997 resultados para massa foliar
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEB
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as características morfogenéticas e estruturais do capim-Tanzânia, a produção de forragem, as perdas de nitrogênio (N) por volatilização, reservas orgânicas e a avaliação do sistema radicular sob doses de nitrogênio sob pastejo. O experimento foi instalado na área Fazenda Experimental de Iguatemi da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, no período de março de 2007 a março de 2008. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos completos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, encontravam-se as doses de N (0, 150, 300 e 450 kg ha-1 de N) e, nas sub-parcelas, as estações do ano. As perdas de N por volatilização foram quantificadas depois da adubação N (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 dias). As amostragens das raízes foram realizadas nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-40 cm. A aplicação do fertilizante N na pastagem foi parcelada em três aplicações. A produção de massa seca total e de lâmina foliar de forragem respondeu linearmente até 282 kg ha-1 de N na estação do verão. A adubação nitrogenada exerce efeito positivo nas taxas de alongamento e aparecimento foliar, e no número de folhas vivas em plantas de capim-Tanzânia nas estações da primavera e verão. Elevadas adubações nitrogenadas associada a intervalos menores de pastejo promovem uma maior porcentagem de lâmina foliar; no manejo de pastos de capim-Tanzânia sob lotação rotacionada com altura de 70 cm na entrada dos animais para o pastejo e saída com 30 cm de altura do resíduo. A interação entre o nível de adubação e o período depois da aplicação de uréia foi significativa para a variável volatilização acumulada de N-NH3. A aplicação da uréia acarreta perdas percentuais mais elevadas de N nos três primeiros dias após a aplicação. A perda média acumulada de N-NH3 no período para as três estações do ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
The objective of this study was to evaluate gas exchange and photochemical efficiency of cotton cultivars under leaf application of silicon. Therefore, the experiment was conducted in a completely randomized in a factorial 3 x 5, three cotton cultivars ('BRS Topazio', 'BRS Safira' and 'BRS Rubi'), five silicon concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 mg L-1) and four replications. Gas exchange and photochemical efficiency were determined by measuring the rate of CO2 assimilation, transpiration, stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentration, instantaneous efficiency in water use, instantaneous carboxylation efficiency, initial fluorescence, maximum quantum efficiency of the variable and photosystem II (PSII). The data variables were subjected to analysis of variance and regression test comparison of means. There were significant differences in gas exchange and photochemical efficiency in response to concentrations of silicon. There were also significant differences among cotton cultivars evaluated. In cultivar 'BRS Top zio', the application of silicon increased CO2 assimilation rate and quantum efficiency of PSII. In 'BRS Safira' silicon reduced the rate of assimilation and internal CO2 concentration. In 'BRS Rubi' element increased the fluorescence of chlorophyll 'a' and quantum efficiency of photosystem II, and reduced the rate of assimilation and internal CO2 concentration and stomatal conductance. Silicate fertilization provided 'BRS Topazio' to express better photosynthetic rate in relation to 'BRS Safira' and 'BRS Rubi'. No damage occurred in PSII when 'BRS Top zio', 'BRS Safira' and 'BRS Rubi' cultivars received silicon as supplementary nutrition.
The transportation of oil through pipelines raises a concern related to safety and environmental impacts they may cause, especially when exposed to risks that affect their integrity. Among the natural phenomena that can affect the pipelines are erosion and landslides. Considering the large territory involving the pipelines, remote sensing tools have a great applicability for data acquisition. For this, visual analysis techniques were applied to perform change detection in order to monitor erosion features and landslides along a stretch of pipeline Rio de Janeiro – Belo Horizonte, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The work involved the characterization of the study area as well as the erosion and landslide processes, through bibliographical data. The satellite image processing and the application of change detection techniques were developed in two scenes for the years 2002 and 2010. It was noted a small increase in the number of the identified features, however with regard to their area, a decrease of 21.7% was observed
The present work investigates solid waste temperature behavior in different depths in two cells in the Rio Claro-SP city’s sanitary landfill. One of the cells is in operation with waste disposal beginning about one year ago. The other one is located in an closed area and contain waste disposed from five to seven years before. Measures were also made in an area that have no disposed waste in order to collect reference values. The data were obtained every fifteen days. The temperature results shows higher values in the operating cell, with maximum 38,1 °C in a depth of 4,0 m. In the closed cell the highest values were 36,3 °C in a depth of 8,5 m. The highest temperature values were obtained in the operating cell due to wider substract availability that indicates a more intense biological degradation activity. With three meters depth, the temperature results were 36,6 °C in the operating cell, 33,8 °C in the closed cell and 24,5 °C in the reference area. Therefore the temperature can be used as a biological activity indicator in sanitary landfills, supporting biogas studies
This scientific research aimed at presenting a comparative analysis of softwares used to represent the processes of flood wave and debris flow. For this, a literature review was performed on these processes and on simulation models used to represent them. Then, a research on scientific database and developers’ websites was performed to identify the softwares used to simulate these processes. This step was performed based on specific criteria such as the type of simulation performed by the software, its practical applications and a user friendly interface. A free distribution and totally functional software was chosen and its simulation mechanisms were tested through a simulation exercise and the results interpreted based on data on measured in the Basin of Ribeirão Marins section Monjolinho located in Piracicaba - SP. With respect to the processes, it was sought to present the dynamics, constraints, parameters and variables used to understand them and for the simulation models were presented the conceptual aspects of mathematical modeling including the steps of the simulation process and the different types of simulation models used to represent them. In total, 20 softwares were identified, and the software object of analysis was the ABC 6 that performs simulation of flood wave. Through the simulation exercise, it was observed that were presented overestimated values of flow compared to measured data in the basin. For both hypotheses were raised about the causes of the discrepancy between the observed and simulated flow. It has been concluded that the simulation process consisted of a complex procedure where generalizations, misrepresentations and simplifications may occur due to the data used and the method adopted, but it is a useful tool in planning and decision making in various types of studies and environmental projects
Measurement units are used almost automatically nowadays, but few people know the origin of the units of length (meter), mass (kilogram) and time (second). And do not care to know what were anciently units of which our ancestors used, the difficulties that existed to make a set of measures. The aim of this work is to make a historical approach, through various units of measure. They are old, unusual to others that have been forgotten since the standardization of meters, and is also discussed about the metric system Englih (Once and foot), AV system (eg pound grain) that are still used in some countries like United States and England, the Troy system consisting of units of measure for precious stones and metals (eg gold and diamond) are also cited some physical concepts as reference: inertial, non-inertial; mass: gravity, relativistic, inertial
Orchidaceae é uma das maiores famílias de Angiospermas, com distribuição cosmopolita, sendo que Bulbophyllum é o maior gênero da família, com mais de 1200 espécies. A seção Micranthae apresenta 12 espécies distribuídas na América do Sul e com grande representatividade no Brasil. A interpretação das Orchidaceae de maneira geral, é dificultada pela grande diversidade de espécies, gerando problemas taxonômicos. Visando levantar caracteres diagnósticos para as espécies e estados de caráter compartilhados entre elas, foram realizados estudos anatômicos das folhas de 11 espécies de Bulbophyllum seção Micranthae e de outras três espécies de Bulbophyllum constituindo o grupo externo. As estruturas anatômicas: epiderme unisseriada com cera epicuticular espessa; estômatos tetracíticos com câmaras supraestomáticas; presença de hipoderme e de feixes vasculares colaterais caracterizam as espécies estudadas. A forma cilíndrica da folha de Bulbophyllum insectiferum Barb. Rodr. é caráter diagnóstico da espécie, assim como a ausência de idioblastos traqueoidais de paredes espessadas em Dendrobium kingianum Bidwill ex Lindl. A morfologia das folhas, forma da lâmina foliar em secção transversal, forma das células epidérmicas em vista frontal, tipo de mesofilo, tipos de cristais e número de feixes vasculares são caracteres que permitem agrupamentos entre as espécies analisadas. Esses caracteres serão utilizados numa futura análise cladística procurando auxiliar a filogenia do grupo
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O sucesso de uma espécie em um hábitat é dependente de seu desempenho ecofisiológico, que pode ser definido com variáveis de crescimento, que, por sua vez, pode relacionar-se aos recursos naturais disponíveis. Um dos fatores determinantes da ocorrência de espécies é o fator edáfico. A baixa fertilidade do solo das fisionomias do Cerrado são semelhantes, mostrando altos teores de alumínio (Al3+) e baixo pH. Contudo, solos de matas de brejo, onde Styrax pohlii é freqüente, apresentam teores levemente maiores de matéria orgânica. Logo, é possível que esta maior fertilidade do solo possa influenciar o crescimento de S. pohlii, podendo explicar sua maior ocorrência nestes hábitats. Objetivou-se medir a biomassa de órgãos, área foliar, número de folhas, área foliar específica, razão de massa de folhas e a razão de área foliar de plantas de S. pohlii, submetidas a diferentes cargas de nutrientes em cultivo hidropônico. Testou-se a hipótese de que diferentes cargas de nutrientes (100%, 50%, 25%, 10% e 1% da concentração total de uma solução nutritiva) alteram as variáveis de crescimento da espécie. As plantas foram cultivadas em caixas plásticas (20 L), contendo as diferentes cargas de nutrientes, em solução nutritiva com alumínio (Al3+) e pH 4,0. Utilizaram-se 20 parcelas (caixas plásticas) com cinco repetições (plantas) por parcela, perfazendo um total de 100 plantas. Realizaram-se quatro coletas (a cada 30 dias), onde as variáveis foram medidas. Os resultados mostraram que a espécie não respondeu a incrementos de nutrientes na solução nutritiva, podendo ela ser considerada não plástica a fatores edáficos. Considerando a grande ocorrência de indivíduos de S. pohlii em matas ripárias, ciliares e de brejo, os resultados sugerem que a fertilidade levemente maior nesses ambientes, dada pela elevação da matéria orgânica, não explica totalmente sua maior ocorrência nessas vegetações
O tamanho da semente é uma importante característica para a ecologia das espécies vegetais, pois tem grande influência em vários aspectos de suas estratégias de vida. Incluindo assim a sobrevivência das plântulas, a síndrome de dispersão e o número de sementes que podem ser produzidos para uma determinada quantidade de energia. Apesar de muitos trabalhos, testarem o efeito da massa da semente no tamanho das plântulas, apenas alguns deles avaliam como essa relação pode variar entre distintas populações. Neste estudo, nós avaliamos a importância da massa das sementes de Euterpe edulis para a sua germinação, e posterior desenvolvimento das plântulas. Nossa primeira hipótese testada foi a que afirma a massa da semente como uma importante característica para a germinação. Já a segunda, é a de que há algum tipo de relação entre massa da semente e biomassa das plântulas, também se esta biomassa é independente do status de conservação da área. Para isto, foram estudadas três populações defaunadas, pois as aves consideradas potenciais dispersoras de longa distância desta espécie vegetal, já foram extintas como: Tucanos e Araçari. Com isso, estas populações estão submetidas a um provável baixo fluxo gênico, ao passo que outras quatro áreas são não defaunadas. Nossos dados mostram que: a massa da semente não é uma característica importante para a germinação. No entanto, há uma relação positiva entre massa da semente e biomassa da plântula. Sendo que esta biomassa depende do status da população, ou seja, se defaunada ou não defaunada. Pois este padrão encontrado, talvez se deva a fatores genéticos, os quais podem estar sendo determinados pela perda das aves dispersoras, ou seja, efeitos da defaunação na ecologia reprodutiva da espécie vegetal
Pipelines are linear engineering works, designed mostly for transporting oil and its derivatives for long distances, furnishing even the farthermost zones of the country. Due to oil sector needs to ensure for the safety and conservation of its properties, several geotechnical studies are being held at the pipelines field, in order to preserve this important transportation, and also to prevent accidents, which might seriously compromise the environment and the population who lives around it. The OSBRA pipeline, who connects the city of Paulínia to the capital Brasília, is one of these engineering works that deserves to be pointed out. This research, performed at the Ribeirão da Prata Basin, was a pilot study conducted with the main objective of testing the current methodology efficiency, for future applications in the closest watersheds to the OSBRA pipeline. The objective of this research is to analyze flood wave and debris flow processes in a non-fictional watershed, by comparing two different kinds of methods: the first one based on simulation models (software ‘ABC 6’), and the other one by flood wave and debris flow susceptibility mapping. The results from the hydrological modeling were both hydrographs and ietographs that estimated values of outputs and infiltration. To construct the susceptibility maps were necessary three other maps: ground use and occupation maps, divided according to the different protection degrees that were offered to the ground; maps of dam locations in the area and physiographic compartimentation maps, divided according to the local geology. To complete the methodology, the results were collected from both methods for comparison. The obtained product for this methodology was series of data whose different susceptibility degrees to flood wave and debris flow could define the safest route for a pipeline crossing in this watershed...
The aim of this experiment was evaluate the effect of the bioestimulant administered in grafted and non-grafted japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants, under greenhouse conditions, in gas exchanges during the development of the plant and in the increase of yield. The experiment was carried out in the experimental area of Agronomic Sciences University of UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment design was completely randomized, in a factorial arrangement of 2x5, grafted and non-grafted plants and 5 treatments with bioestimulant: control, indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 375 mL ha-1; indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 500 mL ha-1; Yuca extract (Yucca elephantipes) + manganese + iron + copper + sulfur 375 mL ha-1 applied 15 days after the transplant, in intervals of 7 days between the applications, via leaf. The effect of the treatments were evaluated through the observations of the following characteristics: production of fruits (number and mass), average mass of the fruit and measures of gas exchanges. It can be concluded that indolbutyric acid 0,0005% + citocinine 0,0009% + gibberelic acid 0,005% 250 mL ha-1 increased CO2 assimilation rate and the water efficiency, influencing in addition to increase the quantity of the fruits
Given the intense expansion of the industries in Brazil and the discovery of hydrocarbons in the pre-salt layer of the Santos and Campos Basin, there is a need to expand the distribution of oil and gas network in the country. The present work aims to present the development of susceptibility map by two distinct methods of two events (debris flows and full wave), applied to the establishment of pipelines on Ribeirão da Prata Basin. The research area covers two municipalities: São João da Boa Vista and Águas da Prata, in total 145 km2. In the paper was used the methodology proposed by Zaine (2011) for the physiographic subdivision method, which uses geological maps, geomorphological maps, digital terrain models and aerial photographs, used to extract the main elements of the physical environment, as rivers, lines, ridges, tops forms and valley forms and historical processes. Thus, the basin was divided into 11 physiographic zones, considering the following elements: thickness of soil, rock type, geomorphology, amplitude, ridges orientation, erosion occurences and mass movements. Were subsequently performed location maps of dams, that had as main purpose to localize major dams in the study area along with their area and perimeter of the reservoir, and land use map that subdivided the area in woody vegetation, permanent culture, temporary culture and urban area. Along with the preparation of the auxiliar maps was conducted a field campaign with three days and approximately 2 points per km2, which aimed to better understand the physical environment and check the main peculiarities of the study area. Criteria have been established for susceptibility maps physiographic subdivision and land use, and a survey of criteria weights used in each map for both processes under study. For the preparation of susceptibility maps were adopted two different methods, which treat the weighted average and the multiplicand. The weighted average method it is...
The disordered occupation in several cities in Brazil, is very common, especially during the rainy season, there are numerous cases of gravitational mass movements, with deads of human and builds destruction. The main objective of this work was to identify and map areas to mass movements, through the geo, the municipality of Várzea Paulista, the state of Sao Paulo. For the purpose, were prepared thematic maps of slope, geology, pedology, geomorphology and land use and occupation, which were overlaid using ArcGIS GIS Multicriteria Analysis. Each subject received a weight of influence to the outbreak of such processes and the final result was obtained map of susceptibility to mass movements of the city of Várzea Paulista. This survey found that there are many occupied areas within the city that require monitoring of the Government, especially in the rainy months, because they are in very fragile in terms of geological and geomorphological features. Considering that the data on the physical and natural aspects are scarce in the literature for this region, the results obtained in this study as well as the gathering of information of the physical and cartographic products developed, will greatly contribute to the administration of the municipality, subsidies they provide for the proper use planning and land tenure, pointing out the weak areas of the city geotechnical point of view