergent fiber was being highest in autumn and lowest in spring (79.60%). The highest in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibilities were noted at 300 kg ha-1 N; being 68.06 and 60.57%; respectively; with the lowest observed in without N treatments (62.63% and 57.97), respectively. For determination of the classes, types and concentration of SM in B. decumbens, phytochemical tests, thin layer and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis were carried out. Height, nitrogen and seasons significantly (P <0.0001) affected the secondary metabolic profile. A new protodioscin isomer (protoneodioscin (25S-)) was identified for first time in B. decumbens and is supposed to be the probable toxicity reason. Its structure was verified by 1D and 2D NMR techniques (1H, 13C) and 1D (COSY-45, edited HSQC, HMBC, H2BC, HSQC -TOCSY, NOESY and 1 H, 1 H, J). All factors influence the metabolic profile significantly (P <0.0001). The lowest phenols were at 300 kg ha-1 while the lowest flavones were at 0 kg ha-1. Season wise the highest phenols occurred in autumn (19.65 mg/g d.wt.) and highest flavones (28.87 mg/g d.wt.) in spring. Seasons effect the saponin production significantly (P <0.0001) and the results showed significant differences in the protodioscin (17.63±4.3 - 22.57±2.2 mg/g d.wt.) and protoneodioscin (23.3±1.2 - 31.07±2.9 mg/g d.wt.) concentrations. The highest protodioscin isomers concentrations were observed in winter and spring and by N doses the highest were noted in 300 kg ha-1. Simply, all factors significantly played their role in varying concentrations of secondary metabolites.
We have used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as a novel method to investigate the causes of colour changes in a reddish limestone under irradiation by a Q-switched Nd:YAG 1064 nm laser. We irradiated clean dry and wet surfaces of Pidramuelle Roja, a building stone frequently used in the Asturian heritage, at fluences ranging from 0.12 to 1.47 J cm−2. We measured the colour coordinates and undertook XPS analysis of the state of oxidation of iron both before and after irradiation. Visible colour changes and potential aesthetic damage occurred on dry surfaces from a fluence of 0.31 J cm−2, with the stone showing a greening effect and very intense darkening. The colour change on dry surfaces was considerably higher than on wet surfaces, which at the highest fluence (1.47 J cm−2) was also above the human visual detection threshold. The use of XPS demonstrated that the change in colour (chroma and hue) is associated with a reduction in the iron oxidation state on dry surfaces during laser irradiation. This points out to a potential routinary use of XPS to analyse causes of colour changes during laser cleaning in other types of coloured building stones.
Tese de doutoramento, Engenharia Biomédica e Biofísica, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
The Arctic Ocean System is a key player regarding the climatic changes of Earth. Its highly sensitive ice Cover, the exchange of surface and deep water masses with the global ocean and the coupling with the atmosphere interact directly with global climatic changes. The output of cold, polar water and sea ice influences the production of deep water in the North Atlantic and controls the global ocean circulation ("the conveyor belt"). The Arctic Ocean is surrounded by the large Northern Hemisphere ice sheets which not only affect the sedimentation in the Arctic Ocean but also are supposed to induce the Course of glacials and interglacials. Terrigenous sediment delivered from the ice sheets by icebergs and meltwater as well as through sea ice are major components of Arctic Ocean sediments. Hence, the terrigenous content of Arctic Ocean sediments is an outstanding archive to investigate changes in the paleoenvironment. Glazigenic sediments of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and surface samples of the Arctic Ocean and the Siberian shelf regions were investigated by means of x-ray diffraction of the bulk fraction. The source regions of distinct mineral compositions were to be deciphered. Regarding the complex circumpolar geology stable christalline shield rocks, active and ancient fold belts including magmatic and metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks and wide periglacial lowlands with permafrost provide a complete range of possible mineral combinations. Non- glaciated shelf regions mix the local input from a possible point source of a particular mineral combination with the whole shelf material and function as a sampler of the entire region draining to the shelf. To take this into account, a literature research was performed. Descriptions of outcropping lithologies and Arctic Ocean sediments were scanned for their mineral association. The analyses of glazigenic and shelf sediments yielded a close relationship between their mineral composition and the adjacent source region. The most striking difference between the circumpolar source regions is the extensive outcrop of carbonate rocks in the vicinity of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and in N Greenland while siliciclastic sediments dominate the Siberian shelves. In the Siberian shelf region the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea form a destinct region defined by high smectite, (clino-) pyroxene and plagioclase input. The source of this signal are the extensive outcrops of the Siberian trap basalt in the Putorana Plateau which is drained by the tributaries of the Yenissei and Khatanga. The eastern Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea can also be treated as one source region containing a feldspar, quartz, illite, mica, and chlorite asscciation combined with the trace minerals hornblende and epidote. Franz Josef Land provides a mineral composition rich in quartz and kaolinite. The diverse rock suite of the Svalbard archipelago distributes specific mineral compositions of highly metamorphic christalline rocks, dolomite-rich carbonate rocks and sedimentary rocks with a higher diagenetic potential manifested in stable newly built diagenetic minerals and high organic maturity. To reconstruct the last 30,000 years as an example of the transition between glacial and interglacial conditions a profile of sediment cores, recovered during the RV Polarstern" expedition ARK-VIIIl3 (ARCTIC '91), and additional sediment cores around Svalbard were investigated. Besides the mineralogy of different grain size fractions several additional sedimentological and organo-geochemical Parameterswere used. A detailed stratigraphic framework was achieved. By exploiting this data set changes in the mineral composition of the Eurasian Basin sediments can be related to climatic changes. Certain mineral compositions can even be associated with particular transport processes, e.g. the smectitel pyroxene association with sea ice transport from the eastern Kara Sea and the western Laptev Sea. Hence, it is possible to decipher the complex interplay between the influx of warm Atlantic waters into the Southwest of the Eurasian Basin, the waxing and waning of the Svalbard1Barents- Sea- and Kara-Sea-Ice-Sheets, the flooding of the Siberian shelf regions and the surface and deep water circulation. Until now the Arctic Ocean was assumed to be a rather stable System during the last 30,000 years which only switched from a completely ice covered situation during the glacial to seasonally Open waters during the interglacial. But this work using mineral assemblages of sediment cores in the vicinity of Svalbard revealed fast changes in the inflow of warm Atlantic water with the Westspitsbergen Current (< 1000 years), short periods of advances and retreats of the marine based Eurasian ice sheets (1000-3000 years), and short melting phases (400 years?). Deglaciation of the marine-based Eurasian and the land-based north American and Greenland ice sheets are not simultaneous. This thesis postulates that the Kara Sea Ice Sheet released an early meltwater signal prior to 15,000 14C years leading the Barents Sea Ice Sheet while the western land-based ice sheets are following later than 13,500 14C years. The northern Eurasian Basin records the shift between iceberg and sea-ice material derived from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and N-Greenland and material transported by sea-ice and surface currents from the Siberian shelf region. The phasing of the deglaciation becomes very obvious using the dolomite and quartd phyllosilicate record. It is also supposed that the flooding of the Laptev Sea during the Holocene is manifested in a stepwise increase of sediment input at the Lomonosov Ridge between the Eurasian and Amerasian Basin. Depending on the strength of meltwater pulses from the adjacent ice sheets the Transpolar Drift can probably be relocated. These movements are traceable by the distribution of indicator minerals. Based on the outcome of this work the feasibility of bulk mineral determination can be qualified as excellent tool for paleoenvironmental reconstructions in the Arctic Ocean. The easy preparation and objective determination of bulk mineralogy provided by the QUAX software bears the potential to use this analyses as basic measuring method preceding more time consuming and highly specialised mineralogical investigations (e.g. clay mineralogy, heavy mineral determination).
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
A simulation model of cereal-legume intercropping systems for semi-arid regions I. Model development
Cereal-legume intercropping plays an important role in subsistence food production in developing countries, especially in situations of limited water resources. Crop simulation can be used to assess risk for intercrop productivity over time and space. In this study, a simple model for intercropping was developed for cereal and legume growth and yield, under semi-arid conditions. The model is based on radiation interception and use, and incorporates a water stress factor. Total dry matter and yield are functions of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), the fraction of radiation intercepted and radiation use efficiency (RUE). One of two PAR sub-models was used to estimate PAR from solar radiation; either PAR is 50% of solar radiation or the ratio of PAR to solar radiation (PAR/SR) is a function of the clearness index (K-T). The fraction of radiation intercepted was calculated either based on Beer's Law with crop extinction coefficients (K) from field experiments or from previous reports. RUE was calculated as a function of available soil water to a depth of 900 mm (ASW). Either the soil water balance method or the decay curve approach was used to determine ASW. Thus, two alternatives for each of three factors, i.e., PAR/SR, K and ASW, were considered, giving eight possible models (2 methods x 3 factors). The model calibration and validation were carried out with maize-bean intercropping systems using data collected in a semi-arid region (Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa) during seven growing seasons (1996/1997-2002/2003). The combination of PAR estimated from the clearness index, a crop extinction coefficient from the field experiment and the decay curve model gave the most reasonable and acceptable result. The intercrop model developed in this study is simple, so this modelling approach can be employed to develop other cereal-legume intercrop models for semi-arid regions. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.