979 resultados para natural realism of the common man
We examine the occurrence of the ≈300 known protein folds in different groups of organisms. To do this, we characterize a large fraction of the currently known protein sequences (≈140,000) in structural terms, by matching them to known structures via sequence comparison (or by secondary-structure class prediction for those without structural homologues). Overall, we find that an appreciable fraction of the known folds are present in each of the major groups of organisms (e.g., bacteria and eukaryotes share 156 of 275 folds), and most of the common folds are associated with many families of nonhomologous sequences (i.e., >10 sequence families for each common fold). However, different groups of organisms have characteristically distinct distributions of folds. So, for instance, some of the most common folds in vertebrates, such as globins or zinc fingers, are rare or absent in bacteria. Many of these differences in fold usage are biologically reasonable, such as the folds of metabolic enzymes being common in bacteria and those associated with extracellular transport and communication being common in animals. They also have important implications for database-based methods for fold recognition, suggesting that an unknown sequence from a plant is more likely to have a certain fold (e.g., a TIM barrel) than an unknown sequence from an animal.
The mechanism under which the signal-reception amino-terminal portion (A domain) of the prokaryotic enhancer-binding protein XylR controls the activity of the regulator has been investigated through complementation tests in vivo, in which the various protein segments were produced as independent polypeptides. Separate expression of the A domain repressed the otherwise constitutive activity of a truncated derivative of XylR deleted of its A domain (XylR delta A). Such inhibition was not released by m-xylene, the natural inducer of the system. Repression caused by the A domain was specific for XylR because it did not affect activation of the sigma 54 promoter PnifH by a derivative of its cognate regulator, NifA, deleted of its own A domain. The A domain was also unable to repress the activity of a NifA-XylR hybrid protein resulting from fusing two-thirds of the central domain of NifA to the carboxyl-terminal third of XylR, which includes its DNA-binding domain. The inhibitory effect caused by the A domain of XylR on XylR delta A seems, therefore, to result from specific interactions in trans between the two truncated proteins and not from mere hindering of an activating surface.
Increased population growth of the Northwest Corner of Arkansas is straining the natural resources of the Lake Fayetteville Nature Trail, Fayetteville, AR. Recreational activities conducted on this single track multi-use trail are mountain biking, walking, jogging and wildlife viewing. Impacts evident on the NE section of the trail consist of erosion, vegetation, wildlife and conflict disturbances. Throughout this paper recommendations of management solutions and maintenance ideas are presented. Control of recreation impacts will help the longevity of the trail and maintain the aesthetics for present and future trail users.
EU-Russia cooperation in the framework of the Common Space on Freedom, Security and Justice, launched almost a decade ago in 2003, has borne fruit more in the security aspects than the justice and liberty-related policy areas. This study assesses the uneven cooperation on justice and home affairs between the EU and Russia, while delving into the intersection between cooperation on justice, liberty and security and the promotion of human rights, democracy and rule of law in EU-Russia relations. The study concludes by proposing a set of policy recommendations to the European Parliament for playing a more active role in this important field of cooperation between the EU and Russia.
Existing studies focus on overall support for European integration while less work has been done on explaining public opinion on specific policy areas, such as the development of the Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP). We hypothesize that the probability of supporting a CSDP increases with greater levels of trust in the European Union member states, most notably the more powerful members. This variable is critical since integration’s development is influenced strongly by, and dependent on, the resources of the relatively more powerful European member states. Binary logistic regression analyses using pooled repeated cross-sectional data from the Eurobarometer surveys conducted from 1992 to 1997 among individuals of 11 member states largely support these claims.
Human pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDC) catalyzes a key step in the generation of cellular energy and is composed by three catalytic elements (E1, E2, E3), one structural subunit (E3-binding protein), and specific regulatory elements, phosphatases and kinases (PDKs, PDPs). The E1α subunit exists as two isoforms encoded by different genes: PDHA1 located on Xp22.1 and expressed in somatic tissues, and the intronless PDHA2 located on chromosome 4 and only detected in human spermatocytes and spermatids. We report on a young adult female patient who has PDC deficiency associated with a compound heterozygosity in PDHX encoding the E3-binding protein. Additionally, in the patient and in all members of her immediate family, a full-length testis-specific PDHA2 mRNA and a 5′UTR-truncated PDHA1 mRNA were detected in circulating lymphocytes and cultured fibroblasts, being bothmRNAs translated into full-length PDHA2 and PDHA1 proteins, resulting in the co-existence of both PDHA isoforms in somatic cells.Moreover, we observed that DNA hypomethylation of a CpG island in the coding region of PDHA2 gene is associatedwith the somatic activation of this gene transcription in these individuals. This study represents the first natural model of the de-repression of the testis-specific PDHA2 gene in human somatic cells, and raises some questions related to the somatic activation of this gene as a potential therapeutic approach for most forms of PDC deficiency.
WI docs no.: Ed.1:1862-1882
Includes index.
Engr. t.-p.
Report year ends July 31.
Vols. 10- have subtitle (with slight variations): A quarterly record of progress in tropical agriculture and industries and the commercial utilisation of the natural resources of the dominions, colonies and India; edited by the director and prepared by the scientific and technical staff of the Imperial institute and by other contributors.
Vols. for 1890/91- issued mostly in two or three parts.
Title varies slightly.
Mode of access: Internet.
"...Mr. J. W. Anderson...produced in 1797 a little work under the title of 'The Common Prayer, as read by the late Mr. Garrick.' In re-editing this work, I have endeavoured to increase its usefulness by the addition of such notes as would give more exactness to Mr. Garrick's remarks." -- Editor's Preface, p. xii.