919 resultados para official rules


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Este trabajo busca detectar la presencia en Internet de archivos universitarios existentes en países del continente americano cuyo idioma oficial sea la lengua española, y analizar sus sitios web prestando especial atención a los contenidos difundidos en ellos. Se relevaron a junio de 2013 un total de 56 sitios web. Como conclusiones principales pueden señalarse las siguientes: a) se observa un lento incremento en la cantidad de sitios web, pasando de 42 en 2005 a 56 en 2013; b) 52 por ciento corresponden a la fase histórica; c) México es el país con mayor cantidad de archivos; d) 64 por ciento posee sitio web propio; e) 80 por ciento incluye misión del archivo; f) cerca de un 20 por ciento no incluye datos de contacto; g) 74 por ciento señala los servicios ofrecidos; h) 53 por ciento disponen información descriptiva general sobre los fondos custodiados; i) 21 por ciento ofrece la posibilidad de hojear documentos a texto completo; j) 28 por ciento difunde su reglamento y procedimientos de trabajo; k) poco más del 45 por ciento incluye información sobre pautas para el acceso, consulta y reproducción de documentos; l) un bajo porcentaje incluye informaciones adicionales, predominando noticias (39 por ciento) y fotos (18 por ciento), así como legislación archivística (20 por ciento) y recursos archivísticos de interés (27 por ciento); m) en cuanto a las herramientas de la Web 2.0, 18 por ciento posee blog, 16 por ciento canales de RSS, 27 por ciento Facebook y 23 por ciento Twitter


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Rules of Origin (RoO) are an integral part of all trade rules. In order to be eligible for Common Effective Preferential Tariffs (CEPT) under AFTA and similar arrangements under the ASEAN-China FTA, a product must satisfy the conditions relative to local content. The paper tries to calculate local content as well as cumulative local content in East Asian economies, with use of the Asian International Input-Output Tables; it also investigates factors of change in local content by applying decomposition analysis. The paper finds that the cumulation rule increased local content of the electronics industry more significantly than local content of the automotive industry, and the contribution of the cumulation rule increased in the period 1990-2000, due to rising dependency on neighboring ASEAN countries and China.


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Based on information derived from six villages in various parts of rural Malawi, this paper examines the interrelationship between smallholder strategies to obtain land on the one hand, and customary land tenure and inheritance rules on the other. The paper revealed that although the majority of land transactions followed customary land tenure systems and inheritance rules, in a good number of cases land transactions deviated from the basic rules. One factor behind such deviation was the unique personal relationships that were developed between original landholders and heirs. Another factor was the seemingly increasing cases of returning wives in patrilineal villages. Still another factor was the intensifying land scarcity that encouraged villagers to adopt strategies to obtain land from any source by any means. On the other hand, there were also some cases in which the same land-scarcity problem induced villagers to countercheck the practice of flexible land transfer to prevent their lineage land from being alienated to non-kin members. These facts suggest that, in a land scarce situation, an individual strategy to obtain land rights from any possible sources by deviating from customary rules may occasionally be in conflict with a lineage strategy to countercheck such tendency.


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This paper examines empirically the impacts of sharing rules of origin (RoOs) with other ASEAN+1 free trade agreements (FTAs) on ASEAN-Korea FTA/ASEAN-China FTA utilization in Thai exports in 2011. Our careful empirical analysis suggests that the harmonization of RoOs across FTAs play some role in reducing the costs yielded through the spaghetti bowl phenomenon. In particular, the harmonization to "change-in-tariff classification (CTC) or real value-added content (RVC)" will play a relatively positive role in not seriously discouraging firms’ use of multiple FTA schemes. On the other hand, the harmonization to CTC or CTC&RVC hinders firms from using those schemes.


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We address the puzzle why the black market for foreign exchange thrives in Myanmar despite the successful unification of multiple exchange rates. A closer look at the black market reveals that its enduring competitiveness stems from its lower transaction costs. A question arising from this observation is how the official market, namely banks, can compete with and replace the black market. Our empirical analysis based on an original questionnaire survey of private export firms regarding their choices of currency trading modes suggests that banks can attract exporters by exploiting the economies of scope between currency trading and lending.


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The data acquired by Remote Sensing systems allow obtaining thematic maps of the earth's surface, by means of the registered image classification. This implies the identification and categorization of all pixels into land cover classes. Traditionally, methods based on statistical parameters have been widely used, although they show some disadvantages. Nevertheless, some authors indicate that those methods based on artificial intelligence, may be a good alternative. Thus, fuzzy classifiers, which are based on Fuzzy Logic, include additional information in the classification process through based-rule systems. In this work, we propose the use of a genetic algorithm (GA) to select the optimal and minimum set of fuzzy rules to classify remotely sensed images. Input information of GA has been obtained through the training space determined by two uncorrelated spectral bands (2D scatter diagrams), which has been irregularly divided by five linguistic terms defined in each band. The proposed methodology has been applied to Landsat-TM images and it has showed that this set of rules provides a higher accuracy level in the classification process


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This paper introduces and studies the notion of CLP projection for Constraint Handling Rules (CHR). The CLP projection consists of a naive translation of CHR programs into Constraint Logic Programs (CLP). We show that the CLP projection provides a safe operational and declarative approximation for CHR programs. We demónstrate moreover that a confluent CHR program has a least model, which is precisely equal to the least model of its CLP projection (closing henee a ten year-old conjecture by Abdenader et al.). Finally, we illustrate how the notion of CLP projection can be used in practice to apply CLP analyzers to CHR. In particular, we show results from applying AProVE to prove termination, and CiaoPP to infer both complexity upper bounds and types for CHR programs.


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In this paper, the fusion of probabilistic knowledge-based classification rules and learning automata theory is proposed and as a result we present a set of probabilistic classification rules with self-learning capability. The probabilities of the classification rules change dynamically guided by a supervised reinforcement process aimed at obtaining an optimum classification accuracy. This novel classifier is applied to the automatic recognition of digital images corresponding to visual landmarks for the autonomous navigation of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the authors. The classification accuracy of the proposed classifier and its comparison with well-established pattern recognition methods is finally reported.


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This study was motivated by the need to improve densification of Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) observations, increasing the number of surface weather stations that observe it, using sensors with a sub-hour periodicity and examining the methods of spatial GHI estimation (by interpolation) with that periodicity in other locations. The aim of the present research project is to analyze the goodness of 15-minute GHI spatial estimations for five methods in the territory of Spain (three geo-statistical interpolation methods, one deterministic method and the HelioSat2 method, which is based on satellite images). The research concludes that, when the work area has adequate station density, the best method for estimating GHI every 15 min is Regression Kriging interpolation using GHI estimated from satellite images as one of the input variables. On the contrary, when station density is low, the best method is estimating GHI directly from satellite images. A comparison between the GHI observed by volunteer stations and the estimation model applied concludes that 67% of the volunteer stations analyzed present values within the margin of error (average of +-2 standard deviations).


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Over the past 20 years,theuse of Computer Algebra Systems(CAS) has helped with the teaching of mathematics inengineer-ingschools. However the traditional use of CAS only in math labs has led to a narrow view by the student: the CAS is an additional work, not included in the learning process. The didactic guidelines of the European Higher Education Area(EHEA) propose a new teaching–learning model based on competencies. We suggest the use of the CAS be adapted to the new rules. In this paper,we present a model for the integrated use of the CAS,and we describe and analyze two experiments carried out in the academic year2011–2012. Our analysis suggests that the use of CAS in all learning and assessment activities has the potential to positively influence the development of competencies.


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Proyecto de la sede del Colegio de Arquitectos de Sevilla


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Durante la Ilustración, el imperio español alcanzó su máxima amplitud y las instituciones oficiales incrementaron su apoyo a las ciencias. Para defender sus fronteras y ejercer con eficacia el poder político, económico y religioso, la Corona y la Iglesia necesitaban obtener información precisa --incluida la climatológica-- de las posesiones españolas y de los pobladores de éstas. Fueron varios los procedimientos empleados para ello: sistema de cuestionarios y relaciones geográficas, estudios medico-topográficos, visitas e inspecciones oficiales, expediciones político-científicas, correspondencia epistolar, artículos periodísticos, etc. Dichos procedimientos fueron aplicados por redes de informadores cuyas actuaciones se basaban en la división del trabajo, el reparto de colaboradores en diferentes lugares, el uso de códigos de comunicación comprensibles, el envío de los resultados a los superiores jerárquicos y la toma de decisiones por las autoridades competentes. Las redes de información estaban sometidas a dictámenes que normalizaban su creación y continuidad temporal, daban forma a su estructura interna, especificaban sus cometidos y obligaban a cumplir protocolos y plazos. En su seno se idearon planes de investigación integrados en el estudio general de la Tierra, el ser humano y la cultura. El beneficio de las actuaciones de sus miembros se plasmó en cubrir grandes ámbitos geográficos con el consiguiente ahorro de tiempo, esfuerzos y medios. En sus correspondientes contextos, los miembros de las redes efectuaron estudios climatológicos conforme a intereses, imposiciones y circunstancias específicas. Así, los médicos se interesaron por las condiciones climáticas que influían en la salud humana; los funcionarios reales y los ingenieros militares describieron los climas locales y regionales aptos para el fomento y el control político, jurídico y educativo de los habitantes de los territorios hispánicos; los expedicionarios estudiaron las interacciones entre los fenómenos naturales y las influencias de los accidentes geográficos en los climas; los clérigos se interesaron por los aspectos estéticos, apologéticos y contemplativos de los climas; finalmente, en la prensa de la época se publicaron registros meteorológicos periódicos y trabajos climatológicos varios. En definitiva, el saber climatológico en el mundo hispánico ilustrado aportó algunos rasgos esenciales a la climatología en una etapa pre-fundacional de esta disciplina. Dichos rasgos se desarrollaron generalmente en una escala local o regional y se refirieron a los siguientes asuntos: el calor como principal agente de las modificaciones atmosféricas, de la formación de vapor acuoso y de las precipitaciones; la influencia del suelo en el aumento de humedad y calor en el aire; el poder de los vientos para trasladar de un lugar a otro el frío o el calor, el vapor de agua, los fenómenos atmosféricos y los agentes responsables de las enfermedades contagiosas; las propiedades del aire atmosférico y su capacidad para interaccionar con el medio ambiente; la condición estática y repetitiva de los climas, si bien se admitió que dichos fenómenos podían sufrir modificaciones; la corroboración experimental de las diferencias climáticas entre las zonas tropicales y medias del planeta; la refutación de que la naturaleza americana y sus habitantes eran inferiores a los europeos; y la demostración de que los principios rectores de los fenómenos físicos del Viejo y el Nuevo Mundo eran idénticos. Desde el último tercio del siglo XVIII, los documentos producidos por los componentes de las redes de información incluyeron datos meteorológicos. Pero no siempre se emplearon los mismos instrumentos de medida ni se siguieron los mismos protocolos de indagación en idénticas condiciones. Además, y salvo excepciones, los períodos durante los cuales se recabaron datos atmosféricos fueron relativamente cortos, y los expertos no efectuaron las mismas operaciones aritméticas con los parámetros. Por esta razón, y por la orientación utilitaria de los ilustrados hispánicos, el saber climatológico no obtuvo en el período y en el ámbito geográfico considerados resultados teóricos apreciables; en cambio, dio lugar a una gran cantidad de actividades prácticas con aplicaciones a la medicina, la agricultura, la náutica, el fomento, la prevención de riesgos naturales, etc. La principal utilidad de este trabajo consiste en servir de complemento a los procedimientos actualmente en uso en historia de la hidrología y en climatología histórica. ABSTRACT During the Enlightenment, the Spanish Empire achieved its highest length and State institutions increased their support to sciences. In order to defend their frontiers and to exercise political, economical and religious power, the Crown and the Church needed exact information --including the climatologic one-- about its possessions and its habitants. Some of the procedures employed to get that objective were: system of questionnaires and geographic relations, medical-topographic studies, official visits and inspections, political-scientific expeditions, direct mail, journalistic articles, etc. Those procedures were applied by informers´ networks which obtained, manned and transmitted every kind of data about the natural and moral reality of the Hispanic territories; their actions were based on the division of tasks, the distribution of collaborators at several places, the use of understandable communication codes and the sending of results to the hierarchical superiors; after, the competent authorities took decisions. The information networks were subjected to rules witch regulated its creation, temporary continuity, interior structure, objectives, protocols and periods. Their memberships invented plans about the general research of the Earth, the human beings and the culture; and they contributed to get benefits because of covering large geographic frames and economizing time, effort and means. According to their specifics contexts, concerns, impositions and circumstances, the informers performed climatologic tasks. Thus, the physicians were interested in the climatic conditions which affected to human health; the royal officers and military engineers described the most propitious climates to patronage and political, lawful and educative control of inhabitants of Hispanic territories; the participants in politic-scientific expeditions studied the interactions among natural phenomena and the influence of geographic aspects on the climate; the clergymen underlined the esthetic, apologetic and contemplative face of climates; finally, in the newspapers were published a lot of meteorological data and climatologic works. So, the climatologic knowledge in the Hispanic enlightened world added these essential aspects --referred in a local and regional area-- during the pre-foundational epoch of the climatology: the heat as first agent of atmospheric modifications, aqueous vapor and precipitations; the influx of the land in the increment of humidity and heat of the air; the power of the winds to convey the cold, the heat, the aqueous vapor, the atmospheric phenomena and the agents which caused contagious maladies; the properties of the air and its faculty to mediate with the environs; the static and repetitive condition of the climate and its possibility to experience change; the experimental confirmation of climatic varieties between tropical and central areas of the planet; the negation of the inferiority of the American nature and inhabitants; the demonstration about the equality of the rules which conducted physical phenomena in the Old and the New world. Since the last third part of the eighteenth century, the documents produced by the members of the networks included meteorological data. But the informers were not used to employ the same measure instruments and homogeneous protocols completion in the same conditions. Exceptions besides, the times of taking atmospheric data, usually were very short; and the experts did not carry out the same arithmetical operations with parameters. Because of this reason and the utilitarian guidance of the informers, during the Hispanic Enlightenment, it was not possible to obtain theoretic conclusions about climatologic knowledge; but there were a lot of practical activities applied to Medicine, Agriculture, Navigation, patronage, prevention of natural risks, etc. The main utility of this work consist in favoring the present procedures of the History of Hydrology and Historic Climatology.


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Se ha presentado la evaluación y optimización de las reglas de operación de un embalse para gestión de avenidas usando un entorno integrado hidrológico- hidráulico de tipo Monte Carlo. Some reservoirs play a major role in flood protection, managing the floods and reducing or delaying the peak discharges in the river downstream. However, the changing environment (natural and anthropological changes) requires the development of more elaborated strategies for reservoir operation. Three factors are relevant: 1) the natural variability of inflow hydrographs, 2) the competition for reservoir storage capacity between flood control and other uses, and 3) the existence of built-up areas on downstream river reaches. A framework for evaluation/optimization of reservoir operation rules for flood management in a changing environment is presented in this study. The study was carried out using an integrated hydrologic – hydraulic model in a Monte Carlo framework.