1000 resultados para kopioinnin esto


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Neste artigo tivemos a intenção de oferecer ao leitor o resumo de um dos aspectos mais importantes da análise estrutural que realizamos, durante décadas, do texto de Jean Piaget, sobretudo as estreitas relações entre a Biologia e a Lógica na construção e na explicação do conhecimento científico. Nesse sentido, procuramos demonstrar que, a partir dos conceitos de implicação significante e de imagem mental criados por Piaget, um novo campo de investigações se abre, a saber, aquele que denominamos como o dos sistemas de significação não lógica, campo de suma relevância e que vem preencher uma secular lacuna entre a razão e a emoção até hoje presente nas pesquisas sobre os fenômenos normais e patológicos do psiquismo.


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A modified method for the calculation of the normalized faradaic charge (q fN) is proposed. The method involves the simulation of an oxidation process, by cyclic voltammetry, by employing potentials in the oxygen evolution reaction region. The method is applicable to organic species whose oxidation is not manifested by a defined oxidation peak at conductive oxide electrodes. The variation of q fN for electrodes of nominal composition Ti/RuX Sn1-X O2 (x = 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1), Ti/Ir0.3Ti0.7O2 and Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2 in the presence of various concentrations of formaldehyde was analyzed. It was observed that electrodes containing SnO2 are the most active for formaldehyde oxidation. Subsequently, in order to test the validity of the proposed model, galvanostatic electrolyses (40 mA cm-2) of two different formaldehyde concentrations (0.10 and 0.01 mol dm-3) were performed. The results are in agreement with the proposed model and indicate that this new method can be used to determine the relative activity of conductive oxide electrodes. In agreement with previous studies, it can be concluded that not only the nature of the electrode material, but also the organic species in solution and its concentration are important factors to be considered in the oxidation of organic compounds.


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O artigo apresenta uma revisão de estudos publicados sobre Iniciação Científica no Brasil, tomando por base levantamento das publicações acadêmicas sobre o tema, que abrangeu o período de 1983 ao primeiro semestre de 2007. Na literatura examinada foram encontrados elementos valiosos para a compreensão do estágio em que se encontram importantes questões pertinentes à Iniciação Científica. A emergência do campo de estudo e suas principais abordagens estão aqui descritas.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze household risk factors associated with high lead levels in surface dental enamel. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 160 Brazilian adolescents aged 14-18 years living in poor neighborhoods in the city of Bauru, southeastern Brazil, from August to December 2008. Body lead concentrations were assessed in surface dental enamel acid-etch microbiopsies. Dental enamel lead levels were measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and phosphorus levels were measured by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. The parents answered a questionnaire about their children's potential early (05 years old) exposure to well-known lead sources. Logistic regression was used to identify associations between dental enamel lead levels and each environmental risk factor studied. Social and familial covariables were included in the models. RESULTS: The results suggest that the adolescents studied were exposed to lead sources during their first years of life. Risk factors associated with high dental enamel lead levels were living in or close to a contaminated area (OR = 4.49; 95% CI: 1.69;11.97); and member of the household worked in the manufacturing of paints, paint pigments, ceramics or batteries (OR = 3.43; 95% CI: 1.31;9.00). Home-based use of lead-glazed ceramics, low-quality pirated toys, anticorrosive paint on gates and/or sale of used car batteries (OR = 1.31; 95% CI: 0.56;3.03) and smoking (OR = 1.66; 95% CI: 0.52;5.28) were not found to be associated with high dental enamel lead levels. CONCLUSIONS: Surface dental enamel can be used as a marker of past environmental exposure to lead and lead concentrations detected are associated to well-known sources of lead contamination.


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We report the synthesis of single-phase, crystalline CdSiO3 nanostructures at 580ºC; to the best of our knowledge, this is the lowest temperature at which this material is reported to form. The desired phase does not form below 580ºC, since the diffraction peaks are shifted to lower angles in the material treated at 570ºC when compared to JDPDS Card No. 85-0310. The source of silicon has strong influence on the product morphology: Na2SiO3 yields single-phase CdSiO3 in needle-shaped nanostructures, while high surface area mesostructured SiO2 yields coralloid-shaped particles. Low angle X-ray diffractometry reveals that the mesostructured nature of the silica precursor is not maintained in the resulting CdSiO3. Scanning electron microscopy suggests that in this case a transition occurs between the spherical morphology of the precursor and the needle-shape morphology of the material prepared from Na2SiO3. The surface area of the silica precursor has a strong influence in the reaction, since the use of commercial silica with a lower surface area does not yield the desired product.


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Sandy beaches are among the most extensive environments in Brazil and are generally threatened by disorderly urban growth due to their location along the coast, where human populations tend to concentrate. This is especially true in southeastern Brazil, where the largest urban areas are located. Thus, better knowledge regarding these natural resources is of considerable importance. The surf zone of sandy beaches is inhabited by a number of fish species, including juveniles seeking both food and shelter from predators. An ecological survey was conducted in the surf zone of Itamambuca beach in the city of Ubatuba, São Paulo State, Brazil, in order to evaluate the composition, structure and dynamics of the fish fauna using community descriptors. Diurnal and nocturnal samples were taken with a beach seine at five oceanographic stations over a 12-month period. Water temperature and salinity were also recorded. A total of 2,147 individuals representing 34 species and 18 families were sampled. The main variation in fish fauna was detected on the diel level, followed by a spatial repartition possibly related to salinity. Seasonal variation was also observed. The five most important species in the overall context were Atherinella brasiliensis, Eucinostomus melanopterus, Mugil sp., Trachinotus goodei and Atherinella blackburni.


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Ichthyofaunistic surveys in the Atlantic Rainforest have been published in relatively few works, in spite of the major biological importance of this once vast biome which is rapidly vanishing due to disordered human population growth and natural resources overexploitation. The present study aimed to access the fish fauna of a relatively well preserved basin between the cities of Santos and Cubatão (SP), an area highly modified by human activities where recent ichthyofaunistic surveys are still missing. Collections were made during three field trips in Rio Jurubatuba, a medium sized costal river, and Riacho Sabão, one of its main tributaries. A total of 2773 specimens were sampled, representing 25 species from 14 families. Six species were primary marine using the upper reaches of Rio Jurubatuba. Twelve of the 19 freshwater species are endemic of the Atlantic Rainforest and four are present in regional lists of endangered species. Only five species occurred in both Rio Jurubatuba and Riacho Sabão. The most diverse family was Characidae, followed by Poeciliidae, Rivulidae and Heptapteridae. Phalloceros caudimaculatus was the most abundant species, followed by Poecilia vivipara and Geophagus brasiliensis. The study area is considered well preserved and due to its critical location, urges for conservation policies to protect its fish diversity.


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Os níveis de mercúrio (Hg) total em cabelos estão diretamente relacionados à alimentação, particularmente ao consumo de peixes por populações costeiras com grande representação caiçara. No presente estudo foram avaliados os níveis de mercúrio total em cabelos de crianças com idade entre 4 e 12 anos, pertencente a três escolas públicas da cidade de Cananéia, São Paulo, Brasil. Os resultados obtidos (mediana e intervalo) para mercúrio total foram de: 0,04mg.kg-1 (0,01-0,77mg.kg-1), 0,39mg.kg-1 (< 0,01-3,33mg.kg-1) e 0,39mg.kg-1 (< 0,01-2,81mg.kg-1) considerando as escolas ES1, ES2 e ES3, respectivamente. Em geral, os valores encontrados estiveram bem abaixo do valor preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde para uma população adulta não exposta ao mercúrio (2,0mg.kg-1). Os baixos valores observados e a inexistência de valores de referência para mercúrio total em cabelos de crianças brasileiras possibilitam a consideração desses valores como possível referência nacional em cabelos de populações costeiras, uma vez que foram obtidos em região de baixo impacto ambiental.


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This study deals with detailed morphology and anatomy of 4 species of Scaphopoda and 5 species of protobranch Bivalvia. Both classes are traditionally grouped in the taxon Diasoma, which has been questioned by different methodologies, such as molecular and developmental. This study is developed under a phylogenetic methodology with the main concern in performing it in an intelligible and testable methodology. The analyzed Scaphopoda species came from the Brazilian coast and belong to the family Dentaliidae [(1) Coccodentalium carduus; (2) Paradentalium disparile] and Gadiliidae; [(3) Polyschides noronhensis, n. sp. from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago; (4) Gadila braziliensis]. These species represent the main branches of the class Scaphopoda. From protobranch bivalves, representatives of the families Solemyidae [(5) Solemya occidentalis, from Florida; S. notialis, n. sp. from S.E. Brazil], Nuculanidae [(6) Propeleda carpentieri from Florida], and Nuculidae [(7) Ennucula puelcha, from south Brazil] are included. These species represent the main branches of the basal Bivalvia. The descriptions on the anatomy of S. occidentalis and of P. carpentieri are published elsewhere. The remaining are included here, for which a complete taxonomical treatment is performed. Beyond these species, representatives of other taxa are operationally included as part of the ingroup (indices are then shared with them), as a procedure to test the morphological monophyly of Diasoma. These taxa are: two lamellibranch bivalves [(8) Barbatia - Arcidae; (9) Serratina - Tellinidae; both published elsewhere;, and Propilidium (10) Patellogastropoda, and (11) Nautilus, basal Cephalopoda, based on basal taxa. The effective outgroups are (12) Neopilina (Monoplacophora) and (13) Hanleya (Polyplacophora). The phylogenetic analysis based on morphology revealed that the taxon Diasoma is supported by 14 synapomorphies, and is separated from Cyrtosoma (Gastropoda + Cephalopoda). Although they are not the main goal of this paper, the taxa Scaphopoda and Bivalvia are supported by 8 and by 7 synapomorphies respectively. The taxon Protobranchia resulted paraphyletic. Both scaphopod orders resulted monophyletic. The obtained cladogram is: ((((Coccodentalium carduus - Paradentalium disparile) (Polyschides noronhensis - Gadila brasiliensis)) ((Solemya occidentalis - S. notialis) (Propeleda carpenteri (Ennucula puelcha (Barbatia cancellaria - Serratina capsoides))))) (Propilidium curumim - Nautilus pompilius - Lolliguncula brevis)).


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The larva of Atractocerus brasiliensis (Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825), collected for the first time in Pinus oocarpa Schiede ex Schltdl. (Pinaceae) is described and illustrated. Until now, for Lymexylidae, only the larva of Melittomma sp. (Melittomminae) was known from the neotropical region (Brazil). Biological notes, a comparison with the description of A. brevicornis, the type-species of the genus (recorded from Africa and Madagascar), and history of the known lymexylid larvae are also included.


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The present work describes a new species of Baurusuchidae from Upper Cretaceous sediments of the Bauru Basin, and provides the first complete postcranial description for the family. Many postcranial features observed in the new species are also present in other notosuchian taxa, and are thus considered plesiomorphic for the genus. These are: long cervical neural spines; robust deltopectoral crest of the humerus; large proximal portion in the radiale that contacts the ulna; ulnare anterior distal projection; supra-acetabular crest well developed laterally; post-acetabular process posterodorsally deflected; presence of an anteromedial crest in the femur; fourth trocanter of femur posteriorly positioned; tibia with a laterally curved shaft; calcaneum tuber posteroventrally oriented; osteoderms ornamented with grooves and imbricated in the tail. On the other hand, we found the following sacral and carpal features to be unique among all mesoeucrocodylians analyzed: transverse processes of sacral vertebrae dorsolaterally deflected; presence of a longitudinal crest in the lateral surface of sacral vertebrae; pisiform carpal with a condyle-like surface. The majority of these cited features corroborates a cursorial locomotion for the new species described in the present study, suggesting that members of the family Baurusuchidae were also cursorial species.


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Boracéia Biological Station, near the city of Salesópolis, SP, is located in one of the most well-defined centers of endemism in eastern Brazil - the Serra do Mar Center. While the station was established only in 1954 under the auspices of the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, the avifauna of this locality had already attracted the attention of ornithologists by the 1940s, when the first specimens were collected. Here we describe the ornithological history of the Boracéia Biological Station with a review of all the bird species recorded during more than 68 years, including recent transect and mist-netting records. Boracéia's records were found in museums, literature and unpublished reports that totaled 323 bird species when recent data is also considered. Of these, 117 are endemic to the Atlantic forest and 28 are threatened in the state. Although there are a few doubtful records that need to be checked, some species are the only sightings in the state. Boracéia includes a recently discovered species near the station site and is extremely important for the conservation of Atlantic forest birds.


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This article includes a cladistic analysis of the tribe Hemirhipini. Are included 20 Hemirhipini genera (sensu Casari-Chen 1994), Saltamartinus Casari (1996b) (Hemirhipini), 6 genera excluded from Hemirhipini and kept in Agrypninae (formerly Pyrophorinae) (Casari-Chen 1993) and also, Aphileus Candèze (1857), Pyrophorus Billberg (1820) and Thoramus Sharp (1877). The type-species of the majority of genera and all species of the American genera (except Saltamartinus viduus (Chevrolat 1867)) are included. This analysis demonstrates that 30 genera belong to Hemirhipini: Abiphis Fleutiaux (1926), Alaolacon Candèze (1865), Alaomorphus Hauser (1900), Alaus Eschscholtz (1829), Aliteus Candèze (1857), Anthracalaus Fairmaire (1888), Aphileus Candèze (1857), Austrocalais Neboiss (1967), Calais Castelnau (1836), Catelanus Fleutiaux (1942), Chalcolepidius Eschscholtz (1829), Chalcolepis Candèze (1857), Conobajulus Van Zwaluwenburg (1940), Coryleus Fleutiaux (1942), Cryptalaus Ôhira (1967), Eleuphemus Hyslop (1921), Eumoeus Candèze (1874), Fusimorphus Fleutiaux (1942), Hemirhipus Latreille (1829), Lacais Fleutiaux (1942), Lycoreus Candèze (1857), Mocquerysia Fleutiaux (1899), Neocalais Girard (1971), Pherhimius Fleutiaux (1942), Phibisa Fleutiaux (1942), Propalaus gen. nov., Pseudocalais Girard (1971), Saltamartinus Casari (1996), Tetrigus Candèze (1857) and Thoramus Sharp (1877). The species included in Alaus do not make a monophyletic group and Propalaus gen. nov. is established to include Alaus alicii (Pjatakowa 1941) and A. haroldi (Candèze 1878). A description of Propalaus gen. nov. (type-species: Chalcolepidius haroldi Candèze, 1878) and a new key to Hemirhipini genera are also presented.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar a distribuição espacial e sazonal da leptospirose, identificando possíveis componentes ecológicos e sociais para a sua transmissão. MÉTODOS: Foram georreferenciados 2.490 casos em cada distrito do município de São Paulo, SP, registrados de 1998 a 2006. Os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação. Foram realizados mapas temáticos com as variáveis taxa de incidência, letalidade, taxa de alfabetização, renda média mensal, número de moradores por domicilio, abastecimento de água e rede de esgoto. Para identificar o padrão espacial (disperso, em aglomerado ou randômico), foram analisadas pelo Índice de Moran global e local. Foi utilizado o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman para testar associações entre as variáveis com padrão espacial em aglomerados. RESULTADOS: O padrão espacial em aglomerados foi observado nas variáveis taxa de incidência de leptospirose, taxa de alfabetização, renda média mensal, número de moradores por domicílio, abastecimento de água e rede de esgoto. Foram notificados 773 casos no período seco e 1.717 no úmido. A incidência e a letalidade estão correlacionadas com as condições socioeconômicas da população, independentemente do período. CONCLUSÕES: A leptospirose está distribuída por todo o município de São Paulo e sua incidência aumenta no período das chuvas. No período seco, os locais de aparecimento dos casos coincidem com as áreas de piores condições de moradia e, durante o período úmido, também aumenta em outros distritos, provavelmente devido à proximidade de rios e córregos.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Alterações no ambiente vêm contribuindo com mudanças climáticas, como o aumento do volume de chuvas, que acarreta as inundações. Medidas estão sendo tomadas no enfrentamento das inundações, como a implantação dos reservatórios de contenção de cheias (piscinões). Neste trabalho, foi avaliada a fauna de culicídeos, de importância epidemiológica, nos piscinões Caguaçu e Inhumas. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas coletas mensais nos piscinões Caguaçu e Inhumas, situados na região leste de São Paulo, de março de 2006 a fevereiro de 2007, empregando-se os métodos de concha entomológica e aspirador. Para análise dos dados, foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e a regressão linear simples. RESULTADOS: Foram coletados 8.917 culicídeos, destacando-se Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus, que representou 98,9% dos espécimes no Inhumas e 95,2% no Caguaçu. No Caguaçu, a maior frequência de imaturos foi observada no vertedouro (61%) e no Inhumas na canaleta (42,6%). A precipitação prediz 87% da abundância numérica de larvas de terceiro e de quarto estágio no Caguaçu e 60% do número de pupas coletadas. No Inhumas, a precipitação explicou 36% da abundância numérica de larvas e 18% do número de pupas. CONCLUSÕES: Culex quinquefasciatus, vetor de agentes da filariose, arboviroses e fator de incômodo à população, foi a espécie mais frequente nos dois ambientes. Medidas de controle da espécie nos piscinões estudados se fazem necessárias tendo em vista seu potencial epidemiológico.