745 resultados para patron privacy
Estudiar la parálisis cerebral como cuadro clínico complejo. Mientras no se pongan al alcance de la sociedad todos los medios disponibles que ayuden a prevenir la parálisis cerebral, se seguirá con esa actitud que permite olvidarse del problema hasta que no nos es muy cercano. En este sentido creemos fundamental, una información generalizada y en especial a las futuras madres, sobre los conocimientos aún escasos, de la etiología de este síndrome. En el tratamiento si se desea actuar con criterio médico-recuperativo, resulta importante detectar el patron patológico del sujeto pues tiene que quedar claro que una cosa es pretender del individuo patológico, y otra cosa muy distinta es buscar lo que cada caso particular puede llegar a dar, respetando sus propios patrones de desarrollo y tratando de llevar a la práctica, de la mejor manera posible, esas posibilidades. Cada uno de nosotros debemos luchar para conseguir una aceptación social del paralítico cerebral como miembro activo y creativo de la sociedad, intentando superar el sello con el cual han sido señalados durante años, olvidando esa idea de seres incapacitados física y mentalmente, hecho que les ha llevado a una gran marginación y al aislamiento, cerrandose de una manera defensiva, lo cual no ayuda en absoluto a obtener una vida equilibrada y feliz.
La tesi és una investigació histórica que presenta el fet musical a la ciutat de Girona, i inclou una paronòmica general de la història musical de les principals poblacions de les seves comarques: Olot, Figueres, Banyoles. ripoll, La Bisbal d'Empordà, Sant Feliu de Guíxols, etc. Està organitzada metodològicament en un marc cronològic i una metodologia positivista, intentant reflexar la verdadera història de la música a la ciutat de Girona amb tots i cadascun dels seus personatges i les seves institucions. La recerca s'emmarca al voltant de les corrents artístiques i polítiques de cada moment: Modernisme, Noucentisme, República, Guerra Civil, Franquisme i Democràcia. De cadascuna d'ella s'ha investigat sobre les orquestres, les cobles i les sardanes, els grups de música de cambra, la música en els cafès, la música en la intimitat de les cases particulars, el desenvolupament laboral de la professió musical a travès de la història del Sindicat i la Mútua de Músics, les sales de ball, els cinemes amb música en directe, els crítics musicals, etc. La recerca porta a la conclusió final de què l'època de millor esplendor, de més qualitat i també quantitat de música a la ciutat i comarques, i que ha viscut un millor ambient musical en tota la història, és el període que va des de principis del segle XX fins a l'esclat de la Guerra Civil (1900-1936)
La comunitat científica que treballa en Intel·ligència Artificial (IA) ha dut a terme una gran quantitat de treball en com la IA pot ajudar a les persones a trobar el que volen dins d'Internet. La idea dels sistemes recomanadors ha estat extensament acceptada pels usuaris. La tasca principal d'un sistema recomanador és localitzar ítems, fonts d'informació i persones relacionades amb els interessos i preferències d'una persona o d'un grup de persones. Això comporta la construcció de models d'usuari i l'habilitat d'anticipar i predir les preferències de l'usuari. Aquesta tesi està focalitzada en l'estudi de tècniques d'IA que millorin el rendiment dels sistemes recomanadors. Inicialment, s'ha dut a terme un anàlisis detallat de l'actual estat de l'art en aquest camp. Aquest treball ha estat organitzat en forma de taxonomia on els sistemes recomanadors existents a Internet es classifiquen en 8 dimensions generals. Aquesta taxonomia ens aporta una base de coneixement indispensable pel disseny de la nostra proposta. El raonament basat en casos (CBR) és un paradigma per aprendre i raonar a partir de la experiència adequat per sistemes recomanadors degut als seus fonaments en el raonament humà. Aquesta tesi planteja una nova proposta de CBR aplicat al camp de la recomanació i un mecanisme d'oblit per perfils basats en casos que controla la rellevància i edat de les experiències passades. Els resultats experimentals demostren que aquesta proposta adapta millor els perfils als usuaris i soluciona el problema de la utilitat que pateixen el sistemes basats en CBR. Els sistemes recomanadors milloren espectacularment la qualitat dels resultats quan informació sobre els altres usuaris és utilitzada quan es recomana a un usuari concret. Aquesta tesi proposa l'agentificació dels sistemes recomanadors per tal de treure profit de propietats interessants dels agents com ara la proactivitat, la encapsulació o l'habilitat social. La col·laboració entre agents es realitza a partir del mètode de filtratge basat en la opinió i del mètode col·laboratiu de filtratge a partir de confiança. Els dos mètodes es basen en un model social de confiança que fa que els agents siguin menys vulnerables als altres quan col·laboren. Els resultats experimentals demostren que els agents recomanadors col·laboratius proposats milloren el rendiment del sistema mentre que preserven la privacitat de les dades personals de l'usuari. Finalment, aquesta tesi també proposa un procediment per avaluar sistemes recomanadors que permet la discussió científica dels resultats. Aquesta proposta simula el comportament dels usuaris al llarg del temps basat en perfils d'usuari reals. Esperem que aquesta metodologia d'avaluació contribueixi al progrés d'aquesta àrea de recerca.
RESUMO: A presente dissertação de Mestrado teve como objectivo a análise e caracterização das actividades do serviço educativo e das estratégias de comunicação da Casa-Museu de Leal da Câmara (CMLC). Partindo de um estudo de caso, pretendeu-se apresentar perspectivas futuras para o alargamento dos públicos, das actividades e das acções de comunicação na CMLC e em museus do mesmo tipo. Esta investigação incide sobre o período de 2003 a 2011, isto é, desde a criação do serviço educativo até aos dias de hoje. Para melhor conhecer o objecto de estudo torna-se necessário apresentar o artista/patrono e caracterizar o território (Rinchoa) onde se insere a CMLC, bem como a comunidade que habita no Município de Sintra. Esta comunidade, outrora chamada saloia, influenciou a obra do artista assim como as suas actividades. De modo a caracterizar o público-alvo das actividades educativas foram realizados inquéritos sobre o serviço educativo. Pretendeu-se com estes inquéritos, por um lado, conhecer o nível de satisfação do público escolar e não escolar e, por outro, aferir quais as condições que permitiriam o alargamento das actividades educativas ao público em geral. Tendo ainda por objectivo conhecer a visibilidade e os meios através dos quais o público teve conhecimento da CMLC, realizou-se o inquérito sobre comunicação. Para além dos inquéritos sobre o serviço educativo e comunicação foram ainda realizadas seis entrevistas, três das quais aos dirigentes da Câmara Municipal de Sintra directamente ligados aos destinos da CMLC e outras três entrevistas a parceiros e participantes nas actividades do serviço educativo. Após análise de todos os dados recolhidos conclui-se que o público-alvo do serviço educativo é o público escolar e que a CMLC é visitada maioritariamente pela comunidade local escolar. A maioria dos visitantes fica a conhecer a CMLC através de outros meios como a escola ou o trabalho e não através dos meios de comunicação onde a Casa-Museu é frequentemente divulgada. ABSTRACT: The aim of this Master's thesis was to analyze and characterize the activities of the educational service and communication strategies of the Casa Museu Leal da Câmara (CMLC). Starting from a case study, we have sought to present future prospects for extending the public, the activities and these communication actions from CMLC to the museums of the same type. This research focuses on the period from 2003 to 2011, i.e. (that is), since the creation of the educational service to the present day. To better understand the object of this study it is necessary to present the artist / patron and the territory around CMLC (Rinchoa) where it belongs, as well as the community that inhabits the Municipality of Sintra. This community, formerly known as rustic (saloia) has influenced the artist's work and his activities. There were conducted surveys about the educational service to further understand the target of the educational activities. This was intended to determine the level of school and non school public satisfaction with this service and the main needs for its extension to the general public. To understand the visibility and the means by which the public was aware of the CMLC an inquiry was held on the communication methods. In addition to inquiries about the educational service and communication six interviews were also carried out, three of which to the leaders of the Municipality of Sintra directly linked to the policies of the CMLC and the others to partners and participants in the activities of educational services. After analyzing all the data we have concluded that the target audience of educational services is the school public and that the CMLC is visited mostly by the local school community. Most visitors became aware of the CMLC through other means as school or workplace and not through the media where the CMLC is often released.
El presente artículo aborda el impacto de la transformación tecnológica y los nuevos instrumentos de la teleinformática en los medios de comunicación masiva. La forma como se han estructurado las transnacionales mediáticas a partir del uso de instrumentos como la web, el software o el podcasting y los riesgos que su exceso conlleva respecto de la democracia al imponer sus intereses económicos y culturales por encima del interés del individuo, el interés público, la intimidad y el honor. Todo lo cual plantea nuevos desafíos al derecho y la protección de los derechos del individuo.
This Policy Contribution assesses the broad obstacles hampering ICT-led growth in Europe and identifies the main areas in which policy could unlock the greatest value. We review estimates of the value that could be generated through take-up of various technologies and carry out a broad matching with policy areas. According to the literature survey and the collected estimates, the areas in which the right policies could unlock the greatest ICT-led growth are product and labour market regulations and the European Single Market. These areas should be reformed to make European markets more flexible and competitive. This would promote wider adoption of modern data-driven organisational and management practices thereby helping to close the productivity gap between the United States and the European Union. Gains could also be made in the areas of privacy, data security, intellectual property and liability pertaining to the digital economy, especially cloud computing, and next generation network infrastructure investment. Standardisation and spectrum allocation issues are found to be important, though to a lesser degree. Strong complementarities between the analysed technologies suggest, however, that policymakers need to deal with all of the identified obstacles in order to fully realise the potential of ICT to spur long-term growth beyond the partial gains that we report.
The Data Protection Regulation proposed by the European Commission contains important elements to facilitate and secure personal data flows within the Single Market. A harmonised level of protection of individual data is an important objective and all stakeholders have generally welcomed this basic principle. However, when putting the regulation proposal in the complex context in which it is to be implemented, some important issues are revealed. The proposal dictates how data is to be used, regardless of the operational context. It is generally thought to have been influenced by concerns over social networking. This approach implies protection of data rather than protection of privacy and can hardly lead to more flexible instruments for global data flows.
This study examines current and forthcoming measures related to the exchange of data and information in EU Justice and Home Affairs policies, with a focus on the ‘smart borders’ initiative. It argues that there is no reversibility in the growing reliance on such schemes and asks whether current and forthcoming proposals are necessary and original. It outlines the main challenges raised by the proposals, including issues related to the right to data protection, but also to privacy and non-discrimination.
Would a research assistant - who can search for ideas related to those you are working on, network with others (but only share the things you have chosen to share), doesn’t need coffee and who might even, one day, appear to be conscious - help you get your work done? Would it help your students learn? There is a body of work showing that digital learning assistants can be a benefit to learners. It has been suggested that adaptive, caring, agents are more beneficial. Would a conscious agent be more caring, more adaptive, and better able to deal with changes in its learning partner’s life? Allow the system to try to dynamically model the user, so that it can make predictions about what is needed next, and how effective a particular intervention will be. Now, given that the system is essentially doing the same things as the user, why don’t we design the system so that it can try to model itself in the same way? This should mimic a primitive self-awareness. People develop their personalities, their identities, through interacting with others. It takes years for a human to develop a full sense of self. Nobody should expect a prototypical conscious computer system to be able to develop any faster than that. How can we provide a computer system with enough social contact to enable it to learn about itself and others? We can make it part of a network. Not just chatting with other computers about computer ‘stuff’, but involved in real human activity. Exposed to ‘raw meaning’ – the developing folksonomies coming out of the learning activities of humans, whether they are traditional students or lifelong learners (a term which should encompass everyone). Humans have complex psyches, comprised of multiple strands of identity which reflect as different roles in the communities of which they are part – so why not design our system the same way? With multiple internal modes of operation, each capable of being reflected onto the outside world in the form of roles – as a mentor, a research assistant, maybe even as a friend. But in order to be able to work with a human for long enough to be able to have a chance of developing the sort of rich behaviours we associate with people, the system needs to be able to function in a practical and helpful role. Unfortunately, it is unlikely to get a free ride from many people (other than its developer!) – so it needs to be able to perform a useful role, and do so securely, respecting the privacy of its partner. Can we create a system which learns to be more human whilst helping people learn?
Different systems, different purposes – but how do they compare as learning environments? We undertook a survey of students at the University, asking whether they learned from their use of the systems, whether they made contact with other students through them, and how often they used them. Although it was a small scale survey, the results are quite enlightening and quite surprising. Blackboard is populated with learning material, has all the students on a module signed up to it, a safe environment (in terms of Acceptable Use and some degree of staff monitoring) and provides privacy within the learning group (plus lecturer and relevant support staff). Facebook, on the other hand, has no learning material, only some of the students using the system, and on the face of it, it has the opportunity for slips in privacy and potential bullying because the Acceptable Use policy is more lax than an institutional one, and breaches must be dealt with on an exception basis, when reported. So why do more students find people on their courses through Facebook than Blackboard? And why are up to 50% of students reporting that they have learned from using Facebook? Interviews indicate that students in subjects which use seminars are using Facebook to facilitate working groups – they can set up private groups which give them privacy to discuss ideas in an environment which perceived as safer than Blackboard can provide. No staff interference, unless they choose to invite them in, and the opportunity to select who in the class can engage. The other striking finding is the difference in use between the genders. Males are using blackboard more frequently than females, whilst the reverse is true for Facebook. Interviews suggest that this may have something to do with needing to access lecture notes… Overall, though, it appears that there is little relationship between the time spent engaging with Blackboard and reports that students have learned from it. Because Blackboard is our central repository for notes, any contact is likely to result in some learning. Facebook, however, shows a clear relationship between frequency of use and perception of learning – and our students post frequently to Facebook. Whilst much of this is probably trivia and social chit chat, the educational elements of it are, de facto, contructivist in nature. Further questions need to be answered - Is the reason the students learn from Facebook because they are creating content which others will see and comment on? Is it because they can engage in a dialogue, without the risk of interruption by others?
Since the advent of the internet in every day life in the 1990s, the barriers to producing, distributing and consuming multimedia data such as videos, music, ebooks, etc. have steadily been lowered for most computer users so that almost everyone with internet access can join the online communities who both produce, consume and of course also share media artefacts. Along with this trend, the violation of personal data privacy and copyright has increased with illegal file sharing being rampant across many online communities particularly for certain music genres and amongst the younger age groups. This has had a devastating effect on the traditional media distribution market; in most cases leaving the distribution companies and the content owner with huge financial losses. To prove that a copyright violation has occurred one can deploy fingerprinting mechanisms to uniquely identify the property. However this is currently based on only uni-modal approaches. In this paper we describe some of the design challenges and architectural approaches to multi-modal fingerprinting currently being examined for evaluation studies within a PhD research programme on optimisation of multi-modal fingerprinting architectures. Accordingly we outline the available modalities that are being integrated through this research programme which aims to establish the optimal architecture for multi-modal media security protection over the internet as the online distribution environment for both legal and illegal distribution of media products.
Recent research in Sub-Saharan Africa has revealed the importance of children’s caring roles in families affected by HIV and AIDS. However, few studies have explored young caregiving in the context of HIV in the UK, where recently arrived African migrant and refugee families are adversely affected by the global epidemic. This paper explores young people’s socio-spatial experiences of caring for a parent with HIV, based on qualitative research with 37 respondents in London and other urban areas in England. In-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with young people with caring responsibilities and mothers with HIV, who were predominantly African migrants, as well as with service providers. Drawing on their perspectives, the paper discusses the ways that young people and mothers negotiate the boundaries of young people’s care work within and beyond homespace, according to norms of age, gender, generational relations and cultural constructions of childhood. Despite close attachments within the family, the emotional effects of living with a highly stigmatised life-limiting illness, pressures associated with insecure immigration status, transnational migration and low income undermined African mothers’ and young people’s sense of security and belonging to homespace. These factors also restricted their mobility and social participation in school/college and neighbourhood spaces. While young people and mothers valued supportive safe spaces within the community, the stigma surrounding HIV significantly affected their ability to seek support. The article identifies security, privacy, independence and social mobility as key dimensions of African young people’s and mothers’ imagined futures of ‘home’ and ‘family’.
Driven by new network and middleware technologies such as mobile broadband, near-field communication, and context awareness the so-called ambient lifestyle will foster innovative use cases in different domains. In the EU project Hydra high-level security, trust and privacy concerns such as loss of control, profiling and surveillance are considered at the outset. At the end of this project the. Hydra middleware development platform will have been designed so as to enable developers to realise secure ambient scenarios. This paper gives a short introduction to the Hydra project and its approach to ensure security by design. Based on the results of a focus group analysis of the user domain "building automation" typical threats are evaluated and their risks are assessed. Then, specific security requirements with respect to security, privacy, and trust are derived in order to incorporate them into the Hydra Security Meta-Model. How concepts such as context, semantic resolution of security, and virtualisation support the overall Hydra approach will be introduced and illustrated on the basis of it technical building automation scenario.
Ubiquitous healthcare is an emerging area of technology that uses a large number of environmental and patient sensors and actuators to monitor and improve patients’ physical and mental condition. Tiny sensors gather data on almost any physiological characteristic that can be used to diagnose health problems. This technology faces some challenging ethical questions, ranging from the small-scale individual issues of trust and efficacy to the societal issues of health and longevity gaps related to economic status. It presents particular problems in combining developing computer/information/media ethics with established medical ethics. This article describes a practice-based ethics approach, considering in particular the areas of privacy, agency, equity and liability. It raises questions that ubiquitous healthcare will force practitioners to face as they develop ubiquitous healthcare systems. Medicine is a controlled profession whose practise is commonly restricted by government-appointed authorities, whereas computer software and hardware development is notoriously lacking in such regimes.
Counting Her Dresses and other plays, devised by Lib Taylor, is a short, mixed-media, promenade performance based on theatre writings by Gertrude Stein. Gertrude Stein was an American writer who lived in Paris for most of her adult life and was a significant figure in the development of early twentieth century modernism. She was an artists’ patron and one of the first collectors of paintings by Picasso, Matisse, Cezanne and others. She wrote novels, short stories, poetry and criticism, as well as a number of very short ‘plays’ and opera libretti. Even though her plays are very rarely performed they have been very influential in the development of avant-garde theatre. The performance juxtaposes a soundcape of voices, live performance, an ‘exhibition’ of paintings and mediated images projected onto and across the space to evoke Stein’s sense of theatre as a place of experience and emotion, not as a place of story and action. The performance comprises five theatre fragments which have been combined in a collage that alludes to the experimental art that Stein promoted.