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Information and communication technologies (particularly websites and e-mail) have the potential to deliver health behavior change programs to large numbers of adults at low cost. Controlled trials using these new media to promote physical activity have produced mixed results. User-centered development methods can assist in understanding the preferences of potential participants for website functions and content, and may lead to more effective programs. Eight focus group discussions were conducted with 40 adults after they had accessed a previously trialed physical activity website. The discussions were audio taped, transcribed and interpreted using a themed analysis method. Four key themes emerged: structure, interactivity, environmental context and content. Preferences were expressed for websites that include simple interactive features, together with information on local community activity opportunities. Particular suggestions included online community notice boards, personalized progress charts, e-mail access to expert advice and access to information on specific local physical activity facilities and services. Website physical activity interventions could usefully include personally relevant interactive and environmentally focused features and services identified through a user-centered development process.


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Current initiatives in the field of Business Process Management (BPM) strive for the development of a BPM standard notation by pushing the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). However, such a proposed standard notation needs to be carefully examined. Ontological analysis is an established theoretical approach to evaluating modelling techniques. This paper reports on the outcomes of an ontological analysis of BPMN and explores identified issues by reporting on interviews conducted with BPMN users in Australia. Complementing this analysis we consolidate our findings with previous ontological analyses of process modelling notations to deliver a comprehensive assessment of BPMN.


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Around the world, consumers and retailers of fresh produce are becoming more and more discerning about factors such as food safety and traceability, health, convenience and the sustainability of production systems, and in doing so they are changing the way in which fresh produce supply chains are configured and managed. When consumers demand fresh, safe, convenient, value-for-money produce, retailers in an increasingly competitive environment are attracted to those business models most capable of meeting these demands profitably. Traditional models are proving less and less able to deliver competitive advantage in such an environment. As a result, opportunistic, adversarial, price-based approaches to doing business between chain members are being replaced by approaches that are more strategic, collaborative and value-based. The shaping force behind this change is the need for producers, wholesalers, category managers, retailers and consumers to have more certainty about the performance of the supply chains upon which they rely. Certainty is generated through the supply chain's ability to create, deliver and share value. How to build supply chains that create, deliver and share value is arguably the single biggest challenge to the competitiveness of fresh produce firms, and therefore to the industries to which they belong.


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New communication technologies (websites and email) are believed to hold promise for delivering population health interventions. However, studies on internet-delivered physical activity (PA) programs have encountered difficulties in engaging and retaining participants. Recent PA research has focused on peoples’ perceptions of the local environment and how this relates to PA participation. This study investigated the potential of: 1) reaching people living in a regional community via a locally-based Internet Service Provider (ISP), and 2) using data on the local environment to design a PA intervention relevant to the individual. An online survey was conducted via the ISP’s website over 12 days. ISP clients (approximately 9,000) were invited to participate in the survey via electronic newsletter and direct email. Data on motivational readiness and environmental correlates of PA were collected. 820 surveys were completed, of which 797 were valid (response rate = 9%). Participants had a mean BMI 27.6±8.3, were 55% male, 56% aged >45 years, 57% worked fulltime, and 36% were in the early stages of motivational readiness for PA. Most reported positive perceptions of the local environment in terms of aesthetics, convenience, access, traffic and safety. However, over half did not know about or use local PA facilities. Over 70% were somewhat to extremely interested in having access to a PA promotion website. These data suggest that promoting PA via a locally based ISP is feasible and appealing to some people living in a regional community, but also highlight some of the challenges of using this technology to deliver population health interventions.


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As organizações se encontram em meio a uma série de transformações na sociedade e no mundo empresarial de natureza estrutural e tecnológica. Essas mudanças relacionadas ao processo de globalização, cada vez mais constantes na vida organizacional implicam as organizações uma postura cada vez mais responsável tanto a nível organizacional quanto social. Em se tratando de adaptações organizacionais, o funcionário poderá ser mais exigido. Se a empresa precisa estar mais competitiva para continuar no mercado e resistir, há expectativa de uma maior capacidade produtiva. Nesse contexto de pressões constantes a todos da organização, a Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho passa ser destaque como um diferencial competitivo para organizações, que programam e usufruem de seus resultados. Porém, não se pode deixar de pensar que além de produzir, as empresas devem estar preocupadas no seu papel perante a sociedade, nesse item, entra a Responsabilidade Social Empresarial. As empresas são cobradas tanto como estas podem influir na degradação dos recursos naturais, como na sua ação de fazer algo a mais que contribua para sociedade. Esse assunto vem se expandindo devido à sua importante aplicabilidade e atualmente tem pautado algumas discussões no campo organizacional. Com base neste conceito, este estudo buscou analisar as possíveis relações existentes entre os programas de Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho QVT e Responsabilidade Social Empresarial - RSE considerando a satisfação de QVT dos indivíduos que participam dos programas de RSE nas empresas que adotam ambos os programas QVT e RSE. Optou-se em adotar um estudo de caso em associação com métodos quantitativos para aplicação do instrumento BPSO (96) e métodos qualitativos, entrevistas e observação do pesquisador. Concluiu-se que os Envolvidos em programas de RSE não apresentaram maior satisfação de QVT em relação ao grupo Não Participa . O fato da participação do funcionário em RSE não deve ser considerado como um indicador de QVT. O que pode ter influenciado nos resultados é o perfil da amostra, que se mostrou muito heterogêneo, onde estão presentes vários tipo de pessoas e cada um com uma expectativa diferente do empenho da empresa com sua Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho.


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La riduzione dei consumi di combustibili fossili e lo sviluppo di tecnologie per il risparmio energetico sono una questione di centrale importanza sia per l’industria che per la ricerca, a causa dei drastici effetti che le emissioni di inquinanti antropogenici stanno avendo sull’ambiente. Mentre un crescente numero di normative e regolamenti vengono emessi per far fronte a questi problemi, la necessità di sviluppare tecnologie a basse emissioni sta guidando la ricerca in numerosi settori industriali. Nonostante la realizzazione di fonti energetiche rinnovabili sia vista come la soluzione più promettente nel lungo periodo, un’efficace e completa integrazione di tali tecnologie risulta ad oggi impraticabile, a causa sia di vincoli tecnici che della vastità della quota di energia prodotta, attualmente soddisfatta da fonti fossili, che le tecnologie alternative dovrebbero andare a coprire. L’ottimizzazione della produzione e della gestione energetica d’altra parte, associata allo sviluppo di tecnologie per la riduzione dei consumi energetici, rappresenta una soluzione adeguata al problema, che può al contempo essere integrata all’interno di orizzonti temporali più brevi. L’obiettivo della presente tesi è quello di investigare, sviluppare ed applicare un insieme di strumenti numerici per ottimizzare la progettazione e la gestione di processi energetici che possa essere usato per ottenere una riduzione dei consumi di combustibile ed un’ottimizzazione dell’efficienza energetica. La metodologia sviluppata si appoggia su un approccio basato sulla modellazione numerica dei sistemi, che sfrutta le capacità predittive, derivanti da una rappresentazione matematica dei processi, per sviluppare delle strategie di ottimizzazione degli stessi, a fronte di condizioni di impiego realistiche. Nello sviluppo di queste procedure, particolare enfasi viene data alla necessità di derivare delle corrette strategie di gestione, che tengano conto delle dinamiche degli impianti analizzati, per poter ottenere le migliori prestazioni durante l’effettiva fase operativa. Durante lo sviluppo della tesi il problema dell’ottimizzazione energetica è stato affrontato in riferimento a tre diverse applicazioni tecnologiche. Nella prima di queste è stato considerato un impianto multi-fonte per la soddisfazione della domanda energetica di un edificio ad uso commerciale. Poiché tale sistema utilizza una serie di molteplici tecnologie per la produzione dell’energia termica ed elettrica richiesta dalle utenze, è necessario identificare la corretta strategia di ripartizione dei carichi, in grado di garantire la massima efficienza energetica dell’impianto. Basandosi su un modello semplificato dell’impianto, il problema è stato risolto applicando un algoritmo di Programmazione Dinamica deterministico, e i risultati ottenuti sono stati comparati con quelli derivanti dall’adozione di una più semplice strategia a regole, provando in tal modo i vantaggi connessi all’adozione di una strategia di controllo ottimale. Nella seconda applicazione è stata investigata la progettazione di una soluzione ibrida per il recupero energetico da uno scavatore idraulico. Poiché diversi layout tecnologici per implementare questa soluzione possono essere concepiti e l’introduzione di componenti aggiuntivi necessita di un corretto dimensionamento, è necessario lo sviluppo di una metodologia che permetta di valutare le massime prestazioni ottenibili da ognuna di tali soluzioni alternative. Il confronto fra i diversi layout è stato perciò condotto sulla base delle prestazioni energetiche del macchinario durante un ciclo di scavo standardizzato, stimate grazie all’ausilio di un dettagliato modello dell’impianto. Poiché l’aggiunta di dispositivi per il recupero energetico introduce gradi di libertà addizionali nel sistema, è stato inoltre necessario determinare la strategia di controllo ottimale dei medesimi, al fine di poter valutare le massime prestazioni ottenibili da ciascun layout. Tale problema è stato di nuovo risolto grazie all’ausilio di un algoritmo di Programmazione Dinamica, che sfrutta un modello semplificato del sistema, ideato per lo scopo. Una volta che le prestazioni ottimali per ogni soluzione progettuale sono state determinate, è stato possibile effettuare un equo confronto fra le diverse alternative. Nella terza ed ultima applicazione è stato analizzato un impianto a ciclo Rankine organico (ORC) per il recupero di cascami termici dai gas di scarico di autovetture. Nonostante gli impianti ORC siano potenzialmente in grado di produrre rilevanti incrementi nel risparmio di combustibile di un veicolo, è necessario per il loro corretto funzionamento lo sviluppo di complesse strategie di controllo, che siano in grado di far fronte alla variabilità della fonte di calore per il processo; inoltre, contemporaneamente alla massimizzazione dei risparmi di combustibile, il sistema deve essere mantenuto in condizioni di funzionamento sicure. Per far fronte al problema, un robusto ed efficace modello dell’impianto è stato realizzato, basandosi sulla Moving Boundary Methodology, per la simulazione delle dinamiche di cambio di fase del fluido organico e la stima delle prestazioni dell’impianto. Tale modello è stato in seguito utilizzato per progettare un controllore predittivo (MPC) in grado di stimare i parametri di controllo ottimali per la gestione del sistema durante il funzionamento transitorio. Per la soluzione del corrispondente problema di ottimizzazione dinamica non lineare, un algoritmo basato sulla Particle Swarm Optimization è stato sviluppato. I risultati ottenuti con l’adozione di tale controllore sono stati confrontati con quelli ottenibili da un classico controllore proporzionale integrale (PI), mostrando nuovamente i vantaggi, da un punto di vista energetico, derivanti dall’adozione di una strategia di controllo ottima.


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Neste trabalho sobre A Influência das Mulheres Clânicas no Pensamento Profético do Pós-Exílio. Um Estudo de Isaías 57,1-21, propomos apresentar uma pesquisa para demonstrar fundamentalmente quem eram os três grupos de mulheres clânicas, que surgem no Isaías 57,3-9, a saber: hn+n>[o(agoureira),aEßnm. (adultério, significando adúltera - tp,a(nm.) e hnAz(prostituta). E daí desenvolver que influência tiveram na profecia, no período do pós-exílio. Para tal tarefa utilizamos dois métodos: o primeiro, um método diacrônico no qual o texto demonstrou uma visão muito negativa dessas mulheres, já que o pano de fundo onde estaria estabelecido o texto é de forte influência patriarcal. Mas, ao aplicarmos um segundo, o método sincrônico e intertextual, o resultado se mostrou diferente, pois o conjunto de textos onde está incluso, a saber: Isaías 56,1-12; 58,1-14 e 61,1-11, demonstram um programa inclusivo. Assim, no Isaías 56,3-4 - rkªNEh;-!B, (filho do estrangeiro) e syrIêSh; (os eunucos), são admitidos na comunidade; no Isaías 58, 1 bqoß[]y: tybeîl.W (e para casa de Jacó), essa casa representada por um grupo de homens é repreendida por causa do jejum; e no Isaías 61,5-6 ~yrIêz (estranhos) e rkênE ynEåb.W (e filhos de estrangeiro), serão os que alimentarão a comunidade. Devido a isto, surgiu uma hipótese de que uma visão negativa sobre elas não poderia ser aceita dentro de um projeto inclusivo. No entanto a questão deve ser respondida. Partirmos para fazer um mapeamento do modo de vida clânico no Gênesis, um conjunto de textos que fala principalmente da família/clã. Ao estudarmos algumas mães míticas: Eva, Sara, Agar, filhas de Ló e Tamar, e ao compará-las com as de Isaías 57,3-9, muitas das características se mostram semelhantes. Pudemos assim perceber que todas essas mulheres clânicas por possuírem conhecimentos do reino animal e vegetal, exerceram influência na vida e morte das famílias/clãs, assim elas tiveram que serem combatidas pelos grupos de homens ao longo do tempo. Ainda outra característica importante no Pós-Exílio, é a movimentação que as famìlias/clãs realizam, mas, essa ‗saìda é sempre carregada de abundância de fertilidade e resolução de conflito pela solidariedade. Devemos estar na profecia, já que ao cristalizar-se um texto ‗desfavorável contra um grupo de mulheres, na verdade se está denunciando uma violência contra elas.


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Esta dissertação focaliza a trajetória do surgimento da Escola Estadual Maria Iracema Munhoz, apresentando o seu percurso desde 1890 até 1930. Para isso foi necessário fazer uma retrospectiva da educação brasileira, lembrar como surgiu São Bernardo, município onde está localizada a escola e, o surgimento da educação na cidade. O objetivo de reflexão e de pesquisa da presente dissertação foi buscar entender, pela história do passado, os problemas do presente, reconstruindo os avanços e os insucessos no processo da escolarização e das políticas públicas educacionais assumidas nesse período. A hipótese apresentada é que, nosso atraso educativo não vem tanto do que deixamos de fazer nas últimas décadas, mas do que fizemos nos séculos anteriores, em se tratando da educação.(AU)


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Orally disintegrating Tablets (ODTs), also known as fast-disintegrating, fast-melt or fast-dissolving tablets, are a relatively novel dosage technology that involves the rapid disintegration or dissolution of the dosage form into a solution or suspension in the mouth without the need for water. The solution containing the active ingredients is swallowed, and the active ingredients are then absorbed through the gastrointestinal epithelium to reach the target and produce the desired effect. Formulation of ODTs was originally developed to address swallowing difficulties of conventional solid oral dosage forms (tablets and capsules) experienced by wide range of patient population, especially children and elderly. The current work investigates the formulation and development of ODTs prepared by freeze drying. Initial studies focused on formulation parameters that influence the manufacturing process and performance of lyophilised tablets based on excipients used in commercial products (gelatin and saccharides). The second phase of the work was followed up by comprehensive studies to address the essential need to create saccharide free ODTs using naturally accruing amino acids individually or in combinations. Furthermore, a factorial design study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of delivering multiparticulate systems of challenging drugs using a novel formulation that exploited the electrostatic associative interaction between gelatin and carrageenan. Finally, studies aimed to replace gelatin with ethically and morally accepted components to the end users were performed and the selected binder was used in factorial design studies to investigate and optimise ODT formulations that incorporated drugs with varies physicochemical properties. Our results show that formulation of elegant lyophilised ODTs with instant disintegration and adequate mechanical strength requires carful optimisation of gelatin concentration and bloom strength in addition to saccharide type and concentration. Successful formulation of saccharides free lyophilised ODTs requires amino acids that crystallise in the frozen state or display relatively high Tg', interact and integrate completely with the binder and, also, display short wetting time with the disintegrating medium. The use of an optimised mixture of gelatin, carrageenan and alanine was able to create viscous solutions to suspend multiparticulate systems and at the same time provide tablets with short disintegration times and adequate mechanical properties. On the other hand, gum arabic showed an outstanding potential for use as a binder in the formulation of lyophilised ODTs. Compared to gelatin formulations, the use of gum arabic simplified the formulation stages, shortened the freeze drying cycles and produced tablets with superior performance in terms of the disintegration time and mechanical strength. Furthermore, formulation of lyophilised ODTs based on gum arabic showed capability to deliver diverse range of drugs with advantages over commercial products.


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The survival of organisations, especially SMEs, depends, to the greatest extent, on those who supply them with the required material input. This is because if the supplier fails to deliver the right materials at the right time and place, and at the right price, then the recipient organisation is bound to fail in its obligations to satisfy the needs of its customers, and to stay in business. Hence, the task of choosing a supplier(s) from a list of vendors, that an organisation will trust with its very existence, is not an easy one. This project investigated how purchasing personnel in organisations solve the problem of vendor selection. The investigation went further to ascertain whether an Expert Systems model could be developed and used as a plausible solution to the problem. An extensive literature review indicated that very scanty research has been conducted in the area of Expert Systems for Vendor Selection, whereas many research theories in expert systems and in purchasing and supply management chain, respectively, had been reported. A survey questionnaire was designed and circulated to people in the industries who actually perform the vendor selection tasks. Analysis of the collected data confirmed the various factors which are considered during the selection process, and established the order in which those factors are ranked. Five of the factors, namely, Production Methods Used, Vendors Financial Background, Manufacturing Capacity, Size of Vendor Organisations, and Suppliers Position in the Industry; appeared to have similar patterns in the way organisations ranked them. These patterns suggested that the bigger the organisation, the more importantly they regarded the above factors. Further investigations revealed that respondents agreed that the most important factors were: Product Quality, Product Price and Delivery Date. The most apparent pattern was observed for the Vendors Financial Background. This generated curiosity which led to the design and development of a prototype expert system for assessing the financial profile of a potential supplier(s). This prototype was called ESfNS. It determines whether a prospective supplier(s) has good financial background or not. ESNS was tested by the potential users who then confirmed that expert systems have great prospects and commercial viability in the domain for solving vendor selection problems.


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Imaging using MS has the potential to deliver highly parallel, multiplexed data on the specific localization of molecular ions in tissue samples directly, and to measure and map the variations of these ions during development and disease progression or treatment. There is an intrinsic potential to be able to identify the biomarkers in the same experiment, or by relatively simple extension of the technique. Unlike many other imaging techniques, no a priori knowledge of the markers being sought is necessary. This review concentrates on the use of MALDI-MS for MS imaging (MSI) of proteins and peptides, with an emphasis on mammalian tissue. We discuss the methodologies used, their potential limitations, overall experimental considerations and progress that has been made towards establishing MALDI-MSI as a routine technique for the spatially resolved measurement of peptides and proteins. As well as determining the local abundance of individual molecular ions, there is the potential to determine their identity within the same experiment using relatively simple extensions of the basic techniques. In this way MSI offers an important opportunity for biomarker discovery and identification.


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The impact and use of information and communication technology on learning outcomes for accounting students is not well understood. This study investigates the impact of design features of Blackboard 1 used as aWeb-based Learning Environment (WBLE) in teaching undergraduate accounting students. Specifically, this investigation reports on a number of Blackboard design features (e.g. delivery of lecture notes, announcements, online assessment and model answers) used to deliver learning materials regarded as necessary to enhance learning outcomes. Responses from 369 on-campus students provided data to develop a regression model that seeks to explain enhanced participation and mental effort. The final regression shows that student satisfaction with the use of a WBLE is associated with five design features or variables. These include usefulness and availability of lecture notes, online assessment, model answers, and online chat.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe how the application of systems thinking to designing, managing and improving business processes has resulted in a new and unique holonic-based process modeling methodology know as process orientated holonic modeling. Design/methodology/approach: The paper describes key systems thinking axioms that are built upon in an overview of the methodology; the techniques are described using an example taken from a large organization designing and manufacturing capital goods equipment operating within a complex and dynamic environment. These were produced in an 18 month project, using an action research approach, to improve quality and process efficiency. Findings: The findings of this research show that this new methodology can support process depiction and improvement in industrial sectors which are characterized by environments of high variety and low volume (e.g. projects; such as the design and manufacture of a radar system or a hybrid production process) which do not provide repetitive learning opportunities. In such circumstances, the methodology has not only been able to deliver holonic-based process diagrams but also been able to transfer strategic vision from top management to middle and operational levels without being reductionistic. Originality/value: This paper will be of interest to organizational analysts looking at large complex projects whom require a methodology that does not confine them to thinking reductionistically in "task-breakdown" based approaches. The novel ideas in this paper have great impact on the way analysts should perceive organizational processes. Future research is applying the methodology in similar environments in other industries. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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This paper explains how strategic planning is able to deliver strategic integration within organizations. While communication and participation within planning processes are perceived to have an integrative effect, we argue that these effects are unlikely to arise simply from bringing people together. Rather, we suggest that, given the varying interests of actors in different business units, integration will only arise from active negotiations and compromises between these actors. The paper is based upon a case of strategic planning in a multinational that was attempting to develop greater strategic integration across Europe. Drawing upon an activity theory framework, we examine how a common strategy emerges over time through modifications to the planning process and to different actors’ roles within it. The findings are used to develop a process model that shows how different business unit characteristics of planning experience and relative power shape different experiences of communication and participation activities and different processes for achieving integration. The paper concludes with a discussion of how this process model contributes to the literature on strategic planning, political processes of strategy-making, and strategy-as-practice.


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How does the non-executant state ensure that its agents are fulfilling their obligations to deliver nationally determined policies? In the case of elected local government in England and Wales, this function is carried out by the Audit Commission (AC) for Local Authorities and the Health Service for England and Wales. Since being established in 1983, it is the means by which local authorities are held to account by central government, both for its own purposes and on behalf of other interested stakeholders. Although the primary function of the AC is to ensure that local authorities are fulfilling their obligations, it does so by using different methods. By acting as a regulator, an independent expert, an opinion former and a mediator, the AC steers local authorities to ensure that they are compliant with the regulatory regime and are implementing legislation properly.