999 resultados para montréal


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This Paper Reviews the Literature on the Compliance Costs Incurred by Businesses and Individuals Because of One Or More Taxes. It Presents Both the Main Characteristics, Such As Sample Size, Interview Techniques and So On, and the Key Findings of the Nineteen Studies Reviewed. in General, One Can Conclude That Simpler Taxes Lead to Lower Compliance Costs.


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While the Present Popularity of Lotteries and the Ferocious Attacks They Are the Object of Would Induce One to Think They Are a Novelty, Lotteries Already Existed At the Dawn of History. in This Paper, We Will Give a Brief Historical Survey of Games of Chance, with Special Emphasis on Lotteries. This Survey Serves As a Background for Forthcoming Studies Where We Examine Why They Were Frequently Popular And, At the Same Time, the Object of the Scorn of a Number of Would-Be Reformers.


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It Has Been Argued That in the Construction and Simulation Process of Computable General Equilibrium (Cge) Models, the Choice of the Proper Macroclosure Remains a Fundamental Problem. in This Study, with a Standard Cge Model, We Simulate Disturbances Stemming From the Supply Or Demand Side of the Economy, Under Alternative Macroclosures. According to Our Results, the Choice of a Particular Closure Rule, for a Given Disturbance, May Have Different Quantitative and Qualitative Impacts. This Seems to Confirm the Imiportance of Simulating Cge Models Under Alternative Closure Rules and Eventually Choosing the Closure Which Best Applies to the Economy Under Study.


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This Study Presents Both a Comprehensive Survey Jof the Empirical Literature on Gambling and Our Most Recent Research Based on Data Provided by Both Loto-Quebec and Statistics Canada. in Spite of All the Excitement Surrounding the Subject, the Typical Gambler Emerges with the Relatively Boring Image of a Regular, Relatively Lower Paid Blue Or White Collar Worker, Whose Career Stalled, Who Is Relatively Older and Has More Children Than the Rest of the Population. But He Is Not Criminal and Does Not Spend Recklessly. the Game Gives Him Hope, Type of Hope That No Other Existing Spending Opportunities Can Provide. the Study Also Reveals That People Do Not Tell the Truth About Their Spendings on Games of Chance.


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In This Paper Several Additional Gmm Specification Tests Are Studied. a First Test Is a Chow-Type Test for Structural Parameter Stability of Gmm Estimates. the Test Is Inspired by the Fact That \"Taste and Technology\" Parameters Are Uncovered. the Second Set of Specification Tests Are Var Encompassing Tests. It Is Assumed That the Dgp Has a Finite Var Representation. the Moment Restrictions Which Are Suggested by Economic Theory and Exploited in the Gmm Procedure Represent One Possible Characterization of the Dgp. the Var Is a Different But Compatible Characterization of the Same Dgp. the Idea of the Var Encompassing Tests Is to Compare Parameter Estimates of the Euler Conditions and Var Representations of the Dgp Obtained Separately with Parameter Estimates of the Euler Conditions and Var Representations Obtained Jointly. There Are Several Ways to Construct Joint Systems Which Are Discussed in the Paper. Several Applications Are Also Discussed.


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The Purpose of This Article Is to Show How Costs and Benefits of Geographical Decentralization of R&D Can Be Identified and Compared. the Benefits for the Region That Receives R&D Activities Are Studied in Section 1. They Stem From the Short-Run Multiplier Effect, the Amelioration of Human Capital and the Possible Modernization of the Local Industrial Structure. on the Cost Side Examined in Section 2, the Observable Impacts of the Decentralization of R&D Concern the Loss of Returns to Scale and of the Production of the R&D Output. It Is Shown, in Section 3, That the Flows of Costs and Benefits Must Be Discounted by the Social Cost of Capital. the Main Conclusion of This Article Is That the Decentralization of R&D in a Large Sparsely Populated Country Entails Social Cost and Would Weaken Its Competitive Position in World Commerce. on the Other Hand, the Issue of Decentralization Is More Crucial for Small Countries (In Terms of Population and Economic Size) Than for Large Ones, Like the U.S., Where Critical Masses of Research Efforts Cna Be Simulataneously Attained in Many Fields and in Many Places.


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Underdeclarations Are Typical When Alcohol, Tobacco and Gambling Consumptions Are Questioned in Surveys. Recent Surveys on Expenditures on Lotteries Have Similar Problems: the Declared Expenditures Equal Between 60 to 65 Percent of the Revenues of the Various State-Run Lottery Entreprises. by Using the Relatively Accurate Data on the Revenue Side of This Industry One Can Deal with the Problem of Underdeclarations of Consumption Patterns in Suveys and Obtain Better Income Elasticity Estimates. the Statistical Analysis Permits to Test Specific Hypotheses on a Lottery Model Developed by Brenner, and Suggests Broader Implications Both for Future Econometric Analysis and the Confidence One Gives to Elasticity Estimates Derived From Aggregate Sectorial Data for All Consumption Expenditures.


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In This Paper We Present and Implement an Econometric Test of Both Negative Semi-Definiteness of the Matrix of Compensated Price Effects and of the Negative Quasi-Definiteness of the Matrix of Uncompensated Price Effects. This Test Allows Us to Evaluate Two Alternative Characterizations of Aggregate Demand Systems: the First, That They Behave Like Individual Demand Fuctions, and the Second, That They Respect the Properties Implied by the Assumptions Proposed by Hidebrand (1983) Or Grandmont (1984).


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