985 resultados para multifrequency antennas


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There has been significant interest in retrodirective antennas, especially considering the wealth of applications that could be significantly enhanced, or created, by the use of such technology. There is enormous potential for retrodirective antennas where complicated automatic tracking systems would benefit from being replaced by much simpler systems. Retrodirective array technology offers one solution pathway since it can offer extremely fast tracking with relatively simple circuitry. Retrodirective or self-steering arrays are suited for low radio frequency (RF) power mobile terminal use particularly on or between un-stabilised vehicles. In this type of operational scenario, high degrees of relative movement are expected, and power consumption and weight of the antenna must be kept to a minimum. In this study, the authors give a brief historical review of basic retrodirective technology and elaborate on some recent developments at Queens University of Belfast associated with retrodirective antenna technology in relation to, two-way communications, ultrafast RADAR, microwave imaging, spatial power transmission, mitigation of multipath effects and spatial encryption.


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Practical demonstration of the operational advantages gained through the use of a co-operating retrodirective array (RDA) basestation and Van Atta node arrangements is discussed. The system exploits a number of inherent RDA features to provide analogue real time multifunctional operation at low physical complexity. An active dual-conversion four element RDA is used as the power distribution source (basestation) while simultaneously achieving a receive sensitivity level of ??109 dBm and 3 dB automatic beam steering angle of ??45??. When mobile units are each equipped with a semi-passive four element Van Atta array, it is shown mobile device orientation issues are mitigated and optimal energy transfer can occur because of automatic beam formation resulting from retrodirective self-pointing action. We show that operation in multipath rich environments with or without line of sight acts to reduce average power density limits in the operating volume with high energy density occurring at mobile nodes sites only. The system described can be used as a full duplex ASK communications link, or, as a means for remote node charging by wireless means, thereby enhancing deployment opportunities between unstabilised moving platforms.


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The authors describe a reflection amplifier adapted to have both a reflection and a transmission port. The amplifier uses a single silicon bipolar transistor and demonstrates a reflection gain of 13 dB, transmission gain of 10 dB and 3.4 dB noise figure at 5.25 GHz. The added feature of transmission gain in the reflection amplifier permits practical implementation of full duplex microwave radiofrequency indentification (RFID) tag operation. By using a simple subcarrier modulation scheme full duplex RFID operation utilising this amplifier is demonstrated. These results indicate that for 27 dBm (0.5 W) effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) transmit power it should be possible to obtain approximately 8 m downlink range and 25 m uplink range


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In this paper we give first account of a simple analysis tool for modeling temporal compression for automatic mitigation of multipath induced intersymbol interference through the use of active phase conjugation (APC) technique. The temporal compression characteristics of an APC system is analyzed using a simple discrete channel model, and numerical results are provided to justify the theoretical findings.


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The potential for implementation of retrodirective arrays as antenna terminals for future integrated satellite and terrestrial mobile communications is discussed in this paper. Particularly, in the context of the Inmarsat L-band system we address the issues related to array antenna element capacity to produce high-quality circular polarized radiation pattern over large angles of arrival. We also discuss circuitry reduction methodologies and their effect on retrodirected beam characteristics. The possibility of circular polarization modulation of the re-transmit signal is also discussed.


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In this paper we investigate the azimuthal pattern symmetry of an Archimedean spiral antenna which is designed to operate over the frequency range 3-10 GHz. The performance of the spiral in free space is compared with a structure that is backed by a perfect electric conductor with a separation distance of ?/4 at the operating frequencies. The latter arrangement exhibits a higher gain, however it is observed that the radiation patterns are less symmetrical about boresight and this performance degradation increases with frequency. The predicted 3 dB beamwidth difference is shown to vary between 14° (3 GHz) and 51° (10 GHz). An improved antenna design is described which reduces the pattern asymmetry to ˜ 2° at 10 GHz. The reduction in modal contamination is obtained by inserting slots carefully arranged in a radial pattern to disrupt the surface currents that flow on the ground plane of the antenna


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At large elevation angles away from boresight the performance of planar phased antenna arrays for circularly polarized, CP, signals suffers from significant gain reduction, worsening of the circular polarization purity, increased pointing error and unwanted dominantly specular lobe radiation. The mechanisms governing this performance deterioration and suggestions for possible rectification are for the first time elaborated in this paper. The points raised in this paper are important when CP retrodirective arrays are to be deployed in self-tracking satellite and terrestrial communication systems mounted on mobile platforms.


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Phased DM transmitter array synthesis using particle swarm optimization (PSO) is presented in this paper. The PSO algorithm is described in details with key parameters provided for 1-D four-element half-wavelength spaced QPSK DM array synthesis. A DM transmitter array for boresight and 30º direction secure communications are taken as examples to validate the proposed synthesis approach. The optimization process exhibits good convergence performance and solution quality.


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This study presents the findings of an empirical channel characterisation for an ultra-wideband off-body optic fibre-fed multiple-antenna array within an office and corridor environment. The results show that for received power experiments, the office and corridor were best modelled by lognormal and Rician distributions, respectively [for both line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) scenarios]. In the office, LOS measurements for t and tRMS were both described by the Normal distribution for all channels, whereas NLOS measurements for t and t were Nakagami and Weibull distributed, respectively. For the corridor measurements, LOS for t and t were either Nakagami or normally distributed for all channels, with NLOS measurements for t and t being Nakagami and normally distributed, respectively. This work also shows that achievable diversity gain was influenced by both mutual coupling and cross-correlation co-efficients. Although the best diversity gains were 1.8 dB for three-channel selective diversity combining, the authors present recommendations for improving these results. © The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2013.


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Focusing on the uplink, where mobile users (each with a single transmit antenna) communicate with a base station with multiple antennas, we treat multiple users as antennas to enable spatial multiplexing across users. Introducing distributed closed-loop spatial multiplexing with threshold-based user selection, we propose two uplink channel-assigning strategies with limited feedback. We prove that the proposed system also outperforms the standard greedy scheme with respect to the degree of fairness, measured by the variance of the time averaged throughput. For uplink multi-antenna systems, we show that the proposed scheduling is a better choice than the greedy scheme in terms of the average BER, feedback complexity, and fairness. The numerical results corroborate our findings


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We propose a low-complexity closed-loop spatial multiplexing method with limited feedback over multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) fading channels. The transmit adaptation is simply performed by selecting transmit antennas (or substreams) by comparing their signal-to-noise ratios to a given threshold with a fixed nonadaptive constellation and fixed transmit power per substream. We analyze the performance of the proposed system by deriving closed-form expressions for spectral efficiency, average transmit power, and bit error rate (BER). Depending on practical system design constraints, the threshold is chosen to maximize the spectral efficiency (or minimize the average BER) subject to average transmit power and average BER (or spectral efficiency) constraints, respectively. We present numerical and Monte Carlo simulation results that validate our analysis. Compared to open-loop spatial multiplexing and other approaches that select the best antenna subset in spatial multiplexing, the numerical results illustrate that the proposed technique obtains significant power gains for the same BER and spectral efficiency. We also provide numerical results that show improvement over rate-adaptive orthogonal space-time block coding, which requires highly complex constellation adaptation. We analyze the impact of feedback delay using analytical and Monte Carlo approaches. The proposed approach is arguably the simplest possible adaptive spatial multiplexing system from an implementation point of view. However, our approach and analysis can be extended to other systems using multiple constellations and power levels.


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We compare the achievable performance of adaptive beamforming (A-BF) and adaptive orthogonal space time block coding (A-OSTBC) with outdated channel feedback. We extend our single user setup to multiuser diversity systems employing adaptive modulation, and illustrate the impact of feedback delay on the multiuser diversity gain with either A-OSTBC or A-BF. Using closed-form expressions for spectral efficiency and average BER of a multiuser diversity system derived in this paper, we prove that the A-BF scheme outperforms the A-OSTBC scheme with no feedback delay. However, when the feedback delay is large, the A-OSTBC scheme achieves better performance due to the reduced diversity advantage of A-BF. We observe that more transmit antennas bring higher spectral efficiency for BF. With small feedback delay, this becomes inverted using OSTBC, due to the effect of channel-hardening. Interestingly, however, we show that A-OSTBC with multiple users enjoys improved spectral efficiency when the number of transmit antennas is increased and the feedback delay is significant


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An electronically reconfigurable Rotman lens is described which generates multiple beams that can be switched from monopulse sum to difference radiation patterns when used in conjunction with a six element Vivaldi antenna array. This is achieved by exploiting the voltage-dependent dielectric anisotropy property of nematic state liquid crystals to provide switched 0 degrees and 180 degrees phase shifts in the array feed lines. The viability of the concept is demonstrated by designing an antenna which exhibits dynamically reconfigurable monopulse radiation patterns over the frequency band 6-10 GHz. Measured and simulated results are shown to be in good agreement. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.