1000 resultados para orientamento :: 434 :: Ambiente e territorio
Pharmaceutical drugs have been detected in sewage treatment plants, surface waters, underground waters and potable waters. Some investigations have been conducted in several countries such as Germany, Brazil, Canada, United States, The Netherlands, England and Italy. Patients and animals excrete part of pharmaceuticals used for human and veterinary medicine after administration in domestic sewage or on the soil. Drugs residues which have not been completely removed during passage through a sewage treatment plant (STP) enter the aquatic environment. The effects of such residual drugs in terrestrial and aquatic organisms are scarcely known.
Methylmercury is the most hazardous mercury species known. Due to its high stability, lipid solubility, and ionic properties, this compound shows a high ability to cross membranes in living organisms, damaging the central nervous system, mainly the brain, and the effects of chronic poisoning are progressive. In this paper some aspects related to the toxicity and the cases of methylmercury poisoning are described. Other aspects related to the behavior of methylmercury and the environmental factors that influence the transformation of mercury in the water and sediment, with emphasis on the methylation/demethylation reactions and the mercury cycle are discussed.
Gertakizun baten antolaketa paradigmatikoa da in situ bizi izandako lurraldeirudien eraikuntza-prozesuan. Parte-hartzaileen imaginario kolektiboan finkatzeko helburuaz antolatutako gertakizunak direla eta, fabrikatutako lurralde-irudiek – turistikoak zein bestelakoak– sustapen turistikorako alternatiba bitxia planteatzen dute, gertakizunaren kudeaketa-estrategian bertan dagoena. Izan ere, gertakizunak, berez, lurraldearen sustapenerako estrategia garrantzitsua adierazten du; are gehiago, irudien katalizatzaile ere bihur daiteke, eta bere osotasunean hiri-marka bat finkatzeko gai diren imaginarioak sor ditzake. Artikulu honetan, identitate-posizionamenduari eta lurralde-sustapenari dagokienean, gertakizun baten antolaketak eskeintzen dituen aukerak ezagutarazten dira.
El presente informe expone los principales resultados alcanzados en el primer año de andadura de la Cátedra UB – Fundación Adecco para la Integración Laboral de Personas con Discapacidad (http://www.ub.edu/catedrainlab/). Esta Cátedra parte de la necesidad de analizar y evaluar el impacto que tiene en las empresas una estrategia de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC)1 orientada a la integración laboral de las personas con discapacidad, en la calidad de vida laboral y en los niveles de efectividad organizacional.
There is an increasing interest in micropollutants in the environment that can interfere with the endocrine system, affecting health, growth and reproduction of animals and humans. These substances are known as Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) and can be found in domestic sewage, domestic wastewater treatment plant effluents, and in natural and potable waters. There are numerous chemicals classified as EDCs, such as pesticides, chemicals used and produced by chemical industries and natural and synthetic estrogens. EDCs can be related to the increase of the incidence of anomalies in the reproductive system of animals, cancer in humans and reduction of the masculine fertility.
Although the hypothesis that environmental chemicals may exhibit endocrine disrupting effects is not new, the issue has been a growing level of concern due to reports of increased incidences of endocrine-related disease in humans, including declining male fertility, and more significantly, to adverse physiological effects observed in wildlife where cause and effect relationships are more evident. The list of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) includes a range of anthropogenic compounds, phytoestrogens, naturally occurring sex steroids and synthetic estrogens. Within the aquatic environment, the presence of EDCs has concerned many scientists and water quality regulators. Discharge of effluents from treatment facilities is likely to be a significant source of input of contaminants to many systems, and the potential for concentration of hydrophilic compounds and transformation products within sludges has implications for their disposal. Then, understanding the processes and the fate of EDCs on the environment, as well as the mechanisms of endocrine disruption, may facilitate controlling or limiting exposure of both humans and the environment to these compounds.
This paper presents a brief description of the archaeological research in the territory and in the city of Tarraco, the ancient capital of provincia Hispania Tarraconensis and one of the main centres for the spread of Hispanic Christianity. Althoug Tarraco was the last capital under imperial control and the firs Hispanic metropolitan see, the city had only a secondary role by comparison with other Hispanic cities during late antiquity. This evolution shaped the development of Tarraco during the 7th century, but archaeologists identify an important architectural vitality still in the 6th century at the same time as other episcopal cities were evolving. During this period, the final Christianization of the symbolic spaces of ancient paganism took place, establishing the ideological basis of medieval urbanism that is still preserved today. The paper also interprets the sites through raising key questions as well as describing rural settlements, where archaeological knowledge is not so far advanced, due in part to the difficult nature of archaeological research, and in part to the need to study new construcitve models, as well as to the systematic collection of the relevant material culture.
This study was realized with high school Chemistry teachers from the region of and around Florianópolis (SC). It examines the pedagogical implications of these teachers' views on environmental issues, and discusses the possibilities and difficulties of bringing these issues into the Chemistry classroom. The semi-structured interviews were analyzed using Textual Discourse Analysis principles. The dominance of content-based teaching and traditional pedagogical approaches appears to hinder curricular changes. Most subjects pay little heed to environmental issues and their relation to Chemistry, and endorse a view of science as neutral, and the environment as anthropocentric - views far from Green Chemistry principles.
The present paper discusses the influence of TV and general media on students scientific ideas and the teacher's perception of this influence on students during class time. 17 high-school chemistry teachers with teaching degree, working in state schools, were interviewed. The interviews showed that both, teachers and students, have a positive opinion of science and the scientist. According to their teachers, students' positive view of science is greatly influenced by TV. The developed study shows how important epistemology is in teachers' college formation to offer them a critical perception of science treated in general media.
Postprint (published version)
The cycle of fossil fuels as an energy source for mankind is approaching its end. Finite resources, coupled with greenhouse gas, have led to an increased effort in the search for alternative renewable energy sources. Brazil has a leading position, due to a 46% participation of renewable sources in its primary energy supply, compared to the global average of 12%. The expansion of the renewable sources in Brazil depends on medium and long term planning, and a large volume of investments. The present financial crisis will have major effects in the energy market. Despite a negative initial impact, it is expected that the rearrangement of the financial system will ultimately lead to an expansion in the use of renewable energy sources. Brazil is a tropical country, with the largest biodiversity in our planet and excellent conditions to expand the use of all forms of renewable sources.
Antifouling agents have been used on vessels and boats since ancient civilizations. Thus, a brief history on the three generations of antifouling paints was provided in the present review. Additionally, information about physic-chemical properties, environmental levels, toxicology and analytical methods was discussed for the 16 "new" booster biocides used as third-generation antifouling paints. The main problems, limitations and future trends related to this subject were also presented. Finally, actions were suggested in order to appraise the current status of the environmental impact caused by these compounds in South America.
An alternative system was tested for the determination of CO2 in air using recyclable materials. The results indicate that the proposed system allows for reliable, accurate, robust and efficient collection, comparable to the standard gravimetric method. Laboratory wastes are easily treated using a filtrate that can be discharged into the sewer and solids that can be reused. The proposed system is a simple and low-cost tool that encompasses important aspects of environmental education, which should be part of the education in chemistry of undergraduate students and technicians.