795 resultados para multifocal lens
Objectif : Le syndrome de vasoconstriction cérébrale réversible (SVCR) est une entité clinico-radiologique associant des céphalées paroxystiques à un vasospasme uni- ou multifocal réversible des artères cérébrales avec ou sans déficit neurologique transitoire ou crise comitiale. Le but de notre étude est de rechercher les facteurs de mauvais pronostic des patients présentant un SVCR. Méthode : Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective des imageries vasculaires cérébrales invasives et non invasives entre janvier 2006 et 2011 et avons retenu 10 patients présentant les critères du RCVS. Les données démographiques, facteurs de risque vasculaires ainsi que l'évolution de chaque patient ont été noté. Résultats : Sept des 10 patients sont des femmes, avec un âge médian de 46 ans. Quatre patients ne présentaient pas de facteur étiologique, deux femmes se trouvaient en période post-partum (entre la première et la troisième semaine) et les trois autres cas sont induits par des drogues vaso-actives (cannabis pour 2 cas dont un associé à la cyclosporine, sumatriptan pour un cas). La durée moyenne du suivi est de 10,2 mois (0¬28 mois). Deux patients ont présentés une séquelle neurologique : un a gardé des troubles phasiques et l'autre une hémianopsie latérale homonyme. Deux autres patients sont décédés dans les suites, ce qui est inhabituel. Nous n'avons pas trouvé de corrélation d'évolution différente entre les cas de SVCR primaire ou secondaire. Les seules facteurs corrélaient à l'évolution clinique sont le status neurologique à l'admission et la présence de lésion parenchymateuse (ischémie ou hématome) à l'imagerie. Conclusion : La vasoconstriction cérébrale réversible impliquant des déficits neurologiques ou la mort a été, rarement, rapportée. Nous devons garder à l'esprit qu'une telle évolution peut survenir notamment pour les cas présentant un état neurologique dégradé à l'admission ou présentant des lésions parenchymateuses à l'imagerie.
The purpose of this thesis is to reveal how the laser cutting parameters influence lasercutting of particleboard, HDF and MDF. The literature review introduces the basic principle of CO2 laser, CO2 laser equipment and its usage in cutting of wood-based materials. The experimental part focuses on the discussion and analysis ofthe test data and attempts to draw conclusions on the influence of various parameters, including laser power, focal length of the lens and cutting gas, on the cutting speed and kerf quality. The tested materials include various thicknesses of particleboard, HDF and MDF samples. A TRUMPF TLF2700 HQ laser equipment was used for the experiments. To obtain valid data, the test samples must be completely cut through without any bonding of wood fibre. The maximum cutting speed is linear dependent on the laser power in thecondition that the other parameters are constant. For each thickness of a specific material type, there is a minimum laser power for cutting. Normally, the topand bottom kerf widths increase with the enhancement of laser power. There may be a critical laser power which can generate the minimum cross-sectional kerf width. Lens of larger focal length may achieve higher cutting speed. As the focal length becomes larger, the top kerf width tends to increase while the bottom andcross-sectional kerf widths to the opposite. Of all cutting gases, oxygen can help achieve higher cutting speed. The gas pressure of nitrogen does not seem to have strong influence on the cutting result. Generally, 2 bar air is more preferable for higher cutting speed. For particleboard and MDF samples of larger thickness than 12 mm, 2 bar argon can be used to reach remarkably higher cutting speed than the 5 bar. Generally, the 190.5 mm lens can produce smallest total kerf width. The kerf sides of thicker samples are darker than the thinner ones. The sample darkness tends to be lower as laser power increased. 63.5 mm lens seemed tocause more darkness than other lens. 5 bar cutting gases can produce less dark side kerfs than 2 bar ones. Oxygen normally causes darker kerfs than other gases. No distinct differences were found between nitrogen and argon.
Due to the power of genetics, the mouse has become a widely used animal model in vision research. However, its eyeball has an axial length of only about 2 mm. The present protocol describes how to easily dissect the small rodent eye post mortem. This allows collecting different tissues of the eye, i.e., cornea, lens, iris, retina, optic nerve, retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), and sclera. We further describe in detail how to process these eye samples in order to obtain high‐quality RNA for RNA expression profiling studies. Depending on the eye tissue to be analyzed, we present appropriate lysis buffers to prepare total protein lysates for immunoblot and immuno‐precipitation analyses. Fixation, inclusion, embedding, and cryosectioning of the globe for routine histological analyses (HE staining, DAPI staining, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization) is further presented. These basic protocols should allow novice investigators to obtain eye tissue samples rapidly for their experiments.
Laajojen pintojen kuvaaminen rajoitetussa työskentelytilassa riittävällä kuvatarkkuudella voi olla vaikeaa. Kuvaaminen on suoritettava osissa ja osat koottava saumattomaksi kokonaisnäkymäksi eli mosaiikkikuvaksi. Kuvauslaitetta käsin siirtelevän käyttäjän on saatava välitöntä palautetta, jotta mosaiikkiin ei jäisi aukkoja ja työ olisi nopeaa. Työn tarkoituksena oli rakentaa pieni, kannettava ja tarkka kuvauslaite paperi- ja painoteollisuuden tarpeisiin sekä kehittää palautteen antamiseen menetelmä, joka koostaaja esittää karkeaa mosaiikkikuvaa tosiajassa. Työssä rakennettiin kaksi kuvauslaitetta: ensimmäinen kuluttajille ja toinen teollisuuteen tarkoitetuista osista. Kuvamateriaali käsiteltiin tavallisella pöytätietokoneella. Videokuvien välinen liike laskettiin yksinkertaisella seurantamenetelmällä ja mosaiikkikuvaa koottiin kameroiden kuvanopeudella. Laskennallista valaistuksenkorjausta tutkittiin ja kehitetty menetelmä otettiin käyttöön. Ensimmäisessä kuvauslaitteessa on ongelmia valaistuksen ja linssivääristymien kanssa tuottaen huonolaatuisia mosaiikkikuvia. Toisessa kuvauslaitteessa nämä ongelmat on korjattu. Seurantamenetelmä toimii hyvin ottaen huomioon sen yksinkertaisuuden ja siihen ehdotetaan monia parannuksia. Työn tulokset osoittavat, että tosiaikainen mosaiikkikuvan koostaminen megapikselin kuvamateriaalista on mahdollista kuluttajille tarkoitetulla tietokonelaitteistolla.
Tämän diplomityön tarkoitus oli selvittää CO2-laserin soveltuvuutta paperin reunan leikkaamiseen ennen liimapuristinta nopealle modernilleWFU-paperikoneelle. Merkittävimmät leikkauskokeet tehtiin leikkaamalla paperirataa todenmukaisissa olosuhteissa koekoneella. Koeleikkauksissa tutkittiin myös päällystettyjen paperilajien CO2-laserleikkausta. Paperin reunan koeleikkauksia suoritettiin leikkauspöytää vasten sekä telaa vasten. Leikkauspöytänä käytettiin korkeapainevesileikkaimelle suunniteltua leikkauspöytää, jota paranneltiin tämän työn yhteydessä paremmin laserleikkaukselle sopivaksi. Telaa vasten suoritetuilla leikkauksilla lasertehon tarve oli suurempi verrattuna pöytää vasten leikkaukseen samalla leikkausnopeudella ja samalla paperilajilla. Laserlaitteiston mitoittaminen oikein pelkkien arkkileikkauskokeiden perusteella ei ollut mahdollista. Myös rullilla tapahtuvia leikkauskokeita tarvittiin. Pöytää vasten tapahtuvaan leikkaamiseen tarvitaan 1000 W laserlaite paperin molemmille reunoille. Tämän tehoiset laserlaitteet riittävät kaikille Changshun PK 1:n paperilajeille niiden lajikohtaiseen maksimiajonopeuteen. Testatuista kolmesta polttovälistä antoi 5" polttoväli parhaat leikkaustulokset. Polttopisteen paikka voi vaihdella ± 0.75 mm paperin pinnasta vaikuttamatta silti merkittävästi lasertehon tarpeeseen. Laserleikatun paperin reuna oli hyvälaatuinen, eikä laserleikkaus aiheuttanut paperille epätoivottuja asioita kuten mustumista.
PURPOSE: To investigate choroidal vascular abnormalities in peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy, using dynamic ultrawide-field fluorescein angiography (FA) and indocyanine green angiography (ICGA).¦DESIGN: Prospective observational case series.¦METHODS: This institutional study comprised a consecutive series of 40 patients (48 eyes) with peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy. Choroidal vascular abnormalities were assessed with dynamic ultrawide-field (150-degree) FA and ICGA, using the Staurenghi 230 SLO Retina Lens and the Heidelberg scanning laser ophthalmoscope. The main outcome measures were morphologic descriptions of structural vascular abnormalities and choroidal hemodynamics (comparison with 30 normal eyes).¦RESULTS: The peripheral mass lesions were highly exudative and hemorrhagic, and usually associated with a pigment epithelium detachment. FA revealed nonspecific alterations corresponding to the visible fundoscopic changes (window defects, blockage, staining), but no neovascular membrane. However, despite frequent masking, ICGA showed hyperfluorescent polyp-like structures in the choroid of the lesion area in 33 eyes (69%) and an abnormal choroidal vascular network in 24 eyes (50%). The abnormal choroidal vascular network filled in the arterial or early venous phase, while the polyp-like structures filled some seconds later. Optical coherence tomography revealed the typical dome-shaped elevation of the pigment epithelium over the vascular polyps. Peripheral choriocapillaris closure was observed as well as dilated shunting vessels.¦CONCLUSION: Peripheral exudative hemorrhagic chorioretinopathy shares many characteristics (polyp-like choroidal telangiectases, abnormal choroidal vascular networks, exudative and hemorrhagic presentation) with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Clarification of the precise role of these abnormalities requires further studies.
Se presenta una síntesis de los resultados obtenidos en los estudios de semillas y frutos realizados durante los últimos años en la Cataluña Occidental (especialmente en el llamado Llano Occidental Catalán) en yacimientos del II y I milenio a.n.e. Entre las plantas cultivadas destacan claramente los cereales, sobre todo la cebada vestida (Hordeum vulgare) y el trigo común/duro (Triticum aestivum/durum), con escasa presencia de leguminosas, siendo las más representadas la lenteja (Lens culinaris) y el guisante (Pisum sativum). Nuevos cultivos como los mijos (Panicum miliaceum y Setaria italica) o el lino (Linum usitatissimum) se detectan ya desde mediados del II milenio, mientras que otros como la avena (Avena sativa) se introducen en época ibérica. Se han recuperado también testimonios de recolección, como las bellotas (Quercus sp.) o la uva silvestre (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris), así como de la vegetación arvense, principalmente el raygrás (Lolium sp.).
PURPOSE: Proper delineation of ocular anatomy in 3-dimensional (3D) imaging is a big challenge, particularly when developing treatment plans for ocular diseases. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presently used in clinical practice for diagnosis confirmation and treatment planning for treatment of retinoblastoma in infants, where it serves as a source of information, complementary to the fundus or ultrasonographic imaging. Here we present a framework to fully automatically segment the eye anatomy for MRI based on 3D active shape models (ASM), and we validate the results and present a proof of concept to automatically segment pathological eyes. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Manual and automatic segmentation were performed in 24 images of healthy children's eyes (3.29 ± 2.15 years of age). Imaging was performed using a 3-T MRI scanner. The ASM consists of the lens, the vitreous humor, the sclera, and the cornea. The model was fitted by first automatically detecting the position of the eye center, the lens, and the optic nerve, and then aligning the model and fitting it to the patient. We validated our segmentation method by using a leave-one-out cross-validation. The segmentation results were evaluated by measuring the overlap, using the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and the mean distance error. RESULTS: We obtained a DSC of 94.90 ± 2.12% for the sclera and the cornea, 94.72 ± 1.89% for the vitreous humor, and 85.16 ± 4.91% for the lens. The mean distance error was 0.26 ± 0.09 mm. The entire process took 14 seconds on average per eye. CONCLUSION: We provide a reliable and accurate tool that enables clinicians to automatically segment the sclera, the cornea, the vitreous humor, and the lens, using MRI. We additionally present a proof of concept for fully automatically segmenting eye pathology. This tool reduces the time needed for eye shape delineation and thus can help clinicians when planning eye treatment and confirming the extent of the tumor.
BACKGROUND: To determine the clinical presentation, current treatment and outcome of children with nonbacterial inflammatory bone disease. METHODS: Retrospective multicenter study of patients entered into the Swiss Pediatric Rheumatology Working Group registry with a diagnosis of chronic nonbacterial osteomyelitis (CNO) and synovitis acne pustulosis hyperostosis osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome. The charts were reviewed for informations about disease presentation, treatment, course and outcome. RESULTS: Forty-one children (31 girls and 10 boys) from 6 pediatric hospitals in Switzerland diagnosed between 1995 and 2010 were included in the study. The diagnosis was multifocal CNO (n = 33), unifocal CNO (n = 4) and SAPHO syndrome (n = 4). Mean age at onset of CNO was 9.5 years (range 1.4-15.6) and mean follow-up time was 52 months (range 6-156 months). Most patients (n = 27) had a chronic persistent disease course (>6 months), 8 patients had a course with one or more relapses and 6 patients had only one episode of CNO. Forty nine percent had received at least one course of antibiotics. In 57% treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) was sufficient to control the disease. Twelve out of 16 children with NSAID failure subsequently received corticosteroids, methotrexate, TNF α inhibitors, bisphosphonates or a combination of these drugs. CONCLUSIONS: In a multicenter cohort of 41 children 22% started with unifocal lesion with a significant diagnostic delay. A higher proportion presented with chronic persistent disease than with a recurrent form. An osteomyelitis in the pelvic region is significantly associated with other features of juvenile spondylarthritis.
This study considers the question of the relationship between private labour regulation and workers' capacity to take collective action through the lens of an empirical study of the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) 'performance standards' system of social and environmental conditionality. The study covered some 150 IFC client businesses in four world regions, drawing on data made public by the IFC as well as the results of a dedicated field survey that gathered information directly from workers, managers and union representatives. The study found that the application of the performance standards system has had remarkably little impact on union membership and social dialogue. In those few cases where change could be causally linked to the standards, the effect depended on the presence of workers' organizations that already had the capacity to take effective action on behalf of their members. The study also uncovered some prima facie evidence of breaches of freedom of association rights occurring with no reaction from IFC. The study concludes that the lack of impact is largely due to the private contractual structure that supposedly guarantees standards compliance.
La station valaisanne de Crans-Montana est richement représentée par la photographie, la peinture, les affiches et l'architecture. Cette thèse de doctorat s'emploie à réunir un large corpus de photographies et de représentations : peintures, affiches, cartes postales et reproductions de bâtiments emblématiques (voir le corpus illustré et documentaire annexé). Les questions liées à l'identité du territoire et son image sont les fils conducteurs de ce travail qui a débuté en 2008. Un premier ensemble visuel a été réuni par le Dr Théodore Stephani (1868-1951), un acteur fondamental pour l'histoire de la naissance de la station. Médecin, mais également photographe, il réalise une collection de plus de 1300 clichés, réunie en six albums, sur une période de trente-sept ans (1899-1936). Les photographies du médecin, originaire de Genève, fondateur de ce lieu désormais touristique sont le point de départ de cette recherche et son fil rouge. Celle-ci tentera d'articuler des représentations sur l'évolution du paysage et l'urbanisation de la station autour d'acteurs illustres, tels que les peintres Ferdinand Hodler (1853-1918) et Albert Muret (1874-1955), l'écrivain Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz (1878-1947) et les nombreux hôteliers ou médecins qui ont marqué l'histoire de la naissance du Haut-Plateau. Les représentations débutent en 1896 car c'est à ce moment-là que le Dr Stephani s'établit à Montana. Les architectes les plus connus de la première période sont François-Casimir Besson (1869-1944), Markus Burgener (1878-1953), suivi de la deuxième génération autour de Jean-Marie Ellenberger (1913-1988), André Perraudin (1915-2014) et André Gaillard (1921-2010). Parallèlement ou avant eux, les peintres déjà cités, Ferdinand Hodler et Albert Muret, - suivis de René Auberjonois (1872-1957), Henri-Edouard Bercher (1877-1970), Charles-Clos Olsommer (1883-1966), Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980), Albert Chavaz (1907¬1990), Paul Monnier (1907-1982) et Hans Emi (1909-2015) - qui appartiennent tous à l'histoire culturelle de la région. Quant aux écrivains qui ont résidé dans la région, nous citons Elizabeth von Arnim (1866-1941), sa cousine Katherine Mansfield (1888-1923) alors que l'oeuvre de Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz est largement développée par une interprétation de son oeuvre Le Règne de l'esprit malin (1917) et un clin d'oeil pour Igor Stravinsky (1882¬1971). Nous présenterons aussi les films de trois cinéastes qui se sont inspirés des oeuvres écrites par Ramuz lors de son passage à Lens, à savoir Dimitri Kirsanoff (1899-1957), Claude Goretta (1929) et Francis Reusser (1942). Le concept du « village » est abordé depuis l'exposition nationale suisse (1896) jusqu'au projet des investisseurs russes, à Aminona. Ce « village » est le deuxième mégaprojet de Suisse, après celui d'Andermatt. Si le projet se réalise, l'image de la station s'en trouvera profondément transformée. En 1998, la publication de Au bord de la falaise. L'histoire entre certitudes et inquiétudes amène une grande visibilité aux propositions de Roger Chartier, qui lie l'étude des textes aux objets matériels et les usages qu'ils engendrent dans la société. Il définit l'histoire culturelle comme "une histoire culturelle du social" alors que pour Pascal Ory, une histoire culturelle est "comme une forme d'histoire sociale", ce qui revient presque au même, mais nous choisirons celle d'Ory pour une histoire sociale du paysage et de l'architecture. Ce travail adopte ainsi plusieurs points de vue : l'histoire sociale, basée sur les interviews de nombreux protagonistes de l'histoire locale, et l'histoire de l'art qui permet une sélection d'objets emblématiques ; l'histoire culturelle offre ainsi une méthode transversale pour lire et relier ces différents regards ou points de vue entre les paysages, les arts visuels, l'architecture, la littérature et le cinéma.
Background: To evaluate the safety of immediate sequential bilateral cataract extraction (ISBCE) with respect to indications, visual outcomes, complications, benefits and disadvantages. Methods: This is a retrospective review of all ISBCEs performed at Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland, between April 2000 and September 2013. The case notes of 500 eyes of 250 patients were reviewed. Of these 500 eyes, 472 (94.4%) had a straight forward phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation; 21 (4.2%) had a planned extracapsular cataract extraction; 4 (0.8%) had an intracapsular cataract extraction and 3 (0.6%) had a combined phacoemulsification with trabeculectomy. Results: Over 66% of eyes achieved improved visual acuity (at least 3 Snellen lines) following ISBCE. Median preoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.5 LogMAR; the interquartile range was [0.4, 1] LogMAR. At one week control the median BCVA was 0.3 LogMAR, IQR [0.1, 0.5] LogMAR. At one month the median BCVA was 0.15 LogMAR, IQR [0.05, 0.3] (p < 0.01). There were no sight-threatening intraoperative or postoperative complications observed. Conclusions: ISBCE is an effective and safe option with high degree of patient satisfaction. The relative benefits of ISBCE should be balanced against the theoretically enhanced risks.
Abstract Background: To evaluate the predictability of refraction following immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) performed under general anaesthesia. Methods: This is a retrospective review of all ISBCS performed at Kantonsspital Winterthur, Switzerland, between April 2000 and September 2013. The case notes of 250 patients were reviewed. Patients having full refraction reported (110 patients/220 eyes) were included. 210 (95 %) eyes had a straight forward phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation, seven eyes had a planned extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE); three eyes had an intracapsular cataract extraction. Results: Both eyes of 110 patients (64 women, 46 men) with a mean age of 79.0 years, standard deviation (SD) ±11.4 (range 26 to 97 years) were included. Median preoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.5 LogMAR in the first eye, the interquartile range (IQR) was [0.4, 1.2]; 0.7 LogMAR in the second eye with IQR [0.4, 1.8]. At one month, the median BCVA was 0.2 LogMAR, IQR [0.1, 0.3] in the first eye, median BCVA was 0.1 LogMAR and IQR [0.0, 0.5] in the second eye. There were 3 eyes (3 %) that lost 3 lines or more in BCVA at one month (control vs. pre-operatively). In all three cases, poor visual acuity had been recorded pre-operatively (>1 LogMAR). Achieved refraction was within ±1.0 D of the target in 83 % of eyes. There were only 5 % (n = 6) of cases where if delayed sequential bilateral extraction had been performed could potentially intraocular lens (IOL) choice have been adjusted, in four of these cases, target refraction was within ±1.0 D in the second eye. Conclusions: ISBCS performed under general anaesthesia achieves target refraction in 83 % of eyes after consideration of complications, ocular co-morbidities and systemic restrictions. In the majority of cases where IOL power calculation could be considered, the achieved refraction of the second surgical eye was within ±1.0 D of intended refraction. This undermines the utility of IOL power adjustments in the second surgical eye. Keywords: Cataract, Cataract surgery, Immediate sequential bilateral cataract surgery
BACKGROUND: Digoxin intoxication results in predominantly digestive, cardiac and neurological symptoms. This case is outstanding in that the intoxication occurred in a nonagenarian and induced severe, extensively documented visual symptoms as well as dysphagia and proprioceptive illusions. Moreover, it went undiagnosed for a whole month despite close medical follow-up, illustrating the difficulty in recognizing drug-induced effects in a polymorbid patient. CASE PRESENTATION: Digoxin 0.25 mg qd for atrial fibrillation was prescribed to a 91-year-old woman with an estimated creatinine clearance of 18 ml/min. Over the following 2-3 weeks she developed nausea, vomiting and dysphagia, snowy and blurry vision, photopsia, dyschromatopsia, aggravated pre-existing formed visual hallucinations and proprioceptive illusions. She saw her family doctor twice and visited the eye clinic once until, 1 month after starting digoxin, she was admitted to the emergency room. Intoxication was confirmed by a serum digoxin level of 5.7 ng/ml (reference range 0.8-2 ng/ml). After stopping digoxin, general symptoms resolved in a few days, but visual complaints persisted. Examination by the ophthalmologist revealed decreased visual acuity in both eyes, 4/10 in the right eye (OD) and 5/10 in the left eye (OS), decreased color vision as demonstrated by a score of 1/13 in both eyes (OU) on Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates, OS cataract, and dry age-related macular degeneration (ARMD). Computerized static perimetry showed non-specific diffuse alterations suggestive of either bilateral retinopathy or optic neuropathy. Full-field electroretinography (ERG) disclosed moderate diffuse rod and cone dysfunction and multifocal ERG revealed central loss of function OU. Visual symptoms progressively improved over the next 2 months, but multifocal ERG did not. The patient was finally discharged home after a 5 week hospital stay. CONCLUSION: This case is a reminder of a complication of digoxin treatment to be considered by any treating physician. If digoxin is prescribed in a vulnerable patient, close monitoring is mandatory. In general, when facing a new health problem in a polymorbid patient, it is crucial to elicit a complete history, with all recent drug changes and detailed complaints, and to include a drug adverse reaction in the differential diagnosis.
PURPOSE: To define the phenotypic manifestation, confirm the genetic basis, and delineate the pathogenic mechanisms underlying an oculoauricular syndrome (OAS). METHODS: Two individuals from a consanguineous family underwent comprehensive clinical phenotyping and electrodiagnostic testing (EDT). Genome-wide microarray analysis and Sanger sequencing of the candidate gene were used to identify the likely causal variant. Protein modelling, Western blotting, and dual luciferase assays were used to assess the pathogenic effect of the variant in vitro. RESULTS: Complex developmental ocular abnormalities of congenital cataract, anterior segment dysgenesis, iris coloboma, early-onset retinal dystrophy, and abnormal external ear cartilage presented in the affected family members. Genetic analyses identified a homozygous c.650A>C; p.(Gln217Pro) missense mutation within the highly conserved homeodomain of the H6 family homeobox 1 (HMX1) gene. Protein modelling predicts that the variant may have a detrimental effect on protein folding and/or stability. In vitro analyses were able to demonstrate that the mutation has no effect on protein expression but adversely alters function. CONCLUSIONS: Oculoauricular syndrome is an autosomal recessive condition that has a profound effect on the development of the external ear, anterior segment, and retina, leading to significant visual loss at an early age. This study has delineated the phenotype and confirmed HMX1 as the gene causative of OAS, enabling the description of only the second family with the condition. HMX1 is a key player in ocular development, possibly in both the pathway responsible for lens and retina development, and via the gene network integral to optic fissure closure.