1000 resultados para mental spine
PURPOSE: To present a rare case of deep penetrating neck trauma in which a retained foreign body in the cervical spine (a broken knife blade) resulted in delayed radicular injury. We describe the surgical management using a retrojugular approach. CASE REPORT: Our patient sustained a stab wound to the supraclavicular triangle from a small pocketknife. He was initially managed in a local hospital by simple primary wound closure without any radiological examinations, and was discharged home. The patient re-consulted in a delayed fashion with mild local persistent neck pain. Subsequent radiological investigations revealed a foreign body (the broken blade of a pocket knife) embedded in the left neural foramen between the C6 and C7 vertebrae penetrating the disc space. The blade was lying between the left C7 nerve root and the ipsilateral vertebral artery (VA) at the transition of V1 and V2 segments. Initial neurological evaluation was normal. Some days later, the patient developed a delayed left C7 radicular deficit. We undertook urgent exploration along the wound corridor through a retrojugular, transforaminal approach with successful removal of the blade. DISCUSSION: To our knowledge, this is a unique case where a retained foreign body penetrated the soft tissues of the neck, embedding deep in the vertebral column without vascular, aerodigestive or significant primary neurological injury, while causing delayed neck pain and delayed onset radicular injury. We describe our surgical management for removal of the retained blade. The retrojugular approach gives excellent access to all of the important anatomical structures of the neck from an anterolateral approach.
BACKGROUND: Dumbbell tumors are defined as having an intradural and extradural component with an intermediate component within an expanded neural foramen. Complete resection of these lesions in the subaxial cervical spine is a challenge, and it has been achieved through a combined posterior/anterior or anterolateral approach. This study describes a single stage transforaminal retrojugular (TFR) approach for dumbbell tumors resection in the cervical spine. METHODS: This is a retrospective review of a series of 17 patients treated for cervical benign tumors, 4 of which were "true" cervical dumbbell tumors operated by a simplified retrojugular approach. The TFR approach allows a single stage gross total resection of both the extraspinal and intraspinal/intradural components of the tumor, taking advantage of the expanded neural foramen. All patients were followed clinically and radiologically with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS: Gross total resection was confirmed in all four patients by postoperative MRI. Minimal to no bone resection was performed. No fusion procedure was performed and no delayed instability was seen. At follow up, one patient had a persistent mild hand weakness and Horners syndrome following resection of a hemangioblastoma of the C8 nerve root. The other three patients were neurologically normal. CONCLUSIONS: The TFR approach appears to be a feasible surgical option for single stage resection in selective cases of dumbbell tumors of the cervical spine.
En este artículo se pretende enfatizar el concepto de promoción de la salud mental; un espacio reservado para las intervenciones dirigidas a reforzar, mantener, incrementar y, en global, potenciar el bienestar psicológico de las personas 'mentalmente sanas'. Para su comprensión se introduce el constructo 'salud mental positiva', cuyo significado está relacionado tanto con estados de bienestar y felicidad como con situaciones de sufrimiento y conflicto emocional. Se enfatiza la necesidad de discriminar la normalidad/anormalidad de esos estados psicológicos, teniendo en cuenta la complejidad de la estructura mental del ser humano y las dificultades que existen para determinar lo que es salud y lo que es enfermedad mental. Asimismo, se vincula la promoción de la salud mental al concepto de autocuidado, relacionando la capacidad de cuidarse uno mismo con la capacidad para cuidar a los demás. Esta relación resulta especialmente significativa para la enfermería, como profesión centrada en el cuidado. El artículo finaliza con una serie de sugerencias para la promoción de la salud mental positiva.
Background: A holistic perspective on health implies giving careful consideration to the relationship between physical and mental health. In this regard the present study sought to determine the level of Positive Mental Health (PMH) among people with chronic physical health problems, and to examine the relationship between the observed levels of PMH and both physical health status and socio-demographic variables. Methods: The study was based on the Multifactor Model of Positive Mental Health (Lluch, 1999), which comprises six factors: Personal Satisfaction (F1), Prosocial Attitude (F2), Self-control (F3), Autonomy (F4), Problem-solving and Self-actualization (F5), and Interpersonal Relationship Skills (F6). The sample comprised 259 adults with chronic physical health problems who were recruited through a primary care center in the province of Barcelona (Spain). Positive mental health was assessed by means of the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire (Lluch, 1999). Results: Levels of PMH differed, either on the global scale or on specific factors, in relation to the following variables: age: global PMH scores decreased with age (r=-0.129; p=0.038); b) gender: men scored higher on F1 (t=2.203; p=0.028) and F4 (t=3.182; p=0.002), while women scored higher on F2 (t -3.086; p=0.002) and F6 (t=-2.744; p=0.007); c) number of health conditions: the fewer the number of health problems the higher the PMH score on F5 (r=-0.146; p=0.019); d) daily medication: polymedication patients had lower PMH scores, both globally and on various factors; e) use of analgesics: occasional use of painkillers was associated with higher PMH scores on F1 (t=-2.811; p=0.006). There were no significant differences in global PMH scores according to the type of chronic health condition. The only significant difference in the analysis by factors was that patients with hypertension obtained lower PMH scores on the factor Autonomy (t=2.165; p=0.032). Conclusions: Most people with chronic physical health problems have medium or high levels of PMH. The variables that adversely affect PMH are old age, polypharmacy and frequent consumption of analgesics. The type of health problem does not influence the levels of PMH. Much more extensive studies with samples without chronic pathology are now required in order to be able to draw more robust conclusions.
En este artículo se pretende enfatizar el concepto de promoción de la salud mental; un espacio reservado para las intervenciones dirigidas a reforzar, mantener, incrementar y, en global, potenciar el bienestar psicológico de las personas 'mentalmente sanas'. Para su comprensión se introduce el constructo 'salud mental positiva', cuyo significado está relacionado tanto con estados de bienestar y felicidad como con situaciones de sufrimiento y conflicto emocional. Se enfatiza la necesidad de discriminar la normalidad/anormalidad de esos estados psicológicos, teniendo en cuenta la complejidad de la estructura mental del ser humano y las dificultades que existen para determinar lo que es salud y lo que es enfermedad mental. Asimismo, se vincula la promoción de la salud mental al concepto de autocuidado, relacionando la capacidad de cuidarse uno mismo con la capacidad para cuidar a los demás. Esta relación resulta especialmente significativa para la enfermería, como profesión centrada en el cuidado. El artículo finaliza con una serie de sugerencias para la promoción de la salud mental positiva.
BACKGROUND: Literature on the disease profile of prisoners that differentiates by age and gender remains sparse. This study aimed to describe the health of correctional inmates in terms of substance abuse problems and mental and somatic health conditions, and compare it by gender and age. METHODS: This study examined cross-sectional data from the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland on the health conditions of detainees who were in prison on January 1, 2011 or entered prison in 2011. Health conditions validated by physician examination were reported using the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) version 10. The analyses were descriptive by groups of prisoners: the entire sample (All), Men, Older adults and Women. RESULTS: A total of 1,664 individuals were included in the analysis. Men comprised 91.5 % of the sample and had a mean age of 33 years. The other 8.5 % were women and had an average age of 39. Older adults (i.e., age 50 and older) represented 7 % of the total sample. Overall, 80 % of inmates were non-Swiss citizens, but the proportion of Swiss prisoners was higher among the older adults (51 %) and women (29 %). Overall, 41 % of inmates self-reported substance abuse problems. Of those, 27 % were being treated by psychiatrists for behavioral disorders related to substance abuse. Chronic infectious diseases were found in 9 % of the prison population. In addition, 27 % of detainees suffered from serious mental health conditions. Gender and age had an influence on the disease profile of this sample: compared to the entire prison population, the older inmates were less likely to misuse illegal drugs and to suffer from communicable infections but exhibited more problems with alcohol and a higher burden of chronic health conditions. Female prisoners were more disposed to mental health problems (including drug abuse) and infectious diseases. In terms of chronic diseases, women suffered from the same conditions as men, but the diseases were more prevalent in women. CONCLUSION: It is important to understand the different disease profiles of prisoners by gender and age, as it helps identify the needs of different groups and tailor age-and gender-specific interventions.
Spinal cord injuries result after diving into shallow water, often after incautious jumps head first into water of unknown depth during recreational or sport activities. Mortality is generally due to upper cervical trauma. The authors present a case of a diving-related death in a young woman who underwent medicolegal investigations. The measured water depth at the supposed dive site was 1.40 m. Postmortem radiology and autopsy revealed fractures of the body and the posterior arch of the fifth cervical vertebra, a fracture of the right transverse process of the sixth cervical vertebra and hemorrhages involving the cervical paraspinal muscles. Neuropathology showed a posterior epidural hematoma involving the whole cervical region and a symmetric laceration of the spinal cord located at the fourth and fifth cervical vertebra level, surrounded by multiple petechial hemorrhages. Toxicology revealed the presence of ethanol in both blood and urine samples. The death was attributed to cervical spine fracture (C5-C6), spinal cord contusion, and subsequent drowning. This case highlights the usefulness of postmortem radiology, examination of the deep structures of the neck, toxicology, neuropathology, and a detailed research of signs of drowning to formulate appropriate hypotheses pertaining to the cause and mechanism of death.
The Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) regulates neuronal RNA metabolism, and its absence or mutations leads to the Fragile X syndrome (FXS). The β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) is involved in Alzheimer's disease, plays a role in synapse formation, and is upregulated in intellectual disabilities. Here, we show that during mouse synaptogenesis and in human FXS fibroblasts, a dual dysregulation of APP and the α-secretase ADAM10 leads to the production of an excess of soluble APPα (sAPPα). In FXS, sAPPα signals through the metabotropic receptor that, activating the MAP kinase pathway, leads to synaptic and behavioral deficits. Modulation of ADAM10 activity in FXS reduces sAPPα levels, restoring translational control, synaptic morphology, and behavioral plasticity. Thus, proper control of ADAM10-mediated APP processing during a specific developmental postnatal stage is crucial for healthy spine formation and function(s). Downregulation of ADAM10 activity at synapses may be an effective strategy for ameliorating FXS phenotypes.