975 resultados para one-pot 1,2-propandiolo propionaldeide acido propionico VPP HTB
Stimulation of LM5 cells with the phorbol ester 4$\beta$-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), causes a 2-4 fold sensitization of hormonally-stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity. This effect is thought to be due to protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation of either G$\sb{\rm i}$ or the catalytic subunit of AC. PKC are components of the phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate phospholipase C (PIP$\sb2$-PLC) pathway. The currently accepted model of this pathway is that its activation by an agonist results in the production of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate (IP$\sb3$) which causes Ca$\sp{++}$ mobilization, and 1,2-diacylglycerols (DAG) which activate PKC. Based on this model, we predicted that stimulation of purinergic and muscarinic receptors with the agonists ATP and carbachol (CCh), respectively in the LM5 cells, should sensitize AC. Surprisingly we found that only stimulation of the purinergic receptors in these cells caused a sensitization of PGE$\sb1$-stimulated AC measured in cell-free assays.^ We hypothesized that ATP-and CCh-stimulated differential DAG production contributes to the effectiveness of these two agonists to sensitize PGE$\sb1$-stimulated AC activity. To test this hypothesis directly, we performed a combined high-performance liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography analysis of the DAG produced in the LM5 cells in response to stimulation with ATP and CCh.^ We found that both ATP and CCh increased levels of 23 species of DAG. Relative to the control levels (0.261 nmol DAG/100 nmol phospholipid) the CCh-induced increase in DAG levels was 280% (0.738 $\pm$ 0.051 nmol DAG/100 nmol phospholipid) whereas the ATP-induced levels increased 180% (0.441 t 0.006 nmol DAG/100 nmol phospholipid). Neither agonist created new species or eliminated the existing ones. The major species which comprised $\approx$50% of the total cellular DAG in all of the groups were 16:0-18:1, 18:0-18:1, 18:1-18:1, and 18:0-20:4. CCh was more effective than ATP at stimulating these major DAG species.^ It is concluded that factor(s) other than DAG contribute(s) to the differences between ATP-and CCh-sensitization of PGE$\sb1$-stimulated AC activity in the LM5 cells. ^
Basalts recovered along the Reunion hotspot track on Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 115 range in age from 34 Ma at Site 706 to 64 Ma at Site 707. They have undergone various degrees of secondary alteration. Within single holes the amount of alteration can vary from a few percent to near complete replacement of phenocrysts and groundmass by secondary minerals. Olivine appears to be the most susceptible to alteration and in some sections it is the only mineral altered. In other sections, olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts, and groundmass have been completely replaced by secondary minerals. Clays are the predominant form of secondary mineralization. In addition to replacing olivine, pyroxene, glass, and groundmass, clays have filled veins, vesicles, and voids. Minor amounts of calcite, zeolites, and K-feldspar were also detected. The clays that filled vesicles and veins often show color zonations of dark, opaque bands near the edges that grade into tan or green transparent regions in the centers of the veins. The electron microprobe was used to obtain chemical analyses of these veins as well as to characterize isolated clays that replaced specific minerals and filled voids and vesicles.
The interpretation of 19 bore cores from the sea floor west of Rote Kliff (Isle of Sylt, North-Frisian Islands) gave information about the thickness of Holocene sand and the sediments below it; especially regarding their resistance to erosion in the area seaward of the beach-barrier. At the Same time, additional knowledge was obtained about the development of Sylt.
An example of cordierite-bearing gneiss that is part of a high-grade gneiss-migmatite sequence is described from the Hatch Plain in the Read Mountains of the Shackleton Range, Antarctica, for the first time. The cordierite-bearing rocks constitute the more melanosomic portions of the metatectic and migmatitic rocks that are associated with relict granulite facies rocks such as enderbitic granulite and enderbitic garnet granulite. The predominant mineral assemblage in the cordierite-bearing rocks is chemically homogeneous cordierite (XMg 0.61) and biotite (XMg 0.47), strongly zoned garnet (XMg 0.18-0.11), sillimanite, K-feldspar (Or81-94Ab5-18An0.6), plagioclase (An28), and quartz. Inclusions of sillimanite and biotite relics in both garnet and cordierite indicate that garnet and cordierite were produced by the coupled, discontinuous reaction biotite + sillimanite + quartz = cordierite + garnet + K-feldspar + H2O. Various garnet-biotite and garnet-cordierite geothermometers and sillimanite-quartz-plagioclase-garnet-cordierite geobarometers yield a continuous clockwise path in the P-T diagram. The P-T conditions for equilibrium between garnet core and cordierite and between garnet core and biotite during peak metamorphism and migmatization were estimated to be 690 °C at 5-6 kb. This was followed by cooling and unloading with continuously changing conditions down to 515 °C at 2-3 kb. This low-pressure re-equilibration correlates with the pressure conditions evaluated by SCHULZE (1989) for the widespread granitic gneisses of the Read Group in the Shackleton Range. The associated relict enderbitic granulites representing low-pressure type granulite (8 kb; 790 °C) are comparable to similar low-pressure granulites from the East Antarctic craton. They were either formed by under-accretion processes after collision (WELLS 1979, p. 217) or they are a product of remetamorphism at P-T conditions intermediate between granulite and amphibolite facies. A model of a multiple imbrication zone with crustal thickening (CUTHBERT et al. 1983) is discussed for the formation of the relict granulites of the central and eastern Read Mountains which show higher pressure conditions (8-12 kb, SCHULZE & OLESCH 1990), indicating a Proterozoic crustal thickness of at least 40 km.
Fil: Pró, Diego F.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Fil: Jalif de Bertranou, Clara Alicia.
Hor., en Carm., 1, 2 y 4, 15 recoge una serie de referencias a dioses importantes para la familia adoptiva de Octaviano y para el propio gobernante, que han sido tradicionalmente analizadas e interpretadas desde un punto de vista interno: su presencia se explicaría en función de su relación con la gens Iulia. El punto de vista que quiero ofrecer en mi trabajo es complementario a éste: a partir de un análisis externo de las referencias a estos dioses, creo que su presencia se puede explicar en función de los templos en los que "habitaban" en Roma, del lugar donde estos templos se encontraban y de las representaciones icónicas que servían a su culto. Al mismo tiempo, la nueva relación que establezco entre 1,2 y 4, 15 aporta evidencias para una comprensión distinta de la segunda edición de la poesía lírica de Horacio, la que se presentó con el libro 4